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Why do you care about 9/11?

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

I don't so much care for, But I feel for the people effected by the 9/11 events.
It may sound a bit pig-headed, but I don't know the people personally, I didn't know anyone effected by it, I find it hard to 'care' about it.

I think I'll probably get flamed for this, but I'm just telling the truth as I see it.


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:26 PM
I don’t have any real or direct stake in the 911 story either. But I care because of what it is bringing out in our country. Experts in fruitcakeology.

I am still waiting for someone to prove to me that it is other than the official story. All of the web babble I have read so far comes from people who did not see any of the actual physical evidence first hand. Is that the way you would want to be tried for a crime?
Maybe we should coin a new legal term “Convicted by Youtube”.

If this is a true conspiracy why doesn’t one of these “experts” sue the government on one point or another? You say the building were blown up? Then sue one of the commission signers for falsifying the report. Go into a court and lay your cards out or should I say nano thermite.

Any takers? I didn’t think so.

It’s like a bunch of women gossiping only worse.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:34 PM
It interests me because it's the first real internet-only conspiracy. I'm fascinated by the way the web has helped propagate alternative views of the event.

I'm also interested in it as a snapshot of a certain sort of paranoid thinking in late US capitalism, how it chimes with anti-government thinking and a certain sort of eschatological mood. It's also psychologically diverting - it's led me to think quite a lot about the way human beings process traumatic events, especially in a highly visual culture.

That all sounds quite pretentious, but it is true.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:39 PM
I care about 9/11 because it is the worst of a whole series of terrorist attacks on the West and I fear that it will almost certainly be repeated and even on a greater scale. This foiled attack could have been one such :-

What makes it worse is that there are evidently some people in the US and UK who, for whatever reasons, are determined to deflect blame onto their own governments, the jews, Israel what have you. I regard this as perverse, 100 % unhelpful and a sort of treachery and that is why I post on here.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Death & Destruction on your own people, and then framed onto groups to further justify a foreign policy that the public would never support otherwise, is a huge miscarriage of justice, not mention absolutely evil, and stretches beyond the horrible events of 9/11.

I care, because I care about truth and justice.

In case anybody hasn't figured this out yet, we will never get this from a human entity at this level, I am thankful that I know that one day, we will get to the truth of this matter, as a higher force will end all the injustices on this earth in his due time.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Ah , cause I HATE The MAN ? .Yeah , that's it !

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:07 PM
i care because as a kid everytime my family and i went into the city or brooklyn, the first thing i would look for was the twin towers. my earliest memories are of being downtown, peering up at these two giant twin buildings. when i was 20, i watched from my corner in brooklyn as the first building fell. i threw up. i convinced myself that everyone was evacuated. that i hadn't witnessed the death of countless people. i was sickened. i ran to my father's school ( he was a principal at the time) and watched in horror as the second tower fell. it wasn't real. teachers were spellbound. not believing. draws dropped. the rest of the week was even worse, realizing it was real. then seeing the "missing persons" posters all over manhattan...

that's why i care. i think about it every day.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:51 PM
I care because I like to believe that I am an intelligent person capable of making observations and deducing facts and accurate hypothesis from those observations.

I'm also annoyed at the few people who have shunned me and called me crackpot/lunatic....I yearn for the day I drop a big I TOLD YOU so on them an on every other American in the world.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:32 PM
The world is living in multiple lies already so why care about another one.
Just my own satisfaction in uncovering the harder ones.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

I lost two highschool friends in tower #2. At this point I don't think we will ever find out a conspiracy. I feel bad for families left behind. I look forward to the new tower going up. I don't want it ever to see it happen again.

Why are you asking these questions? What are you getting at?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:58 PM
Why do I care?

How many men, women and innocent children have lost their lives because of 9/11? It doesn't stop with the 3000+ people that lost their lives directly on that day, but also the wars we have entered into under the guise of stopping the 'terrorists'. Since then? Since then our freedoms have been systematically stripped from us. We've seen the creation of the 'Fatherland' in the disguise of the DHS. We've seen adults and children alike subjected to Constitutionally illegal 'enhanced patdowns' and the rise of the TSA and the notion of 'security theater'. We're the frogs in the pot, and ever since 9/11 the elites have been slowly turning up the heat to bring the water to a boil. Do I believe the 'official' story? I'll put it this way, I believe the 9/11 commision's report just as much as I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter. I care because I do not want to see our great nation, and the rest of the world, turn into a police state control grid. 9/11 clearly served as catalyst for all of these things to occur.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by GetRadNZ
reply to post by In nothing we trust
I don't so much care for, But I feel for the people effected by the 9/11 events.
It may sound a bit pig-headed, but I don't know the people personally, I didn't know anyone effected by it, I find it hard to 'care' about it.

I am still waiting for someone to prove to me that it is other than the official story. All of the web babble I have read so far comes from people who did not see any of the actual physical evidence first hand. Is that the way you would want to be tried for a crime?

That is the problem right there.

Skyscrapers must hold themselves up. There is no getting around the fact. That means every level MUST be strong enough to support everything above. The designers had to figure out how much steel and how it had to be distributed to accomplish that was necessary. The Empire State Building was completed in 1931. So it is not like it was new technology in 1960. What kind of computers were available in 1931?

So the problem is, "Why does anyone believe that an airliner could do that much destruction that fast?" And then doesn't expect to be told the distribution of steel. So why can't we be told it with today's computers. It is incomprehensible.

Conspiracies are irrelevant. This is PHYSICS! Why should we listen to physicists talk about Black Holes if they won't ask about the steel in a supposed gravitational collapse. Don't Black Holes have something to do with gravity?

This relates to our entire educational system, especially the engineering schools. But by letting this go on for NINE YEARS they have dug an interesting hole for themselves. How can they say the steel distribution is important to the analysis NINE YEARS after the fact. So this is supposed to go on forever?

Here is an example of education:


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

Why is my post quoted in your post?
Just curious as I didn't find anything related to my post in yours.


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:15 PM
to be honest im fed up with the whole 911 thing
yes its sad, yes it shouldnt have happend
but its like what ten years ago?
people need to move on

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by GetRadNZ
reply to post by psikeyhackr
Why is my post quoted in your post?
Just curious as I didn't find anything related to my post in yours.

Because you said this:

I am still waiting for someone to prove to me that it is other than the official story.

You are saying that the promoters of the Official Conspiracy Theory don't have to PROVE that airliners could destroy the twin towers.

Does anybody need a PhD in physics and a masters in structural engineering to understand some simple facts about skyscrapers. Didn't the first story of the WTC have to be strong enough to support the 109 above it? Didn't the second story have to be strong enough to support the 108 above it? So didn't the designers of the buildings have to figure out how to distribute the steel all of the way up the building before they even dug the hole for the foundation? Could they even come up with reasonably accurate construction estimates without that information.

The Official Story depends on an airliner doing structural damage and starting a fire and the steel in the impact zone weakening sufficiently in LESS THAN TWO HOURS for the portion above to fall and for that portion to crush EVERYTHING BELOW in less than 18 SECONDS.

Is it unreasonable to EXPECT TO BE TOLD the quantity of steel on every level of the building in order to believe all of that? So what is with the so called Truth Movement that doesn't even demand it? Richard Gage needs to talk about demolition to keep an emotional issue going. Shouldn't architects and engineers know about the importance of the distribution of steel? Try finding them discussing it on their site.

Where would this issue be today if 2/3rds of the engineering schools had come out in June of 2002 and said there was no way airliners could do that? Now they can't attack the official story without making themselves look STUPID.

Grade school kids all over the world should be laughing at the United States.


posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

Uhh, when did I say this? I think you've got me confused with someone else? Because I looked back and saw that I've never said this?


posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:40 AM
I am a NZer, and this is why I care about 9/11

1. Because when it happened I truly grieved for those murdered people and their families, and I felt deep emotion for those brave people who tried to rescue them.

3. And now, I am feeling those same emotions about the Pike River deaths.

2. Because I am a lover of the truth - bring it on!

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 07:31 AM
I care about 9/11 because I literally can't believe how stupid the majority of people are. People will believe anything that a person says with conviction, be it conspiracy, official story, or some kind of alien in a handbag if you coax them enough.

I constantly see all these "physicists" and "engineers" who seem to have fallen for truther simplifications of that day, completely ignoring that it wasn't black-and-white A falls on B, B becomes pulverized (same as crushed). The undeniable fact is that B didn't become pulverized. A much more complicated rapid destructive process took place that has likely never been see before. This is probably because a skyscraper of 100 stories like the Trade Centers has never, and really I mean never had damage up there and begun to collapse at that point. Even with Trade Center 7, a 47 story skyscraper has never taken so much damage from a collapsing building like the wtc1.

If we look past the fallacy and try to find hard data, we begin to see REAL truth, and not that substantiated by personal vendetta against the government. I'm not saying the official story is all there could be, but it pretty well covers its bases in the realm of facts in regard to the tower collapses. Anyone that says otherwise is either oversimplifying the event, or quite honestly, a little loony.

I really care because I care about people and their understanding of truth. If I can get even some people to stop accepting truther misconceptions like sugar in a spoon, then I feel like I've made a difference.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Varemia

Even with Trade Center 7, a 47 story skyscraper has never taken so much damage from a collapsing building like the wtc1.

So 7 caught debris from WTC1 and if WTC1 had the iron melting and hot temperature thermate
falling in it the fires started melting 7 which might have its own spiked iron beams to make it
Not saying that such would totally bring 7 down which seem would need pre wiring itself as
implosions take time to work out.
ED: Seemingly there is more than plane crashes involved.

edit on 12/2/2010 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by GetRadNZ
reply to post by In nothing we trust

I don't so much care for, But I feel for the people effected by the 9/11 events.
It may sound a bit pig-headed, but I don't know the people personally, I didn't know anyone effected by it, I find it hard to 'care' about it.

I think I'll probably get flamed for this, but I'm just telling the truth as I see it.


There's not a single human being not effected by it, including you and me.

And that is in fact why I care about it. Compassion for my fellow human being. Even the so and so's.

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