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Obama Has Made My Life As An Intelligent Black Man Harder Than It Already Was

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posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Kirill

Thank you for your sentiments and thank you for showing America how it's done! People are scared of interracial couples, have been for awhile, so thanks for breaking that barrier. Although both of my parents are black, my single mother instilled hard work ethic in me and provided an excellent education so I've been in a very similar boat as your children for most of my life.

Keep on giving them the tools to survive in this world, their gonna need it. Make sure to reassure them too, because sometimes there are things that happen in school that children don't tell their parents about, but which pain them greatly on the inside.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Oh and dude... you haven't been to many black churches have you?

White people were a big influence on the lives and history of black people and still are to this day. So yes, a lot of black churches preach similar themes (usually not to an extreme) but I went to a church like that for most of my life and guess what? Some of my best friends are white. I have no grudge against white people, because I know how to leave the past in the past (even though the present isn't much different, racism just isn't as "open" as it once was).

You know the strange thing? This country tries to act like racism has disappeared, but when I play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for Xbox360 for at least 30 mins- 1 hour, I am almost guaranteed to hear white people (kids and adults) throwing the word 'n-word' around like it's common practice. Now tell me where they get that from if racism is gone? What makes it sadder is how often it actually happens, and that's just in a video game!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

I used to have mexican friends in high school.. they literally thought that obama would get elected and make their lives great.

Im sure not all minorities feel this way..

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:03 PM
I can already see the attitude and mindset of most of the people visiting this thread and it worries me a little. Anybody who’s following along (posting or just viewing), just take a look at which posts have been starred and which have not. Do you see what I’m getting at?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by lee anoma
does this really make Obama the most racist President in history?

Already said ... it's impossible to say that he's the most racist. Did ya' read the rest of the thread before you commented? Didn't think so.

Did you read MY post that came AFTER the one you are asking me to reference?

I guess you did because you quoted part of it later, but must either have missed where I already acknowledged that you said it was impossible, or felt like pretending you did in order to make it appear as if I was in error and deserving of your sarcasm.


Please check to see which post I was actually referring to if you are confused.

He doesn't belong to it because he's in Washington now and it isn't good for him politically to belong to it. He's an opportunist.

He denounced Reverend Wrights statements and has left the church.

It was because his family's relationship with it "had been strained by the divisive statements", according to the Obamas.

If you want to speculate as to alternative unannounced reasons why he may have did it, as opposed to what he ACTUALLY said, be my guest. I won't argue those points, since it is not really relevant.

From your "opportunist" dig, I'd say you were pretty biased and the speculations would equally be so.

I most certainly did. His own actions through the years prove it.

I've yet to see where you did.
All you provided was an out of context statement and a link to his former Church.

Actually I was just proving that he's racist and bigotted.
If it came across as though I were saying he was THE MOST ... that's not what I was trying to say.

So you DID read my post where I responded to the fact that you said you acknowledged it was impossible??

Why put both my posts together then feign ignorance at the beginning of your post like I didn't already address that fact?

When the OP asked for proof of the statement by another member that Obama was the most racist President, you happily appeared to provided it. That was the post I was responding to, not the one that came later where you acknowledged this was impossible, and might I add...ridiculous.

- Lee
edit on 15-10-2010 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2010 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

I'm not scared of interracial couples.

I also do not identify as white. I am Native American.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

I don't know...I didn't view Obama as "black" or "white" during the elections. I view him as mixed race, like me. I see him as a man who is a politician. That's all.
edit on 15-10-2010 by queenofsheba because: Meant to repy to post of OP.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

You know, I was keeping up with you on most of what you said, until I read this:

Originally posted by prepared4truth
...When I talk to white people about Obama, they just say something to the effect of "YEAH, HE MESSED UP BIG TIME, AND HE'S A DIRTY STINKIN MUSLIM! JUST LIKE ALL THESE OTHER TERRORISTS THREATENING AMERICA!"

What kind of white people do you know?

I'm white and politically opposed to Obama...and I don't say anything close to that!

Moreover, I don't know any other white people who would say that.

Where do you live?

edit on 15-10-2010 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by loam

I live in North Carolina. Even when I lived in Virginia it was like that though.

That is a common thought in the community college I attend now. I have an Intercultural Communications class and virtually every white adult in that class still thought that Obama was a Muslim and that he was messing the country up. Even one of the mixed people in my class thought he was Muslim, most likely from media portrayal and ow they keep harping on the issue. It appalled me to say the least because this is years after the religion thing had been washed down the drain... I thought. Like I said before, my comments are not meant to be generalized, I can only speak from my experiences.

I would also like to add that the fear of terrorism is also rampant in this class. I use this class as an example because it has the most white people in it and is the most recent experience with this, seeing as I've moved up and down the east coast QUITE a few times in my life; completely different environments.
edit on 15-10-2010 by prepared4truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

Originally posted by prepared4truth
I can only speak from my experiences.

I agree.

Well, all I can say is that it is fortunately not like that everywhere.

Notwithstanding, ignorance can be found anywhere.

That cuts across all race or class lines.

edit on 15-10-2010 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:28 AM
You might be interested in looking at Politifact's "Obameter" here:


You will see he has 122 campaign promises kept, 82 stalled, and 236 in the works. The number of stalled or in the works promises tells you how much legislation is being held up by Congress.

Then go to the list of specific promises kept:

Campaign Promises Kept

You'll see there's some important legislation there.

The MSM don't report on these accomplishments, however, because they believe the specifics of Congressional proceedings are too boring for the average reader. The only paper I'm familiar with that gives any detailed account of legislative progress is the Washington Post and even there they just give you the highlights.

In the main I agree with you: much of what Obama has done that has been publicized reinforces the concept that he is making no significant changes. Anger at the president is so much more interesting and provocative to print because conflict engages people's attention the best.

You have to remember that a president doesn't rule by royal decree. He has to have the cooperation of Congress to get anything done, and Congress is a large, slow-moving body that is given to endless internal debates before moving on legislation.

This particular Congress is unusual in the degree to which many have dug in their heels and refused to pass or sometimes even rule on legislative initiatives by the president. The opposition party is just that dogged in trying to bring Obama down.

I agree that much of what Obama has promised has yet to be passed or even proposed, and I for one would like to see more progressive changes as a result of his presidency. You must remember, though, that he can only introduce so many controversial bills at one time; otherwise the forces for the status quo ( a majority of Americans) would raise a great cry, which they have already done.

My advice to those who are disappointed with Obama is to have patience. Give him more time to turn the massive and resistant wheel of government. Do not expect him to be able to fulfill your greatest hopes, even though he would probably like to. He is just as radical as Congress and the majority of the American people will allow him to be.

And consider the alternatives.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Sestias

Very interesting. Those are good points you raised, star from me!

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:14 PM
I find it rather offensive that you refer to "white people" as some single minded mass of people who all feel and act the same way and just couldn't wait to turn on the poor black man. I wasn't afraid of Obama "stealing my wealth", I have less money that a lot of black and hispanic people I see everyday. I also knew quite a lot of white people who voted for Obama, wore the "Hope" and "Change" buttons, put his posters up everywhere and cried when he won the election. I expected exactly what happened, a lot of build up with nothing to show for it when he finally got into office. Maybe next time people won't be so easily persuaded by catchy slogans and huge rallies. Maybe one day people will see it doesn't matter what race or political party our president is he's still working for the same criminals.

If Obama has made your life as an intelligent black man harder it's because he took what should've been an historic victory for racial equality and became a lame duck president who has continued the same lies and objectives from the previous president despite his "Change" mantra. The only thing Obama has really done for racial equality is to prove the fact that a black man can be just as much of a liar and tool of corporate interests as any country club, sweater around the shoulders, white guy.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Shadowflux

Please read the thread before you reply. Your concerns have been answered already in previous posts.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

I did read the thread and I still feel the same way and wanted to state my opinion. I'm sick of hearing about how white people are keeping the black man down. Do you have any idea how many times I go into a store or other business and there isn't ONE white person working there? You have no idea how many times I get followed around an all minority store by a black security guard. Do you realize how many loans and scholarships are available for ONLY minorities? Just the other day I was filling out an job application for a major company, I got to the part about race, said I was white, and the entire program shut down and told me to try again in 6 months.

I've had rich black people treat me like crap because I'm poor. Have you had to eat at soup kitchens? Have you had to wear donated clothing? Have you ever had to go through the garbage to find things you need? Have you watched your friends submit to crime and drugs? I have and I'm white.

The biggest impediment you, as an intelligent black man, have right now is the lure of using your race as a crutch and an excuse as to why things aren't the way you want them. Race doesn't matter at all the way it used to, what matters is money. People with money are only concerned for themselves and for making more money. Politicians will lie and manipulate the masses to gain power. The intelligent people who see the world for what it really is will always end up persecuted and misunderstood by people of lesser intelligence and those who buy into society's brainwashing. It doesn't matter what race you are.

Race is just another tool that those in power use to divide us and keep us from working together as a unified country. If Obama has done nothing else he has proven that race really means nothing when it comes to how well someone will do at a certain job. Obama is just as much of a tool as any white president ever was. Until you realize that race shouldn't be a considered issue in any way you will still be under the control of the social engineering.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
reply to post by prepared4truth

I did read the thread and I still feel the same way and wanted to state my opinion. I'm sick of hearing about how white people are keeping the black man down. Do you have any idea how many times I go into a store or other business and there isn't ONE white person working there? You have no idea how many times I get followed around an all minority store by a black security guard. Do you realize how many loans and scholarships are available for ONLY minorities? Just the other day I was filling out an job application for a major company, I got to the part about race, said I was white, and the entire program shut down and told me to try again in 6 months.

For you to say this, and tell me I can't relate... there is obviously a gap in communication. These same things happen to me ALL THE TIME except in reverse. The fact that you are a white man and are suffering this kind of treatment is rare in the grand scheme of things, and most likely because you are in a LOW-INCOME environment. I told you to read the thread because that's what I mentioned, and this thread is not about "white people keeping the black man down". The type of generalizations you have hypocritically accused me of are why things won't get better. Do you know that if you are really "poor" you can get into universities for free? (I did.) Do you realize that in the majority of places, unless I go into minority communities, I'm stared at and obviously treated differently? Do you realize that I've been living in a "white" area for the past 5 months, and when I put African-American on every application I'm denied?

I've had rich black people treat me like crap because I'm poor. Have you had to eat at soup kitchens? Have you had to wear donated clothing? Have you ever had to go through the garbage to find things you need? Have you watched your friends submit to crime and drugs?

Me too. Yes yes yes and yes.

The biggest impediment you, as an intelligent black man, have right now is the lure of using your race as a crutch and an excuse as to why things aren't the way you want them.

Obviously you did not read the thread, you only looked at the title and maybe skimmed the paragraphs because this thread was not at all about my personal woes as far as being black. This post was about Obama. I would suggest you read it again.

Although that last little part has some good stuff in it. Yes, it is about money, which if you read the whole thread you'd know that I mention that. I'm a music man, and if you enjoy music here is a good song about that exact issue. As a matter of fact, if you listen to this song and digest it completely, you will understand my perspective perfectly.

The only reason I bring up race is because MOST of these mindsets and setbacks happen to minorities (except for the uncommon cases such as yours). This is because it's about poor and rich and most minorities are poor because of, sorry, "The White Man". You don't believe that minorities have suffered and been given drug-infested neighborhoods, poor education systems, unfair judicial cases, and many other degradations of society? Pssh.

Do some research my brother.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

I really don't think that my experiences are all that rare and I think you're still operating under assumptions and generalizations. You may like to think that people treat you poorly because of your race but I'd like to offer the possibility that they are just jerks. Everyone thinks they're better than everyone these days because that is what society has cultivated.

People spend most of their lives trying to convince themselves that they're better than other people because of their car, their looks, where they live, the clothes they wear, anything they can think of that will help them deny the fact that they are materialistic and shallow.

I don't know where you live but where I live there are people of every race that are rich a-hole elitists who look down on anyone not conforming to their socio-economic class set.

Race, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, these are all things that society uses to separate and control us. As soon as we start using these things to either justify our superiority or as scapegoats for problems we perceive in our lives we're doing EXACTLY what they want us to do.

You can say what you want but I'm still sick of being blamed for things and being called a racist, or having people assume that I'm hoping a successful black man will fail simply because of the color of my skin.

I'm enjoying the fact that you don't understand why I would feel offended when you start a thread and make generalizations and speak as if all white people are of the same mind and motivation. I don't know what they're teaching you at that college you attend but apparently it has nothing to do with changing the patterns of corruption and separation our society is suffering from.

Originally posted by prepared4truth

The only reason I bring up race is because MOST of these mindsets and setbacks happen to minorities (except for the uncommon cases such as yours). This is because it's about poor and rich and most minorities are poor because of, sorry, "The White Man". You don't believe that minorities have suffered and been given drug-infested neighborhoods, poor education systems, unfair judicial cases, and many other degradations of society? Pssh.

Do some research my brother.

You need to do some research, brother. Minorities have not always meant "black", my ancestors were treated like dirt for being German and Irish. Ghettos aren't infested with crime and drugs because "The White Man" has made it that way, they are infested because people refuse to unite to drive out the crime, because selling drugs is quick money, because society glamorizes being a gangster and a drug dealer and rewards such actions with emmies and movie deals. Ghettos were and are filled with drugs and crime even if they are populated almost entirely by white people.

Blaming the plight of the poor and those in Ghettos on White people is just flat out racist and ignorant.

People suffer poverty because of "The Man" not "The White Man" and guess what color skin "The Man" is wearing these days?

You're operating under an antiquated mind set designed simply to perpetrate the separation of society necessary to control by the elitists. Stop letting "Professors" and "Teachers" fill your mind with politically minded drivel and start thinking for yourself and see the world the way it is, the way it has always been.
edit on 17-10-2010 by Shadowflux because: added quote and everything after

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Shadowflux

I just visited Youtube to watch a video about a talking elephant and guess what popped up as an ad?

I really don't think that my experiences are all that rare and I think you're still operating under assumptions and generalizations.

Numbers Don't Lie

Numbers Don't Lie

Numbers Don't Lie

You may like to think that people treat you poorly because of your race but I'd like to offer the possibility that they are just jerks.

You think that hasn't been a thought for me? I can tell the difference and I'm not so naive to think that people are ALWAYS treating me a certain way because of race. But certain mannerisms and comments are obvious.

As soon as we start using these things to either justify our superiority or as scapegoats for problems we perceive in our lives we're doing EXACTLY what they want us to do.

My point exactly. There is no such thing as superiority, it's all imagined.

You can say what you want but I'm still sick of being blamed for things and being called a racist, or having people assume that I'm hoping a successful black man will fail simply because of the color of my skin. I'm sick of people coming onto the thread without reading everything and then subtly (and even blatantly) calling me racist.

I'm enjoying the fact that you don't understand why I would feel offended when you start a thread and make generalizations and speak as if all white people are of the same mind and motivation.

Actually, I did not "speak as if". That is an assumption that you made because you didn't read the entire thread.

You need to do some research, brother. Minorities have not always meant "black", my ancestors were treated like dirt for being German and Irish.

Once again...oook. I didn't say anything about that. I know that minorities doesn't always mean black, so please stop twisting words from lack of knowledge. I do not think that way, obviously you are setting up a straw man argument.

Ghettos aren't infested with crime and drugs because "The White Man" has made it that way,

Oh really? Government Involved in Cocaine Distribution Black people did not have the connections, resources, or capital to do this by themselves at this time. This was the beginning of black neighborhood decline. Before this, the majority of blacks were just struggling to make it out of poverty. Once this happened, drug exchange became a major part of being in "the hood".

they are infested because people refuse to unite to drive out the crime, because selling drugs is quick money, because society glamorizes being a gangster and a drug dealer and rewards such actions with emmies and movie deals.

What society do you think glamorizes being a gangster and drug dealer and rewards with Emmies and movie deals? Rich people (mostly white, which is why I say "The White Man") own many of the distribution companies, marketing agencies, and record labels which support this image, which is why people who really represent the communities are never given airtime. White people saw that in the entertainment industry, they would make more money if they appealed to "quick money" instead of appealing to thought-provocation. Sin sells.

Ghettos were and are filled with drugs and crime even if they are populated almost entirely by white people.

I understand that, and I also understand that it's because of income. Do you understand that because you seem to be debating your point in circles?

Blaming the plight of the poor and those in Ghettos on White people is just flat out racist and ignorant. People suffer poverty because of "The Man" not "The White Man" and guess what color skin "The Man" is wearing these days?

Man oh man...who do you think started this whole decline? Who do you think has been conquering lands all over the world at the expense of every other race, changing the headline message of their plight with the times, while it doesn't really matter who's at the bottom of the Totem pole? Who do you think has been at the bottom of this pole?

You're operating under an antiquated mind set designed simply to perpetrate the separation of society necessary to control by the elitists. Stop letting "Professors" and "Teachers" fill your mind with politically minded drivel and start thinking for yourself and see the world the way it is, the way it has always been.

You have NO idea what kind of person I am, represented by your flawed arguments and flawed sense of my perspective. Professors and teachers don't tell me stuff like this, it comes from personal RESEARCH and EXPERIENCE. You obviously haven't done any research on your own, yet you speak as if you know the struggles of history. In my OP, I reference black people simply because I AM BLACK so this is the culture I relate with. Native Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, and any other minority can just as easily relate through their own experiences. The only people that have been saying they are "sick and tired" (which is very ironic) on this thread are white people. What a twist huh?

You didn't even listen to the song, did you? Just like how you didn't read the thread... if you had listened, you could have saved yourself the trouble of writing that last post.
edit on 17-10-2010 by prepared4truth because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-10-2010 by prepared4truth because: fixing image problem

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by loam
reply to post by prepared4truth

You know, I was keeping up with you on most of what you said, until I read this:

Originally posted by prepared4truth
...When I talk to white people about Obama, they just say something to the effect of "YEAH, HE MESSED UP BIG TIME, AND HE'S A DIRTY STINKIN MUSLIM! JUST LIKE ALL THESE OTHER TERRORISTS THREATENING AMERICA!"

What kind of white people do you know?

I'm white and politically opposed to Obama...and I don't say anything close to that!

Moreover, I don't know any other white people who would say that.

Where do you live?

edit on 15-10-2010 by loam because: (no reason given)


You mean somebody can be white and be "politically opposed" to Obama? I thought you had to be racist or bigoted or unintelligent or misinformed to oppose Obama?
Obviously if you don't mind the fact that he is 1/2 black, and if you have all the information, then you MUST love him?

I agree with you Loam. I even voted for Obama, but I got WAY more than I bargained for! I liked his youth and vigor, but I didn't count on him changing things so quickly and drastically in such a socialist manner. I was for Healthcare reform, but I wasn't for reinvienting the wheel and spending so much money on it. I was entirely opposed to the Bailout and from Obama's campaign rhetoric, I thought he would be opposed to it also?

Anyhow, I have never heard a white person say anything like that quote either. I have only heard Obamanites parody his critics in this manner, but I have never actually heard someone oppose Obama in this manner, and I hang out with some folks that would be the first to do so. I really don't think more than 1% of his critics are basing their decision on race. I think they are basing it off unemployment, national debt, Obama camera time overload, and a failed bailout that only helped the big banks and big corps.
edit on 18-10-2010 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Sestias

Then go to the list of specific promises kept:

Campaign Promises Kept

You'll see there's some important legislation there.

It's funny that three of these legislations he passed were part of the wonderful healthcare plan, that oh almost everybody disagrees with, except, of course the most vampiric, soul-sucking corporations in America, the Health Insurance Companies. HA! Yeah he passed some legislation, yipee for him, is it us that are going to reap the benefit? I highly doubt it, it will be the Insurance providers, it will be us paying for it, and still having our claims systematically denied!!!! Oh and to top it all off, it wil be taxpayers paying for non taxpayers to be insured by private companies now instead of government run companies, but then again we saw this happening with medicaid for the longest time anyway, the difference is they filled the loophole now that was existant then that made it illegal to privatize medicar/medicaid...whoopee! Score one for the companies and take ten thousand points from the little guy! Yeah his legislation rocks!

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