posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:13 AM
I recently finished reading "The Self Aware Universe" by Amit Gotswami, physicist. In it, he posits the idea that consciousness, not matter is
primary, and then goes on to explain how this is so by the various interpretations of quantum physics, and it seems to hold water. He refers to it as
"Monistic Idealism" whereby consciousness is primary, as opposed to the typical "Materialist Monism" (matter is primary) which has been the
predominant model or paradigm within which science is done.
It really turns everything we thought we knew about the world, right on its head.
The most fascinating viewpoint and scientific hypothesis he offers imo, is that of the human mind functioning in this type of holographic, self aware
universal framework, for which he puts forward a VERY compelling argument, that the human mind/brain is a twofold system, with BOTH classical elements
AND quantum mechanical, and it is this interpretation which explains how "we" can function simulaneously in more than one dimension of existence.
The brain then becomes just a part of the larger Akashic Field of the entire self aware universe, a sphere within a sphere or a "chip off the old
block" as they say.
The implication of this, is what while brain may act as a classical recording system, elbeit of immense complexity, that it is also a type of quantum
physical bridge of sorts, wherein what we call "free will" is available, but only in so far as we utilize our quantum mind by opening up to
increasingly vast realms of possibility and then, through choice, collapsing the wave of probability in a creative action of some kind, or in other
words by choosing a novel outcome. The classical mind is a conditioned mind comprised of nothing but learned behaviors, and it has a role to play, but
the quantum mind is something else altogether more powerful, and more mysterious.
The quantum mind is also a conduit of information exchange between our "selves" and the Akashic Field or Zero Point Field which contains all
infomation, being fully informed from eternity to eternity, adn thus, there is no such thing as "death" in a quantum holographic universe wherein
everything is stored, all that's "fruitful" maybe.. at the very least.
just thinking out loud..