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The Solomon Formula : Theophysical Science

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posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:13 AM
Introducing THE SOLOMON FORMULA : An Introduction to Theophysical Science. This is The Solomon Formula (TSF): 360-111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999. This pattern of simple mathematics can be found holding together over 30-UNrelated sciences. TSF can be found in The Holy Bible (KJV only), in one version of The Holy Koran (not Qu'ran), in the Quetzalcoatl Stone (aka The Aztec Calendar), in our Planetary Configuration of 2-Earth-6 or 2-1-6, in the Great Pyramid, in our division of the Earth Longitude & Latitude, in Ancient & Modern Historical Dates(Events), in our Calendar (not the Jewish, or Greek), in Myths, Legends, Traditions, in some of the many Religions(& their practices), in various Symbols (of antiquity), in certain Names(& certain objects), in The Periodic Table of Elements, in Binary, in DNA, in MicroBiology, in the mathematics of The Rosary, in our Aphabet(not in the Hebrew/Greek/Roman), in the Zoroastrian religion, the list goes on and on, and I am certain that there are other places and things that I have yet to consider or find.

TSF will easily show you how to find the actual creation/birth/death days of people of history, like Jesus, Moses, Solomon, King David, Mary, Joseph, Judah, Noah, ADAM & EVE(yes, they were Born just like you and I), and most of the others found in The Holy Bible. Jesus' Key: 777. How to use Jesus' Key: 7x7x7=343=9 December (in 6 B.C.), Jesus was placed inside his mothers womb on the 77th day of 6 B.C., Jesus would die on the 77th day of 30 A.D., he would be alive from his Creation to his Resurrection:12,777 days.

As for the dreaded 666, that is Solomon's key: Remember the dreaded verse said: "...count the number...for it is the number of a MAN...", did you bother to follow the instructions? No! 6x6x6=216=4th day of August(in 1000 B.C., the exact day Solomon was placed inside his mothers womb. 266-days later, on the 117th day, 999 B,C. Solomon was Born.

As for WHO the sinister one is: Try 555, this is LIGHT, and Light is a Good thing! You must understand this all important thing: The Almighty God HAS NO ADVERSARIES, and why not? I just wrote it, He is The ALMIGHTY God, no one can go against Him and win. All of the entities that are described in the many religions as bad entities all SERVE and OBEY The Almighty God of the 99-Names. Getting back to 555=Light/The Serpent, Lucifer, etc., etc., Satan is not who you may believe he is: Look at his numbers: S=19,A=1,T=20,A=1,N=14 and that totals: 55. 5-letters = 55. Satan is a two number guy, so he follows the orders of 555 who in turn follows the orders of His Father (The Almighty), and of course there is 5, who is Death himself. 555=Light, 55=Satan, 5=Death.

See: Genesis 2:22 for the first mention of the word "...woman...", 222= Eve's Key. On the 222nd day of 5070 B.C. Eve was placed inside HER MOTHERS womb. And of course, on the 111st day of 5070 B.C. Adam was created (placed inside HIS MOTHERS womb. You have heard of Mother Earth, well its really the Earth Mother, and if there is an Earth Mother, there is an Earth Father (Eve's Father) "Daddy's Girl", and Adam was "Momma's Boy", once you learn how to see, and to ask the Right Questions, only then will the Right Answers fall into your grasps. That is knowledge, then you have to understand that knowledge, then comes WISDOM/LIGHT.

This material is NOT for casual fireside reading, you have to touch this material, by that I mean you have to work it, you have to verify or refute what you are seeing in black and white. I have been working on this matter for some 27-years, and I have barely touched the surface. Imagine that there is a table 4'x4' in front of you, now place a button the size of a pea on it, well that's how much I know about this grande formulae. I will stop working TSF when I die, and hopefully, upon my death, I will go on to fathom more.

I call this THEOPHYSICAL SCIENCE: Theo of course is The Almighty God, and Physical of course is You and I.
Theophysical Science : "GOD'S HAND UPON ME", and I am
Sam G. of The Solomon Formula
edit on 19-10-2010 by Gemwolf because: Removed all caps from title

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by SamG2016

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this doesn't make a lick of sense.

Care to elaborate on a few things? Like how you know Jesus is 777, or where 6 B.C came from? or the 1000 B.C. for Salomon's conception?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by SamG2016

I have to admit I didn't even get through the whole thread but I already have to ask how 343= December 9, as well as the other equations that don't make any sense at all. I'll finish reading the thread now.

Ok I just finished reading and I have nothing more to say.
edit on 15-10-2010 by iamnot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by BobbinHood
First of all, do you have your TOOLS, 1. a King James Version 2. a pocket calculator, 3. pens 4. paper and 5. more curiosity than a common house kitten? Are you ready: The Solomon Formula is called that because I found that "King Solomon" (not Jesus, or Moses, etc.,) holds this pattern together. So, when in doubt, look for Solomon to let you know that you are on the right track. Like so, look for 666, 216, 117, 999 (or any of TSF numbers (they let you know that TSF is at work, and you are in the ball park so to speak.

You have to ask the RIGHT QUESTION(s): Ask: My God, where exactly is "Jesus" first used (introduced) in The Holy Bible: Answer: Matthew 1:1 (7th word) you see Solomon at work (117). Book 1, Chapter 1, Verse 1 x's the 7th word = 777. Ah! but you don't like my juggling of numbers, why not make book 1, Chap. 1, verse 1 a 3. Okay, ya got me partner. Now lets do it the hard way:

"The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."
Give every word its ALPHA-NUMERIC VALUE (ANV) A=1, B=2, etc., etc., once you do that, you will arrive at the numbers 698. And that is a FACT. Now 698 + 16-words + 63-letters = 7 7 7. And that is another FACT.

You will notice that Chapter 1 has 25=Verses, and you will notice that at Verse 18 there is one of those backward looking P's (its a story marker)....ready: add from 1+2+ on thru + 25 and you will get 325 + the 18th verse story marker = 343. And that too is a fact. 7x7x7= 343 and that too is another fact.

Now go to Verse 18, where it reads: "Now the birth of Jesus Christ..." ANV=314+ 18 + 5-letters in Jesus, + 6-letters in Christ = 343. Jesus/Immanuel is referred to 6-times. Why 6, because in mathematical science SIX is the first perfect number. I will go on and on, and on, but, I first have to know that you are actually doing the work to prove or refute what you actually SEE with your own eyes....not mine! Let me know, TSF is not for every one, you have to have UNDERSTANDING, if you are wrapped tightly into your religion, TSF is definitely not for you. You can't be a follower of anything, you have to really use your own brain. Can you do that?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by iamnot
Watch this, if this is numbers juggling, then I am King of Numbers Juggling. Let's go to where "SOLOMON" is mentioned for the first time:
II-Samuel is book 5 of The Old Testament. Chapter 12. Verses 24 & 25.
I just stated facts, to be proven or refuted by YOU.

Ready: 5 + 12 + (24x25) + 24+25 = 6 6 6 = Solomon's Key.

Now watch as Solomon says Happy Birthday to his kin Jesus: See: Matthew 1:6....Solomon is the 12th word.
And the word S O L O M O N represent the 46 - thru - 52, th letters. Remember this is the first time "Solomon" is use in The New Testament: Now work TSF: 6th Verse = 6 B.C., the 12th word = December, and the Letter Position Numbers of the name Solomon = 343. Facts: 6 B.C. 12th month.....343rd day.
Now is this Solomon? Look for his 666-Key: Verse 6, 12th word=612 + the last number in the name Solomon is 52. Ready? Book 1 + Chapter 1 + 612 + 52 = 6 6 6 = Solomon's Key. What's not to understand? This material is NOT FOR CASUAL READING....nobody is that smart, they only think they are!!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:28 PM
You are completely out of your whits. This solomon formula is complete and utter nonsense and the way youre speaking of it reveals the intensity of your self delusion.

And besides that, the torah was given in HEBREW. If meaning is to be found in it, its to be found in the language it was given in.

to imagine that the king James translation is the 'best translation' is again completely nonsensical. You cant translate Hebrew into any other language without losing the shades of meaning which exists in the Hebrew.

Many hebrew words have multiple meanings. Ata - You, also means now. In some contexts both connotations would apply. The significance of this phenomena lies in the esoteric dimension - a dimension almost completely lost in translation.

Some more ambiguous books like the books of the prophets, psalms and proverbs further complicates the very difficult hebrew language used. To imagine that you can get a solid, consistent translation despite the mutiple possible contexts, nevermind the mystical meaning which lies in knowing word roots, gematria, and the themes being discussed, is ridiculous.

Its good that the Torah exists in other languages - it exposed people to the message of G-d, and this is good.

But to get the esoteric, mystical appreciation of the subject requires study of the medium the Tanakh was transmitted in - Hebrew.

This is the fact of the matter.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:43 PM
Let me try! I don’t have a bible so I’ll just pretend.

I’ll make the number 4 = “garbage” because I took out the garbage on Monday.

I’ll make the number 3 = “is” because it all depends on what the meaning of “is” is.

I’ll make the number 2 = “thread” because I have two loose threads on my shirt.

I’ll make the number 1 = “This” because this is one and one is this… isn’t it obvious?

So putting those all together in numerical order 1,2,3,4 we get:


Very odd indeed:

This, thread, is, garbage

Wow… I sure wasn’t expecting that result!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by dontreally
The biggest conspiracy of them all, and you are still falling into the pit. Here's what just gave your mentality away. When you spelled out this word "G-d", like I said, this matter is not for casual reading, you actually have to use your logic and reasoning. God, there, again God, that is NOT A NAME, God is what He IS!
That word (not name) was used in place of God's many names (he has 99-names).
Be honest now, you have never read the "Torah" (your word, not mine), by itself, the word "Torah" means nothing, but when you give it its complete name: THE HOLY TORAH, the mathematics sings. Your attempts at numbers is what you have been taught, and you never decided to ask the Right Questions. Don't you think its time. The biggest conspiracy of all times was to hide the truth, the next biggest conspiracy of all times was to bring out the truth and the right time. Truth is not for everyone. Like I said, and I say it again, this matter is NOT for casual reading....BECAUSE (what did I say?) people only think they are smart. Now, go play. And be nice.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan
I don't know you, but the fact that you have access to a computer and have computer skills, I know that you can do much better than that. Try this: The gestation period for the human being in a normal gestation is 266-days. Okay, let's say a conception was started on the 333-rd. day, when would that baby be born. You have to have a calculator, that person would be born on the 234th day. Who is that person? You will need a Bible.
And the numbers 234 are pointing you and everybody to who that person is. Do you have logic/reason/understandings, if not, then this matter is not for you.
To solve any conspiracy, any mystery, you have to have a working brain. There is no mimicing slick denials, there is no disrupting the class with a brain fart. This is a science, as is the workings of any conspiracy/mystery. How many words does God speak in the 6-day creation story? Not important right! Like I said, this is not for everyone.
There is a lot you will never learn because you have not yet learned to ask the Right Questions. Nap time, for you, not me.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan
Before I forget, read what you said, about pretending, thats what you can't do....

So stop pretending, you are grown up now.
Conspiracies are not about pretend, they are
very real, and it takes a good mind to solve
them, or to combat them. No more pretend
okay. Now go out and play and be nice!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by dontreally
I almost let you slide, but as I looked at your writing again (I am known to do that), I had to laugh,
the Hebrew language as you know it today, is not the Hebrew language or alphabet of antiquity. And guess what
else, if you were to magically return to say 1000 B.C. and started speaking your version of Hebrew, no one would understand you. You know, I think you believe that you really believe in "G-d", well, if you really did, you would know this about "G-d", He knew 5,000-years ago, that today, English would be a dominate language with its 26-letters. He knew! That's why we call him The All-Knowing (one of his names). Everybody is trying so hard to be a Jew, when all they are really doing is practicing Judaism. If you are a real member of the 12-Tribes, what tribe are you from. What is the name of your Great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandfather & Mother? See what I mean. There is knowing, and there is wanting to know.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by dontreally
Before I forget, what did you learn from The Bible Code I?
If anything, you learned NOT to buy The Bible Code II.
Now speaking of conspiracies, those two books take the prize.
They found everybody except the author of The Holy Torah...MOSES!

I found Moses. Learn The Solomon Formula.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by SamG2016
reply to post by dontreally
The biggest conspiracy of them all, and you are still falling into the pit. Here's what just gave your mentality away. When you spelled out this word "G-d", like I said, this matter is not for casual reading, you actually have to use your logic and reasoning. God, there, again God, that is NOT A NAME, God is what He IS!
That word (not name) was used in place of God's many names (he has 99-names).
Be honest now, you have never read the "Torah" (your word, not mine), by itself, the word "Torah" means nothing, but when you give it its complete name: THE HOLY TORAH, the mathematics sings. Your attempts at numbers is what you have been taught, and you never decided to ask the Right Questions. Don't you think its time. The biggest conspiracy of all times was to hide the truth, the next biggest conspiracy of all times was to bring out the truth and the right time. Truth is not for everyone. Like I said, and I say it again, this matter is NOT for casual reading....BECAUSE (what did I say?) people only think they are smart. Now, go play. And be nice.

notice how no ones taking you seriously?

The last 4 posts have been you, stroking your own ego.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by SamG2016

Does this work for anyone born anytime?
ex: given a birth date could you name the person?
or is this just biblical?
because I'm thinking (in theory)that world wide on the day jesus was born so were others.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by SamG2016

Also, if this is some 'new' break through and youre presenting it, then the onus is on you to be a good instructor, because the sassy pants talk isnt very inviting.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:07 PM
Just a note, jesus was born when the shepherds were watching the flocks by night.
This is only done during lambing season, which is not in December or even close.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter
At last, some good questions: Every person who has a normal gestation ( the way the 266-days were found in The Holy Bible), if you were taken out of the womb prematurely, it does not work. And yes, it applies to everyone born on that exact time. I tested this work out with people I know who lived, and died: Elvis Presley, JFKennedy, Martin L. King, A. Lincoln, my own granddaughter (who died after 89-days, her numbers were there). I will show you the exact formula on how its done at a later time.
Yes, I am a belligerant sob, but, 27-years on the job of finding this material, and then to have to explain it to people who never bothered to read the Bible, and those people tend to be the most religious! I will go easy on you. But watch what I do to the next guy. I clearly say that this material controls over 35-UNrelated sciences even Latitude and Longitude, and he still comes at me with the dumbest of stories. Sunday school just ruins people. I will be in touch. I promise you this, you will learn something brand new. Frankly, TSF's time has come.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by shoulda taken the blue pi
You definitely were paying attention in Sunday school, and you absorbed the coolest of stories, I just bet, you were really impressed when your Sunday school preacher told you: "by god, Jeeeezzzuss couldn't have been born in Dec. because the sheep were in the field, blah, blah, blah. If you really read my introduction you will find two words: "Latitude & Longitude". And I also stated that "you have to touch this material" meaning you actually have to do some work...there is no reading this material and just understanding it...nobody is that smart...Ready?
Get a World Atlas, okay do you have, look at the Latitude and Longitude of take that LINE around to the other side of the World...where do you end up in America? Southern California, southern Georgia....I do believe people still go to the south to get away from the winters cold.
And what does that mean? It means Einstein that Bethlehem is NOT a cold place in December! And it also means that their animal husbandry practices were not as sophisticated as ours are today. TSF is not for everybody. Go back to Sunday school and impress them with what you just learned. They might even believe you thought of it all by yourself. Do you have any Right Questions?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:21 PM
How did you stumble into this formula ?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter
Mankind(Everything) has 3 exact dates with history: Creation, Birth, Death. One mistake in this process and ALL of the numbers are off, so take your time. We use 14-Calenders, so pay close attention to the Leap Years and Days.
Let's look at Jesus' Creation and Birth: Creation day: 77 + 266 = 343-Birth. And, 7x7x7=343. 777 is Jesus' Key. Be logical, if 666 is some man, then it is possible for 777, and 888 to be somebody as well.
And The Holy Bible will clearly show that they are.
Many ancient people knew of this pattern, and they left clues for us to find in their works (Art, Buildings, and Writings). If a person were Created on the 333rd day, when could he expect to be Born?
333 + 266 = 599. There is no 599th day, so we subtract 365 and get 2 3 4-Birth. Who is this person?
He is in The Holy Torah: Trust the numbers to speak to you: What Book? What Chapter? What Verse?
Trust the numbers! 2 3 4. You want instructions, you got'em. Frankly, I believe you already have figured out where to go in your mind, now all you have to do is go pick up your Bible and be dazzled.

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