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This experiment is more important than anything happening at the LHC

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:14 PM

However, I can hardly grasp Michio kaku's "Parralel Worlds" let alone holographic universes, created from a 2-d world..
Trouble with this egg-head theoretical science, is that, the moment I feel I get the idea, the gist, it slips through my fingers like that green stuff from my youth."slime" they called it, remember that?. Rather frustrating. I am not a theoretical physiscist, and am, as such wholly incapable to even begin to grasp branes, strings, holographic universes, m-space. 11-dimensional calculus (neccesary to prove branes..that much I got) and all those other heady, esotheric things.

The only thing I DO understand is that our reality is A) not solid at all and B) we create our own reality the moment we lay eyes on it. So, a holographic universe doesn't seem too far-out for me, if only as an interesting look at "life" and "existense".

Bottom-line: Even if they can get some doodah to work and prove the existence of the holographic universe, it won't make any difference to me.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:27 PM
Here's some more from another article talking about the Holometer.

Black hole physics, in which space and time become compressed, provides a basis for math showing that the third dimension may not exist at all. In this two-dimensional cartoon of a universe, what we perceive as a third dimension would actually be a projection of time intertwined with depth. If this is true, the illusion can only be maintained until equipment becomes sensitive enough to find its limits.

“You can’t perceive it because nothing ever travels faster than light,” says Hogan. “This holographic view is how the universe would look if you sat on a photon.”

If this doesn't blow your mind, I don't know what does. We're talking The Thirteenth Floor here. In the movie the guy drives to the edge of reality.

When you think about it, depth doesn't have a physical representation. Depth is a perception. Think of depth perception. Artist have to worry about things like shading and relative size to create the optical illusion of depth in their art.

We don't actually see the depth of an object. Light bounces off of an object's surface and our brains tell us what to see and it give the object depth.

Depth is the third dimension but there isn't any physical representation of depth. Depth is created via perception. Here's some more info on Depth Perception:

edit on 22-10-2010 by Matrix Rising because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

If that is true, I'm going to control + alt + delete myself...

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Solasis
-- or if you're too lazy to do that, think about whether it's possible that we live in the Matrix or not.

Okay, thought about. Nope not possible.

The OP was a little over my head, but considering that we live in the matrix? This is why readers don't take a lot of you people seriously.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 05:32 PM
If the universe is a Hologram and this is proven, then can it be proven what exists outside of this Hologram?
Is it possible for our conciousness to travel outside of all this? I'd rather like a game over sometimes, when things are not going my way.

If it is a Hologram, then how big is the whole hologram? I always had a feeling that everything was very tiny.
If it is a hologram, it doesn't make my pain less real. I feel pain, I get hungry, cold, I love and hate and my life at least has meaning to me, even it it isn't "real". Sometimes I long to escape to some other world where things are perfect, but I think we have to earn the right to be there, or at least learn from this life so we don't screw up another world. Maybe this world is just a place to learn so we don't screw up in the "real" world. It looks like most of us have screwed this world up pretty badly, myself included, however.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 05:56 PM
Points, Lines, Polygons . . . Lend me your ears.
In all my years on ATS there is a one-line post
that I have always wanted to make, yet I
have never had the opportunity.
Till now. So here it is.

David Grouchy

The universe-as-hologram theory is predicated on the idea that spacetime is not perfectly smooth, but becomes discrete and pixelated as you zoom in further and further, like a low-res digital image.


And there is nothing more to say, really,
but how about a specific example to bring some focus.

All the addresses of all the houses on earth can be converted to time.
Say one has a home in Rome, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. In Rome the clock
says 1, in Israel the clock says 2, and in Arabia the clock says 3. All at the same moment.
By breaking this down into minutes and seconds one can get great precision. With decimals even more.

So it is entirely possible to have a universal address system on earth based on Time as describing place.

What about north south? Well... The seasons come to mind. The further north the more into Winter,
and the farther south the more into Summer. So Rome is a bit north of Israel, and Arabia is a bit
south of Israel. If we lay the months along the globe from north to south we get March for Rome, April for Israel, and May for Riyadh. In otherwords we can replace Latitude with Month, and Longitude with Hour.

Rome: Latitude March, Longitude 1 o'clock
Israel: Latitude April, Longitude 2 o'clock
Riyadh: Latitude May, Longitude 3 o'clock

This can be made as precise as necessary down to tracking a single particle of dust.
In other words Time travel = moving on the Earth's surface. If I walk East I'm going towards the future (even one step) and if I walk West I'm going to the past. North, I'm heading into Winter, and South I'm heading into Summer.

edit on 22-10-2010 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 06:02 PM
I think that the topic of your thread has a connection to mine? Whats really going on?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 06:49 PM
Brothers, living in less than 3 dimension doesn't make sense. For me, could be more that 3, but not less.

Can anyone mention something with only 2 dimensions? Even a drawn in a peace of paper has 3 dimensions.

Next theory please....

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 06:51 PM
Starred, Flagged, and Thanked.

Thanks for this information!

I do have a request though... Please be careful when putting "earth shattering" and LHC in the same sentence


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 07:40 PM
Just because the geometry of space is uneven (which I have postulated for more than a decade), that doesn't mean it has to be "2d". There is no logical leap from one to the other, only the imaginations of some guys that want to get some research attention by claiming the absurd.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 07:45 PM
To "see" a hologram, you need to be OUTSIDE the hologram, looking back at it. Ergo, we live in 3D dimensions!

May I now have my grant money, please?

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
"Holographic" doesn't seem like the correct term to describe the idea they have.

A Hologram is an "image" of a 3D object, stored in a 2-D medium. So, are they arguing that our universe is just an "image" of some other universe? This seems completely stupid, up front. But then again, maybe that's because I'm too stupid to understand.

What they may be trying to measure is that the universe is 3-d instead of the accepted 4-d (3 space + 1 time dimensino), and that the quantum mechanical dynamics in 4-d can has an equivalence to certain dynamics in some new kind of 3-d (space & time mixed up) space somewhere on the "edge" of the universe.

The sense of being a "hologram" is in dimensionality reduction.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
What's going on at the LHC is important but what's happening at Fermilab is earth shattering. Craig Hogan and his team has designed what they call a Holometer. The Holometer is designed to search for holographic noise which will tell us if the 3 dimensional world we see is just a holgram of a 2 dimensional reality. This is earth shattering to say the least. If Hogan and his team confirm that the universe is a Hologram, it will be a whole new ball game. Here's some of the article:

Researchers at Fermilab are building a “holometer” so they can disprove everything you thought you knew about the universe. More specifically, they are trying to either prove or disprove the somewhat mind-bending notion that the third dimension doesn’t exist at all, and that the 3-D universe we think we live in is nothing more than a hologram. To do so, they are building the most precise clock ever created.

The universe-as-hologram theory is predicated on the idea that spacetime is not perfectly smooth, but becomes discrete and pixelated as you zoom in further and further, like a low-res digital image. This idea isn’t novel; recent experiments in black-hole physics have offered evidence that this may be the case, and prominent physicists have proposed similar ideas. Under this theory, the universe actually exists in two dimensions and the third is an illusion produced by the intertwining of time and depth. But the false third dimension can’t be perceived as such, because nothing travels faster than light, so instruments can’t find its limits.

This is truly fascinating. Just imagine what it will mean to find out we're living in a holographic universe. I believe this to be the case but most of the world sees the universe as being real. If this is confirmed, it will take years for it to be accepted. People will not be able to grasp that the universe is Maya or an illusion.

What a wonderful thing, but it might be too LATE if they press ahead over at the LHC at CERN and liberate particles never seen since the CREATION and creation dark matter on earth, starting in November of 2010.

A hologram, well that's nice, but we're too busy, us materialist monist atheist physics, proving entropy and the arrow of time, the big BANG, and the expansion of the universe, to focus on such trivialities..

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising

But the false third dimension can’t be perceived as such, because nothing travels faster than light, so instruments can’t find its limits.

Until these "scientists" can look at reality from a larger perspective, these experiments are going nowhere fast. They must be retards to still consider nothing moves faster than light.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:51 AM
And how is this stupidity more important than LHC?

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:53 AM
what ever happend to the superstring theory? anything about that? this article is truly fascinating, but i still take interest in the superstring... the superstring was developed over a thousand years ago, and its still in exstince today, still researched by many people.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:57 AM
What are you telling me? there is no spoon?! THE CAKE IS A LIE?!! OMFG.

I'll take the redpill please :p

And to think I might just be a pixelated 8-Bit Nintendo character

in all seriousness, this theory is alot like a computer rendered world but could you imagine the computing power it would need to render reality?

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by midnightbrigade
What a bunch of crap science...put your hand on your keyboard...then slide it down to your desk...feel the drop? that's 3 dimensions my friends.

Actually that is your brain translating electrical inputs from your nerves. Its called perception of 3d.

Doesnt mean it isnt 3d, just that your experiment doesnt prove it

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:09 PM
Sounds loosely related to baba vangas prediction.
It at least helps it make a little more sense anyway.

5076 – A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.
5078 – The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Thinair1
what ever happend to the superstring theory? anything about that? this article is truly fascinating, but i still take interest in the superstring... the superstring was developed over a thousand years ago, and its still in exstince today, still researched by many people.

Huh? Care to elaborate on the 1000 year old part?

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