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Should We Require Bible Quotes to Have More Sources?

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posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by Camtheconspiracyman

Then that defeats the purpose of God! Do you see what you're typing here? This is not about God being bad or good. It's him being capable of doing what a God is supposed to do. In other words you can't paint him as all knowing and capable in every arena. Then having him incapable of stopping Satan or anything else. You bring yourself in a dead end with all the comments you type. You don't know your faith do you? I have some links for you to look over and comment about after your done.
The God of Gods
God almost human
The illogic of God
The Bibles Pagan God
Crime of Passion
God's mistakes
The Evolution of God

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:20 PM
I am in no way discussing the bible itself. Just that people should have to write the Author/Publisher/Name of the particle book, so that it can be in turn searched, proven, or debated if necessary in the exact content in which is was stated.

This was also stated above by the moderator greeneyedleo. Though it was a suggestion in the OP, I was unaware that this was already supposed to be done. If someone chooses to quote from the bible, there are many different books, and I think that who wrote it, published it and authored it is just as important as any other thread or point made on this site.

For any other thread this is a "must", and I think that if someone wants to quote from something like the bible, which can in turn be challenged as any other source, it should be known where the information came from, as to check the validity, just like everyone else.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Well then I apology. Yes people use sources.
Because of copyright issues. God will know and sue you!

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

That makes more sense.


posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Why don't we just as God himself what he wrote?
I've read some threads here at ATS where some members who are running around claim to be him or his sons second coming.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

He want's us to make the right decision on Him. There was a time when no one doubted his existence! Now people doubt if He even exist. the purpose of God isn't to be controlled by Him. He wants us to Accept him with the minds he gave us! God is All Knowing. I hope and pray God gets to you! He loves you! And you till have not answered my question. He Created the heavens and the earth and controls all of it. Except us because he loved us . He created us so we could live our lives! Would you rather have a god that makes you worship him then kill you if he wanted you. He knows the future the past and the present. God cannot be controlled so if made in his image we cannot be controlled! He knows how your fate is. I hope it is well for your sake. Blessed be God and Jesus!
edit on 10-10-2010 by Camtheconspiracyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:35 PM
Should not any comment based on science or pseudo-science on this site not also be handled the same? Scientific journals, researchers, lab notes should be cited. Also, details of the studies. Who were the primary funders, how were control groups established and monitored? What methods were used etc. etc.?

Don't forget there are also MANY contradictions in this field for example let me make the following statements that are BOTH true, from an existence stand-point anyway:

Science claims there is no real threat of global warming.

Science claims there is a real threat of global warming.

I mean with contradictions like that, how can we trust anything from that community? Really?

edit on 10-10-2010 by JudgedCover because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by Camtheconspiracyman

Still you don't see where I'm coming from. "sigh" Soon though you'll see where I'm coming from and understand why I post these comments.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by Camtheconspiracyman

Please this is not a thread about the bible, but if you would like to discuss it, please provide any links, or sources of your information.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by JudgedCover

Hey! What do you know! The Bible has contradictions as well! Seems you overlooked all of these here!
Bible Contradictions

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:40 PM
and the Word was God (I'm pretty sure I typed that verbatum from memory)

yes I did-you can also verify under "keyword" or "passage lookup"- sometimes I do forget to put the Name of the Book reference even though my memory is not considered a book it does have an original source as anyones words or thoughts do, ex. mamma dadda was not the childs invention

For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

edit on 10-10-2010 by Rustami because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Camtheconspiracyman

Hey cam I have a fun little game for you, my husband and I play.
Go to an online translator and think of a sentence in English.
Then translate it into another language, then take that translated sentence and translate it to another language then another, then another.
Now translate that sentence back into English, it is very rare it will be the same.

Another example take any word you know and look it up in a thesaurus,
i typed have,
I chose a synonym, acquire
I typed in acquire I chose the synonym achieve
I got 61 synonyms, one being deliver.
Suddenly have is deliver by literary interpretations.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:12 AM
I agree with the OP as well. If a Satanist started spouting satanic scriptures, Christians would come out of the wood work to tell him he's fake cause Satan's the bad guy, or to show HIS sources, "because "my" book of Jewish fairy tales say otherwise". I personally don't think one fairytale is more valid than another fairytale(I.E. Dr. Seuss, The Gospel of John). Also, I think this should be a grand opportunity for any bible thump-er out there. When I was a Christian (oh yes, I was a brain dead zombie who ate flesh and drank blood of the guy who save us all), I was all but happy to do some research to help prove my faith. I didn't just copy and paste a scripture. The reason I feel people don't do the homework (who wrote, translated, and published your crap) is because they might not like what they find. If I remember correctly the bible, in the New Testament, warns against listening to things that are contrary to what you've been taught [Source: From Apostle Paul, or some guy pretending to be the Apostle Paul who never meant Jesus, anyway it's irrelevant]. So perhaps this is why so many bible thumpers are so resistant to put up their sources. Besides they'd have to put up, what scroll it came from, is it Vatican or Protestant, who published it, you know, real research. That's too tough who wants to do that?

The only people who can benefit from this are "true" Christians. If a UFO guy get's called out, or Reptilian believer get's called out, HAARP believers, you name it they get called out. Then it's time for Religious people (Christians) to get called out as well. You don't get a free pass. You can't just say: "Word of God..." Your Sunday church sermon just isn't going to cut it anymore. Put up or shut up.
edit on 11-10-2010 by Illumin Not I because: grammer

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 06:32 AM
Re NoRegretsEver

I understand your concern, and while I in principle agree with you, I see some problems around your suggestion. Because ALL ideologies have their extremist champions, who defend or mission for their own mainstream ideology or for a revisionist version of it. Who are well-informed or ignorant. Who want to have a relatively polite 'academic' debate or who just pour out endless steamroller propaganda.

In all fairness all such champions should be expected to validate their claims (that would include e.g. scientific claims). But validating goes deeper than just being able to pinpoint a source, because:

1/ Are we talking generally accepted (co-sensus) knowledge or are we talking specific specialist knowledge.

2/ For the experienced extremist propagandist it's always possible to upgrade the question of credibility to include sources: "Oh this guy. He/she is wellkown for being 'heretic', revisionist, un-informed, off his/her marbles....". In some cases this infamation of critics of the crusader even goes so deep as to dirt-digging and -throwing.

3/ Very often it's practically impossible to place a precise reference frame on a quote or near-quote. Personally I must have read thousands of books through my life, and even if my memory was perfect, I still wouldn't be able to verify details, because I don't own the book and can't get a copy quick enough to join a short-attention-span debate.

Eventually it all ends with the question of a common communication platform, which ofcourse is next to impossible to find with a crusader, who only accepts his/her own basic assumptions/doctrines/dogmas. Debate-wise this will be: "Welcome to my parlour, said the spider to the fly".

So instead debates develop into witty or ingenious one-liner repartees, pie-throwing or drowning the opponent in endless (more or less relevant) 'information'. There are crusaders, who have specialised in the tactics around this, and who will stop at nothing, because "the aim justifies the means".

I think, that IAMIAM's suggestion of letting individuals 'shoot it out' on a rather non-authority basis is a functional attitude. Sooner or later crusaders with dishonourable methods will profile themselves clearly, and no sugar-coating will hide their motives or what they try to sell. It just takes some time and patience.

And what is all this about anyway? Sometimes learning, sometimes defending opinions. The wanna-be totalitarians won't get any 'points' or votes by demonstrating violent, fanatic or intolerant 'I'm right, because I'm right'.

(IAM, apologies for a possible misinterpretation of your post. In any case the above is my own opinion).

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I most wholeheartedly agree! I too get tired of people who post a Bible quote or two and says it is truth, when I know it isn't because I have read other sources that say different. And then says nothing from their own mind, because there is likely no other thoughts in there! And sometimes the quotes fill page after page, I would bet the entire KJV is here in one place or another. I too happen to think that if you wish to prove a point, then other, collaborating info should also be posted, whether secular or not. I mean, it has been proved beyond any doubt that the NT was written by a Roman family named Piso, so do we all know if they were want to tell the truth or not? Personally I think the Pisos were real good liars, they had to be to appease angry Christians of the time. So how can any of the words in the NT be taken as truth?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by bogomil

(IAM, apologies for a possible misinterpretation of your post. In any case the above is my own opinion).

You nailed it my friend.

I could never understand how a Bible quote is more important than demonstrating you understand the Bible by your actions to others. Beating someone down with Bible quotes wasn't part of Christ's message. But, thats my interpretation, read it yourself if you find you disagree. Keep reading it till you agree.

You know why a Satanist doesn't quote from the Satanic Bible? Because his actions demonstrate quite clearly that he understands the message, and what that message is.

The same with other faiths and or philosophies. Their actions, how they treat each other, particularly those they disagree with, tell more than any random quote ever will.

Just a thought.

Unless the quoted quote presents some new information (ie. news clippings, interviews, statistics) why would one want to let someone else's words represent their own message anyway? Be creative and whip out gems of your own.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:08 AM
I hate it when people post bible references instead of giving you "there" point of veiw on something. Why even answer the question? Its almost as though they cant think for them selves anymore and there answer for everything is what does the bible say i should do?

Im not trying to offend those who practice religion here but it really gets on my nerves.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by bogomil

(IAM, apologies for a possible misinterpretation of your post. In any case the above is my own opinion).

You nailed it my friend.

I could never understand how a Bible quote is more important than demonstrating you understand the Bible by your actions to others. Beating someone down with Bible quotes wasn't part of Christ's message. But, thats my interpretation, read it yourself if you find you disagree. Keep reading it till you agree.

You know why a Satanist doesn't quote from the Satanic Bible? Because his actions demonstrate quite clearly that he understands the message, and what that message is.

The same with other faiths and or philosophies. Their actions, how they treat each other, particularly those they disagree with, tell more than any random quote ever will.

Just a thought.

Unless the quoted quote presents some new information (ie. news clippings, interviews, statistics) why would one want to let someone else's words represent their own message anyway? Be creative and whip out gems of your own.

With Love,

Your Brother

Very nicely stated.

In my brief time here the only times I have observed the necessity for Scripture quoting are to refute those claiming to be believe in the Bible ignorantly or blatanly misrepresenting said Scriptures. This is the problem when the Gospel has been so absorbed by political idealogy and self serving agenda, really since the rise of Constantine, the truth gets completely corrupted and those who eagerly set themselves as truthbearers actually become the biggest liars and believe something that is completely contrary to the Scripture/Gospel while preaching they are at that moment ideally representing it.

Those who are on the outside of the faith community don't need Scriptures thrown into their face. They have either not been awakened by the Spirit of God to the truth or they have chosen to reject it. There is no greater respecter of Free Will in this Universe than the One who created it. Demonstrated most thoroughly by His placement of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden Eden. It's a shame that many of God's followers don't share the same level of respect for free will that He does.

That being said, regarding the topic of this thread, I do not like when hidden bias of religious beliefs masks itself. The reality of this board is that there are a MULTITUDE of ideas and claims thrown around. If one wished to mandate some level of accountability to the ones regarding the Bible, then in fairness the same filter must be applied to ALL of the claims. Those based in modern science, pseudo-science, metaphysical, paranormal etc. All of these schools of thoughts have extremists, here. To single out the Bible quoters is malicious.

To require only one of the many "voices" that throw their opinion around here to do so, shows the bias and prejudice of those who wish to implement it towards faith-based Bible believers.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 08:44 AM
"I want you to show me how long a meter is, but you can't use a ruler..."

Can you imagine the chaos if everyone chose to build following what they think/feel, besides using the standard? This is going to anger a lot of you, but it doesn't matter what any of us think or feel concerning what the Bible says. Do you get mad at 3+3=6? Your anger or sincerity changes nothing.

For the OP

2 Corinthians 2:15-16
For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life

Since 5th grade reading comprehension has been replaced with alternate lifestyle sex education, I will explain. This verse explains many of the member's issue with Christians and the Bible. Other Christians enjoy hearing quotes from the Bible, or being around other Christians because there is a pleasant experience derived from this. However, to the non believer, there is a knee jerk repulsion because the truth smells like a rotting corpse to them. Being around Christians or listening to the Bible brings them face to face with there coming doom.

Repent and trust in Christ while you still have a chance.
edit on 11-10-2010 by kingofmd because: misspelling

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 08:54 AM
I think the people on this forum who copy and paste large parts of the bible as a reply/thread should be given their own little forum that they can play in , then lock and throw away the key

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