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Carrying on with your normal life until 2012?

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posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by amc621

and where was the scientific evidence to suggest something was going to happen for y2k?
and were there multiple civilizations on the other side of the globe saying that y2k was going to happen thosands of years beforehand?

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by DoGBiTe
i think the are some dire straits ahead,
increasingly dire.. like dickens slides into clockwork orange-
only more brutal. i dont think you can be prepared enough.
this coming from a 56 year old gringo in arizona.

edit on 19-10-2010 by p51mustang because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by DoGBiTe

I won't quit school.. turn into a Bum as one person said..I will carry on with what i feel i was meant to do on this planet..And in the time if 2012 happens. so be it.

I think you've got a great hold on it.

Just remember the balance of taking care of yourself and service to others. It is my opinion - one must be strong in oneself - - to truly serve others.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:04 AM
I'm 19 and I can relate. It is hard to think about relationships, education, jobs when there is so much we are being exposed to. I feel like our generation has it much different than others because we are exposed to so much. Everything is a debate these days, no one wants to be wrong, so how do we know what is right?

When you think about 2012 what comes to mind? Death? Destruction? For me, I see peace, new ideas, exploration. 2012 is simply the last day in this cycle, and I look at it like we are finally coming down from the "high" of this last age already, things may seem like they are getting worse but that is because so much needs to be resolved before the new age. Naturally it will be bumpy, don't you think?

Choose an occupation that will expand in the future, IT tech is a great idea considering how they are coming out with quantum computers and light communication. Personally I want to study holistic medicine, because no matter what people will always have there bodies that need to be taken care of. Look around and see what you think is going to be "going out of style" in the next few years and avoid those things.

Don't fall into the fear trap that is way to common on ATS and conspiracy sites. Everyone wants to assume they know that the "NWO" or "2012" is going to be this awful 1984 type life but I think we are evolved way past that, and even the "elites" know this. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't be afraid! There might be a lot of info on this site that points to destruction and what not, but look at who those things are posted by and things will become clearer..

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:15 AM
his is an "existential meltdown".

In the end nothing matters.

That's what makes life so beautiful

Enjoy it.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by DoGBiTe

My advice is just do what you want to do and screw everyone else. I am 33 and married and have a life, but yes 2012 is always there, and if nothing happens oh well, and if it does oh well. Enjoy what you have for the now, and go through with your future plans, because nothing in this life is certain. i could die today heading back to my volunteer job, and so many scenarios and what not.

My plans are to continue with school and get a job. Love my husband and kids, and go on with my life, even if this were to happen we can't stop it. I have made peace in my life and death no longer scares me. Hopefully that helped.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by kyle43

Very well said kyle43. I respect how similar in thought our ideas were. Guess it took someone from my age group and generation to clearly confirm what i felt.

When i think of 2012 in the end..I feel no death or destruction.. i just feel. Past that date is Unknown.. My thoughts and future over that date is ever so slowly fading away.

But never the less. i will continue! in my quest to help others and carry on with my life. Same should be said about everyone else.


posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by DoGBiTe

You've probably heard of the expression perception is unique to each person and this is very appropriate and relevant to your post. Perception is exactly that, unique, individual and harnessed by your own thoughts and how your brain processes the senses you experience.

2012 is a year prescribed apparently as being significant to our existence. However, what must always be considered of any theory relating to or discussing 2012, is that all of these therories are exactly what they are, theories. In my opinion the world wide web is responsible for probably as much as 99% of claims purproting to significant positive and negative events surrounding it. The internet is a brilliant and masterful tool but it equally is responsible for the single greatest and most successful veil of misinformation and non-truths ever to be presented to man. If at any given moment we chose to, we could base our lives, our thoughts, our perceptions and indeed our intentions solely on information truth or non truths that we read on the internet. It's almost the perfect balance of positive and negative.

As you're very likely aware, we commonly acknowledge, as has been throughout history, that 21st December 2012 is actually the event of the Winter Solstice but there hasn't yet been discovered any credible evidence to suggest the likelihood of any natural disaster, polar shift, spiritual ascension, or shift of consciousness other than the theories asserted by normally unknown historians, theologians and philosophers following a lead only they perceive. Information that is above and beyond normal literature stimulates the imagination and will gain tremendous momentum, particularly when that information is available at less than a few clicks.

People choose to believe in what they want to believe, that's important for humanity as a collective not just as individuals, but I need not really give you advice or recommendation DoGBiTe, I think you're sensible enough to allow yourself to live your life as good and as enjoyable as possible.

My own thoughts on the matter are that I believe we're moving toward a peak in humanity, more a negative peak, almost as if we're at the pinnacle of our achievements to the deteriment of not knowing how we can sustain our way (a western way by example here) doing things the way we presently do. In my industry I notice the changes in resources, principles, and theories are fast become common place because as Civil/Structural Engineers we're constantly looking for solutions, practicable, efficient, and sustainable. We have to change our very way of thought because we know we simply cannot continue to consume and produce what we do, the way we do it.

I will continue to develop personally and professional until and beyond 2012. I'm in constant search of seeking great values, more charitability from within, developing tools to nurture my good attributes more importantly just enjoying the experience along the way. It matters not what I think will happen, it's more a case of what I do with the time given to me.

edit on 20-10-2010 by BAZ752 because: Spelling mistake

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:31 AM
Reading that post just blew me out of the water... damn dude. That was some very very good insight and advice. I thank you tenfold for your contribution to the post. I feel it was very educational and eye opening. I think you have taken all the members previous posts,mine included. and Have come up with an excellent conclusion with enough factual knowledge to make a conclusion to my post. I thank you.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by DoGBiTe

You're welcome DoGBiTe, though, I must stress my attempts here are to be as impartial as possible to your thread without any distortion from my own deeper beliefs. I love the idea of the mysticism surrounding 21st December 2012 because it's a Winter Solstice, but the Mayan theories and all theories derived thereof do not resonate well with me at all.

What is certain and what we do know so far, is Mayan history, in similar ways to Egyptology, has been afforded the luxury of more advanced methods of interpretation of scripture, heiroglyphs and text than other lesser popular cultures and civilisations. The key here is to understand that what we know of Mayan culture and prophecy are largely down to the interpretations of a few skilled individuals, but we still have no irrefutable evidence or means of knowing (by implication alone) exactly what it all means.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:15 AM
Why ... what?
What's happening in 2012?!

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by DoGBiTe[/i
]the way im thinking is.. If i carry on.. doing what im supposed to.. study till 2012.. and the end comes.*What a waste!?*...

Why not live EVERY day as if it were your last, irregardless of prophecies and such? Is it not true that literally any second, even as you are reading this very text, that you could have a brain aneurysm, blood clot, heart attack, or any other of a number of life-ending health issues, not to mention freak accidents like a car driving through living room, a plane hitting your house, a midnight electrical fire, etc.

Death can come for any one of us at any time, and unlike 2012 and the other dozens of end of the world prophecies, for death it's an absolute certainty, and not a question of IF but of WHEN, and the WHEN can literally be...NOW.

So I would suggest living and enjoying life now. Even if you had a crystal ball that tells you that you will live to be 100 (which is highly doubtful), you still need to enjoy life now while you can, because once you get older your bones and joints etc make it physically impossible to even get out of bed without feeling pain

And if you want to talk about "What a waste", consider that in 5 billion years or so, our sun will become a red giant and literally envelope and destroy the earth. ALL LIFE ON EARTH *WILL* END. This is not prophecy, or a prediction, it is 100% absolutely going to happen. Sure, 5 billion years is a long time, perhaps we will have colonized Mars or one of the moons of Jupiter by then. Oh wait, our sun going red giant will make them uninhabitable as well. But again 5 billion years is a long time, maybe by then we even figured out how to move out of the entire solar system and colonized another earth-like planet around a nearby star. But alas, all stars die, and even the milky-way galaxy itself is on a "collision" course with the Andromeda galaxy (stars will not actually collide, but solar systems and orbits will be jumbled all up as the galaxies pass through each other, and then circle around and clump together to form a big elliptical galaxy.

So in summary.
1. You ARE going to die. You could die at any moment, and probably "soon" (in the grand scheme).
2. The earth WILL be destroyed. Not by aliens, not by 2012, not by the rapture, not by God or Satan. Our sun is going to literally engulf the planet, NOTHING will survive, not even the planet itself.
3. Any humans that relocated by then to other planets in the solar system will likely be destroyed when the sun super-novas.
4. Any humans that relocated to entirely different solar systems will likely be destroyed along with those solar systems when their local sun super-novas, or at least when the milky-way collides with Andromeda. This isn't even counting things like asteroid impacts, or just the civilization causing it's own demise by causing disease, starvation, or nuking the planet.

Now do you see how short and precious every second of your life is? Do you now see that the entire planet unquestionably WILL be destroyed in the future, likely the entire human civilization as well? Everything that you have learned, every one you ever loved, every family member you will ever have, everyone you ever knew or will know. Everyone who ever lived or will live, every thought that was ever conceived, every book ever written, every song ever played, every scientific breakthrough, all gone. How's THAT for "a waste".
edit on 20-10-2010 by Blazer because: fixed quote

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by Blazer

2. The earth WILL be destroyed. Not by aliens, not by 2012, not by the rapture, not by God or Satan. Our sun is going to literally engulf the planet, NOTHING will survive, not even the planet itself.

Strictly speaking, that is not actually true though, is it? The physical laws attached to such an event, even by today's modeling capabilities, are only hypothesising that it may happen, so saying it WILL is a strong claim. I urge that you read this link to give you an idea of the discussions surrounding that theory.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:33 AM
i believe that i would live on my normal life after 2012 .i am not worried about 2012because i believe 2012 is just a commom year

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 10:53 PM
I'm a self-proclaimed authority on 2012... and I'll use the word WILL. hehe...

First of all, forget long term investments... wtf are you thinking? lol

I avoided college because I don't respect or value the concepts taught there. Sure it's rather necessary to become a successful person later in life, but this generation is at the juncture. Why not wait out 2011-12 and see what happens? Taking a year off is NOT a bad idea. It's actually pretty f'in common for students.

The main reason your even pondering this, is because you have a feeling, a gut instinct. I suggest you listen to it. Too many turn on the TV instead. Have you learned anything of metaphysical concepts like the higher self? If you think your an ant on a rock, that's incorrect.

WILL 2012 be the end of the world as we know it. Yes. The Mayans knew that we are nearing the end of a Galactic cycle. Galactic cycles are not taught in skool. The consciousness of this Universe, Galaxy, and Earth are far superior to any technology or silly scientific theory. Big things are in store and the early warning signs are obvious...

Here's a secret: The Hadron Collider experiments showed scientists that every element in this reality is becoming increasingly unstable. You won't find that in the official report, but I can even notice it myself.

Many people are experiencing psychic openings, expanded awareness, untold spirituality, reality shifting, especially time speeding up. That stuff is way more interesting than school or work related slavery.. err studies.. and it isn't happening for no reason.

Well, enough rambling... this keyboard kinda distorts the way I express and share information... ahhh 3D life feels so alien at times...

edit on 23-12-2010 by Mayura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 10:59 PM
Just be ready to leave everything behind, letting go of all we know is a harsh possibility we may have to consider, regardless of 2012 predictions there are tough times ahead as many experts say.

What do I feel?

I feel as if I need to be okay in the now, I live on the coast, the movies predict giant waves that will destroy my home.

What can I do? I am happy with the fact that I can swim and there are mountains in the area to flee to if things do get 'that bad'.

So thats my advice to anyone who is worried, get an idea in your mind about what 'you' are going to do if things get bad. Where are you going to go, how will you hold yourself steady in the frenzy when things get bad.

But infront of 'all' of that, you have to prepare for a normal life where none of these changes are going to happen.

Take the fruit from both trees, lest one be proven false.


posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by DoGBiTe

I will start considering 2012 when the year 2012 comes.
For now, I try not to think much about 2012.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 02:24 AM
DoGBite, here's how I feel about the situation.

I'm 19, and I live in Montreal, which is in Canada. However, it is located in the province of Quebec. We have a seriously ****ed up educational system, which adds 2 to 3 years of study before reaching University. I don't know how it works in South Africa (you really live there?), but for a US citizen, I'm still a high-schooler, and will be when I reach the 20 years old mark. So that makes us in the same situation, educationally speaking.

I was really a good student, getting great results and everything. But then came the little Youtube videos about UFOs. By pure randomness (even if I now say it was meant to be), I've started to learn about the "greatest cover-up our world ever faced". Then I got deeper into that damn rabbit hole. Learning about the Illuminati, then their NWO agenda. I have learned their alleged "Project BlueBeam", where they would fake an alien invasion. I was falling down pretty quickly. How hard it is to learn all of these completely life-changing topics over the course of a month or two, and having to study. It is what many refer to as the "fear porn". It is what it is. You become addicted to it. You want to learn more and more about truth. Yet there are so much things to learn that it takes almost all of your free time.

This period was really dark for me, especially when I discovered the FEMA concentration camps all over America (+ 2 here in Canada). It is quite hard to study and put all of your attention into listening to a teacher talking about things you don't give a F anymore. They didn't mean anything to me anymore. I thought I was doomed, and that the world would end very soon (un-related to 2012)

Then I remembered I was researching the 2012 topic when I was something like 12. Being young, my research was poor and very limited as for the numbers of sources I had consulted. I didn't really remember the core of the subject, let alone the fact the world would end. So I've started researching on the subject, thinking it would probably be true because of all these conspiracies. Why not this one, after all?

What I have found astounded me. After having gone through the cheezy doom and gloom scenarios, I've started to understand what it was really about. Before getting deeper, I must say I now believe something will happen. Not at a certainty percentage of 100%, but I definitely think something is on the verge of happening. One word: ascension. At first it seemed a religious thing. I'm atheist, so I rejected the idea right away. However, my research would always lead me to the subject of ascension, the dimensional shift we are to experience in about 1 or 2 years. Well...All I can say is that it was life-changing, even more than all these fear-bases NWO propaganda.

It helped me see the big picture, making sense of this evil-bases authority. If NWO was the only way I could explain all the problems in the word, ascension was how I could explain the Universe, in itself. I'm not saying I've gained universal knowledge, I know nothing about it. However, I have a much clearer idea of what it's like than when I was a sleeping human being. In fact, it used to be simple: Planets orbiting around stars, stars spinning around a black hole, thus creating a galaxy, etc etc etc. I wasn't aware of the multiple dimension.

The only thing I could say here, is that everything is gonna be alright. You know, Bob Marley had it right! I won't explain in details here what is going to happen, because you can easily research about it on the web, maybe on this website (our 2012 section isn't really good to be honest, too many close-minded skeptics who haven't research the topic of ascension deeply enough to debate, throwing nonsensical "debunks"). You'll learn that 2012 is a hope based event, not a fear based one. We're going to shift to the next dimension, which is here called "Heaven" by the Catholics (however, the topic of 2012 as nothing to do with controlled religions). Yes, that's right, we're possibly headed to paradise, where everything is so harmonious!

Right now I can feel anxiety, fear in you. What is it that makes you feel this way? Would you happen to be afraid of dieing? No soul dies, we are infinite forms of life. When 2012 comes, we won't die (well...we could, but MY own research lead me to believe we won't. Others think we will but I think 2012 is more of a personal approach than of one absolute truth (as my ascension could lead me somewhere else than you)). And even if we do, your soul won't suffer from it, because it will most probably respawn in the 5th dimension, a dimension of 4th density.

Anyways, I won't go deeper than that, I'd suggest you extend your research on that. Now I don't know if I clearly answered your question, it just came out like this I kind of had a urge to write (happens
). So how do I feel about 2012? How do I transpose this belief into my every day life?

Well I live to my fullest, trying to spread as much positivity as I can. Studying is now much more easy, having left fear behind me. As others mentioned before, you could get rammed by a bus tomorrow. The government could choose your city for its next false flag operation. You could have a heart-attack. Maybe you've just realized how precious and fragile our physical life really is, just as I did maybe 3-4 months ago. Living in the NOW, the present, is the most important thing in your life. What if nothing happens? You will have wasted a couple of your precious years fearing an illusion: the future. The future is a creation of man, when in 4th dimension (ours). It doesn't exist, really, it's just a projection of your mind, and it's just that, a projection. There are so much things that can change in the course of 2 years. The fear based projection I was making 2 months ago is way more different than my hope based projection I'm making right now!
So to sums things up, I live my life to the fullest. I thought I was last year, when I was asleep, but really I wasn't. I take every seconds as sacred and cherish it as much as i can. My life is never going to end, but maybe I'll spawn on another planet when I'll die, or another dimension. I want to take every moment I canMa while I'm here on Earth.

Don't fear, don't let the Illuminati (which are those who probably started this huge misinterpretation or disinformation of the Mayan Calendar) ruin your life. That's what they want. Hope, love. These two are your most powerful weapon. I hope it will be useful to you but really, ask me the same question in a month and I'll probably say something else, as my projection change everyday. However, I must admit I like this one

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 02:55 AM
I'm betting money that nothing serious will happen in 2012 and that most of us will survive. I converted an IRA I have to a Roth IRA and will pay taxes early on it. If I thought I wasn't going to be here after 2012, I would not do that. In fact all the money I've been saving for retirement many years away would have been a total waste on my part except for the financial security I perceive in my mind.

I've read doomsday predictions for years and none have happened so far. The other day I read a thread that our calendar was off 2 years and the astrological alignments were for December 21st, 2010, not 2012. Just think about it, we had a lunar eclipse on the winter solstice the other day. I believe I heard it was 1638 the last time that happened. What's happening 2 years from now? I'm betting it won't amount to much. I'm going to continue to save money for a retirement that may be decades away. I'm actually more fearful that our government will not stop spending money like crazy and will make my life savings worthless. That would tick me off. If the world ends, I wouldn't be as ticked off.

The reason: in the first scenario my life savings would become worthless as the result of greedy and stupid politicians who spent money they did not have at my expense. In effect I would be robbed with no way to make those who robbed me get paid back for their crimes. In the second scenario, nobody robbed me.

I would plan on living your life the way you want to without worries that the world may end at any time. It could happen any day but do you really want to live your whole life as a hermit who was too afraid to go out and live life or plan for tomorrow?

Try to enjoy life but make plans as if you will be here for a long time. There is a good chance you will be here a long time.
edit on 24-12-2010 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Interesting topic, I wrote a post about in on my blog earlier this month. I think some people are hoping that 2012 brings the "end of days." To me, these people wish something bad to happen so they can escape the monotony of their everyday lives.

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