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Did anyone else hear that?

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:16 AM
Hi, an interesting group of theories in this thread for the sounds you heard, but taking into account the time of year with our shops filling up with fireworks i think it would most likely be kids/teens messing around with the few expensive airbust type ones they could afford. Over the past few years round here, the month leading upto the 5th nov gets gradually more warzone like and as for the main week, well shock & awe for an hour at least with not a silent second!

That said i myself have heard at times unexplained distant bangs rumbles etc and quite regularly feel rumbles or vibration through the ground which i seem very sensitive to but have always put down to some medical issue, maybe an ear infection etc

cheers - cm

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:20 AM
Fly, is it possible to post a google street view up of one of the towers you mention?
cheers - cm

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:30 AM
I live in northwich, about half an hours drive from manchester and some chavs in the street were playing with fireworks but, well, I doubt that would be heard from south manchester.
edit on 18-10-2010 by angusthecactus because: gramar

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

Oh, I saw a UFO a while back which was accompanied with mechanical noises and the amount of people who said 'Chinese Lantern' was just a nightmare. So I know how you feel!

The underground is interesting if you think thats where it came from, but I'm pretty sure what I heard was above - we have a logburner and thought the roof might be on fire lol! I'd be more tempted (in my case) to go for aircraft testing or... Well. I dunno. Could be anything.
I don't really know, not in your case anyway. I didn't hear it haha.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:11 PM
We also heard muffled noises yesterday, but actually saw fireworks at times as well.

It migth be worth noting that October 17th was a hindu celebration - Dussehra - where they celebrate the victory of good over evil, specifically when Lord Rama killed a demon king. I checked the local news and it was being celebrated yesterday in my town, at least. As far as I understand it, it's a noisy and firework-filled occasion.

Check your local online sources to see if, when and where they were celebrating "Dussehra" or "Vijayadashami". That might give you something to correlate with your observations.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
Manchester, England - United Kingdom. Approx 22:10 this evening.

We live under a flight path and are used to having to turn up the TV when a plane goes over, especially when we have the windows open. The windows in our bedroom were open this evening as my wife had a minor asthma episode earlier on. The air is clear, the area we live in suburban and thus quiet generally (South Manchester).

For approximately one minute, at the time mentioned above, we heard a sound which increased in volume progressively. It sounded like warfare - such as the sounds of intense battles in Iraq, Afghanistan - where bombs are dropping in the distance, and gunfire punctuates the resounding explosions. Except that it sounded as though we were listening to it from underwater if that makes sense. As in, the sound of it all was muffled in the way that sounds are muffled when you have your head underwater in the bath / swimming pool.

It lasted, as I say, for about a minute, and then reduced in volume, and stopped.

I cannot fathom an explanation - it certainly wasn't a plane - we've lived under the flight path for over six years now and never heard anything like it.

I almost flipped over to the 24hr news channel to watch for breaking news of an alien invasion!

Would be interested to hear possible explanations.

EDIT TO ADD - the most obvious explanation, fireworks, was discounted after careful consideration and full visual survey of the surrounding area. Having been an avid fan of fireworks for my whole life, I have NEVER heard fireworks which sounded like that.

edit on 17-10-2010 by FlyInTheOintment because: forgot to mention something important!

Ello mate, your report reminded me of a similar incident down here on the south coast a long time back, as you mentioned underground complexes.

On the South coast, in Portsmouth, is a place called Portsdown Hill, in the cliff of the hill is a huge underground millitary complex (now civi owned i believe) but similar reports were in the papers a gooood few years back.

Now, i am a noob, I post from work, and have not figured out all the rules for quotes and links, but here goes anyways (feel free to point and laugh if i get this wrong...or suggest what I should be doing!)

here is the relevent snippet:

*Underground Noises*

'These have been described as: heavy machinery operating, metallic sounds, and tapping. All of these would have been generated by the daily routine in the Fuel Bunkers when they were operational. The only other underground location was the UGHQ, and this had long since been abandoned. However there is an anomaly here which is detailed on page 3.

Although much has been made in this account of the distance between the Fuel Bunkers and the affected properties, the sounds could have been carried by any of the usual underground services: water, gas, power, comms and sewage systems, most of which would have had a direct connection with the Fuel Bunkers.

Another possibility is that certain geologies, especially fissures, can act as good conductors of sound, so that noises can be heard some way from its source, particularly if the sound is of a subterranean origin. Such similar phenomena have been experienced in the Coalfields in the north of England in the past. '

Source: (

BTW Portsdown tunnels very interesting read, will be putting together a post on them soon

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Gilbo303

Very interesting thoughts Gilbo - I lived in Portsmouth (well, Fareham) for a while, so I know a little (not much) about the secretive bases down there. My brother relates a tale (he was in school down there) that they had a 'show and tell' about the work done by their parents, and half the class had to say it was 'classified' so they didn't have a clue what their Dad did for a living!!!


I must admit it's a wee bit frustrating now to still have people coming on and saying 'fireworks', because I really did try to account for it as such, but can't justify it as an explanation. In fact, if I were to go with it, it'd be a cop-out. It wasn't fireworks, in my humble (and firework-loving) opinion.

Still, everyone who didn't hear it will probably assume it was, simply because it's extremely hard to describe what the exact sound was. You may have noticed I write expressively, and even so, this has tested my descriptive powers to the limit! I will upload some photos and a street view if possible asap, it's just that I've been killer busy today with various things.

Thanks for all the interest and suggestions. I'm more and more starting to think that some covert explorations of the underground shelters might be in order, for the benefit of ATS (and my own fatalist curiosity). There's several points where these tunnels can be entered if you know where to look, apparently.

I even had a dream about eight months ago, about finding a secretive underground complex beneath Stockport, very luxurious and controlled by a secret society of some sort, and it was related to the powers that be, the shadow government - in the dream, they seemed pleased that I'd made the effort to locate them, which sounds like enough of an invitation to me (even if it was only a dream...)

Will keep you posted, and will get those photos of the towers and underground entrances into the thread soon.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

This is amazing. I live in Aberdeenshire and i heard these noises too, as did my partner, however, i heard it at about 1030-45ish. We live next to a main road and i thought it was a crash, we looked out the window and there was nothing. The noise got louder and louder then began to fade. I have never ever heard a noise like this before so i cannot detail really what it sounded like. Multiple thoughts were running through my head, i thought it could be a firework but it wasnt as we looked for ages to see if we could see any. The nois continued on and off, getting quieter and quiter eachtime we heard it.

Myself and my partner were baffled by it. The only thing we could put it down too was as if something was hitting off of the atmosphere, it just sounded strange. I also thought it was the sound of an earthquake but there was no tremor.

If anyone else can help with this i'd be very interested to hear opinions. I have never heard this type of noise before and its amazing that others heard the samething so far away. This was a very real noise and not a fabrication of my mind or anyone elses.

Just out of curiosity but was HARRP active?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
I must admit it's a wee bit frustrating now to still have people coming on and saying 'fireworks', because I really did try to account for it as such, but can't justify it as an explanation. In fact, if I were to go with it, it'd be a cop-out. It wasn't fireworks, in my humble (and firework-loving) opinion.

The reason why I brought that back up wasn't to doubt you, but to give you an opportunity to strengthen the credibility of what you are saying. If you can identify where and when a known celebration was happening, and you can identify the time and direction of the sound as being different, it gives you one more bit of evidence to put forward.

The only way you have currently ruled out fireworks (on the day of a known celebration using fireworks) is because of your own subjective perception. You have an opportunity to rule them out more convincingly (and objectively) by doing a little detective work. If you get a few spare minutes one day, why not?
edit on 18-10-2010 by EvillerBob because: Minor typo

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

Have you been on the guided tour of the underground tunnels/air raid shelters?.......the one from Chestergate in Stockport?

I went a few years ago, very interesting, especially the "roped off" areas which apparently run for miles underneath Stockport and are barred from the public........I'd love to know what lies down some of those tunnels!

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

The base in Wales, is i believe in North Wales and very cleverly disguised it is. The road that leads to the main doors, is for some considerable length of it flooded. That is, from the air it looks like a river, when in reality, it's only a couple of inches deep. I believe it was featured in the classic 80s TV series "The Edge of Darkness". There is a railway spur that runs off the main GWR, Bristol to London tracks, that leads to a complete underground railways station. This was where the cabinet was to be evacuated to, in the event of it all kicking off during the cold war. I don't know if it is still there and active but there use to be a *secret town* up near Preston. It was used for weapons development and testing during WW2. For many years, the details of the buildings were omitted from the Ordinance Survey maps. I believe it was just marked as MOD land

I'd be interested to see a picture of one of these new "Pylons" any chance you can snap one and upload it?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:29 PM
Ok. That is weird. I work in Ottawa (Canada) and this afternoon I heard exactly what you are describing. I was listening to (Online Techno music channel) and I heard in my headphones the same sound you are describing that couldn't be in the music. Wasn't following the beat either. I found that very weird, but then just thought bad streaming.

Then tonight, i read that... wow. Coincidence?

rereading your post: 22:10, I heard it around 16:00 in Ottawa approximately. That is the same time as you. And it was only in my headphones. I removed them to make sure it wasn't construction in the office or something. Maybe some stuff being broadcast? You heard it through the TV maybe?
edit on 18-10-2010 by Daivuk because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by jrmcleod

This is getting better and better. I just showed this thread to my wife, and she says my estimate was off, and that it was more likely to have been around 10:30. I guess a rough approximation is adequate considering the corroborations which are cropping up more and more; I was especially wowed by the Canadian experience - for me, the fact is now that something bizarre happened, and that a 'test' of some sort may have been run at this time of year, so that it might be dismissed as fireworks by a majority who heard something.

Like other posters before, I really can't believe it was fireworks. Subjective opinion is all we have when reporting something like this. I've been to enough fireworks displays and spent enough Guy Fawke's nights out and about seeing and listening to fireworks, to know when what I'm hearing isn't your typical firework noise. I didn't mean to sound confrontational by saying that I was frustrated about the fireworks explanation being bandied around; trouble is, unless you heard this noise, it's extremely difficult to convey the exact sound it made...

It's only when other factors start to stack up (underground tunnel networks, strange towers, the ongoing HAARP controversy - which we know is messing with the atmosphere) that we can perhaps tentatively say we heard something out-of-the-ordinary.

Here's some images of the towers (excuse my crude editing)

So yeah - any suggestions re: the nature of the cabinet the workman is fiddling with would be appreciated. Otherwise, have a look around and see if you can see any of these beasties springing up near you...

I'll be looking into exploring the tunnels; might take a bit of planning to execute a mission!

Thanks all for continued interest - will be back soon to add close-ups of the notice on the tower, which appeared after a workman spent ages taking photos of it yesterday.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 05:45 AM
Hmmm OK. I passed what I heard off as something different.

last night at around 10:45 ish hubby and I were talking in our front bedroom, (window is always open sun or snow) when I paused and said "Heavy stuff..." he stopped to listen and I said "Is that a heavy plane or lorry?"

It sounded like a very very long lorry, possibly multiple trailers going over bumpy road surfaces but the noise was coming from the sky.

You know when a truck stops at traffic lights and there is that awful low rumble noise of teh engine ticking over which it seems only a few people can hear... there was that over the top of the bumpy road heavy vehicle noise.

Anyhooo...... it only lasted a short while and we went back to chatting.

Then at 5:30am when he was downstairs making breakfast I was shlomping in bed when I heard the noise again, this time I went to nose out the window and saw nothing on the roads but the noise seemed to be coming from all around, like I was in a noise bubble..

It wasn't a sharp noise though... more one of those low eardrum annoying hubbub noises...

I am in South Essex though!!

how can one noise be heard in so many places? Mind you, if I hadn't have read this here today then I wouldn't have given the noise any further thought.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

well done fly

They are prob mobile comms towers but a plain white van with the worker having no markings on his hi viz vest are dubious, you can google the van reg though, the three letter grouping tells you where its registered & who to.

Gov vehicles use a range of groupings and are usually reg in northhampton i discovered recently and info is online although no more info further than that, ie not which agency etc

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by yzzyUK

Thanks for sharing! Your description does ring true with what we experienced the night before you - it was a muffled, rumbling noise, punctuated with muffled 'bangs' and 'judders', and some sort of pulsing effect.

Like I say, it's very hard to explain, and depending on what area you live in and what noises you are used to, it may be approximated as something close to your experience, if you catch my drift. So, if you live under a flight path, it might be considered a plane - if you live by a busy ring road, or dual carriageway, it might be thought of as heavy vehicles. And of course, with the time of year, it could easily be considered fireworks (especially by the majority who may only have heard it through double glazing without open windows). In fact, with the windows shut, it probably would've sounded like heavy traffic - if it could even be heard over the TV / conversational volume etc.

And re: how it can be heard over such a vast area? I would say there's some sort of coordinated test of ELF or ULF waves, HAARP-like atmospheric manipulation, or 'whatever'. What does everyone think of those tower pics? I saw a load in Leicester too, on the Western section of the ring road. I reckon if we were to look, we'd find them all over the country now. And why is that guy suddenly so involved with them (photos, street cabinet work with laptop) the day after the weird noise was heard?

NB - the noise approximately originated from the area of the tower itself, after some analysis - obviously I can't post a map of my house vs location of the tower, but it's spot on, I assure you. Unfortunately you'll have to take my word on that one though...

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:20 AM
aha... mobile phone mast

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:25 AM
and a link here to one that looks like your photo

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by yzzyUK

Thanks for that - I agree it is a phone mast. Trouble is, there's a number of functions which could be initiated from a broadcast/ relay device like this. There's already concerns over radiation affecting schoolchildren with Leukemia, but I'd also speculate that if there was a strange, nation/ global-wide test of some kind of ELF/ULF or HAARP activity, then these towers could easily be multi-purpose units to boost amplitude, or coverage, or to refract certain signals in certain ways.

The 'noise' was certainly out-of-the ordinary. Others heard it by the look of things, not just here in the UK, but as far afield as Canada too. I'm sure that the proportion of ATS users (globally a miniscule fraction of the total world population) who had their windows open and heard the sound, who happen to have come across this thread, is very low overall. I have a feeling that if I were to ask around in my neighbourhood, some would corroborate that they heard an 'odd' noise - and perhaps they'll have put it down to fireworks too. That's what we do, as a species - we prefer to ignore anything that sounds/ looks weird or wrong, and get on with our lives.

I'll be doing some additional research anyway, and will try to find something to suggest that maybe these towers are multi-functional by design - I'm pretty sure they will be, whether it's overtly stated by the manufacturer/ government / carriers or not.

Having worked in telecoms, I can tell you that every carrier / provider has a secret group in a locked off room, who provide ongoing assistance to MI5/6 and Scotland Yard - you need high levels of national security clearance to work in these rooms, and from what I've heard, the ability to track, trace and identify calls and callers is much better than any agency or corporation would lead the public to expect. Ask your provider to tell you who phoned you at a certain time on a certain day, and they'll tell you it's not possible. It is possible, but they don't generally store the data once it's been assessed for security risks - though I could be wrong; if quantum computers are already reality in black ops, then storage wouldn't be a problem.

My reason for including that info, is to demonstrate that not everything the corporations tell us about their technology and capabilities is necessarily true. But you knew that already, or you wouldn't be here on ATS!

edit on 19-10-2010 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-10-2010 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:17 AM
You all seem to say it was coming from outside. I just want to remind that the sound I heard (Exactly as both of you described it, muted warfare), was coming from my headphones, through an European trance channel. And I don't think we have those kind of antenna here in Ottawa.

Maybe every body listening to that radio might have heard it? Would be interesting to get the archive from yesterday. But I don't know enough people / not good enough at research to find the recording...

This is the channel I was listening:
Go on,
top tabs: Listen now! -> Vocal Trance -> MP3 Streams -> 96k Cable/DSL

I don't know if it's possible to get the whole archive from yesterday (Oct 18th). If we talk to those guys or something... Then other people that heard the sound would recognize it.

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