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Did anyone else hear that?

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posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Daivuk

Good idea - will have a listen soon.

Thinking it through, if these antennae (or the Canadian equivalent) are broadcasting some form of radio wave (which by their nature they must do), then it's possible that they've overridden the content being put out at certain frequencies?

Like an emergency broadcast, where the PTB can broadcast simultaneously on all stations? Or is that a Hollywood myth..??

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment


Unless you heard this noise you dont know what it was like. It was the only time i have ever heard this noise and its not everyday you can say you've heard a new noise!

My partner heard it, and she hates all this conspiracy stuff, it drives her insane but even she was shocked by it.

whatever it was it was quite frightnening, and i hope the rest of you can hear it so that you may realise what we are talking about!!

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by jrmcleod

I've just made another thread in the gray area, about something else that happened a couple of nights before I heard the weird noise. Bearing in mind that my wife heard it too, and others on here have corroborated, it may interest you to hear of this other recent personal experience. It may be related in some fashion, though I hope not.

Microwave targeting, inducing heart-rate increase

Interested to know your thoughts.

edit on 19-10-2010 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 02:11 PM
You heard an alien spaceship being shot at by multiple people and large guns

edit on 19-10-2010 by kid_cudi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by kid_cudi

Yeah, but seriously - what do you think? There's people from all over the place (including one very close to where I live) believe they heard the same thing I did, at roughly the same time - so, what's your best guess?

It was out-of-the-ordinary, and I'll be keeping an open mind...

Bad vibrations

The hum is a phenomenon that has been reported in towns and cities across the world from Vancouver in Canada to Auckland in New Zealand.
In Britain, the most famous example was the so-called "Bristol hum" that made headlines in the late 1970s. One newspaper asked readers in the city: "Have you heard the Hum?" Almost 800 people said they had.
The problem persisted for years. Residents complained of sleep loss, headaches, sickness and nosebleeds. Experts eventually found traffic and factories were to blame.
There have been other cases in Cheshire, Cornwall, Gloucestershire, London, Shropshire, Suffolk and Wiltshire.
A low-pitched drone known as the "Largs hum" has troubled the coastal town of Largs in Strathclyde for more than two decades.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.


I quote the above for the curious locational correspondences - Vancouver, Canada - Strathclyde, Scotland - BRISTOL, England - CHESHIRE, England

PS - Stockport is in the county of Cheshire for those who don't know. A county here is a bit like a small state in the US.

Extra info:

I get the 'hum' sound - including a pressurised sensation in my head and near-metallic sensation in my mouth when I walk under power lines. I'd guess it's unrelated to any of this weird 'noise' stuff, as per the OP, but I thought I'd add it in just for the sake of it being related to ELF soundwaves. Does anyone else who experienced the 'noise' experience the 'hum' as well? (this is sounding like a thread from la-la land now...)

Or, do you know when a thunderstorm is going to hit by the pressure change in the atmosphere?

EDIT TO ADD - 'traffic and factories were to blame'. Yeah right.

edit on 19-10-2010 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 05:12 PM
Definitely not that 'hum' sound for me. It was warfare / fireworks sound. And I was in the middle of my office, with headphones on, and other people around me that didn't seem to have noticed anything. So it wasn't coming from outside, but directly through the headphones.

But there ARE power lines right outside of the office.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 06:42 PM
Just to add in case anyone else posts something that corroborates this; additional strange noises heard from same location as the (totally different) noise explained in the OP.

Both my wife and I heard three long, loud noises, as loud as a plane passing overhead between 23:00hrs and 23:20hrs which lasted around five or six seconds each, separated by gaps of several minutes. We live two miles from Manchester Airport, so we're used to having loud planes go over the top of our house or pass nearby.. This noise I'm reporting was very different from plane noise - in terms of duration (short), suddenness of onset (immediate and loud) and equally sudden termination (no gradual decrease in volume). If the source had been over our heads it would probably have been several times louder, as the apparent distance was much further than any plane would have to have been to have made a noise that loud.

The first two were muffled as windows were closed, but on the third we were taking a photo of the 'super-moon' and had opened the window for a better view; after opening it and taking the pic we heard the same duration and type noise, but it now sounded like bloody big artillery gun or a couple of simultaneous explosions from bombs dropping. The source of the noise seemed to be located a long way off - several miles South of the SK3 postal area in Stockport.

If anyone mentions anything similar in the same sort of geographic area, make sure you point out the corroboration if you've seen this latest post in this thread.

ETA - also experiencing heightened sudden-onset and short duration tinnitus throughout today, but only in SK3. I travelled to a different part of the country during the daytime and didn't experience it; only this morning and when I returned, several times each end of the day. Seemed unnatural. For context on electromagnetic sensitivity, I also experience intense pain, and a buzzing, pressurised sensation in the head when walking under power lines.

ETA 2 - Just as I finished typing this my wife drew attention to a different electrical whining noise that seems to be coming from our TV/ set-top box, though it's never done it before. And no, this wouldn't account for the tinnitus as that is ordinary, 'internal' tinnitus whereas this odd high-pitched whine is fully audible and seems to saturate the environment.

edit on 18-3-2011 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 11:02 AM
So last night I was doing that 'chill out' thing I do after I've had enough of watching RT/Sky etc and lay there in the dark.. would have been after middnight and before 1am.
I heard what I initially thought was a heavy aircraft flying overhead... I kinda thought perhaps Norfolks jets leaving Marham for Libya might be flyng overhead... well it went on and on and on so unless there was a constant shoal of jets going over... enough to fill at least 10 minutes worth of air then I again don't know what the noise was.

Essex UK

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by yzzyUK

Was the noise coincidentially similiar to this one, reported from Florida here on ATS? There are some strange things going on, especially as more and more people are reporting these noises.

Nevertheless, I think they are completely different than the noises the OP has heared in his initial post, but very similar to the one's he describes in his most recent post!

I just found another recent thread on this topic...

Reported lokations so far are -!- USA (Tallahassee & Orlando,FL / Sayre-PA) and UK (SE and Manchester).

Further threads on this:

edit on 21-3-2011 by SunLightyear because: addition made

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by SunLightyear

Brianegan also mentioned it in his last post on his "fleet above my head" thread.

I have a strange feelign we're being geared up for something huge. Don't know what or when but it's in the beginning phases.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by curious7

Yeah, good that you mention this curious7! Brianegan addressed the noise issue as well in his lates thread!
It's quite interesting to type "noise" into the search function here on ATS, as so many threads start to emerge.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:06 PM
Thanks for the recent constructive comments folks.. As per the above poster it was very different from the OP noise I reported originally, but probably only massively so in terms of duration and directional source. The sound itself (artillery fire/ explosions, drawn out and somewhat muffled) is fairly similar now I reflect further on it.

Interesting that this issue of 'noise phenomena' is being reported more and more on ATS from people in the UK. In the past ten minutes of browsing I've spotted about four or five posts in different threads from different people in the UK who are hearing similar noises. I honestly believe we are being geared up for something (or, 'they' are gearing up for something and don't give a crap whether we find out, because by then 'it will be too late muahhahahaha...')

I think more people than are letting on are scared of what it may be... (such people might be those who aren't involved with ATS and wouldn't know who to talk to without fear of ridicule if they are hearing such weird noises)
edit on 22-3-2011 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling/ clarification

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