posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:23 PM
The Neo-Coms (leftists, socialists, marxists, communists - which are all different degrees of the same mentality) are like a sectarian cult that use
their own Vocabulary to spread their totalitarian and collectivist garbage under the guise of being warm-hearted and idealistic. Once you know the
code-words you can see them all over the place - in Education, Mass-Media, Alternative-Media, Politics and Society - and you no longer fall for their
manipulation of reality.
Their mentality is premised from an existential fear of "something being wrong". That means they are evaluating the state of the world, politics,
society and economy through the lens of unhappiness and then projecting their discontent on the "oppressors" of the "mean world". A common
manipulation of the far-left is to take something that is happening to 0.1% of any given social organism and behave as if it is happening to 99%.
0.1.% of white males being racist then becomes "white males are racist". 0.1% of Corporations being evil then becomes "Corporations are evil".
Neo-Coms dont discriminate whether something is 0.1.% or 100%.
When rational thinking is replaced with Emotion, things start going wrong. Thats why the popular marxists of the 20th Century - Stalin, Lenin, Mugabe,
Pol Pot, C, Kim Ill Sung - all begin with grand visions of "socal justice" and end up going on a bloodthirsty rampage of genocide or guide their
people to the brink of starvation.
Because the Vocabulary of this cult has made its way into the hearts and minds of the American/European majority and especially Academia and
Mass-Media, I have taken the liberty to review it here from another perspective than commonly accepted.
Used in contexts such as "Oppression of Women", "Oppression of Blacks", "Oppression of Minorities", "Oppression of Workers", by the Neo.Com
and based on the premise that humans do not have free will and are not capable of self-determination but are instead victims of some superordinate
power. When Karl Marx asked workers to "break free from the chains of Oppression" he was implying that workers did not sign up for employment of
their own free will and accord but were instead "forced" into labor. When a Neo-Com speaks of "Exploitation" of workers, he is pretending that
those workers are not grateful for employment and did not out of their own will agree to the terms and conditions of work.
The term "Oppression", as used by the Neo-Com, is meant to breed contempt of people who are more succesful or have achieved more. In Western
Civilization women and blacks are not at all "oppressed". The richest woman of the U.S. is black. The President of the U.S. is black. Saying that
blacks are an "oppressed minority" who require our help through "affirmative action" debases and degrades the achievements of blacks. Installing a
"quota for women" robs women of the opportunity to climb the later of their own skill.
"Social Justice"
When a Neo-Communist uses this word he is coming from the cry-baby stance that the world is "unfair" and that people who have money, achievements or
success will only have acquired them through "unjust" means or because they were "born into privilege". I have never seen the Neo-Com clearly
define what he means by "fair". When you see him whine, ask him: "What do you mean by fair?".
He will attack the idea of meritocracy by which everyone receives goods or payment according to merit. History has shown this to be the most natural
and just system of human interaction and yet the Neo-Com insists that it is "unjust" and that it would be more "just" to reward people who have
contributed nothing while punishing those who have contributed everything.
"Redistribution of Wealth"
This is the code-word for stealing your hard-earned money. Give a man fish to eat and he is fed for a day. Teach him how to fish and he is fed for a
lifetime. The socialist wants to give people fish for free instead of teaching them how to fish. This, of course, depletes resources and leaves people
weak and needy...just the way the totalitarian Communist wants to have them.
The Capitalist prefers people to learn to fish for themselves. This is why Starvation in Capitalist countries such as the North Americas and Europe is
close to zero while in socialist countries supplies and food are always short.
"Social Construct"
Those trained in the newspeak of the Neo-Com often refer to things as being "social constructs". Leftists claim for example, that "gender roles"
are not biologically inherent but merely "social constructs". So a woman is not a woman because of her Biology but because she was "conditioned"
to be one. In accordance with this belief it is a Feminists duty to "Break" the "social construct" and re-condition herself to
If there are no natural absolutes and everything is but a "social construct" it is understandable how some activists for pedophilia base their own
reasoning on "the roles between adults and children are only a social construct".
"One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter"
When philosophical relativism is taken to an extreme, there are no universals, no rights and wrongs, no true and false. This is why many marxist
authors view suicide bombers as "fighters against American Imperialist Oppression" rather than the dangerous religious fanatics that they are.
Pure Relativism doesnt make any sense at all, of course. The leftist dictum "Nothing is absolute, everything is relative" cannot be a correct
statement because that statement is in itself an absolute...Duh. In reality some things are absolute/universal and some things are relative.
The Neo-Com who rejects any sort of truth or Absolute easily falls prey to all kinds of nonsense. And even in cases in which he may be philosophically
correct, his Relativism is rarely of any usefulness in real life. The suicide-bomber that blew up a school for a children may very well be a Freedom
Fighter for someone or other. But in our value-system we dont view child-murder as "Freedom", thus there is no need to reframe the situation in that
way....unless you want to make that behaviour look good. Unless you hate humanity and root for its downfall.
"Corporatism" and "Evil Capitalism"
When the Neo-Com is talking about "Corporatism" and "Capitalism" he is attacking the very foundations of all of our modern riches. Thanks to
Capitalism we have roads, cars, infrastructure, buildings, computers, internet, healthcare, scientific advances, a stable middle-class and many other
wonderful benefits. The Neo-Com hates progress (although he calls himself "progressive" he would prefer to return to Tribalist Collectivism). The
Neo-Com will vilify Capitalism every chance he gets because other peoples success make him feel deeply insecure.
"White people are racists"
The Neo-Com exaggerates the existence of "Racism". If you critisize someone who is not a white-male, you are a "racist". If you like diversity
instead of collectivism you are a "racist". If you critisize the President, you are a "racist". In the Western World Racism is mostly overcome and
yet the Neo-Com still refers to the U.S. as a "racist country". While real Racism does exist, its proportions are obviously overblown by the
Neo-Com. More Racism exists in other countries and yet America is often singled out as "the most racist".
As already explained, they like to take 1% of what is happening (such as unfair wages, racism or homophobia) and treat it AS IF IT REPRESENTS THE
MAJORITY. Thats the primary manipulation tool. You will notice that the Neo-Com almost never makes reference to Racism coming from anyone else than
If you look closely you will find a hidden racism of the Neo-Com. It is he who is always talking about the differences between colours. Most of us
couldnt care less.
"Critical Thinking"
When the Neo-Com uses this word he is not referring to it in a way the rest of us scientific skepticism or empirical study and examination.
What he means is the application of marxist "critical theory" to cultural situaions. This usually involves the premise that someone is the oppressed
victim of someone or other.
"Imperialism" and "The Empire"
This usually refers to the United States or the U.S., Europe and Israel. The Neo-Com hates the relative wealth and well-being of these nations because
it makes him feel "disadvantaged" or "in the minority". This is why he frequently speaks of "bringing down the system" and "fighting the
Countries such as The USA are continually attacked for being an "Imperialistic Theocracy" while real Theocracies, such as those of some muslim
countries, are applauded by the Neo-Com.
"Ecological" and "Green"
The marxist idea that a human is a poor, weak and defenseless is projected onto the entire earth. From this view the whole planet is weak and
defenseless, without natural ability to regenerate. Corporations and Capitalists are seen as the primary source of all evil. It is desired that
humankind return to the stone-age, to a collectivist and tribal society. Seen from here, Warming and Climate Change are not caused by a gigantic Sun
and atmospheric changes, but by the evil Corporations. Out of fear to hurt the poor little plant some refuse to walk in the Woods. But they wont
hesitate to harm and become physically violent with humans.
There are many more code-words, but once you know the basic philosophy ("Poor me, the world is so mean to me. Someone else has to change before I can
be happy") you will see through all of them. The simple truth is that if you are counting on others to change before you can be happy you have set
yourself up for a life of abysmal failure.