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Missing Pets Precursor to Large EQ Event in Mid West?

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posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:03 AM
I am just floored by the amount of missing pet reports in the past week here in the Mid West US. I have seen where these can be precursors to a large scale event such as an earth quake.

We have also seen huge numbers of dead animals littering our highways as well and I am sensing we just may get hit in the near future.

Experts can’t predict Big One? How ’bout pets?

Animal sixth sense: The idea that animals can sense tremors in advance is as old as the ancient Greeks of 373 B.C. and as new as the Asian tsunami of 2004 . Orey, for example, suspects a tremor could be on the way when her dog Simon or her cat Kerouac gets unusually jumpy or clingy. Other pets may get the urge to run away. Berkland, too, believes that animals may provide short-term warning of earthquakes and has tabulated the number of lost-pet ads in newspaper classifieds in an attempt to narrow down the area where California earthquakes might hit. The critter connection also has been the subject of research by the Chinese, and even the USGS looked into it for a while in the 1970s. For instance, the 1975 evacuation of Haicheng in China, just hours before a major earthquake, is often cited as a success story for animal prediction. However, China's animal-alarm system has also missed the mark badly — with the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, which killed more than 242,000 people, cited as the most devastating failure.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:09 AM
Is there anyone else in the Mid west who has an animal sensitive to disasters?

My pets have been acting rather clingy recently, even our cat Teeners has been affectionate and hanging out near us in the past days and she is an antisocial girl with the exception of my 15 year old, her boy.

Although this may not be a concise science it does warrant attention as we head into a fragile time in our earths history.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by antar

You have any data on the amount of pets missing or is this all just anecdotal evidence?

The only thing that is clingy around here is my baby, but that's normal.
edit on 26-10-2010 by antonia because: RAWR

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by antonia

Well I have no evidence perse but I listen daily to a radio program that has a lost pet section which I do listen to daily and most days there are no reports given, but in the past two weeks it has been ramping up with reports of animals missing by the dozens.

This is not common and a concern to me. It may just be the change in weather or something but with all the unusual rumblings recently down south of us in Arkansas and the fact we live close to New Madras it is worth thinking about and keeping a vigilant watch on.

Do you also live in the M.W.? If so have you noticed your pets acting differently?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:19 AM
Not sure of pets. But there was info that a toad in Italy could give a 5 day warning of an earthquake by leaving the area. I've seen dogs on YT earthquake posts that seem to jump up just before the earthquake happens.

Here's the link for the toads
Toad Exodus 5 days before an Earthquake

This shift in the toads' behaviour coincided with disruptions in the ionosphere, the uppermost electromagnetic layer of the earth's atmosphere, which were detected using very low frequency (VLF) radio sounding.
The release of radon gas, or gravity waves prior to an earthquake have both been attributed to changes in atmospheric electric fields and currents. In this case the cause of the ionosphere disruptions was not determined.

edit on 26-10-2010 by sheeplemama_awakening because: add excerpt

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by antar

I'm in Tennessee. I've noticed a lot of dead animals but I'm not sure what to attribute that too. It could be because construction along the roads has driven ground animals from their habitat. It could just be because it's starting to get cold animals are moving more. I haven't noticed any more missing animal ads than usual.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by antonia
If the animals that you are seeing along the roads are domestic ones, that could be a sign.

If they are wild, that may be because of the season. Hunting season, specifically. When autumn rolls around each year, usually the states hunting season begins for small game and bow-hunting for deer and bear. The hunters going in and out of the woods can scare game out onto the roads and highways.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:04 AM
I've noticed a great increase in deceased animals in North Carolina over the past few weeks. The roads are littered with possums, raccoons, cats (especially), dogs, and a massive smear along a stretch of I-85 that could only have been multiple deer hit at the same time by a semi. Could be something atmospheric, or geological that's causing the animals to flock to the roads. I saw a few mules the other day that had torn though their electrical fence and were standing just beside the road.

On a related note, wasn't there a big deal with some seals leaving their territory, and a San Francisco earthquake years ago?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:06 AM
I don't know if I have heard of animals "sixth sense" on disasters kicking in weeks before an event. Minutes or hours...yes...but not weeks.

I may be wrong...but that is what I have always thought.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I agree. I haven't heard of that kind of precursor gap either. Lets just hope it isn't a precursor some sort of "Huge Event".

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:19 AM
Ok all the posts make sense to me, it is possible that we have had hunters scaring them out into the roads at night, as well as the cold setting in and the animals moving into their new winter homes.

As for the domestic animals on the roads though such as cats, dogs, chickens and such I just dont know.

I believe they have a sensitivity much like those graphs which spike right before a major event and even talked with Art Bell one night prior to 911, we were talking about how there was a rash of animals missing and , beaching and just plain dissapearing.

He had a guy on the show who watches his newspaper to see when animals start going missing and uses that to determine when in a specific area there is going to be tragedy or an emergency event.

I dont know, just putting it out there especially for ATS members because we are so stretched out around the world and many of us here in the US are feeling like something is in the works for us on a major scale.

I dont know if it will be just a severer winter or if one of our faultlines are ready to cave. I am concerned about the whole BP thing because i feel like it is affecting the shelves where millions live and once those shelves are cracked the leylines shoot out in every direction pretty much N> S> E< and W. so really noone will be safe from the flooding and EQ' themselves.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Well, when this morning the lost pet list just kept on going and going I figured it was time to make this thread, before that I have been listening and thinking about this possibility. Until this am I didnt feel it was time.

I suppose that it could be from all the solar winds and severe storms we have had in the past 24 hours and that are gojng to continue pelting us for the next 48.


posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by antonia
If the animals that you are seeing along the roads are domestic ones, that could be a sign.

If they are wild, that may be because of the season. Hunting season, specifically. When autumn rolls around each year, usually the states hunting season begins for small game and bow-hunting for deer and bear. The hunters going in and out of the woods can scare game out onto the roads and highways.

it also could be that the chemicals in the rain, blown up from the gulf after the oil spill, could be slowly killing off various animals that have been exposed to toxins either in the air or in food on the ground.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:40 AM
Here's a veterinary science professor that supports the theory that dogs and cats can be in-tune to earthquakes.
if a toad can give parts of italy a 5 day warning, i'm sure that there are other critters out there that can be reacting the same way.

Animals predicting earthquakes

“Dogs and cats tell you a quake is going to happen with just enough time left over to make your escape.”, claims Mitauki Ota; who is a respected veterinary science professor at the Azabu University. According to Ota, it is a well recorded fact that during the Great killer Hanshin Earthquake of 1995, that killed 6,000, many pets in the area caused such a commotion that their owners had to take them outside, this actually saved many lives.

Here's the youtube of the dog reacting just before an earthquake.

Dogs and cats can give us minutes or seconds before, toads could give us a 5 day warning. With that, I'm sure that there are other critters that are sensitive as well.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 11:15 AM
Well, around here animals get a lil crazy when the nights start getting cold. I think some of the wild animals try to stay warm on the roads. Thus a lot of road kill. I am a school bus driver so I am all over our town. Though I have seen plenty of dogs on the loose, Im not sure it is more than normal. I know shelters are full and there are more and more people who cant afford to keep them. Its either put them down, or let them out and pray they find a home. I personally would never do that, but its far from unheard of.

As for a quake in our area, i do not think it is unlikely. There have been some anomalies I have seen on the quake maps. nothing alarming, just different. Enough that I have been keeping my eyes on it for the past month or two. Cant say for sure where I think it will happen, but somewhere here in the central states.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by antar

Some may remember Jim Berkland who predicts earthquake in unorthodox ways, one of the ways is animals running away in the weeks preceding a quake. He said to watch the newspapers for unusual amount of pets missing..

Jim was a geologist in Santa Clara County, Ca. a number of years ago.

amtar you may have something there.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:50 PM
I also live in Tennessee and I have noticed more animals dead along the highways. It's not unusual when the weather starts getting colder but it's actually been warm lately.

I have also noted some unusual bahavior from one of my cats over the last couple of days. He prefers to stay outside and has been watching me closely the last couple of days as he sits a couple of feet from the window in the yard while I am inside at the table doing homework. He has NEVER done that before. I thought it was really sweet of him, but now I am concerned maybe he senses something coming that I can't?

I have to mention that I am a Katrina survivor and the morning before the storm hit, as we were leaving to evacuate, the silence was overwhelming. I lived on a bayou and it was sometimes so noisy at night with all the animals that I would sometimes not be able to sleep. But that morning we left it was eerie. I knew they knew something horrible was coming. I'm not seeing that now, but maybe they are just on alert??

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 08:58 PM

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:33 PM
Same thing happened when I lived in San Fransisco. I think they can sense it and get out of Dodge while they still can.

Edit: We also had a guinea pig that would go crazy right before we had an earthquake. They always made weird noises but he would go insane before the earth started shaking.
edit on 26-10-2010 by Rhadamanthus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 09:42 PM
Great post and observations on this thread. When animals get silent that is when you know something is amiss. Insects too. I remember growing up always hearing that from my grandfather about animals vacating an area before some kind of natural disaster. Keen senses can allow you to hone in on threats so we all should be paying attention to wildlife. As far as BP and the oil spill just look at the thousands of dead fish and strange sea mammal activity as of the past 4 months. Now all I can think about is in the Knowing when all the animals were rushing out of the forest and the Elk was on fire.

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