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Missing Pets Precursor to Large EQ Event in Mid West?

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posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:57 PM
I get a headache and smell iron when there's a heavy storm coming. If I can do that then I'm sure pets can do more than sense earthquakes and such. There's also always been talk of certain animals being able to see ghosts. Have you ever seen your pet frozen with fear or fascination at an apparently inanimate bit of space?
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:01 PM
i have noticed our animals acting a bit strangely. our cat has always been slightly off, especially at night but shes really been extra loud and edgy the last couple weeks. shes also stopped eating certain "treats" which she would normally go for.

then one of the dogs has taken to refusing to come up out of the basement to go outside when we get home after being away a while. not all the time but its definitely odd. almost like hes afraid. ive know dogs that were very sensitive to ground vibrations and atmospheric disturbances. for example some can sense approaching storms an hour before the clouds even roll in.

also this past summer we did a bit of camping on my brothers property and while we were all sitting round the fire one night, a rabbit just comes running through the tall grass directly toward the center of the site. never seen anything like it.

PS we live in nw ohio
edit on 26-10-2010 by Urantia1111 because: location

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by antar

All of the ones we have are acting perfectly normal. A cat and three dogs. Haven't noticed a rash of missing pet reports here, but this is a small place (about 50K people), so I might not notice. Have seen a bit more road kill lately, but not sure how that would relate.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:03 AM
Well, I've been watching the NMF closely this year, and there has been an increase of activity by 12% or so compared to last year. Plus, those two mini-swarms in Oklahoma and Arkansas. (Those may not be connected to the NMF, but they could cause stresses for it).

Just keep an eye on the USGS.. I sure hope it doesn't go like they've warned us for years now. If it does, so many cities would be really damaged. Just don't want to even think about the loss of life that could occur.

Nashville, St.Louis, Louisville.... three good sized cities that would be in great danger...

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 09:08 AM
Great and infomative responses here. Im just popping on for a minute but cant wait to check out the video link on the first page when I come back online.

Also about the doggie who does not want to come up from the basement, my big dog Max normally is really an outdoors boy and I have to beg him with treats to come in at night, but he has been sticking by my side for a couple weeks . I wonder if they have been sensitive to the Arkansa rumbles recently? I did not consider that before now. Wonder how far away they can sense the disturbances?

Anyway want to reply to several of the previous posts and will be back.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:30 PM
In my part of MD we don't have much hunting permitted but we have had a lot of road kill in the past four weeks. Squirrels I can understand as they are losing caution and literally going nuts over acorns.. But we have more dead raccoons than usual and a lot of dead deer that normally are more savvy to traffic than the current behavior they are showing now. So we are at the point we are getting more vultures than is common for our area, too.

The deer are acting strange in other ways. In spring it's not unheard of for the bucks to actually challenge a human or even come up aggressively to a person with a dog. A year or two ago a buck actually charged at and gored a local resident and almost got his golden retriever, too! But when I walk out now with my large hound mix the does are stopping to stare at us and even let us approach. In fact they seem unwilling to leave and get out of our path. I have to start waving and shouting to get them to get out of our way. I don't know what to make of that. They weren't acting that way over the summer.

I feel strange, too but can't put my finger on why. I feel restless and apprehensive and my kid is unusually hyper and neither of us can account for why. One cat acts nervous and all the other pets seem ok. When we did have a quake in July the cats seemed taken by surprise. The dog was having a lot of pee accidents in the house. It was our pet frog who really sounded the alarm beforehand. He was swimming frantically. He's quiet these days so I'm guessing the animals and I are just reacting to the change in seasons.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by antar
Great and infomative responses here. Im just popping on for a minute but cant wait to check out the video link on the first page when I come back online.

Also about the doggie who does not want to come up from the basement, my big dog Max normally is really an outdoors boy and I have to beg him with treats to come in at night, but he has been sticking by my side for a couple weeks . I wonder if they have been sensitive to the Arkansa rumbles recently? I did not consider that before now. Wonder how far away they can sense the disturbances?

Anyway want to reply to several of the previous posts and will be back.

Animals aren't involved with the singularly human pastime of having their perceptions molded by the media and other social ills. This, I suspect, allows them unimpeded access to magnetic disturbances. An animal today is probably closer to the 'meaning of it all' than a highly regarded scientist who thinks he has all the pieces of the puzzle at hand. If we go back in time before electricity and artificial lighting, we humans were possibly just as keenly aware as animals, since the sky was the 'media'. There was no 'the view' where a bunch of cackling hags give off scents while forming PC boundaries for the lucky male guest. There was no 'technology' wherein man would become sidetracked and utterly lost, fortifying vanity against primordial wonder. We have decayed badly as a race, and it is hard to believe the present landscape.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:10 PM
Live in NE Arkansas, and I have seen a few more raccoons, squirrels, and the occaisnonal fox as road kill, but nothing unusual, especially since this is mating season for some animals. Seeing less than usual as far as dogs and cats.
I have two pups who are house dogs, and they don't seem to be the least bit upset about anything as long as they have food, water, and mama and papa to play with them.
Have noticed more rabbits in my yard than usual for this time of year.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:16 PM
I'm in Michigan and travel between Lansing and Detroit almost weekly. I've noticed more roadkill this year than in the past, but mainly wild animals, not domestics. Could be from the rainy spring we had providing more food, and thus more vegetarian critters? My cats have been their normal, selfish selves.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:20 AM
Hi Antar

Been tracking this thread since you posted it; for the last 3 weeks the cats have had a tendency to stay glued to me whenever I am outside with them; 4 of the 7 are usually very anti-social and keep their distance, but I have noticed that all 7 now have a tendency to group around me; I can sit in the gazebo and all of them will be within inches of me, which is very unusual.

There are also a lot more missing pet posters up at the various strip malls and convenience stores that usual, along with a plethora of roadkill.

Also, on 10-28-10, at approximately 9:30 am here in Georgia, I felt a very strong tremor that lasted perhaps 3 seconds; i asked the 2 men working with me and they commented on it also, for it is very unusual for anything like this to occur here west of Atlanta.

Then this past Tuesday, Nov 2nd, at appromitaely 1:30 pm I was sitting on my dozer, had the engine off so I could talk to one of the other superintendents, and had 2 big mature does come walking up within 50 feet of me; it isn't unusual for the deer to come trotting by, but these 2 just stood there and looked at me for a good 5 minutes before turning tail and walking back into the trees.

My daughter lives in Nashville, and she stated that her dog and cat both have wanted to stay within touching distance of her for the last several days also.

The winds of change are blowing...


posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by antar

Now that I come to think of it Antar, Last Saturday, Jack, my sons 28 pound gray Russian Blue usually could give a rats arse about me and the last time I came to visit he was stuck to me like superglue........even let me pick him up and smootch on him and that for Jack Cat is like super unusual.

He was really affectionate and my son has said that Jack has been plastered to him the last two weeks as well.

Well, a few months ago we lived though a little earthquake here, just a loud krack and tiny jiggle in the wee hours of the morning...........and that was nerve racking enough.

Hope everything remains calm for awhile longer.

Yes I believe animals can sense stuff like this, they haven't removed themselves like humanity has from direct contact with Mother Earth. They may also have a "sixth" sense about these things or are just more sensitive to subtle changes.

I remember a story about a mahout that was on his elephant and the mahout had told the elephant it's time to go back down the hill for lunch - the elephant would not budge, no matter how hard he kicked it. They had been together many years..............He could not figure out why his darling obedient elephant simply refused to obey his command and then he watched the big tsuami roll in and thousands of people engulfed by the wave while he sat on his elephant up high on the hill.

That elephant knew.............

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

Yes, I can tell when a low front is moving in my head and bones get all achey.

Changes in the seasons are a &itch too.............

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by antonia

If your avatar is a picture of your baby, it's one heck of a cutie!

By the way, anyone with a bug out bag for emergencies, don't forget Fido's bug out bag as well.

fyi: Hard dog and cat food has a long shelf life and in a pinch can norish a human (icky to think of but if TSHTF food is food).

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I heard that moving and enlightening story too, amazing how they knew beforehand.

Hey is that you in your avie? If so just stunning.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

yep, here too and it is strange the other day in broad daylight two deer made us stop on my road to let them pass, they seemed to be looking back and forth as if spooked but it was not us or the van they were looking at, almost like some unseen force just visible at their periphial or something, you know what I mean? Ah cant spell tonight and spell check is not catching what I am trying to write.

I have not listened to my am radio program this week, but the road kill continues to be nightly. I even saw a dead young coyote which is rare.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by starless and bible black

True animals are natural and use their intuition to its highest order, something humans save a very few are taught not to use from day one.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:35 PM
Where is Cesar Milan for this thread.
I wonder if Cesar has noticed anything different about the energy from his pack right before earthquakes in Cali.
Considering part of his philosophy is understanding energy and how to use that energy.
I'm sure he notices something though.
Don't hold me on that thought though.
It's only my opinion and I have no proof nor have I talked to Cesar.
I can just sense that is what he feels based on the energy I see coming from him when I watch his show on T.V.JK
Nothing like watching a misunderstood dog getting a quick heel to the gut when it's not looking.Hmmmm.
JK Cesar.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:59 PM
Imagine having a sense of smell hundreds of times more keen than our own, hearing that can detect a human heartbeat several feet away and being able to navigate by the earths magnetic fields. What other senses, especially those not blunted by domestication do they have? Its also been my observation that my dogs have been very accurate in diving a persons true personality, this over four decades. So, I for one agree that they can sense eminent events.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:06 PM
I saw a flock of birds in V formation flying north this week and thought to myself wow it's really cold out shouldn't they be flying south towards the mediterranean.

edit on 6-11-2010 by A por uvas because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by A por uvas

Funny now that you also mentioned the birds, the geese have also been flying north this year vs south?

Should we be packing up and following suit?

God, it's already cold here where I am, can't imagine going further north.


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