posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:06 AM
Ok, before I had my son and became a dad this story would've been very meaningful, but not now. Number one, the depiction of this "god". He
sounds like a scientist experimenting with the one in all zen-type of consciousness yet he clearly is separate from us. He says there's others like
him, so are those grown humanity-deity fetuses or other scientists? This god has no qualms of making humanity live through horrible tragedies such as
child leukemia, being a pedophiles victim, slavery, torture, forced mutilation, wars, etc. All that for our good? I, thank (insert your deity/belief
here) have a wonderful happy son, but to EVEN think of anything happening to him, well, I'd hunt god down to claim JUSTICE. To even begin to think
that a deity would make me hurt my son in any way (directly or indirectly if I was reincarnated as an industrialist spewing toxins that caused him
fatal harm) is totally repulsive. I do believe the order of the cosmos is greater than a god shuffling about subjecting us to this loop of yes,
beauty (birds, pretty flowers, kids' smiles) but mainly gruesome tragedy (wars, greed, destruction and sickness) is simply ridiculous. This story
sounds like a plug for the NWO for people to take their misery and like it. Oh, the greedy pigs destroying the Earth and starting more wars while
making families homeless and denying the poor even monsanto's mutated porridge? Well, guys you did it to yourselves! Don't question the
billionaires, they are you! Let them enjoy their wealth and lick their boots. Maaaybe next time around it will be your turn to hold the golden
scepter and you wouldn't like a peasant version of you spoiling your fun, right? Hell, you deserved the chance to hoard billions while poisoning the
only Earth we have and ruining life's beauty for all. Garbage.
The universal order cannot be controlled by emotion or benevolence. We will know one day what the true meaning of it all is, but this darling story
is not it. Trust me, I have thought about this idea a long time ago before reading it on the net. Once, again, when you have a kid you'll
On the other hand, if the theory of infinite dimensions and parallel universes is correct then somewhere out there this story holds water. If
that's the case, hell, that means that somewhere out there I'm Godzilla! Existentialism LOL I need to go play some video games after this rant.