posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals
That aspect has been part of the NWO holdup I suspect, this is why in the past several years we have seen a 100% increase of military helicopters
surveying all of the land masses next to all cities and even rural towns in America.
Every square inch of treelined forest's and possible wooded areas have been documented and each sector will be heavily controlled under occupation to
keep people out, and to flush out any potential squatters. Remember they can see people through a thick set stand of brush especially at night through
heat vision technology.
People who do run for the hills, will be looked upon as potential dissidents in a state of emergency and treated accordingly.
The people who are able to avoid detection by military and UN forces, will have a whole new set of troubles to contend with once out in the bush where
roving bands of other escapees will gather and be on guard for anyone who may give up their positions or that they see as a potential threat to the
resources available which will dwindle faster than anyone could suspect.
This could be part of the reason we have watched as indigenous wildlife has been all but eradicated in the past decades, including wild horses, which
could pose a potential for not only food but escape. Wolves, wild boar, elk and deer, have been open games for the very same big business which plans
to control the country in a post takeover scenario.
We know that only a sovereign being can hold title freely to his lands and property and only the elite have been exonerated from having theirs taken
by law in the future situation x. No man is free unless he had prior knowledge of this slave reality, and even then there are no guarantee's in the
period shortly after the events unfold which will change everything as we know it. Hence, the purchase and buy off of officials from other countries
for the time in between, for hideouts and continuity of lifestyle during the revolts.
The store shelves going empty is but a small portion of what needs to be decided, discussed now and will play a very small part of the situation x