posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 12:15 PM
Any country ruled by religious extremists is a threat. The Russians have offered to enrich and supply enough uranium for any amount of reactors the
Iranians may want to set up, yet they insist on doing it themselves. They constantly prevent UN inspectors from completing their jobs. During
rallies held weekly by the religious leadership, they chant "Death to USA, Death to Israel". This is openly encouraged by the government. They
supress political opposition, and when the good citizens of Iran protested their last election, the government sent their goons to beat, harrass and
detain protestors. The president has made many statements of how the USA will soon cease to exist, and dependining on how you translate his speeches,
has claimed they will "drive Israel into the sea".
These are not the actions of a rational people or govenrment. Govenment and religion should never be mixed, doing so is a horribly dangerous
combination. While Israel is no doubt not perfect, since their creation they have had to defend themselves nurmerous times from hostile countries
surrounding them, and at times have overcome incredible odds to survive. You claim that Iran should be justified by making nuclear weapons because
they are harrassed by and imperialist USA, but is Israel not harrassed in the same manner by the Arabs?
Many claim attrocities by the Israelis, but they at least look after their own. Since becoming a country, they have never refused entry to one jew
seeking a homeland, yet the arabs create a humanitarian disaster in order to make the Israelis look bad by not absorbing their Arab brothers into
their countries. The poor Palistinians live in camps in lebanon and such with no hope of being integrated into surrounding arab counties. Why does
Syria, Eqypt, Lebanon and such not open their doors wide to their brothers, as Israel does to the jews?
But alas i digress. This is about Iran, not Israel. They are a fanatical threat to any sane, forward thinking country. Their treatment of women
alone is a disgrace and by itself is a reason they should be eyed with suspicion. If any govenrment thought it was proper to whip my wife simply
because she was seen in public without a face veil, i would like to think i would join an underground movement to overthrow such a vile regime. A
blight on humanity the way they treat women.