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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Ok...I just watched it over and over...You know what? She has her index finger and middle finger up in her hat scratching her head...She has an itchy scalp...Move on now!

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:22 PM
It would not be a modern cellphone as there weren't any satellites in the 20's to connect the call. Perhaps the individual is holding the collar of the cloak over the side of his left face as to not be completely seen on camera or the light might have been too bright. The director could also be shouting at the man to who might have missed his cue and his is simply saying sorry out loud.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:23 PM
Only thing i can think of is that the people who made the dvd faked a scene for a dvd extra... other than that i'd say time traveler

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Toothache would explain both the movement of the mouth, and the hand cusp... if you want a logical explanation... but believe what you want.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:24 PM
I haven't looked through all 12 pages
but I can tell ya it's not a cell phone
and I think I know exactly what she's

Professional singers call it "cupping".
I use to do it all the time.

When you're in a noisy environment,
the noise tends to be louder than you're
voice. So, you cup your hand from your
mouth to your ear so the sound waves from
your mouth goes directly into your ear.
It's a very simple way of amplifying your
voice. Go ahead and try yourself right now.

She is singing into her hand so she can
hear it better. That gives her the appearance
she is talking on the phone. She is walking
down a busy noisy street singing. When you
find out who she really is. I bet her resume
will include singing on it. Most amateurs
do not know about this technique.
It actually started back during the
barber shop quartet days. Cupping
allowed you to hear your voice over the
other singers around you.

Debunked: No time traveler
Just a singer using the cupping technique.

Sorry to spoil it for ya


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:28 PM
An obese old lady goes back in time, walks around Hollywood in front of the Mann Theater, with a 'cell phone', forgets that people might be watching, and she decides to do all this in a Charlie Chaplin movie, which the footage of it would end up on a DVD 80 years later, as a scene in the 'extras' section, and one guy finds it and posts it tou YouTube.

This is of course all planned by said "Time Traveler" and a chance they did it "on purpose" to let people know about time travel by making a secret cameo on a CHARLIE CHAPLIN film?? Maybe we should check the unseen Three Stooges footage next?

No wonder nobody in my real life knows I'm a member of ATS.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

well, thanks, its probably it

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:30 PM
Its probably chinese laterns or balloons...maybe a helicopter.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Great catch, if true, they wouldn't need a cell site anyway the future literally is microns away

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:31 PM
Are you all blind?

It's the 3rd generation iTelegraph.

It was the nation's only .02 G network...

Unfortunately it bit the dust due to the crippling war with Eastern Europe. All the iTelegraphs had to be melted down to supply parts to the doughboys. Damn Austro-Hungarians.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:31 PM
Great thread, There is really no explanation that I can think of. This is a random person walking down the street in 1928 and it does appear that she is talking on a cell phone. No towers back then but you can talk phone to phone directly with some phones so who knows. My first thought was it has to be some type of walkie talkie or maybe a handheld dictation machine. But walkie talkies were not invented until WWII in the 40's and dictation machines at that time were huge and hand held ones did not exist yet.

There is most definitely something in her hand and she is talking into it. Here are a couple of screen captures and I outlined whatever it is.



posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
well, thanks, its probably it

ur welcome

if u look up some old utube videos
of old singing groups gathered around
1 microphone, u r liable to see exactly
what I'm referring to. Look for multiple
singers using 1 microphone. It was
predominantly done with old radio

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:34 PM
Okay, I think it is Dick Cheney, he went back in time to orchestrate terrorist attacks and create a new world war (back then) but got lost and caught on camera in this Chaplin film. He tried using his cell, but was only talking to his own voice mail.

They still can't find him...

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Epsillion70
Well I must say this has been one of the best threads I have read in the past year I reckon. It was that good and had very good input that was not derisive of the OP or cynical. But every single post has been constructive in finding a suitable alternative explanation for this most bizarre and seemingly out of time sequence that I have myself concluded. That the only reasonable explanation is a hearing device being used by an eccentric rich lady in 1928.
Though I would indeed like to hear from anyone who can really actually lip read etc. I know someone posted that there Deaf friend reckoned they were saying, "Hello, can you hear me now?" But not sure if they were joking yeah?
Good work fellow ATSers

I agree, its a great fun thread.
I ve been in eetings for a few hours and its going nuts! Just trying to catch up.

So far synopsis.

_DVD needs to be reviewed to ensure the film producer hasnt just done it on their copy.
-Hearing devices from 1928 need to be established, the great ones Outkast Searcher found we still dont know what date they are from
-a Horn looks like it can be dismissed when looking at the still of the footage.
-It is unknown if it is male or female, It does looek "like a old tramp" who couldnt not afford a hearing aid I'd speculate...and isnt it irony that a old female trap (chaplin is most famous for the little tramp) is looking around and then directly at the camera.
_Most people agree it is a object not just shadow, though granted that is still a possibility
-The image of Old Charlie Chaplin, looks like this person (stretching lol)
-Anomolies/ co-incidence= Motorrolla started 1928, the inventor of the mobile phone born 1928
-cell towers not invented....but this arguent has been counteracted time and time again with anyone who can travel time would likely not require a cell tower for their technology if they can physically move their bodies/atoms through the time landscape, the tech maybe more advanced to move "sound" the same way
_what are the chances that soeone who travels tie would dress up this way and end up in this piece of footage?

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Okay, we both agree this is not a 'time traveler' but your 'cupping' explanation doesn't work either. I'm a singer, we either close and ear but pressing an earlobe in or cup our ear entirely differently. The first method is to see if your 'true' tone matches what you're hearing out of the open ear.

I've seen no singer ever 'cup' like her, ever.

And if she was cupping, she is doing it completely wrong. Try imitating what she is doing, with knuckles open.

Hear any sound difference come back at you? Didn't think so. Why? Because she's no 'cupping'.

She's a strange lady doing weird things. Not a time traveler, and no 'cupping'. Just acting strange.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

OS excllent find! and can we get what year they were round? ie the late 1920?
And i a assuming they would have cost a bit .
Cheers z

zazzy...I'm not sure on any of the above. Those pics and articles were the result of a quick google search. I do know that the first electronic hearing aids started popping up in the 1920s. At least one of the pictures I posted said they were from 1930s-1940s. The one with the 3 hearing aids didn't have a date for them.

I would imagine that they would cost a lot of money...but since this is at the premeir of a Charlie Chaplin movie...I don't think it is out of the question to think that this lady might be wealthy.

Again...I'm not saying that this is exactly what it is ( some posters are). But when dealing with time traveler pictures/videos...I just look for things that MAY be around at the time to provide an explanation.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
Very Interspersing

However some people have said the women or man is holding a ear hearing aid, which isn't impossible
-Hearing aid from the 1920s?
No in fact she would holding the hearing aid with her left, depending on the size from back.

-A music small box?
lol not even close,

-Smoking boxes?
No way, then why would she be talking to her self?

I would say its a cell phone, because reminds me of a person talking to one.

So let me get this straight...definately can't be a hearing aid that was around at the time...or even a music box.

But it could definately be a cell phone????

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

One plausible explanation:

The government is almost always ahead of us when it comes to technology.

It keeps those technologies hidden to be ahead of everyone else.

US government probably had cell phones back then, but the people didn't.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:41 PM
kinda looks like shes holding a birth certificate, talking into her wrist all secret service like...hmmm.. omg! i got it, damn obamas secret time traveling czars team hiding the certificate where noone would ever find it.. on the set of an early century american movie set!! were through the looking glass here people!!

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:44 PM
I think someone should do a filter on the video to see if an outline can be seen of something in here hand.

But even then, she could be practicing for a role (she WAS in Hollywood) or she was a crazy old bat talking to her eyeglass case or something.

Or she knew Nikola Tesla and they were testing a walkie talkie before it was invented.

Who the hell knows, this is ridiculous by now,
edit on 21-10-2010 by Prove_It_NOW because: (no reason given)

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