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Why McDonald's Happy Meal Hamburgers Won't Decompose ~ The Real Story Behind The Story

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by SmokeandShadow
It bothers me there are so many that shove their head in the sand and refuse to look at the ingredients, let alone study the know health effects of them. This thread is full of apathy and this disgusting, enabling "we'll, we are going to die anyways" and misleading "people are living longer, so its alright". People need to snap out of this stupor.

If you don't eat organic or prepare you're own fresh meals with fresh ingredients it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to only MODERATELY consume MSG, HFCS, preservatives and hydrogenated oils.

MSG (no limits mind you) is added to trick you're freaking brain into thinking its good decent food. It has been shown that it can damage the brain.

High fructose Corn Syrup enables cancers and diabetes

Hydrogenated oils lower good cholesterol and raise the bad.

I shouldn't even have to type people are silly. We KNOW the effects of eating fast food and packaged crap. There is NO argument to be had.

I don't think anyone here was saying McDonald's is healthy or great food by any means. But saying it's pure poison that kills little children is a really really long stretch. It sure will eventually kill little children if you feed them with big macs twice a day for all their lives. They in most cases will inevitably get fat, and blow up... no news there.

But this whole cheesy talk about "fresh ingredients" is pretty much empty unless you're the one growing it on your own backyard. Otherwise it would have been exposed to some kind of "poison" in one way or the other at some point.

Or do you really think that just because you buy something as being "fresh" at the market that doesn't carry any labels with weird names in it it's automatically free from any chemicals whatsoever? Please, don't be silly, in some cases that can actually hold worst things in it.

Do you use Microwave? Do you cook with aluminum pots? Do you clean your dishes with detergent? Do you cook with tap water? Do you brush your teeth with commercial toothpastes? Do you love the smell of new cars?

And the list goes on and on. We are constantly being exposed to bad things. From the food we eat, the air we breathe to the things we touch. Not that this is a good thing but that's how it is.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:18 PM
I would just like to say this thread put me off my lunch

I went and got a quarter pounder and cheese value meal (£3.89), I had still fanta that tasted 'chemicaley' - the words 'plastic food' were ringing in my head as I tried to eat the burger....... After 4 or 5 mins trying to eat this stuff I just gave up and tossed it away, I couldn't even eat all the fries.

That was not pleasant, I suppose once your out of the mind set you really can see what your eating. It may be some time before I eat there again.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Earthscum
I ate McD this morning... I hardly ever eat there any more. I don't think my body even digests it any more. It just gives me the craps.

You hardly eat there, but you ate there this morning? Way to ruin your credibility.

I bet every single person on here talking bad about McDonald's eats McDonalds and every other kind of fast food. I don't trust anyone here that says they "haven't had McDonald's/fast food since 1960" or whatever bs.

There is nothing wrong with fast food. It is food afterall.

Not to mention anything you eat will make you fat if you're sedentary.

I personally have seen a moldy McDonald's bun. I have also fed McDonald's too all kinds of animals: goats, dogs, pigeons, bluebirds, fish, chickens. None of the keeled over and died (and birds have very sensitive stomachs).

This is nothing but contagious sensationalism. Just like global warming.

Now as far as not being able to pronounce ingredients, well ingredients use scientific names for things. I don't know the ingredients in a McDonald's Burger but I will demonstrate the ridiculousness of that claim:

Hydrolysed protein - hair
Sodium bicarbonate - baking soda
Sodium chloride - salt
methohexital and thiopentone and thiopenta - all anaesthetics used during surgery. You dont even eat those, you let doctors put it directly into your blood stream.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - used in chelation therapy

So much for stuff being bad for you just because you can't pronounce it. That's a typical "I don't understand it and therefore its bad" reaction. ATS is supposed to be above that: DENY IGNORANCE.

This entire thread is ignorant.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:11 PM
the disturbing thing about mcdonalds is everywhere i go in my neighborhood, i see mcdonald bags in the garbage. at barnes and noble, and toys r us, at target, when i throw something out, there is always a mcd's bag in there. it never fails.

that means a LOT of people are eating this.

mcdonalds ceos are always invited to bilderberg, so that answers some of the reasons why they are such scumbags.

but im amazed. i mean, a hamburger is beef. thats it. why do they add chemicals in the first place? adding chemicals you would think, would add to costs.

i WISH mcdonalds was owned by a regular person. all mcdonalds would have to do is switch to all natural food, and they could change america. again, judging by how many mcdonald bags i see. im betting there are people who eat there every day. so if mcd's could switch to all natural, it would force them to eat all natural food.

i was born in the 70's, and guess what? in 1985 you almost NEVER saw a 300 pound guy. i lift weights, and i remember finding it next to impossible to find xxl shirts. now, you can walk into any store and get 3xl shirts!

so you are telling me, in 1975, kids were not eating cake, soda, french fries, etc? of course they were. but none were OBESE. they were just chubby. go watch any video of a crowd from the 70's, there are no fat people in them! its amazing.

but between 1980 and now, something made america obese. high fructose corn syrup obviously plays a huge role, but so does all these chemical ingrediants.

i just buy everything organic. and i read every label. and i gave up corn sryup years ago, and quickly shed 20 pounds, not doing anything else except not consuming corn syrup.

all this fakery is making me realize im jumping ship soon. im moving to polynesia. i just want to be able to eat real food, drink real drinks, drink non-floridated water, etc.

im sick of the elitists ruling the world. this is what you get.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by B.Morrison

Ascorbic acid is a trade name for Vitamin C.

Food that has to be fortified is not healthy, period.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:33 PM
I can't believe i'm about to defend McDonalds, the world must be coming to an end.

These stories about burgers and other foods are ridiculous for a number of reasons.

1. The preservatives used are often rather harmless in the quantities that are in the food.

2. The food is usually kept in an environment that prohibits it decomposing for these sensationalist stories.

3. The fast food sold in places like McDonalds is very often pretty fresh because it sells so quickly they don't need vast amounts of preservatives.

4. As for the videos list of dangerous chemicals in the food, well sorry but unless you eat organic then most of that stuff is in your food, whether they are crunchy carrots or a piece of top grade beef.

This isn't to say McDonalds food is healthy to eat every day because it isn't, but that's more to do with our western diets being far to heavy on the meat, simple carbs and saturated fat. Remember that the fast food industry merely caters to our wants and supply us with the foods that taste great. Sadly our bodies evolved to value high calorie foods because our ancestors would often go threw times of famine, we were designed to stuff our faces and seek out foods with sugars and fats. Btw i speak as someone who hasn't visited a McDonalds for at least 12 years (i'm 25 now), well other than to buy coffee. I cook every day, never eating anything from any fast food chain and i am passionate about people eating healthy.

However i won't stand by as people blame the fast food companies for the unhealthy population. They don't force this stuff down your throat, there are alternatives. It's like blaming the car manufacturer because you drove it directly into a wall.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by B.Morrison

Ascorbic acid is a trade name for Vitamin C.

Food that has to be fortified is not healthy, period.

Wow what nonsense. Some foods admittedly have to be fortified because nutrients are destroyed in the processing. However many foods which are hardly processed have stuff added to them either ar a marketting gimmic or because the government is concerned people aren't getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals each day.

Do you think milk needs to be fortified? Nope but you can buy it, same with bread, same with porridge oats. You can walk into a supermarket and buy plain rolled oats, very healthy, nothing added. Next to them you'll see fortified oats, stupid i know but there you go.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

All I see in this thread is stereotyping from both sides of the aisle.

What we all can agree on is that a diet has to be BALANCED. It should not have a ton of salt, fat and preservatives.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Snarf

And you're doing no favors by stereotyping folks as vegans.

I'm not a vegan and I don't like McDonalds.

Why don't you try to contribute to the discussion instead of flaming people?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

And since they are heavily processed foods, they are likely unhealthy.

I don't think that Vitamin C belongs in milk because it's not naturally occurring.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

And since they are heavily processed foods, they are likely unhealthy.

I don't think that Vitamin C belongs in milk because it's not naturally occurring.

It's not Vitamin C they add, they tend to throw in other stuff like iron and vitamin d for example.

However rolled oats are not highly processed and neither is milk so i find your comments confusing. Rolled oats are simply steamed to soften them and then rolled. They retain nearly all of the same nutrients as unsteamed oats, indeed it makes them easier to digest and break down. These oats have nothing added to them (unless they're fortified and they'll say that on the label). Likewise milk is simply pasterised, a process that doesn't remove anything except dangerous bacteria.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:01 PM
There are two many individual psot to reply too, I have read the first four pages so far and I will post a sumamry which hopefully, again will clear up a few things.

People are getting hung up on the fact that the article mentioned that only humans would eat this and its not food.
We all know that to be a slight exageration, drop almost anything on the floor and a dog wil leat it.... because his diet consists mainly of dried biscuits.

The point to take away is that WE are the only species to CONSCIOUSLY know what is/isn't in the food, we know that it causes high blood pressure, makes us fatter and has other ill effects.... and we CHOOSE to still eat it.

People have mentioned that they can burn fat, therefore whats the harm?

Take a look at the state of the health of the worlds population. Just because you can work it off in the gym dosn't mean it dosn't matter what you feed your body. You are poisoning it slowly, look at how many cancers and de-genertive diseases are thrive in the world today.

This is not a personal attack at McDonalds. It is a critique of the human species and how we live our lives on this planet without much thought, or total disregard for most common laws.

Hopefully I can find some very interesting videos (which I know exist) which illustrate just how long it takes for every food group to decompose and the reasons why. This will clear up a lot of common misconceptions about mold and fungi on food which people seem to be citing.

The main reson for some foods lasting a lot longer than others is high fat content and high sodium content, which coincidently are two of the major dietry problems of our species... we eat to much of it and we don't understand it.

I had been searching for some information on basic dietry requirements when I stumbled across this articel, so I will be able to share some of this information with you.

Finally (for now), please can you understand that the main reson why we keep eating food like this...... is because of all the OTHER stuff they put in it!!! I don't blame society for being so moronic.... we have been poisoned and filled with additives for that long, our bodies are addicted to these things, it is an addiction, do not shy away from that fact. The best thing to do is go cold turkey.

Finally (2), if you can honestly not FEEL the difference between eating a healthy, well balanced meal and a fast food burger.... then your body is dead all ready.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:13 PM
for people who bash fast food, this is for you.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

I have to totally dismiss this remark. (The one you psoted to NightGypsy).

If you look at EVERY post I have shared here (apart from the one the other day that got me a warning as again, I was very angry at Monsanto for what they do to our food) you will see that I am without ego and never see myself higher than anyone else.

I am passionate about the subject thats all, and I shared an article that I found interesting and then added my comments, all of which I believe to be true. Yea, some of the statements were pretty generic, but I do think that 99% of processed food is bad for us.

Like someone has posted (I have now gone through all the posts), it may be labelled ad 100% beef.... but we feed them growth hormones from birth and feed them articificial grains to boost meat content. What would you say if we started injecting our children with IGF-1?

You would be up and arms, as it is 'morally incorrect'. The very idea of injecting your child and modifying them will more than liekly repulse you.....

Yet you will let them soak it all up through the foodchain as it is easier to grab a fast food meal than everyone sit round the table and eat a home cooked meal.

It is how most humans act now, and its a sad state of affairs, I see it every day.

So I am not on my 'pedestal', I am pleading with people to think about their health. Is that such a bad thing?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by carlitomoore

I have to totally dismiss this remark. (The one you psoted to NightGypsy). If you look at EVERY post I have shared here (apart from the one the other day that got me a warning as again, I was very angry at Monsanto for what they do to our food) you will see that I am without ego and never see myself higher than anyone else. I am passionate about the subject thats all, and I shared an article that I found interesting and then added my comments, all of which I believe to be true. Yea, some of the statements were pretty generic, but I do think that 99% of processed food is bad for us. Like someone has posted (I have now gone through all the posts), it may be labelled ad 100% beef.... but we feed them growth hormones from birth and feed them articificial grains to boost meat content. What would you say if we started injecting our children with IGF-1? You would be up and arms, as it is 'morally incorrect'. The very idea of injecting your child and modifying them will more than liekly repulse you..... Yet you will let them soak it all up through the foodchain as it is easier to grab a fast food meal than everyone sit round the table and eat a home cooked meal. It is how most humans act now, and its a sad state of affairs, I see it every day. So I am not on my 'pedestal', I am pleading with people to think about their health. Is that such a bad thing?

I think you meant to direct your post to "302Found", carlitomoore. He's the one who said you had put yourself on a pedestal and that you had a "holier-than-thou" attitude. My reply to him was that I thought his comments were outrageous, untrue and suspicious

edit on 18-10-2010 by NightGypsy because: to add more commentary

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by carlitomoore
reply to post by NightGypsy

It is how most humans act now, and its a sad state of affairs, I see it every day.

So I am not on my 'pedestal', I am pleading with people to think about their health. Is that such a bad thing?

Those statements are all contradictory.

Yes you do think you're better than everyone else. So much better in fact that you want to go ahead and be everyone's mom and dad and tell them what to do.

So yes you are on a pedestal.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by The Sword

Please explain what 'processed' means and why its bad. I am not sure why 'processed' food are different than 'unprocessed foods'.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:02 PM
Have I mummified myself by eating there food? I wonder how the other fastfood hamburger resturants compare? What resturants have safe hamburgers?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:09 PM
I post all this stuff on my Facebook so my Kids and the rest of the family see it.........
I'm Vegi so I don't eat them anyway but try making your own from scratch its cheaper and healthier and tastes a whole world better.
Did I see Silicone Foaming Agent in those ingredients? If not it needs adding causes Liver damage.

Gerald Celente and diamond geezer
edit on 18-10-2010 by DreamerOracle because: adding

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Pink Panther

According to some of the people here, there is no such thing as 'good' food. I would just stop eating. Seems like the most promising idea. If you have to eat, the only real way to make sure you have 'good' food is to grow it yourself. I hope you dont live in the arctic, a desert or in an aparment building. I hope you also have a back yard with soil.

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