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Unidentified 911 Murder Weapons - The Forbidden Questions

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:13 AM
Here we have another brief and to the point discussion of how Obama perpetuates 9/11 lies, plays on American sentiment, and how the Iranian Prime Minister's recent comments at the UN were pertinent, true, and justifiable regarding a need for a new investigation. Highly recommended, and worth your time!

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:39 AM
S&F even though I have seen this vid before ...The 911 issue will have to be repeated until all of the questions are answered . peace

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Here we have another brief and to the point discussion of how Obama perpetuates 9/11 lies, plays on American sentiment, and how the Iranian Prime Minister's recent comments at the UN were pertinent, true, and justifiable regarding a need for a new investigation. Highly recommended, and worth your time! well as the beginning of the inevitable discussion on how truthers perpetuate their own lies to play upon the sentiment of people laboring under abject paranoia. Not even 30 seconds into the flick, they showed a factoid that "84% of people disagree with the official story", which necessaily includes EVERYONE who thinks there's more to the story than what they're admitting to, even me. Despite the gung ho, "let's get 'em" image the officials want to portray, I know full flipping well there was a hell of a lot more incompetence and slipping on banana peels than what they're admitting to.

I think that even the most hard core blind zealot among the conspiracy truthers here will agree that I do NOT subscribe to any of their "controlled demolitions", lasers from outer space", "no planes", etc conspiracy stories, and I would appreciate it if you refrain from playing these cute little games that makes it sound like I do, thank you very much.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I always said, that the "polls" the truthers do mean jack-squat. Do I believe there is more to the story of 9/11? Absolutely. I would also vote yes, we have not been told he 100% truth. However, I believe (as do you Dave) that they are playing the CYA game and tapdancing around their bureaucratic bungles, dropping the ball, and nearly criminal neglect. Did our intel drop the ball? Yes. Are they telling the truth about who screwed up? Nope. Are they going to come out and admit that they screwed up? Nope. WOuld you be willing to admit that you were responsible for causing the deaths of nearly 3000 US citizens, leveling three buildings, damaging a fourth, and destroying four airliners, because of bureaucratic red tape, inter-agency infighting and distrust, and not trying to step on the toes of your superiors? I sure as hell wouldnt.

BUT: Do I believe that Bush and Co, Zionists, Jews, aliens, NWO, Bilderburg, Micky Mouse Club, all collaborated in an intricate Rube-Goldberg machine style plan of super secret magical exploding and melting thermites to be painted on the WTC without a soul noticing, using secret stealth ninjas, and holographic remote controlled missile planes loaded with magic thermites, being aimed at the WTCs, and then detonating the magic thermite explosives to level the towers, causing molten metal to last for weeks underground, where a nuke was used, while another missile was painted to look like a plane was fired at the Pentagon and after the blast, had stealth ninjas plant tons of aircraft parts inside and outside the building while its still burning, without a soul noticing and somehow fooling hundreds of eyewitnesses into believing a 757 impacted the building, while using a real aircraft in Shanksville, and then for some reason shooting it down, then covering up the shootdown, and the covering up the cover-up?
Nope, and I doubt that the "84%" of people that responded to that poll believe that same garbage.

But hey! Its a textbook example of how truthers like to twist and blur facts, and turn it into something that isnt true. How many times have we seen this happen Dave? Have a poll that asks an honest question, then twist the results into having "proof!" that people believe there IS a conspiracy and they subscribe to the secret inside job demolition of magic exploding silent thermite powerful enough to launch tons of steel horizontally, faking one plane crash with a missile and shooting down a real airliner, all for............... invading Iraq and Afghanistan for oil, Israel, NWO world takeover, (insert favorite conspiracy reason for 9/11 here).
edit on 10/21/2010 by GenRadek because: edited figures

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek

BUT: Do I believe that Bush and Co, Zionists, Jews, aliens, NWO, Bilderburg, Micky Mouse Club, all collaborated in an intricate Rube-Goldberg machine style plan of super secret magical exploding and melting thermites to be painted on the WTC without a soul noticing, using secret stealth ninjas, and holographic remote controlled missile planes loaded with magic thermites, being aimed at the WTCs, and then detonating the magic thermite explosives to level the towers, causing molten metal to last for weeks underground, where a nuke was used, while another missile was painted to look like a plane was fired at the Pentagon and after the blast, had stealth ninjas plant tons of aircraft parts inside and outside the building while its still burning, without a soul noticing and somehow fooling hundreds of eyewitnesses into believing a 757 impacted the building, while using a real aircraft in Shanksville, and then for some reason shooting it down, then covering up the shootdown, and the covering up the cover-up?
Nope, and I doubt that the "84%" of people that responded to that poll believe that same garbage.

I just took a closer look at the caption that presented that statistic. The complete caption is, "Scientific poll: 84% Reject official story; Only 10% now believe official fable according to New York Times/CBS News poll". I defy any of these truthers to provide even ONE New York Times or CBS News poll that asked respondents on whether or not they "believed the official fable". This means the guy making this flick is quoting those damned fool conspiracy web sites for his data, which is akin to Goebbels quoting Hitler for scientific information on how bad the Jews are.

Between accusations of controlled demolitions, lasers from outer space, Jewish world orders, and faked crash sites, the line keeps getting pushed futher and further back on what a "forbidden question" is, exactly. From what I've seen, the only real "forbidden question" in the 9/11 debate seems to be asking the conspiracy people why then constantly need to embellish and distort everything they touch like this.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
Do I believe there is more to the story of 9/11? Absolutely. I would also vote yes, we have not been told he 100% truth.

GenRadek finally admits that he is a truther.

GenRadek, what actions do you think will be necessary to learn the truth and uncover the whole 9/11 story?

If a person doesn't believe that they've been told the truth and they don't lobby for the truth, then that would make them appear to be ignorant and hypocritical - preferring to live in a world of fantasy and denial perhaps.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by GenRadek
Do I believe there is more to the story of 9/11? Absolutely. I would also vote yes, we have not been told he 100% truth.

GenRadek finally admits that he is a truther.

GenRadek, what actions do you think will be necessary to learn the truth and uncover the whole 9/11 story?

If a person doesn't believe that they've been told the truth and they don't lobby for the truth, then that would make them appear to be ignorant and hypocritical - preferring to live in a world of fantasy and denial perhaps.

I can agree with this statement, to some extent. After all, if the attack succeeded becuase some dimwit beaurocrat spilled his coffee on a critical intel report warning that a terrorist attack is imminent, I'd want to know who that guy was, mainly becuase I'd want to make sure things didn't get [censored] up again. There ARE precidents, after all- right before the Pearl Harbor attack, intelligence got wind of an imminent attack against the Hawaiian islands and they sent warnings to base commanders. Problem is, some dimwit decided to sent the warning via regular mail instead of the SEND THIS IMMEDIATELY mail, so everyone got the warning a day too late. How can you say, "I'm sorry" for a goof like that?

Problem is, how do we petition for the facts without our appearing to be associated with the "controlled demolitions", "lasers from outer space" and "no planes" people? It seems to me Alex Jones, Dylan Avery, Morgan Reynolds, etc., hijacked the entire campaign to get to the bottom of things, and you see for yourself that you can't even get into a controlled demolitions discussion without some zealot with an agenda coming along and turning it into a "how bad the Jews are" gripe fest.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I can agree with this statement, to some extent.

GoodOlDave also admits that he's a potential truther 'sleeper'.

Interesting thread. Two staunch official government story supporters both stating that they don't believe the truth about 9/11 has been told.

It makes you wonder why some official government story believers spend so much time arguing with truthers, doesn't it? Especially when they are prepared to admit that they believe the full truth is being covered up!

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Problem is, how do we petition for the facts without our appearing to be associated with the "controlled demolitions", "lasers from outer space" and "no planes" people?

The mainstream media and every other official propaganda campaign have almost been able to make questioning 9/11 a certifiable sin. Their spin worked. Any public statement regarding any aspect of 9/11 truth, legitimite or otherwise, is about as welcome as a fart in an elevator. The spin doctors have made sure that 9/11 truth stinks.

GoodOlDave, what actions do you think will be necessary to learn the truth and uncover the whole 9/11 story?

How many more official government story believers would also like to join in and amit that they don't believe the full truth has been told?
edit on 21-10-2010 by tezzajw because: Reworded a sentence.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

A "debunker" questioning the events is WAY different than a truther questioning the events of 9/11...

Just throwing it out there...

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi
A "debunker" questioning the events is WAY different than a truther questioning the events of 9/11...

Yet both the debunker and the truther admit that they don't believe that the 100% truth about 9/11 has been told.

Thier position is the same - they want 9/11 truth. All of it.

GenRadek and GoodOlDave have now signed on as truthers, especially since both have admitted that they feel the truth hasn't been fully disclosed regarding 9/11.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

So tezza, am I to now subscibe to Alex Jones, Loose Change, In Plane Site, A&E911, 9/11Shcolars4Truth, Pft, and the rest of the TM gang that protests at Ground Zero, waving signs about George Bush and Cheney pulling the WTCs, how the FDNY and NYPD are all in on it, with the masses of secret CIA stealth ninjas wiring up the buildings for demolition, and a secret cabal of NWO, Freemasons, Illuminotti, Zionist Jews, and the Micky Mouse Club all setting it up and pulling the strings of the NIST, FEMA, 9/11CR, investigations to set up "innocent" Muslims as scapegoats for terrorist actions? Sorry no thanks. I am not a Truther.

I want to get the real truth. Not this garbage filled mess of magic blasting thermites, silent demo charges, Bush in on it, Zionists, and the whole cabal, shooting down planes, and missiles painted up as planes.
edit on 10/21/2010 by GenRadek because: spellings

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
Sorry no thanks. I am not a Truther.
I want to get the real truth.

GenRadek's confusion is obvious. He could not be any more contradictory, than what he has stated above.

If you want to get to the real truth, then you are a truther.

I understand how it must be difficult for you, GenRadek, having unanswered questions about 9/11... knowing that you have been lied to... knowing that the full truth has not been told... No wonder you're confused about where you stand.

There's nothing wrong with being a truther, GenRadek. Asking questions to seek the truth is perfectly acceptable in a free thinking, open and honest society.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
I understand how it must be difficult for you, GenRadek, having unanswered questions about 9/11... knowing that you have been lied to... knowing that the full truth has not been told... No wonder you're confused about where you stand.

There's nothing wrong with being a truther, GenRadek. Asking questions to seek the truth is perfectly acceptable in a free thinking, open and honest society.

Ah tezza, I have missed some of your sillier posts.

Of course, you can add me to the list of potential 'truther sleepers' too, as I have stated many times that I believe lies were told to protect careers and reputations.

However, this doesn't mean I'm confused or in some limbo stance. What it means is that we have reviewed the evidence, found no support for controlled demolition, but support for the idea that people tried their best to save face despite massive failure.

I look forward to your attempts to understand this.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by exponent
Ah tezza, I have missed some of your sillier posts.

Never forget, exponent, that you were the one who looked a little silly after you completely botched this calculation relating to ten random numbers.

Originally posted by exponent
Of course, you can add me to the list of potential 'truther sleepers' too, as I have stated many times that I believe lies were told to protect careers and reputations.

Thanks, exponent, I'm glad to add you to the list of people who question the truth about 9/11.

In this thread alone, exponent, GenRadek and GoodOlDave have all admitted that they believe lies were told and the 100% truth has not been told about 9/11.

exponent, what actions do you think will be necessary to learn the truth and uncover the whole 9/11 story?

Welcome to being an out of the closet truther, exponent.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
Never forget, exponent, that you were the one who looked a little silly after you completely botched this calculation relating to ten random numbers.

Everyone makes mistakes tezza, I admitted as much as soon as you pointed it out. If that's really your best comeback, that the worst I've done is to mess up my terms at one point, then I think that's excellent!

Thanks, exponent, I'm glad to add you to the list of people who question the truth about 9/11.

No problem, if it's not about silly controlled demolition theories or THE JEWS DID IT or anything like that then I am all for it.

exponent, what actions do you think will be necessary to learn the truth and uncover the whole 9/11 story?

I doubt it will happen with your current government structure. I doubt it would happen with mine. I really don't know what the best steps to take are, otherwise I would be campaigning for them. Politics is always a horrible dirty business and I really don't expect to see anyone called to account.

I also don't believe that it was a single specific person that allowed 911 to happen, from everything I've read the failings are institutional more than anything, but there's a huge amount of politics to overcome if you wanted to change how things work in the USA. Hell, Obama can't even get a health bill passed which is basically objectively good, good luck trying to sort out topics which aren't as obviously beneficial.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

What, exactly, would be investigated and who would do the investigating? How big would the investigation be and how much money would be allocated to it? What action[s] or evidence would precipitate such an investigation and how many Senators and Congressmen would support it with funding?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I would appreciate it if you would stop talking as if those stupid "theories" are what make up the whole of the truth movement. A tiny fraction of "truthers" believe that nonsense (though a large fraction of that tiny fraction may post here
edit on 22-10-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 05:35 AM
The pentagon event.....
I would be very much more sympathetic to the OS if the two 5 ton engines from a 767 were recovered from pentagon.
There are several enabling factors that i have heard to support the finding of nanothermate in the well as amounts of residue from burnt thermate.iesulphur
One is the close familial ties between the pres and the security for the towers.
Another story allows that sniffing dogs were not allowed into the towers for two weeks prior 9/11/
There was a large Jewish company which broke its lease to immediately move out of the towers just prior to 9/11
Therein lies a way to smuggle the explosives into wtc.
Though im absolutely sure that getting the thermate into and distributing it about wtc would be childs play if one owned the security for the complex.
I also understand that there were several floors that were not public acess as well as other empty ones.
Taking down a thousand foot tall structure, so that it falls at near free fall speed,into its own footprint, that day,even with explosives,is a major project.Now double and a half that order and itsserious stuff.
It must have taken weeks perhaps months of preperations.

Possible cover for a crew applying the nanothermate could have been painters, spray poly insulation units,
Renno, or new construction, electrical and plumbing (remember watergate?)all kinds of everyday type building maintenance/management activities very easily could have masked sinister activity.
Especially with security in ones pocket.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I can agree with this statement, to some extent.

GoodOlDave also admits that he's a potential truther 'sleeper'.

Interesting thread. Two staunch official government story supporters both stating that they don't believe the truth about 9/11 has been told.

It makes you wonder why some official government story believers spend so much time arguing with truthers, doesn't it? Especially when they are prepared to admit that they believe the full truth is being covered up!

You really need to spend more time listening to what other people are saying, rather than instinctively trying to spin it to support your conspiracy mythos. Despite the fact I acknowledge there's more to the story than what the gov't is admitting to, from the research I've done, I likewise acknowledge that the attack was genuinely carried out by Islamic fundamentalists. Between the guy trying to set off a car bomb in Times Square, the entire Muslim world going batsh*t crazy over cartoons of Mohammed in Danish newspapers, and people being murdered in Malaysia over Christians being able to refer to God as, "Allah", claiming that Islamic fundamentalism *couldn't* breed outer space blind fanatics of the likes of the 9/11 hijackers is being short sighted and horribly naive.

The reasons why I dissent from your, "everything bad in the world must a secret CIA plot" philosophy should be self evident.

GoodOlDave, what actions do you think will be necessary to learn the truth and uncover the whole 9/11 story?

Fascinating question, actually. Personally, if we want to learn the actual truth, I think that instead of stomping around with a noose yelling, "who screwed up?" like the 9/11 commission did which practically guaranteed they were never going to find who screwed up, there should be a quiet, internal investigation under the guise of homeland security improvements, and then either "accidentally" leak it, or officially leak it a few years from now when the pain of 9/11 isn't as fresh. Personally, I do have believe the truth behind all the screwups will be revealed but it's going to be years from now, the same way all the screwups during Pearl Harbor were released decades later. Heck, it only just came out now that a dimwit secret service agent was within an eyeblink of blowing away Lyndon Johnson only days after the JFK assassination.

The OP mentioned forbidden questions, so here's a forbidden question for you: How would you truthers even know what the truth is when it's obvious you're not looking for it? Every time someone posts information that contradicts what you want to believe, you instinctively dismiss it as, "gov't disinformation". Sheesh, a taxi driver in a cab by the Pentagon can't even tell what he saw without you people branding him as being some clandestine gov't agent or another.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I would appreciate it if you would stop talking as if those stupid "theories" are what make up the whole of the truth movement. A tiny fraction of "truthers" believe that nonsense (though a large fraction of that tiny fraction may post here

I am not making anything up, here. I am simply responding to what I've been told by people who declare themselves to be "truthers" here and I am merely pointing how how preposterous they are. One person believes the plane impacts were a cover story for secret controlled demolitions. Another person thinks the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile. Yet another person insists there were no planes whatsoever. Person A thinks it's a gov't plot. Person B thinks it's the doings of the Jewish World Order. I've even talked to a person C who thinks it's a conspiracy staged by a secret cult of Satan worshipping numerologists in a long string of conspiracies going back to the Knights Templar.

Technically speaking, you're ALL a "tiny fraction of truthers" becuase not a single one of you can sit down and fully agree with anyone else on what this "blatantly a conspiracy" even is. You conspiracy people are your own worst enemy and you don't even see it.

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