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The Solomon Formula : Theophysical Science

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by SamG2016
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Jesus was Born on the 7x7x7th day of the year: The 343rd day, 9th of December and 9:00 p.m. the 3rd hour. Jesus Died in 30 A.D., in the 9th hour which is 3:00 pm, all of this information can easily be found in your King James Version (Only) of The Holy Bible, all you have to do is learn The Solomon Formula:111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999 (360). I did.

There were 777 NYC firemen killed in the line of duty, up until September 11, 2001. (9/11)

On Septermber 11, 2001, 343 NYC firemen were killed.
343 = 7 x 7 x 7

Another number in this thread = 234, which is the mirror of 432 (radius of sun in miles x 1000)
234+432 = 666

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:12 AM
Lets just put something out there for you my friend
The Gregorian Calendar came in 1582 - So you cannot use todays calendar for your theories
Lets head back to the time and place of your discussion:
The Hebrew calendar was used up until 45BC
After they used the Roman calendar (aka Julian) 45bc > 1582 ad
and 731BC the Numa

The Hebrew calendar has evolved over time. For example, until the Tannaitic period, the months were set by observation of a new crescent moon, with an additional month added every two or three years to keep Passover in the spring, again based on observation of natural events, namely the ripening of barley to reach the stage of "aviv"

So to follow this Hebrew, they are in fact maybe many years out of sync

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by hawk123
Okay hawk123, keep that process going, you may actually be able to use that brain for a lot of good, come on: In the Sept. 11 scene, 343 fire fighters were killed (7x7x7), okay, now touch the work: Go to Revelation Chapter 20, and look at Verse 1: it reads:
"And I saw an ANGEL come down from the heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand." 23=words. 85-letters.
Is the above a fact: Okay, now Verse 1 contains 85 letters: = 185
World = 72 Trade=48 Center=65 Totals: 185. So much for the Target.
Humor me, pretend I may be on to something: I am saying, that Verse 1 = 2001, now lets count all the numbers involved with this idea: 2 + 00 + 1 + 23-words + 85-letters = 1 1 1. 365-days minus 111 = 254, as in the 254th day of the stinkin' year = 11 September!!!!
Now for the place: New = 42 York=69 Totals 1 1 1.
You can stop humoring me now. If you have the brains that I believe you have, you can see that The Solomon Formula is at PLAY: 111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999.
Now, if Verse 1 = 2001, what does Verses 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 equal! Welcome to The Solomon Formula hawk 123, you have a working brain!

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by lavenlaar
lavenlaar, come on give yourself a break, who cares about that Gregorian calender, what calender are we using TODAY. Try this with all those other calenders: Give each month their letter number count: January=7, etc., etc., you will end up with the number 74. So what right? 12 x 74 = 8 8 8. Do that with the so called Hebrew calender, or anybody else's calender, and you will get zilch. Work with TODAY because that is what the ALMIGHTY knew we'd be using today. Not only did the Almighty know we would be using ABC's and 123's,He knew we would be using this set of 14-Calenders. The 99th day of our year is what number day? You know the answer......the 9th of April (9 9 9). There definitely is a formula at play, and it is called THE SOLOMON FORMULA, and it is easy, and yet, it is NOT FOR EVERYONE, if you are wrapped too tightly in to religion, or believe in the Hollywood versions of things like 6 6 6, then this material is not for you. If you are a scholar, then you will FIRST EXAMINE everything about this formula, and after a complete examination, THEN you can say with some intelligence that what you have examined is false or true. One person said, all he has to do is read the back dust cover of a book and know if its good or bad....what a guy!! Touch this matter, and you will not be sorry. Learn until the day you die, always be Climbing Towards The Light.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 02:45 PM
reply to [url=htt kk123, before I forget, and shortchange my God, The Solomon Formula, you and myself, let me finish the account of Sept. 11, 2001; I almost forgot: That verse (Revelation 20:1) also contains the exact number of people who died that day: Lets see, ready: Verse 1 contains 23-words = 1+23=24. 24x123=2952.
Key: Chapter 20+1+23+2952=2 9 9 6.
If you go down to Revelation 20:3.......that of course equals 2003 A.D., what happened that year that was very important to America? The capture of Saddam Hussein, where did they find a pit...check out the verse, what word do you see...."pit"...notice in the verse, they are talking about "...him...him...him...he...he...", when you do the mathematics of the verse, you will find that they add up to the EXACT DAY Saddam Hussein was captured in December of 2003. Revelation is prophetic, from the year 2001 thru 2015.
As for what is going to happen 2012 AD, nothing is going to happen, because the experts are reading the calender wrong. It is a numeric-glyph, and once you learn this material, you will find that THE SOLOMON FORMULA controls The Aztec Calender Stone as well, and the dates found on that numeric-glyph can be found on the pages of The Holy Bible! How is that possible? Everything is possible with the Almighty God.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Ok, I get that you have 266 as the gestation period because 1. it is 38 weeks, and 2. because the bible says so. I also get that you understand that a relatively small percentage of people are actually born 266 days after conception. I guess I don't understand how you can say for certain that all these peoples birthdates can be determined when in FACT, you don't know the gestation period of every individual in the bible. You can massage the numbers however you wish, but numbers can and do lie if you let your imagination do the science for you. This is a classic case of letting the hypothesis define the research. Oldest path to failure in science. Sorry.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by SamG2016

And there were 777 NYC firemen killed in the line of duty, up until September 11, 2001. (9/11)

On your 365 - 111 = 254 - 234 = January 20, 2001 (The day the previouse president started)
234 is the number of days this president ruled until 9/11.
234 + 432 (radius sun in miles x 1000) = 666

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by SamG2016
reply to post by lavenlaar
lavenlaar, come on give yourself a break, who cares about that Gregorian calender, what calender are we using TODAY. Try this with all those other calenders: Give each month their letter number count: January=7, etc., etc., you will end up with the number 74. So what right? 12 x 74 = 8 8 8. Do that with the so called Hebrew calender, or anybody else's calender, and you will get zilch. Work with TODAY because that is what the ALMIGHTY knew we'd be using today. Not only did the Almighty know we would be using ABC's and 123's,He knew we would be using this set of 14-Calenders. The 99th day of our year is what number day? You know the answer......the 9th of April (9 9 9). There definitely is a formula at play, and it is called THE SOLOMON FORMULA, and it is easy, and yet, it is NOT FOR EVERYONE, if you are wrapped too tightly in to religion, or believe in the Hollywood versions of things like 6 6 6, then this material is not for you. If you are a scholar, then you will FIRST EXAMINE everything about this formula, and after a complete examination, THEN you can say with some intelligence that what you have examined is false or true. One person said, all he has to do is read the back dust cover of a book and know if its good or bad....what a guy!! Touch this matter, and you will not be sorry. Learn until the day you die, always be Climbing Towards The Light.

Last i remember mate we ARE using the Gregorian !!!!
You must use the Julian calendar if that was what they were using at the time !
and the 'almighty' says that the US way of dates IS the way huh ? MM/DD/YY

OH and don't preach here !
edit on 19-10-2010 by lavenlaar because: spelling

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by trouthash
Go to the 12th book of The Holy Bible KJV, it is the book of Esther, you will notice that in Chapter l, the name Esther cannot be found. She is not mentioned until Chap. 2, and then they mention her 12-times.
Pay attention: 12th book, 12-times, is somebody trying to tell you something?
Lets pretend that 12 is Esthers Creation Day: Ready? 12 + 266-days(gestation)= 2 7 8. What does that mean?
Now find Esther, that is, the first time the word Esther is used: Let me help you: Chapter 2, Verse 7, Word 8, as in 2 7 8 = Her Birthday! Now, if that is juggling numbers, then I am The King!
Same thing for Moses: 234 is Moses' Birthday! Chapter 2 of Exodus gives you his birthday and creation day over and over again.....juggle! You wish! Either it is there, or it is not there. Now, when you look at the Esther lesson, you tell me, is it there or isn't it. If you take a middle ground, then know this: This material is NOT for you! Same goes for finding Jesus' Birth Day, its too easy, and I can prove it over and over again, but YOU have to verify or refute these lessons. Not by shaking your head NO, but by actually doing the work, only then can you say something is not right! Surprise yourself, try and learn something new!

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by SamG2016
Jesus was Born on the 7x7x7th day of the year: The 343rd day, 9th of December and 9:00 p.m. the 3rd hour. Jesus Died in 30 A.D., in the 9th hour which is 3:00 pm, all of this information can easily be found in your King James Version (Only) of The Holy Bible, all you have to do is learn The Solomon Formula:111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999 (360). I did.

How did you reach that conclusion? I mean if you are using your formula that is pretty cool...considering most religious people say Jesus died at 3 PM. (The Opposite being 3 Am...paranoid people say it is Satan's witching hour. Well I'm not going to get into that stuff.)

But I am having trouble understanding your math. Please break it down to the point that someone with a headache can figure it out. A Complete summary of the steps and what it means would be nice for me. I know you have already said it here...but well it's spread out all over the place. :O

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by drew1749
Okay drew1749, you are on: Where ever Jesus speaks for the first time, he has to speak on his birth, the 343 numbers will be there. When ever Jesus is mentioned for the first time, the 777, 343 will be there. The entire first chapter of Matthew will give up Jesus' birth day several times.
Jesus was Created on the 12th week, 77th day. Jesus was Born on the 12th month, 7x7x7th day (the 9th of Dec.)
There are five 7's in Jesus' numbers: 5x7=35, Jesus lived from Creation to Death: 35 years. 35x365=12775.
12775 was a Friday. 12776 was a Saturday, 12777 was the day he Resurrected. Jesus was Created & Born in the year 6 B.C. and he died in the year 30 A.D. You have to take out your paper and pen and do the math yourself.
It will impress you. After he was Born, 8-days later, on the 351st day, Jesus had to be CIRCUMCISED. So, he had THREE important dates to keep his first year: 77 & 343 & 351, add them up and get 771. Now add the year:
6 B.C. and you get Jesus' Key: 777. Solomon's Key is 666. Light/Lucifer/The Serpent/The Light GIVER his key is 555. Satan is a worker, he only has two numbers 55, he works for the Almighty God, they all do. The Almighty God, has no adversaries! Go to Genesis 2:22 (222) and see who is mentioned for the first time. And then go to Genesis (Book 1) Chapter 2 Verse 7, with its 27-words, and see "first contact" with "man" for the Key of 111. Adam's Key:111 or 12x7+27=111. This formula does not require that you know some high faluttin out of this world's a 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, kind of math, WHY, becaue its God's language, and He arranged for everyone to be able to understand it, me and you and those of us of UNDERSTANDING! When you are ready for more, let me know.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by SamG2016
reply to post by drew1749
Jesus was Created & Born in the year 6 B.C. and he died in the year 30 A.D. You have to take out your paper and pen and do the math yourself.

Okay go on. Tell me more. Lay it all out. Maybe give me steps because I don't understand the formula.


Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by drew1749
Okay drew1749, good request, from the start: This formula controls over 30-unrelated sciences, and here is the formula: (Again) 111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999 (& 360). These numbers represent people in The Holy Bible (KJV..only). Lets deal with the oldest and misunderstood number: 6 6 6. I have found that 6 6 6, is in fact Solomon's Key. Lets prove this: So, we go to where "Solomon" is first used in THB. But, first, you have to know and understand this: The Holy Bible is 3-sections, not 2. 1. The Holy Torah (the 5-books of Moses). 2. The Old Testament (Joshua to Malachi). 3. The New Testament (Matthew thru Revelation). Okay, we go to Book 5 of the Old Testament: II Samual Chapter 12. Then we go to Verses 24 & 25. Read the verses for yourself, they introduce Solomon for the first time. Now do the math. 5 + 12 + 24 + 25 +(24x25)=6 6 6.
6x6x6=216 = the 4th of August in 1000 B.C. when Solomon was Created placed inside his mothers womb. 216+266-days later (the gestation period) on the 117th day (27th of April, 999 B.C. Solomon was Born. Now look at all the numbers:5 + 12 +24+25+31-words+20-words =1 1 7= Solomon's Birth Day.
Now lets look at the verse where "Solomon" is first used: Verse 24 contains 31-words, 119-letters, Solomon is the 26th word, Solomon contains 7-letters that equal 103. Now lets do the math: 24x31+119+26+103+7=9 9 9.
As in 999 B.C. Now you have to ask the right question...How? Why do the right numbers keep turning up?
Because A Very Powerful entity arranged for The King James Bible ONLY to have the Right Numbers in play.
There IS a God, and He is still at play in our time. This material is NOT for everyone. Each and every time, Solomon is mentioned for he first time...His 666-Key will be present. When he is mentioned for the first time in The New Testament.....666 is present. The clue: "Here is wisdom." In Revelation 13:18, that was the clue, there is only ONE person in all of the Bible known exclusively for his wisdom: SOLOMON! There is your 1., 2., 3., answer. Think on it, it is very easy. Believing it, after years and years of having your mind polluted with religious and Hollywood nonesense, you have to make a decision: Reason or non-reason. Good Luck.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 04:01 PM
273 = Hiram Abiff = ChVRM + ABIV = 254 + 19
465 = King Solomon = MLK + ShLMH = 90 + 375 = SUM (1..30)
640 = Hiram, King of Tyre = ChVRM + MLK + TzVR = 254 + 90 + 296
1378 = Total = SUM (1..52)

1378 - 640 = 738 = 2 x 369 (3321 = 369 x 9)
273 + 465 = 738 = 2 x 369 (3321 = magic square of the moon)

1378 is starting year of the Rosicrucians.

But why has Solomon the value 375 = ShLMH in Hebrew?

edit on 21-10-2010 by hawk123 because: Missing link

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by SamG2016
reply to post by drew1749
Okay drew1749, good request, from the start: This formula controls over 30-unrelated sciences, and here is the formula: (Again) 111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999 (& 360). These numbers represent people in The Holy Bible (KJV..only). Lets deal with the oldest and misunderstood number: 6 6 6. I have found that 6 6 6, is in fact Solomon's Key. Lets prove this: So, we go to where "Solomon" is first used in THB. But, first, you have to know and understand this: The Holy Bible is 3-sections, not 2. 1. The Holy Torah (the 5-books of Moses). 2. The Old Testament (Joshua to Malachi). 3. The New Testament (Matthew thru Revelation). Okay, we go to Book 5 of the Old Testament: II Samual Chapter 12. Then we go to Verses 24 & 25. Read the verses for yourself, they introduce Solomon for the first time. Now do the math. 5 + 12 + 24 + 25 +(24x25)=6 6 6.
6x6x6=216 = the 4th of August in 1000 B.C. when Solomon was Created placed inside his mothers womb. 216+266-days later (the gestation period) on the 117th day (27th of April, 999 B.C. Solomon was Born. Now look at all the numbers:5 + 12 +24+25+31-words+20-words =1 1 7= Solomon's Birth Day.
Now lets look at the verse where "Solomon" is first used: Verse 24 contains 31-words, 119-letters, Solomon is the 26th word, Solomon contains 7-letters that equal 103. Now lets do the math: 24x31+119+26+103+7=9 9 9.
As in 999 B.C. Now you have to ask the right question...How? Why do the right numbers keep turning up?
Because A Very Powerful entity arranged for The King James Bible ONLY to have the Right Numbers in play.
There IS a God, and He is still at play in our time. This material is NOT for everyone. Each and every time, Solomon is mentioned for he first time...His 666-Key will be present. When he is mentioned for the first time in The New Testament.....666 is present. The clue: "Here is wisdom." In Revelation 13:18, that was the clue, there is only ONE person in all of the Bible known exclusively for his wisdom: SOLOMON! There is your 1., 2., 3., answer. Think on it, it is very easy. Believing it, after years and years of having your mind polluted with religious and Hollywood nonesense, you have to make a decision: Reason or non-reason. Good Luck.

I have to hand it to you...your formula seems to work for you. BUT, what good is this if all it tells us is stuff we already know? Give me a shocking revelation you can get from it. In fact...find the date of revelation/end times.

Edit: I read your post again and noticed you never explained how the formula works...or at least I'm not getting it. Where do I place the numbers? Where do I find the digits? Break the formula down for me. A formula usually has a variable...or something to input. What do we input here?
edit on 10/21/2010 by drew1749 because: Clearing up stuff.

EDIT2: In mathematics, a formula (plural: formulas or formulae [1]) is an entity constructed using the symbols and formation rules of a given logical language.

^ Wikipedia
edit on 10/21/2010 by drew1749 because: Definition of Formula.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by trouthash
Ok, I get that you have 266 as the gestation period because 1. it is 38 weeks, and 2. because the bible says so. I also get that you understand that a relatively small percentage of people are actually born 266 days after conception. I guess I don't understand how you can say for certain that all these peoples birthdates can be determined when in FACT, you don't know the gestation period of every individual in the bible. You can massage the numbers however you wish, but numbers can and do lie if you let your imagination do the science for you. This is a classic case of letting the hypothesis define the research. Oldest path to failure in science. Sorry.

I would expect that the gestation period is 271 days. (At least in Hebrew language)

The verse in the Tanakh reads:
Ruth 4:13 So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife: and when he went in unto her, the LORD gave her conception, and she bare a son. (KJV)

Now, let's look at the Gematria for the word pregnancy, conception (herayon in Hebrew)...

The Hebrew Gematria of herayon is Heh (Gematria 5), Resh (Gematria 200), Yod (Gematria 10), Vav (Gematria 6), Nun (Gematria 50). The total Gematria is therefore 5+200+10+6+50 = 271.

Now, 271 is exactly the expected number of days for a normal pregnancy. Nine months of pregnancy, of 30 days each, gives 270 days, then you go into labor, then on the 271st day the baby is born!

Searching: 271 and herayon gives amazing results. For example:

On above link you find its Related Number: 1776 (Birth of the United States) See the 1 Dollar bill.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by SamG2016
No, The Solomon Formula does not work for me, it just works for whomever has the moxie to know where and how to LOOKL
Let's dp am easy one: 234. who is 234? Go to Book 2, Chapter 3, Verse 4. You will find Moses speaking for the first time: "Here am I". Okay, ask the right question: My God, where in The Holy Torah do they use the word Moses for the first time? The Holy Torah the 5-books of Moses. See, Book 2, at Chap. & Verse 2:10, and Moses is the 22nd word: Key: 2 + 210 + 22 = 2 3 4.
Using the 266-day gestation period, we do this: Moses' Key: 3 3 3 = His Creation Day (in 1470 BC)...okay, now we do this: 333 + 266 = 599. There is no 599th day, so we subtract 365 and we get 2 3 4 for a Birth. And 333 + 234 = 567 = The Master Key of The Solomon Formula.
Go to Exodus (Book 2), Chapter 2, Verse 2...look at the word: "....CONCIEVED...." the word concieved has an alphanumeric value of 80, it is the 4th word. 4x80=320+9-letters+Verse 2 + Chap. 2 = 3 3 3. What trick, what number juggling did I do?? None!! This formula has been waiting patiently to be found, and now it has been FOUND. In Book 2, Chapter 2, Moses is used 8 times. Key: 22nd day of the 8th month: The 2 3 4th day of the year: Moses' Birth Day. I can prove these numbers all day with the bible. This takes actual work, no reading will give you this must touch the work..and you must have UNDERSTANDING. You just received two very easy lessons, work them again for yourself, and see just how easy this matter is. It is easy because the Almighty wants those of understanding to KNOW!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by drew1749
drew1749...Ask the RIGHT questions and you get the RIGHT answers, but, if you will for now...humor me, pretend that I may be on to something: I said 5, 55, 555, these are the bad numbers (not 666), okay, you have to say the two most important words a student can ever ask: PROVE IT!
No, you are going to prove it,using YOUR BRAIN, not mine.
Go to the New Testament, go to Book 5, Chapter 5, Verse 5. And read what has happened. Then go down 5-verse, and read what happens to his wife. Now notice the number of words to each verse, they will total 55.
The 5-wound that Jesus sustained. He stays on the cross 555-minutes and dies! All this is provable stuff. All you have to do is read the verse, and then use The Solomon Formula for the math...and Bingo, you learn that Jesus was nailed to the cross at 5:45 pm, and at 3:00 pm (555-minutes later) he died. That's why Pontius Pilate said:
"He's dead already???" Jesus had to conform to the working formula that was at play, and still is at play in our time.
This matter is something that one day will be common knowledge, you are getting in on the ground floor...that is if you apply yourself to actually doing the work. There is no casually reading TSF and understanding it, a lot of people fancy themselves to be genius', or deep thinkers, well, I guess there is nothing really wrong with masturbating your own ego, if thats all you have going for yourself. But, this formula works, and can be found in over 30-UNrelated sciences....Why?

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