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ETs non-existent?

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posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:00 AM
l've always been curious about what lies beyond us, beyond our existence, beyond death.I've also spent countless hours questioning and researching intelligent extra-terrestrial life.Of all my research through books,internet,videos and many professers i have not once come close to finding anything anywhere near proof of their existence outside of testimonials and blurry pictures of lights.Could it be true that we really are alone?I know theres a great chance that intelligent ET life does exist within our boundaries, but i also know that there is a great chance that there isn't..I want to beleive but at this point ETs are no more credible to me than the tooth fairy or ol' st nick..Maybe my fellow ATSers can use this thread to give me some insight on where they stand on the ET issue and maybe share some credible research and experiences.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:04 AM
The greatest evidence of ET life is that there is no proof to claim their none-existence. At least that's how I view it. We could be alone, but I have a hard time believing that.

Just looking up at the night sky on a clear night makes me ponder the question: "How could we possibly be alone?"

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:04 AM
these things are elusive for a reason. they want you to chase, they want you to wonder. they frequent those who seek. about 10 years ago i saw strange lights in the sky and more and more would appear as i began to show interest. i decided i had enough when i began to experience obes and sleep paralysis with greater frequency. the moment i stopped expressing interest in the "alien" phenomenon, it more or less stopped. these things exist but i question their motives or origin.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:08 AM
of course, im actually outside now doing just that..What troubles me is with all of these false predictions and the world going nuts over ufos makes me question the government more than the universe..

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:21 AM
Good thread

You know, I really used to be in a lot of turmoil about whether to believe in ETs or not etc. Then the realisation came to me that what I could do was simply not believe until unfallable evidence was shown as to their existence. It gave me a lot more peace! So I don't even pro-actively search for proof, I re-actively review "proof" and decide whether it provides undeniable evidence for said case. And, just like you, so far, I havn't found any. Sorry all you believers, I'm just not convinced.

ATS's saying is "Deny Ignorance", but is it not so much more ignorant to follow the crowd, believe it just because it's the new big thing, or base your beliefs on some grainy photographs/videos and "eye-witness" reports (may I add also that the "eye-witnesses" got their 15 minutes of fame. Wouldn't it be so nice just to have everyone listen to you for a while, and have people use your account for proof of a growing phenomenon? Even if you had to lie to get there?)

Just something for you to think about. Don't be a sheep and blindly follow what everyone else thinks. Blaze your own trail for once!

As always

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:24 AM
ET's exist, but I'm not so sure anymore that they have been visiting Earth.

We have tons of proof of UFOs, but not really any proof of actual "aliens."

I think most UFO sightings are "spiritual," they are literally spiritual beings manifesting themselves in any form they wish.

These are likely the beings behind the New World Order, and they are going to use a false-flag alien event as their last card in an attempt to get their world government. All of the alien crap in hollywood and the mainstream media is part of the deception, they are prepping us in case they have to pull that last card.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:33 AM
Its funny how you should mention the UFO "fad" for lack of a better word..Think back four or five years, if i had spoken to anyone i knew of ETs I'd be dubbed "loony" but now its like everyone i know has had their own expirience..Do you think that media has turned bieng a beleiver into something thats trending or is there a more genuine answer?

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:34 AM
Thanks for your posts by the way!

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Mental Maze
Its funny how you should mention the UFO "fad" for lack of a better word..Think back four or five years, if i had spoken to anyone i knew of ETs I'd be dubbed "loony" but now its like everyone i know has had their own expirience..Do you think that media has turned bieng a beleiver into something thats trending or is there a more genuine answer?

maybe its because we now live in the all connected, and you tube/facebook era, and everyone wants their 5 mins of fame/attention and also there's a huge trend on internet hoax n jokes.

just an opinion!.



posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:47 AM
its easy and comfortable to say that we are all that exist. that way they can paint this picture and have it only go one way. with space being space its unlimited in its possibilities, i think that is what scares people.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Mental Maze
This might not be a popular thing to say on the subject of ET, but I think in looking for evidence of ET on Earth, it's important to allow for the possibility that they don't exist. Based on the evidence, it's the best position to take.

That isn't to say we should stop thinking, reading and looking. It's possible to hold many different ideas about the existence or not of Earth-visiting ETs. It's possible to take the position that ET is here and try to work out from there any number of reasons to explain the secrecy. Are we on a trading route? Are we part of the 'product?' Is there a nightmare scenario or do they just not care?

Another path, is to take the official position that ET is not visiting Earth. What scenario would explain various military and intelligence agencies creating and spreading stories that make it seem like ET *are* here?

ETA: SnF for posting an interesting question

edit on 17-10-2010 by Kandinsky because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:59 AM
True, but on the other hand ufos and ETs among politics are often still ridiculed or just thrown aside.The fact that the UN finally apointed physicist Dr osthman as the man for contact still lingers in mind my.Was someone appointed just so that the world would shut up about it, is it just a mockery to beleivers...or are we watching a much more sinister plot unfold?

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Mental Maze
This might not be a popular thing to say on the subject of ET, but I think in looking for evidence of ET on Earth, it's important to allow for the possibility that they don't exist. Based on the evidence, it's the best position to take.


If they decide show up and we're not prepared it'll be your fault.

.....When we are being worked to death in the alien labour camps, you are gonna feel so guilty.

edit on 17-10-2010 by Exuberant1 because: soooooo guilty

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:01 AM

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by Mental Maze
True, but on the other hand ufos and ETs among politics are often still ridiculed or just thrown aside.The fact that the UN finally apointed physicist Dr osthman as the man for contact still lingers in mind my.Was someone appointed just so that the world would shut up about it, is it just a mockery to beleivers...or are we watching a much more sinister plot unfold?

im not certain but i think that turned out to be a false story. ill try and find the thread.



posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by Mental Maze
True, but on the other hand ufos and ETs among politics are often still ridiculed or just thrown aside.The fact that the UN finally apointed physicist Dr osthman as the man for contact still lingers in mind my.Was someone appointed just so that the world would shut up about it, is it just a mockery to beleivers...or are we watching a much more sinister plot unfold?

The U.N. appointment is part of the grand deception.

I used to think people like Colonel Corso and Bob Lazar were telling the truth, but now that I know a lot more I think most of those people are nothing more than government-paid disinfo agents. They expected everyone to believe in aliens right away, but the public has always been very skeptical in general regarding aliens so it has taken them longer than expected to fully condition us.
edit on 17-10-2010 by Diplomat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

I understand where you're coming from,ufos have become so mainstream now that sooner or later the world will want a definite answer,if that answer cant be provided there will be problems,even if it is answered all this will do will bring more questions and fear which is exactly what government wants,they want us all to hide behind "big brother".

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by Mental Maze

True, but on the other hand ufos and ETs among politics are often still ridiculed or just thrown aside.The fact that the UN finally apointed physicist Dr osthman as the man for contact still lingers in mind my.Was someone appointed just so that the world would shut up about it, is it just a mockery to beleivers...or are we watching a much more sinister plot unfold?

It's best to stay neutral and not get bogged down in all the conflicting stories and interpretations. Dr Othman's position is focused on the possibility of bacteria from space...that kind of life. Basic lifeforms like single-celled critters in the vents of Mars. It's a scientific post and has no relation to intelligent ETs.

Let's face it, if ET was announced, the leader of whatever nation they landed in would have the honour. Until that day, we'll be trying to make sense of it all...and failing!!

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by Mental Maze
I know theres a great chance that intelligent ET life does exist within our boundaries,

Well, thank you for that compliment,

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

...When we are being worked to death in the alien labour camps, you are gonna feel so guilty.

Probably half the world would see an alien labour camp as an upgrade or promotion.

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