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Originally posted by Soldier of God
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic
The Jewish rulers wanted to be quite sure Jesus was dead. They were present to witness the event (
Mt 27:41
Mk 15:31
Lk 23:35
and even objected to the wording of Pilate's superscription on the cross (Jn 19:21).
The Roman soldiers wanted to be quite sure Jesus was dead.
This was to be a quick execution, since Jewish customs did not allow the bodies to be left hanging on a holy day. However, as noted above, they couldn't afford to bungle the operation. They broke the legs of the two thieves, a standard method of accelerating death. Jesus, who we must remember had been flogged prior to his crucifixion, appeared to be dead already: but that wasn't good enough for them: so one of the soldiers stabbed him in the side with his spear, just to make quite sure. This incident is mentioned only in John's gospel, where it is strongly emphasised that this is not hearsay but an eye-witness report (Jn 19:31-5)
Following Jesus' death, the bodies were not immediately removed from the cross, but were left hanging. Jesus died at about 3pm (Mt 27:45-50, Mk 15:34-7, Lk 23:44-6) yet the bodies were not removed until the evening (Mt 28:57-8, Mk 15:42-6, Lk 23:50-3, Jn 38-42
Pilate also wanted to be quite sure Jesus was dead. Mark records that he would not agree to the removal of the body, until after he had summoned the centurion and obtained confirmation that Jesus had been dead for quite some time (Mk 15:42-6).
That is no doubt why both Jewish and Roman authorities are absolutely adamant on this: Jesus Christ was crucified - Finis! Given the facts, there was no way they could possibly deny it.
Originally posted by facelift
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic
Is it plausible to think that he staged or rather faked his own death – a conspiracy
Well, considering his birth, life, death, resurrection, ect., have all been faked (forged is a better word IMO), I'd say it's safe to say it was not plausible...
Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
reply to post by adjensen
OK. No scriptual proof? How about this:
Isaijah 53:4 Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Now how can we be saved by what happened to Jesjuah, how can we receive knowledge of healing from a wound? Some of us when we read that passage where Jesjuah is crucified, thought, hey, why are these soldiers healing him with piercing his side when they were ordered to kill him? Why did they teach us methods of healing by the cross instead of just breaking his bones?
Originally posted by kensho
You see, in matters of spirituality, faith is the igniter, you either choose to believe or not. Believing makes the unthinkable and unexplainable happen. It just goes against logic, it defeats it, transcends it. Words can not explain the mystery of God. I choose to believe in Jesus the Lord, you have the choice too, he extends His hand, you either take it or refuse it, cheers
Originally posted by Tayesin
It is one thing to argue based on scriptures written many years after the alleged facts, and in doing so accepting the alterations created by Paul after he wrested control of the fledgling movement from James.. the elder brother of Jesus/Jeshua.
Return to India-not ascension It is generally supposed that at the end of His ministry in Israel Jesus ascended into heaven. But Saint Matthew and Saint John, the two Evangelists that were eye-witnesses of His departure, do not even mention such a thing, for they knew that He went to India after departing from them. Saint Mark and Saint Luke, who were not there, simply speak of Jesus being taken up into the heavens. The truth is that He departed into India, though it is not unlikely that He did rise up and "fly" there. This form of travel is not unknown to the Indian yogis. That Jesus did not leave the world at the age of thirty-three was written about by Saint Irenaeus of Lyon in the second century. He claimed that Jesus lived to be fifty or more years old before leaving the earth, though he also said that Jesus was crucified at the age of thirty-three. This would mean that Jesus lived twenty years after the crucifixion. This assertion of Saint Irenaeus has puzzled Christian scholars for centuries, but if we put it together with other traditions it becomes comprehensible. Basilides of Alexandria, Mani of Persia, and Julian the Emperor said that Jesus had gone to India after His crucifixion.
In 1921 the Himis monastery was visited by Henrietta Merrick who, in her book In the World's Attic tells of learning about the records of Jesus' life that were kept there. She wrote: "In Leh is the legend of Jesus who is called Issa, and the Monastery at Himis holds precious documents fifteen hundred years old which tell of the days that he passed in Leh where he was joyously received and where he preached." In 1939 Elizabeth Caspari visited the Himis monastery. The Abbot showed her some scrolls, which he allowed her to examine, saying: "These books say your Jesus was here." Robert Ravicz, a former professor of anthropology at California State University at Northridge, visited Himis in 1975. A Ladakh physician he met there spoke of Jesus' having been there during His "lost years." In the late 1970s Edward Noack, author of Amidst Ice and Nomads in High Asia, and his wife visited the Himis monastery. A monk there told him: "There are manuscripts in our library that describe the journey of Jesus to the East." Toward the end of this century the diaries of a Moravian Missionary, Karl Marx, were discovered in which he writes of Notovitch and his finding of scrolls about "Saint Issa." (Marx's diaries are kept in the Moravian Mission museum. The pages about Notovitch and the scrolls have "disappeared" and their existence is now denied in an attempt to discredit Notovitch, but before their disappearance they were photographed by a European researcher and have been made public.) From all this testimony we see that Jesus studied the Buddhist Dharma as well as the Hindu Dharma during His life in India. Notovitch also claimed that the Vatican Library had sixty-three manuscripts from India, China, Egypt, and Arabia-all giving information about Jesus' life. In 1812, Meer Izzut-oolah, a Persian, was sent to Ladakh and central Asia by the East India Company. Though religion was not his mission, he observed much and subsequently wrote in his book Travels in Central Asia: "They keep sculptured representations of departed saints, prophets and lamas in their temples for contemplation. Some of these figures are said to represent a certain prophet who is living in the heavens, which would appear to point to Jesus Christ." When Swami Abhedananda was in the Himis monastery doing his research on the records of Jesus life in India he was told by the abbot that Jesus had not departed from the earth at the time His Apostles saw Him ascend, but that He had returned to India where he lived with the Himalayan yogis for many years.
Originally posted by Soldier of God
God's superintendence of the human authors so that, using their own individual personalities, they composed and recorded without error His revelation to man in the words of the original autographs [Charles Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine (Chicago: Moody Press, 1972), p. 38].
Originally posted by Soldier of God
2 Peter 1:21 gives some insight:
No prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
Originally posted by kensho
reply to post by Tayesin
No offence taken my friend. I have been down the gnostic road, and there is a point that knowledge can not explain the unexplainable. Thats were I just tried to just believe and let go and the unmanifested became manifested. I feel that knowledge is somehow bound by words and we know that words are pale representations of what is real, much like the mirage that we perceive. In this world, the rules of spirituality is belief. There is a lot of stuff out there. Maybe the indoctrination is wrong maybe is right, that's the choice given to us. It is more likely after we overcome the world we can gain knowledge to keep going ahead. But this world my friend is very limited for those with little faith. You say the words with faith and it is done, isn't that heavenly? Anything is possible, thanks for your input, cheers