When you 'channel' you channel from the unconscious. The SUBconscious is the interface between consciousness and the unconscious.
and in any case its ALL subjective, and in many cases projections of your own desires that youre communicating with.
As for channeling the archangel metatron.
It really does amuse me to see non Jews, ignorant of the hebrew language, imaging that theyre really contacting the archangel metatron.
There is a certain maxim in the Jewish mystical tradition that says the archangelic powers - that is, the powers responsible for the phenomena we
experience in this world and the world worlds beyond, speak Hebrew.
Therefore the Zohar was written in Aramaic. This is tied to the mystical opinion that Hebrew is the language of creation. Any study of this claim will
show it to be true. Hebrew is the archetypal language of creation. G-d communicates to man through the language - and the language itself is the means
by which man can LEARN of his creator. The language than is the distilled, constricted essence of the creator. Its his 'mind' as one Rabbi i heard
call it.
This reveals itself in its mind blowing consistency at the level of gematria. numerical equivalences between words, word roots etc. Kabbalah is a
science, and just like in any science, if you arent acquainted with the terms of its study, you cant possibly know anything of it.
Hebrew is the very means by which the Archangelic forces are 'contacted' and Hebrew is the means used to manipulate (although completely prohibitted
by Jewish law) the primordial powers.
So, unless this women can speak Hebrew, she cant have any meaningful conversation with Metatron. Metatron is the 'universal self' - there is no
angelic power higher than Metatron. His gematria is the same as El Shaddai. He is the spiritual screen that divides the creator from man, and in fact,
its this Metatron, this spiritual reality, which mystics imagine to be the other 'god' - the experience of the void, that gives them the impression of
their own godhood.
Many other cultures and traditions have different names for metatron. In hinduism the closest cognate would be purusha - which is similar to Adam
kadmon (another name for metatron).
But in any case. Channeling is such a complete waste of time. No spiritually mature person would concern himself in it. Its egotistical - thats it.
Theres simply no value which can be garnered from these communications. In kabbalah theres also the 72 names of G-d, the literal archetypal forces
which control creation. One can gain knowledge of anything if he chooses, by contacting these powers; except. They operarate According to the vessel -
the soul, their communicating with. If you have spiritual 'waste' that is falsehood, confusion,or doubt in you, they'll play off these residues. In
many cases people who channel who arent ready (i have never done it myself. im just very knowledgeable of it, and have had conversations with
kabbalists who are experienced with this) can become psychotics.
Would anyone seriously be willing to test that?
I liek the serenity, peace and sanity of this world. Ill leave the 'channeling' to the recondite, spiritually advanced and AGED leaders of the
generation. Im simply not spiritually developed enough for that, and i highly doubt 98% of the 'channelers' today are either. Theyre simply posers who
want to imagine they have power - and its this very desire which crystalizes as commands and information from the other side. A projection from their
own unconsciousn, spurred by the archetypal intelligence they contacted.
Gotta be super self aware to know what youre doing when you meddle with these things.
edit on 14-10-2010 by dontreally because: (no reason