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Obama Has Made My Life As An Intelligent Black Man Harder Than It Already Was

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:08 AM
Just the fact that "we" are falling back and use the words black and white shows that we do not evolute:

Time to post my one of my Soundtracks:

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by prepared4truth

I am really glad you responded cause that sh#t was about as racist as you can get, sorta like those idiots that claim, "I'm not racist, I have 2 black friends" they're the worst ones, I would much rather respect a full blown KKK member who calls me a "'n-word'" to my face, than those subliminal racist like that dude.... And he called you "boy"

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Scoriada
FACT: Obama is proven to be the most racist president in history.

This is kind of funny considering that we had many presidents who actually OWNED black people...

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by cushycrux

Just the fact that "we" are falling back and use the words black and white shows that we do not evolute:

Not all evolution is good evolution. I think we evoluted our selves right out of a decent economy and common sense, and now "hopefully" we are seeing a return to some common sense values. HOPEFULLY.

Anybody that thinks "African-American" and "Caucasion" are preferable to "black" and "white" are pretty naive or convulted. First off, not all "black" people are African American. Second off, those terms are long, cumbersome, and less descriptive than the more common terms. Thirdly, they are just estimations of general color. There are still, "tanned," "pale," "red," and "yellow" white folks, and there are still "light skinned," "dark skinned," and "red" black folks. AND there is probably an infinite amount of variation within those colors, and to be descriptive we have to be able to use basic visual clues.

I guess that was a little off-topic, so I will concur with someone's earlier post that Obama is neither black, white, african-american, or caucasion anyway. He is "mixed-race," and in reality I think most of the population in America is mixed-race as well. Trying to describe someone accurately by race is a lost cause, it is so much simpler to use physical descriptions.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Scoriada
FACT: Obama is proven to be the most racist president in history.

How so he is half and half????????? Some will never be gratefull. And to add I carry a darker skinned tone and am located within the US. so I guess im a black man LOL LOL LOL and pretty much you make life harder on yourself by thinking any man controlls your lifes destiny. I was happy to @tleast see US. mature to the level of electing a different blood related pres. And was also happy the lord allowed the people of the US. to experience it on a spoonfed way. We got a half and half pres. any who cant see that is racist.....UM JUST SAYEN YOU ARE, otherwise you wouldnt see his color at all. SMH @ THE PETTYNESS

edit on 10/18/10 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:17 PM
The op needds to learn to chill and just find his own kind. I am a lot older than he is. The real idiocy is people trying to pigeonhole other people. The world is far too damn completed for simplicity. Just leave the simplicity to the simpletons. Sure I like Obama because he is black and that upsets a lot of "non racist whites". (Heavy sarcasm) but the economy is toast and HE needs to get it fixed in a many that does not crush the poor completely. Tell you what .. Move to a university town or a city. Better minds out there for you at this time.

I get your perspective entirely.



posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by cushycrux

Just the fact that "we" are falling back and use the words black and white shows that we do not evolute:

I'm sorry but the word is "evolve" and actually "white" and "black" are the correct terms. Black people technically are not African-American and white people are technically not European-American. As a matter of fact, in my Intercultural Communications class we just got finished learning about proper ethnic and racial terms, and most people get very confused when it comes to this.

Your post indicates the widespread confusion about these terms.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by SirKnightE

And this is exactly the point I was making earlier:

Look at which posts have the most stars on this thread and which don' can see the perspective clearly.

To those people who are twisting my perspective:

No, you are not a racist just because you oppose Obama, so please stop the straw man argument. I am opposed to Obama as I clearly stated, I love all people, I just dislike ignorant statements that come from people who are misinformed but "think they know it all" when they don't know what it's like to walk in another man's shoes.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:52 PM
You don't understand me. If racism would no longer exist in our brains or souls or what ever, we would never use such a term like black, yellow or white. We are men, human race from earth, form countries and cultures. Do you understand me now?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by cushycrux


Why is a descriptive term a racist term. I have two trucks. One is green, one is blue. They are both trucks. Should I not refer to them as my green truck and my blue truck?

Sure, we are all humans, but some of us are men, some women, some black, some white, some tall, some short, some blonde, some brunette. Why can't we describe ourselves with our appearances?

If a witness to a crime conveys a description to a cop, is it racist to give them the color of skin, height, weight, hair color?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:33 PM
Obama has made your life harder as an intelligent black man? How do you think I feel looking back on my 2008 election haircut, knowing what I know now?

Change we can believe in, indeed

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Exactly. These descriptions give a necessary visualization of the person, even though unfortunately in this country, the terms often come with generalized stereotypes such as "All white people are rich and greedy," or "All Asian-Americans are smart," etc. When you start using derogatory terms, purposely as can be decided in different contexts, that's when it becomes racism.

We can't seem to throw away these generalizations:

1. Because the past is so heavily embedded into our cultures and

2. People refuse to believe that the world is actually much different than what they perceive it to be.

That's why I encourage this kind of debate on race on this thread because maybe someone will read it and change the way they look at society as a whole. Sure I've made some accidental generalizations on this thread, purely because of semantics, but the fact that we can talk about them civilly and provide reasons and/or clarifications on our view makes this experience educational. Education is our friend.

And BlackOps
wow that stinks. I mean, the barber did a nice job, but yeah, i feel you on that one.

edit on 18-10-2010 by prepared4truth because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-10-2010 by prepared4truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:42 PM

I loved the op and I think I can relate to some of this because I have had some of the same problems.Thanks for articulating this in a way to which I can easily sympathize to!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

How about when I, a white guy, talk to my black friends and they dismiss what i say, instantly labelling me as a racist?

I know i have ignorant/ridiculously stupid friends, but that pretty much makes up 90% of the population..

How many other people are dismissing perfectly reasonable criticism because they think the person saying it is racist, since his skin color is different?

Racism is the stupidest thing anyways, as were all distant cousins in one way or another, and just like in your real family, there are people you arent gonna like... I think Chris Rock said something along those lines, but i think he was talking about his race...

Plus, when we are attacked by aliens, the only thing that'll matter is if you can handle a gun, not your skin color..

Yes, i think an alien invasion is the only thing that would unite Humanity

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by squirelnutz

Yeah, I think the problem is that the word "racism" hasn't been clearly defined for most people. People (black, white, red, you name it) have been throwing around that word without knowing what it really means, only having a vague general outline of a context it was used in.

When people are confused about words they constantly sling around, someone's bound to get hurt.

I recently saw a video where Bell Hooks actually addressed the issue of the word racism. She proposed a replacement of the word with "white supremacy-patriarchy-capitalism" (or something very close to that) which sums up the racial, sexual, and financial atrocities we live under in one word. More clearly defined than just "racism".

PS- Before you comment on the word "white" in the word, as I know some people will, you should look at the actual video where it is explained more in-depth.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

I think it's deeper than that... Look at what they teach in schools, Racism... That's all anyone has ever fought about

White man fought the Indian
White man enslaved the blacks
Jews were killed just for being jewish (they were but we were never taught WHY the germans hated the jews, just that they did)

As soon as two people from different races collide on an issue it's all of a sudden a race issue..

We need to focus on what we all have in common, while celebrating our differences; not just one or the other as it has been

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by squirelnutz

Well in each of those cases, it actually is NOT explained as racism in school systems. That is what we infer outside of school. In school we are told it was for various "economic" reasons.

White men killed Indians= because they wanted to spread Christianity
White men enslaved blacks= because they needed workers for their "Brave New World"
Germans killed Jews= because they were "robbing the world"

etc, etc, etc.

But I do agree, we need to unify as humanity instead of dwelling on past differences.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by prepared4truth

the schools i went to taught Indians were killed because they were savages, blacks were enslaved because they were black and jews were murdered for being jewish...

this type of "teaching" led a lot of my friends to have small minded perceptions of Race relations.. If your not with us your against us type of mentality...

Shiiiiiit i'm 22 and just found out, that in the south there were also white slaves and black slave owners.. That blew my mind.. It doesn't make slavery any better but why would that be withheld? divide and conquer...

The only reason I don't see color is because I'm lucky and have some cool family members that are black and some that are mexican.. I also saw the opposite side of that, as my brother is a white supremest idiot

I like to believe I'm adopted sometimes but all the paperwork matches up

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 01:28 PM
I can be quite racist-anti immigrant, since even when the coloured, foreigners, who arrive, are nice & intelligent, their arrival into the bottom, of the economic pyramid, often creates a legacy capable of “seducing them” into dysfunctional, left-wing, ideologies. I.e: the politics of “I'm hard done by” and “I want” rather “we’ve got potential” and “I want to get”.
This I view as bad for the overall, long term welfare of the country.

However in your case prepard4truth I agreed with every word you said. Obama in my view, is almost identical to how it might have been if Bush could have won a third term. The key differences being that weatherboarding would still be in use, and few more of our soldiers would have died in the “surges”.
This is hardly democracy for the millions of disaffected Americans who the MSM was successfully able to dupe, into voting for him.

God; If only there were a few million more of you, then the Gulf between the races would only be in skinheads imaginations, and not on the streets (right in front of everyone, in everyone’s lives), (regardless of how many people MSM successfully shames & scares into not recognising this issue).

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Liberal1984

I dunno how it is in the UK but everyone here in the US is led to believe that we have an immigration problem..

People completely forget the fact that unless your ancestors were indians, they came from immigrant families and if they weren't allowed that opportunity they would be living in those same third world countries.....

Not only that, if we kicked out every person living here "illegally" our economy would be worse off than it is now..

If they declared everyone here legal, and made them pay taxes, how much would that help our economy (as long as it wasn't given to another bank)

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