posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 04:23 AM
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When TPTB do their False Flag Attacks they get the MSM to formultae the Propaganda to back up the Lies. Unfortunately some of the Media announcements
don't go as planned. But they get away with it when a stupid population doesn't notice.
But some of us do notice.
Like the BBC Televised report on the WTC-7 collapse approximately 20 minutes before it did and it was clearly seen standing proud over the reporters
shoulder. That just goes to show they were working from a pre-written script!
The BBC are very good at screwing up False Flag attack Propaganda. On 7/7 the BBC along with it's Radio Station Radio 5 reported that some of the
Suicide bombers that had blown themselves up in 3 Tube Trains and 1 Bus had been shot by Police outside the HSBC building in Canary Wharf later that
day. That was a report that was aired once and never repeated when they realized that Suicide Bombers cannot reincarnate that
Terror On The Tube
This Propaganda lie was not repeated again. But other Lies have been repeated.
Another report they did was on the fabricated story of the Homs Massacre in Syria where the Syrian Army were accused of slaughtering innocent Syrians.
Well the BBC were caught out again using images and video from Iraq in 2003 when US and UK forces slaughtered hundreds of Iraqi's.
BBC deceitfully posts images from Iraq
It's not just the BBC that report these lies passing them off as truth. All the MSM do it. Because they are all working on a script to pass the lies
from what the Government is doing to who they are trying to blame!
It's just fortunate there are people out there that can detect the lies from mistakes made by the media and record these mistakes before they back
track on their mistakes!
The Oklahoma City Bombing was so obvious a False Flag along with 9/11, 7/7, Boston Bombing and all those mysterious and questionable shootings in the
Catch the non repeated reports and you catch the Propaganda Lies!