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Did Jesjuah stage his own death in order to escape from it all?

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:08 AM
I know this will probably upset a whole lot of people, who have been told a whole different, and may I add – a completely impossible – trail of events while expressing their indoctrinated “The Lord had to die in order to save us from death”, although every living soul we know of since then has died. I am not here to discuss theology and the school of Origen which today’s theology seems to be heavily based on. This thread is here in order to discuss possible hidden aspects surrounding the crucifixion which only makes sense to people with an open mind willing to admit that not even for Jesjuah would it be possible to be dead for three days and then come back to life. Even Einstein expressed how silly he thought that idea to be. But if a lie has travelled from mouth to mouth for a while it is embraced as truth, and even crucial truth. Literally. So please let this be a sensible discussion and not a game of uttering clichés and magic mumbo jumbo, like how “Jesus is God and can’t die” &c. Was there infact an inverted conspiracy around involving Jesjuah himself to fake his death in order that he might leave his followers and buy himself a piece of Heaven?

«After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesjuah did, they began to shout: Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world! Jesjuah, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself»

~ John 6:14f

As the quoted text from the Gospel of John above, and many other places in the New Testament shows, being a prophet and a miracle worker in Judea 2000 years ago wasn’t exactly easy, and certainly not a walk in the park. Being as popular as Jesjuah was, he must have been under tremendous pressure during his last few years, and must have faced many of the same problems as today’s music idols and entertainment stars, seeing how everyone wanted a piece of him wherever he went. Is it plausible to think that he staged or rather faked his own death – a conspiracy – and had made deals with certain Roman soldiers working at Calvary, a rich acquaintance high up in the hierarchy, and that Judas Iscariot was central in working out this plan? Had he had enough, and found that only death could free him from all the pressure he must have felt everywhere? There are certainly many aspects leading up to such speculation.

#1 According to tradition Jesjuah was long haired and heavily bearded and used to walk in a rather extravagant linen or hemp robe woven in one single piece, so it would be relatively easy to change his initial appearance, through cutting his hair and beard and dressing him up in new clothes, perhaps even the robe of the gardener who worked around the given tomb, resulting in how Mary Magdalene believed he was the gardener, and how his disciples later didn't recognise him straight away but needed time to understand it was in fact Jesjuah, their lord who appeared in front of them after the tomb was found empty.

#2 Had he planned to drug himself before his arrest, through drinking something from a mysterious chalice asking his God whether or not he should drink it? Tradition wants it that this chalice was what much later in medieval times was called the Holy Grail. Was this chalice in fact red fly-agaric mushroom? You see, the mushroom has been used in earlier times both by mystics and physicians alike and among other things as an anaesthetic. When the mushroom is "due ripe", the edge of the hat bends upward and turns the mushroom into the shape of a chalice, and since the red colour pigment is resolved into dew or raindrops inside the "cup" the mushroom appears to be blood contained in a chalice.

#3 At Calvary, Jesjuah received special treatment since he was "already dead", from soldiers who were confessing that he was was righteous or a “son of the gods”. To an untrained eye watching from a distance, the cut Jesjuah received would look quite intimidating, and only a trained eye would recognise what happened when the centurion pierced Jesjuah’s thorax as an act of healing, or vital first aid. You see, when Jesjuah is put before Pilate after having been severely beaten and tortured by among others the high priest Annas in front of the Sanhedrin, he doesn’t utter much, which is the first indication that he was infact suffering from a punctured- or otherwise collapsed lung, showing himself like “the silent lamb on it’s way to the slaughter house”. The next clue comes when he walks up Via Dolorosa, where he can no longer carry the crossbeam, although he was traditionally a healthy and strong “timber-man”, or a carpenter/mason – and these workers had to rely on their own strength every day at work. Hence, that he would be unable to carry the log himself, therefore seems implausible. And lastly, he suffered of asphyxiation and lost his ability to draw his breath extremely soon, compared to others who would typically hang on the cross for several days and up to a week and even longer in some cases. It is unlikely that crucifixion alone would render him breathless and dead after just a few hours. After he drew his last breath, the centurion at the foot of the cross confessed indirectly that Jesjuah was falsely judged, crying out “Truly, he was a son of the gods”, and to a Roman back then, this meant “this man was righteous” and certainly didn’t deserve a death sentence, expressing how he meant the whole thing was a murder of justice. Jesjuah was then pierced in his chest, and declared dead, although either his heart was still pumping resulting in sprouts of blood coming from the body, or that the centurion did in fact heal him, by relieving the too high air pressure inside his thorax thus allowing air, together with blood and condensed water to flow out, the first thing any trained doctor would do to a patient suffering from a punctured lung. What is then needed would be to make sure to make a valve typically done today in a small pumping apparatus, but which could simply be done with a wet sponge in the hand of a trained nurse, as was the case at Calvary, the wet sponge was present. A centurion would have been trained in healing wounded soldiers in the field, and knowing how a punctured lung is one of the most common war injuries at the time, the centurion by the cross did master this surgical method.

#4 Jesjuah’s lifeless body was then bought by a rich man, named Joseph of Arimathea, who also had bought fine linen to wrap the body in, shortly after he had been taken off the cross. Had he not been there at that moment, the body of Jesjuah would have been cast into “the eternal Hell-fire” outside the walls of Jerusalem, in the Ben-Hinnom Valley, or Gehenna, translated Hell in our books like all other dead convicts were. He was then moved in a hurry to a secure location, known only to a few select people of Jesjuah’s inner circuits. Among them was Mary Magdalene; which brings us to my final observation.

#5 Why on Earth did Mary Magdalene bring healing remedies to the tomb, used to heal wounds and certainly not what one would use in embalming a body? If he was dead, then why bring Aloe and not embalming remedies?
edit on 18/10/2010 by Neo Christian Mystic because: Added picture

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:57 AM
Why question what happened 2010 years ago? The Victory has been already won my friend. Just accept it.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Soldier of God

As far as I know nothing is won until Jesjuah returns and instates his own son as the Son of God during the heavenly Shabbath when Jesjuah will rule as king in Heaven or in effect becoming God for a thousand years while the Father rests from his Creation, preparing his new Creation which will be inside a box the size of Kongo+

When the truth comes out, all Christians will be judged for believing in Rome rather than sense, and the Roman version of the story involving some Jesus whose name equals 616 in Hebrew gamatria (the oldest kown "Number of the Beast" in the oldest known fragments of Revelation) and who died and came back to life without anything than a miracle. Miracles takes quite a bit of effort and ingenuety to work, and only to common pessants and stupid children a miracle is a miracle. To anyone with knowledge it is simply tricks made by skilled artists.

Can we at least agree that Jesjuah survived certain or lasting death due to "the Highest kind of Love"?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Sorry, you are wrong. The day Jesus died on that cross 2010 years ago the battle was over, the price was paid in full.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Soldier of God
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Sorry, you are wrong. The day Jesus died on that cross 2010 years ago the battle was over, the price was paid in full.

Firstly, Jesjuah was traditionally BORN about 2010 years ago, he didnot die. Jesjuah died the first time when John the Baptist baptised him. And he surely didn't die a second time as your lot try to make us believe. He died in baptism and was glorified by the people involved in one of history's greatest missions to make someone survive the certain death.

Appart from that, can you please support more evidence as to why I am WRONG and the Church is RIGHT? I use the same scriptures, only I see no possible way anyone's death can make the lot of us survive death, unless the first death in question is infact baptism, and that the second death is infact TRUE and UNAVOIDABLE death. Are you saying that Jesjuah (or your Jesus) suffered the second death, also known as the death of the soul? And do you believe that anyone can be dead for three days and then simply walk out of the tomb?

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Is it plausible to think that he staged or rather faked his own death – a conspiracy

Well, considering his birth, life, death, resurrection, ect., have all been faked (forged is a better word IMO), I'd say it's safe to say it was not plausible...

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:27 AM
I think a humble man with a new message saw what spreading the message could lead to.

He weighed and measured the results and sifted if the consequence was worth the it.

In the path of self, he saw it valid, for he was able to shed the ways of flesh and live more for things of Spirit. This was not easy and never is.

In the path of others....he left bread crumbs to the path that leads one to Thee....showing we all must carry our cross of our things of earth and flesh and at some point make a choice of what we are living for.

In turn, when the consequence became reality, he still forgave them for what they did not understand.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:29 AM
First of all I believe in Jesus Christ not Jesjuah.
Secondly you already ran the same thread in April so if you do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God fine.
Why do you feel the need to repeatedly try and state your case???

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Soldier of God

Can you tell me who the price was paid to? Who needed to receive the payment? I've always been confused on that part.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Soldier of God

Jesus is just a name, tied to the form of flesh. a state of being...that we all must reach. nameless, not bounded to the limits of things of flesh, including human language.

We are all to walk the walk...we are blessed to be in a time where at least someone has led the way.

There is only one that is Good...and that is God. But yet, man keeps wanting to make what is flesh...God.

The confusion came from Jesus recognizing the same thing that is within all of us...the God within. Just as he found this 'IAM ' within...he also taught us to look within our own selves and carry our own cross.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
In turn, when the consequence became reality, he still forgave them for what they did not understand.

And that's where we meet reality. Instead of condemning Jesjuah to the second death as the Church does, we should all work hard to explain he didn't die other than in baptism. Quantum physics and mechanics of time can infact render dead people alive, through manipulating the whereabouts of certain people and through understanding reality as can be, instead of "as it was". Placebo and it's wicked cousin work due to future and present beliefsystems or "knowledge of the things as they are". So why use so much energy on explaining a person is dead, when he infact evidently survived and didn't die. Knowing who Jesjuah was, how is it possible that his followers could simply sit and watch him being killed? You guys. Why the hell is it so damn important that Jesus suffered the second death, and how on earth can this save anyone?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:38 AM

the whole story was a fake anyway. from birth to supposed resurrection was all just a story written by flavius piso aka josephus

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

I see most of the story as a 'path'.

The baptism...showing awakening...coming up from the water, being anew in the mind or being.

The death...shows what he was willing to live for, which was others and things of Spirit.

A path, I think all must walk at some point.

I dont do the 'sacrifice' part because its an escape route...I choose to carry my own cross and follow him in his ways. I dont want another blood on my hands...but that is just me for now, not saying its for another. We all must discern it for ourselves. But I do see an offering...he offered his life of Spirit, back to Spirit....and his life of flesh, back to where it came from (earth).

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by amc621
reply to post by Soldier of God

Can you tell me who the price was paid to? Who needed to receive the payment? I've always been confused on that part.

God did not pay anyone. It is a figure of speech.

He did not pay for man, as though man was not His. He paid the price (bore the cost) for man because man was His, and He purposed man to be as Him. It is about reconciliation. God made the move to reconcile man with Himself. He knew man was not able to do so, being dead and depraved beyond any hope in himself. God therefore paid the price.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:41 AM
That's been questioned for a long, long time. It was questioned almost from the time it happened.
That's like, maybe, one of the world's OLDEST conspiracy theories.
Some of the early gnostics believed that.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Soldier of God
First of all I believe in Jesus Christ not Jesjuah.
Secondly you already ran the same thread in April so if you do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God fine.
Why do you feel the need to repeatedly try and state your case???

Hehe. Are you saying that anyone were called Jesus before the Churchfathers invented the name "Jesus" to be a replacement or "translation" of the Hebro-Aramaic Jesjuah ha Mesjiach? Noone was ever called Jesus until the early Church fathers "translated" his name from Jesjuah (YesHVaH) which has a geometry in the three hundreds, into "Jesus" which has a geometry equaling the earliest known Number of the Beast 616? Get real.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic

Originally posted by Soldier of God
First of all I believe in Jesus Christ not Jesjuah.
Secondly you already ran the same thread in April so if you do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God fine.
Why do you feel the need to repeatedly try and state your case???

Hehe. Are you saying that anyone were called Jesus before the Churchfathers invented the name "Jesus" to be a replacement or "translation" of the Hebro-Aramaic Jesjuah ha Mesjiach? Noone was ever called Jesus until the early Church fathers "translated" his name from Jesjuah (YesHVaH) which has a geometry in the three hundreds, into "Jesus" which has a geometry equaling the earliest known Number of the Beast 616? Get real.

So you don't believe. I do and someone with your agenda certainly won't change that.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by hadriana

And knowing how the Gnostics were the arch enemy of Roman Cathiolicism in the making, we should also know how the Latinised Roman version of the life of the Messiah, their Beast who was slain but came back, is in direct enimity to the earliest Church and the oldest known Christian mystics, a sect who produced the Gospel of John and educated Stephanos who was killed by the hand of Rome's and the Church's most popular false prophet, Shaul Paulus, whose writings may be the oldest simply since much at all has survived other than "official" Romanised stories written in Greek, translated from Aramaic.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Soldier of God

I don't believe in no Jesus. My faith is to the guy whose name was Jesjuah bin Joseph, aka Jesjuah ha-Mesjiach, who taught me a trick or two about healing fatal injuries and fake death in the sense of logic and grace. No prophet was ever called Jesus, and no Jew born in Judea some 2000 years+ has ever been called Jesus.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
Why the hell is it so damn important that Jesus suffered the second death, and how on earth can this save anyone?

Excellent question my friend. The importance of the crucifixion is that it showed the world the depths to which we should all love one another. Jesus' whole life was a living testimony to love. His only commandments were to love, God with all your being and your neighbor as yourself. Love was the message of his sacrifice. He died for others as a demonstration of self less love.

Why was he put to death? Because he taught equality rather than superiority. Superiority is how the Pharisees and later, Rome, maintained their monopoly on the word of God. Funny, now the church does the same with the Bible.

The Kingdom God is within you.

With Love,

Your Brother

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