posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by Ayana
Interesting times we live in, for sure.
This morning I was driving up to the supermarket, and went past an odd structure that wasn't there two or three weeks ago - it looks like a lamp post
at ground level, but if you look up, it widens into an inverted cone, becoming a wider cylinder for the final tenth of its height. The top is flat,
and the whole thing is circular in cross section. I noticed a load of these things springing up all over the country recently - in Leicester there's
about ten of them, quite close together, along a western section of the ring road.
I found their appearance odd enough, but then after last night's 'noise' I was more intrigued than I would have been otherwise to see a guy in a
Hi-Vis vest standing taking multiple photographs of the thing. He looked as though he was part of a roadworking crew from further down the road, but
they seemed to be working on a gas line so I have no idea why he was taking photos of this odd structure.
I heard theories about the use of such towers as a means of enhancing some sort of signal, possibly relating to Blue-Beam type stuff, but I haven't
researched it enough yet so can't comment further.
It's half a mile from my house, and directionally it's about right for the origin of the sound I heard. Next to it is a modern block of flats which
seems remarkably unoccupied despite being up for many years. Another block, situated further back on the same plot, is well-occupied and you see
people coming and going all the time; not so with the first block (nearest to the tower). To one side is the weirdly unused flats, to another a busy
main road, which people tend to drive quickly on (not pausing to look up) to another is a barely used railway line (freight trains only), and across
the main road is wasteland/ greenbelt land - beyond the railway line is the back of the supermarket, so it's quite isolated from attention
I'll upload a photo later and will have a search for a conventional explanation.