posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:04 PM
have to say i do assume that they have had robots over there building quarters and other facilities for the past 70 years since it seams a bit foolish
and pointless to send of a caravan of people over there and expect them to "build it" from "scrap" when we bearly can leave planetary orbit let
alone travel in space,...
so for the sake of space exploration and human dignity dont go if you dont have a sound plan or havent been building a secure base over there for the
past 30-70+ years.
anyways , while being pessimistic about the " futuristic fantasy propaganda " i do hope they are actuly building a ship that can take off and land
multiple times without refueling and preferably stock up on energy by own means in usable time that can facilitate a crew of 4000 and has a max load
for 15k in population including crew.
heck for all i care the moon should have been populated by now and mining on venus should be done on a monthly or yearly basis with remotes,
but trying to stay on subject and talking about the finance of it all , who is going to pay and with what ?