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Why do you care about 9/11?

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posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by Varemia

Even with Trade Center 7, a 47 story skyscraper has never taken so much damage from a collapsing building like the wtc1.

So 7 caught debris from WTC1 and if WTC1 had the iron melting and hot temperature thermate
falling in it the fires started melting 7 which might have its own spiked iron beams to make it
Not saying that such would totally bring 7 down which seem would need pre wiring itself as
implosions take time to work out.
ED: Seemingly there is more than plane crashes involved.

edit on 12/2/2010 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

I'm not trying to argue for WTC7 falling the way the engineers and scientists said it did in the official story. I'm just trying to bring to light that truthers use every fallacy in the book to make people think it was a conspiracy, all under the guise of "asking questions."

If you watch any video of WTC1 collapsing from the Northish side, you can see debris hitting WTC7. That's practically an undeniable truth. There is documented photo damage of the southwest corner if I remember correctly.

Then there's the common misconception that iron was melting. It didn't... end of story, I would think. Yes, something is dripping out of WTC2's corner before it collapses. There happened to be battery rooms and other lower-temperature melting metals, so there's a simple explanation. Thermite has not been conclusively proven since its entire existence relies entirely on the belief in nanothermite, which cannot be tested on the grounds that it is apparently super secret.

You can think all you want that perhaps there was more to 9/11, but I'm just saying that it is not the obvious line of reasoning unless you ignore facts and twist the truth. I care about it because I absolutely HATE seeing people duped by this.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Varemia
I'm not trying to argue for WTC7 falling the way the engineers and scientists said it did in the official story. I'm just trying to bring to light that truthers use every fallacy in the book to make people think it was a conspiracy, all under the guise of "asking questions."

Conspiracies are irrelevant.

Doesn't asking questions have something to do with SCIENCE?

If the collapse of WTC1 did so much damage to WTC7 why are there so few broken windows in WTC7 on the side that was facing WTC1? What kind of brain dead person can't wonder about something so OBVIOUS?

It is like the people that WANT TO BELIEVE the official story deliberately avoid doing any rational scientific thought on the subject. The 9/11 RELIGION must be preserved.


posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

See, that's what I don't get. You ask a question and then answer it yourself, with no backing. I haven't seen any pictures of the South side of the the WTC7 because guess what? A building collapsed there, and there was too much smoke to get an aerial view. You're thinking of the North side, which had only windows broken out from the fires.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Varemia
reply to post by psikeyhackr

See, that's what I don't get. You ask a question and then answer it yourself, with no backing. I haven't seen any pictures of the South side of the the WTC7 because guess what? A building collapsed there, and there was too much smoke to get an aerial view. You're thinking of the North side, which had only windows broken out from the fires.

I have no way of knowing what you have and have not seen and don't particularly care.

The first question was just a general question about scientific curiosity which could be applied to any problem.

The second part does apply to the WTC. The way WTC 7 came down with the roof line remaining so even should have raised questions with everyone no matter what. How could fire or massive strikes from outside have caused all of the supports to give simultaneously?


posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

It's been explained, that's all I'm saying. I was correcting your misconceptions about what happened in my previous post, because if you thought that the North side was the South side then you had to have been confused.

Check my signature, I have a link to a post FULL of very educational links that I have found over time. I think one of the first should be a very detailed post by member, exponent. Read through it thoroughly and come back to me here.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 09:23 PM
The only way I could possibly see your point is if you presented it as such:

"Why do you care about 911, when innocent people die all the time by TPTB for power and wealth?"

But to answer your question, one word: CLOSURE.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:43 PM
I care about it because the partial truth is so evident yet the majority reject that truth. !0 years later the majority still choose to believe a blatant lie. Its as bizarre to me as it is shocking.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Varemia
reply to post by psikeyhackr

It's been explained, that's all I'm saying. I was correcting your misconceptions about what happened in my previous post, because if you thought that the North side was the South side then you had to have been confused.

Check my signature, I have a link to a post FULL of very educational links that I have found over time. I think one of the first should be a very detailed post by member, exponent. Read through it thoroughly and come back to me here.

That is from one of your links. I looked at the collapse business first.

One of your links has obviously incorrect information.

The Twin towers are radically different in structural design as the exterior wall is used as the load-bearing wall. (A load bearing wall supports the weight of the floors.) The only interior columns are located in the core area, which contains the elevators. The outer wall carries the building vertical loads and provides the entire resistance to wind. The wall consists of closely spaced vertical columns (21 columns 10 feet apart) tied together by horizontal spandrel beams that girdle the tower at every floor.

There were 59 exterior columns on each side of the building and 47 columns in the core. The exterior columns were 3' 3" center to center. The NIST said the core took 53% of the load and the perimeter columns took 47%.

What I have never seen mentioned is how the core took the wind load. The exterior columns took the impact of the wind but they then pushed against the floor assemblies and the floor assemblies pushed against the core. The core had a more dense grid construction that a normal skyscraper.

So how did you find that 21 columns 10 feet apart crap?

So after NINE YEARS we can't get simple data correct.

Wait a minute! The 21 columns were in the first 8 stories but they weren't connected by spandrels I don't think.

edit on 2-12-2010 by psikeyhackr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

How can you pick one piece of data from one link and say that it disproves all of them? That's an extreme fallacy, really.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Varemia
reply to post by psikeyhackr

How can you pick one piece of data from one link and say that it disproves all of them? That's an extreme fallacy, really.

Where did I say it disproved all of them? But what does it say about how much you check them?

edit on 3-12-2010 by psikeyhackr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

911 was an event of psychopaths. These sick demented people don't stop until arrested, jailed or killed.

Surely you jest, because these sickos have rolled up 8 million dead in the Middle East. They have also salted depleted uranium dust into the ecosystem that will keep on killing and deforming babies for the next 8 billion years.

The work of these psychopaths have led to Americans being humiliated at airports with horrendous pat downs. People lined up and using the full body radiation machines have increased their chances to contract cancer to the psychopaths delight.

Yes, we know who is responsible for 911, and until they are brought to justice, nobody is safe, including you, your family and your pocketbook.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:15 AM
No one has stepped up for the tower construction as all are gone now and
left us with a problem they seemingly created, a lemon of a building?, that
was weak enough that Atta studied in Germany, according to one event
reconstruction documentary, to deduce a plane could bring it down.

Atta is a civil engineer on top of pilot or ring leader.
Such explanations on perhaps ordered scenarios that involved the plane

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

It would go down like a bad Quinton Aaron movie.

Who gets trapped in the rubble and how do we find them?

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Bordon81
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

It would go down like a bad Quinton Aaron movie.

Who gets trapped in the rubble and how do we find them?

Yeah we haven't found any of the 'unofficial' perpetrators.
The suiciders naturally disappeared and the only lead was Osama and his group of
bad guys still sticking up on the horizon like they forgot to duck.
Well they accepted full responsibility and we went to them.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
No one has stepped up for the tower construction as all are gone now and
left us with a problem they seemingly created, a lemon of a building?, that
was weak enough that Atta studied in Germany, according to one event
reconstruction documentary, to deduce a plane could bring it down.

Atta is a civil engineer on top of pilot or ring leader.
Such explanations on perhaps ordered scenarios that involved the plane

If normal airliners could bring those buildings down that fast then they could not have stood for 29 years and withstood 100 mph winds on multiple occasions.


posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

If normal airliners could bring those buildings down that fast then they could not have stood for 29 years and withstood 100 mph winds on multiple occasions.

So, if a building can withstand a 100 mph wind gust then it is "plane proof"?

Please tell me you're not a building designer.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Before I even considered 9/11 to be anything other than what we were shown on the BBC here in England,
I decided I wanted to try understand the inner workings of the UK Parliamentary system. It came about when I was off work and had the chance to sit and watch the daily Parliament channel on TV, watching our elected officials standing up and fighting for truth and justice. Well after 3 weeks of this I could`nt believe the complete non event going on. Seriously guys, watch our members of parliament stand up and concisely report their concerns to a few uninterested fellow mp`s, and it becomes obvious the level of interest of problems at street level is zero.
The show "Prime Ministers Questions" is a half hour charade that is embarrassing. Our leaders spitting and spatting over trivia is a joke.

This opened my eyes to level of lies and deceipt going on. my subsequent searches of government corruption and absurdity led me to the 9/11. This took me long while but it became so plainly evident what a crock of lies the cover up is.

Bottom line - I dont watch the BBC no more, never go to their website either. British Brainwashing Corporation
it`s like living in Russia or China.
Sad hey.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by psikeyhackr

If normal airliners could bring those buildings down that fast then they could not have stood for 29 years and withstood 100 mph winds on multiple occasions.

So, if a building can withstand a 100 mph wind gust then it is "plane proof"?

Please tell me you're not a building designer.

Who said anything about a gust? How many HOURS do storms last? How many decades do buildings have to stand?

Why don't we have something as simple as a table with the tons of steel and concrete on every level after NINE YEARS? Why haven't these building designers that impress you been saying much about that for NINE YEARS?

If it is so difficult how was the Empire State Building completed in 1931 without electronic computers but the NIST can't come up with 132 NUMBERS for the steel and concrete on 116 levels?


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