Originally posted by kauskau
"But relevance does 'getting to know how the realities function' hagve to your spiritual growth? "
Hence Kabbalah. Kabbalah means to 'recieve'. You complain that we can never know anything about reality because we havent got the means to
Well, thats what Kabbalah is for. Man RECIEVED this knowledge from G-d. Man can only know G-d when G-d first reaches out to man.
This is why Judaism is dramatically different from the worlds religions. This why Judaism speaks of the other other nations - 70 - as one entity,
whereas Israels 'dwells apart'.
The revelation at Sinai was G-ds revelation to man. G-d revealed himself to the WHOLE world, the midrash says, but only one nation was listening.
Hebrew is the very means by which the creator communicates himself to man. Man learns of his creator THROUGH study of the Hebrew language.
Were learning that reaity is made up of strings. These strings operate like sound waves - and these sound waves, this vibration is the eternal endless
speaking of the speaker into creation. Do not think that G-d is a human. Judaism speaks of G-d in an anthropomrphic manner because "G-d speaks in the
language of men". G-d is ultimately EIN SOF - without limit. He cannot be fathomed or defined in any manner whatsoever. His two names of importance,
YHVH and Elohim each signify a level of reality which he CREATED to interact with his creations. Its as if light pouring through a window. The first
name is the source of the transcendent level of reality. The level which bypasses the very laws the creator established. This level reveals the
inherent transcendence and imminence that g-d has with his creation. This name allows man to overcome the very limitations of Mitzrayim (hebrew for
egypt - the land of the souls exile also means "limitations"). Elohim conversely has the same gematria - 86, as the hebrew word for nature HaTeva.
This also "the word" the spoken reality of creation. Whereas the name YHVH is that which enables existence. The various reality we encoutner eare
imbued witha specific quality - spiritual content which gives rise to that reality.
Heres some examples of Hebrews wonder. Eretz, earth is the same letters as Arutz "i run". This reveals that the earth, the physical realm is the
domain of acitivity, movement and process. Shamayim is from the root Shom - "there", meaning the spiritual world is the destination and end point of
our journey through life. Etz - tree, is the same as the word for "essence". A tree is the microcosm of creation. The tree manifests a reality which
embodies the "essence" of the creator. Its boughs reach the heavens, and its roots in the earth. The tree is a home for animals and a source of food.
Likewise "G-d is the place of the world" - we live in HIM, and our food is the breath of life. I can go on all day trying to explain the validity of
the Hebrew language. This is one often used. Echad - one, in Hebrew has teh same gematria as Ahava - love. Love is a feeling of oneness. Love unifies
opposites. The the shared gematria of these words is 13. 13 symbolizes unity between parts. A cube is often used as a symbol for the physical world.
Just as a cube has twelve lines, and the heavens are encompassed by 12 Zodiacal houses, so to G-d unites these opposites. In each individual reality
is to be found the underlying unity with the whole. 13 is the number of wholeness, of unity.
It is a remarkable language. I know its not popular to say "my G-d is teh true G-d". But Judaism is not like other religions. Our faith isnt a 'blind
faith' but a rational belief FIRST, and than that uinfinite gap between finitude and the infinite is filled by a faith, and faithfulness to that
eternal reality.
YHVH means "to be". Its 4 letters forms the words "WAS, IS, WILL BE". If you were to square each element in the divine name, called the tetragrammaton
in Greek, you would get the gematria for 'place' "Maqom". 186
Is this not a mathematical wonder? ^
Hebrew is remarkable. It continuously yields secrets, and not just that, its very words possess the ability to manipulate those very primary forces of
Kabbalah is also remarkably deep. As a person who has studied the western occult tradition (gnosticism, alchemy, etc) as well as a bit of reading of
Eastern religions - zoroastrianism (kshnoom), hinduism, buddhism, taosim, shinto. Kabbalah blows them away. I don mean to disparage but teh truth is
the truth.
edit on 14-10-2010 by dontreally because: (no reason given)