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Pedophiles - 'Brand' them like the animals they are

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posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:39 AM
Why stop at branding?

WHy not put them on live TV and have their entrails drawn?

We could chop off their limbs, and pass them around the prison as pleasure toys for the other inmates!

While we're at it, since the urge to commit these acts may be a product of biology, let's do the same to their parents, too. They should have known better than to have their pervert kids, after all

Better idea! Put htem in a stocks in the town square, and let any man, woman, or child in town freely beat anfd whip them! or carve off souveneirs - a strip of skin there, an ear there, maybe gouge out an eye. A little public rape of these "animals" would only be justice, too.

I'm sure we have lots of creative people here who could come up with even more ingenius punishments - Oh! Open the scrotum and put tiny slivers of glass in, and sew it all back up! There's one.

WHy stop at branding? Let's see just how sick, depraved, and perverted we can really get when seeking revenge and claiming to be the moral ones.

I mean they're not really human after all, and it's not like anyone has ever been found wrongly guilty, right? So! Let's give these beats regular peroxide injections into the eyeball and shatter their legs and rearrange them into aesthetically pleasing shapes!

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by silo13

Let me ask you this:
If you were convicted of some crime, and the punishment was branding, would YOU be able to deal with it?
Dont reply with the "I wont do anything wrong to be convicted of a crime", ALOT of people who are convicted of crimes didnt expect to be a convicted felon or anything like that, my question is would you be okay with branding, being a social outcast.
Walk a mile in someone's shoes before putting him there.
I'll say now, I dont defend pedos or anything like that, but as a society, there has to be something we can do to help correct this behavior. No, I wouldnt allow them near my children, but I would step up and say, "I will help you, if you WANT THE HELP"
This is how we EVOLVE, we help each other reach our potential as humans, not tear the person down.
Maybe, that person will realize the damage and hurt he created, and be remorseful and find some way to make amends to that victim.
It aint easy folks, but someone has to take the first step. This is how we work toward becoming enlightened.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:50 AM
Why brand them? Why not hang them and get their worthless lives over with. Branding them just seems like too much effort...Save the tax payers some money....find a nice tree and some rope.
edit on 7-10-2010 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:51 AM
Actually, We shouldn't hang them or anything....

After all, the Traditional Mode of Execution for Witch Hunts is Death by Pyre, amirite?


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Edrick

So you're comparing 'witch-craft' which doesn't even pedophilia...hmm...strange....

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by laiguana

So you're comparing 'witch-craft' which doesn't even pedophilia...hmm...strange....

So, you are purposely twisting my words and stating that I said "Witch-craft" as opposed to "Witch-Hunt"... hmm... strange.


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by silo13

Sorry, I don't have a better solution. But I am opposed to state sanctioned branding.

This is in a different vein, but I would support preventative programs that encourage pedophiles to seek treatment before they have acted on their fantasies.

I have actually spent several afternoons with a pedophile, and his former victim who I was dating. It was incredibly stressful and uncomfortable pretending I didn't know and hiding my disgust behind fake camaraderie. I don't recommend it.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by silo13

I fail to see how chipping them or banning their books sets a bad precedent but branding them like cattle doesn't? I sure as hell love where your heart is at, but I gotta go with banning child porn (like we already do) and microchipping them.

the law has always had special exceptions for those that abuse children, since almost the most ancient of times. i think we can handle tracking child molesters without going down the slippery slope of tracking everyone else.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by silo13

Thank you!!
You never forget. The horrible images stay with you as if it just happened. Sometimes I want to vomit so I try to never think about it, but that's impossible. Every single day something will trigger a memory. For me, it started when I was 3 and I remember it all. They manipulate you and draw from your fear. They threaten you and make you feel like if you tell anyone, you'll be in trouble. Mind games are what they're best at. They are truely evil inside.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Just one more troll protecting the predators with sarcasm.
Why not spend your time trying to find a better solution.
That is unless you were serious?


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by silo13

No can do says the bleeding heart ignorant(s) who can't, or refuse to comprehend pedophiles will never stop, ever. Children will never be safe around them - ever. No amount of medication, therapy, or castration will ever keep children safe. Period.

I have to agree with you, and branding is no a a bad idea at all. In my little town we have 24 sex offenders living nearby. Some are convicted of having sex with a child. Ever talk to a person who was molested as a child? Try it sometime, it is an eye opener. the pain and suffering never goes away, never. My own wife was molested at age 12 by her friend's dad, in her friend's home. She is 31 now, and still suffers over that. It does not go away, and the protection of our children is paramount to our civilization, and our ultimate job. Need I say more? Brand them all, I would not complain or try to assert their rights in this matter. As far as I am concerned, a person who molests a child should have their very citizenship stripped away.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:51 AM
I wonder however, how many of you who think that branding sex offenders is a good idea also are afraid of Muslims bringing Sharia law into the USA?

Because frankly, this sounds an awful lot like Sharia law to me. Pretty brutal actually.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

No, I wouldnt allow them near my children, but I would step up and say, "I will help you, if you WANT THE HELP"
This is how we EVOLVE, we help each other reach our potential as humans, not tear the person down.
Maybe, that person will realize the damage and hurt he created, and be remorseful and find some way to make amends to that victim.
It aint easy folks, but someone has to take the first step. This is how we work toward becoming enlightened.

Why does evolving and being enlightened always go in the same sentence as 'helping' the perpetrator of child rape?

Did you ever think that as a society maybe enlightenment means finally, once and for all taking a stand and wiping pedophiles off the face of the earth?

How do you expect a society as a whole, to become 'enlightened' when we continue to allow pedophiles to rape, and then re-offend? Scarring our children for life. Robbing innocence forever.
And then bend over backwards to help the predator?

Maybe 'enlightenment' means we finally take a stand and get rid of the predator, not make him/her nice tea and serve him/her cake.

And to answer your question - pedophiles cannot be cured. By their own admission.
Not by therapy, not by medication or any other means than being completely removed from children forever, or death.
I've interviewed far too many pedophiles who readily admit they will never be safe with children than to not make the statement as a general truth.
I've even had some say they're not even safe with children with others around.
'Hey, it only takes a second'... (Quote from a level 3 sexual predator housed at the McNeil Island Special Commitment Center Washington State)


edit on 7-10-2010 by silo13 because: link

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by autowrench

I have to agree with you, and branding is no a a bad idea at all. In my little town we have 24 sex offenders living nearby. Some are convicted of having sex with a child. Ever talk to a person who was molested as a child? Try it sometime, it is an eye opener. the pain and suffering never goes away, never. My own wife was molested at age 12 by her friend's dad, in her friend's home. She is 31 now, and still suffers over that. It does not go away, and the protection of our children is paramount to our civilization, and our ultimate job. Need I say more? Brand them all, I would not complain or try to assert their rights in this matter. As far as I am concerned, a person who molests a child should have their very citizenship stripped away.

I would give an applause if I could.

People have no idea. Absolutely NO idea the long reaching and long term effects of child abuse.
It is not a crime that 'goes away' with time.
It is not a crime you can 'recover' from. The mind doesn't work that way.
It is a crime against humanity, against the future of the world as a whole, a crime that, as you say, should leave the perpetrator with absolutely no rights what so ever.

So, maybe 'branding' offends some, but I ask you this: What is more offensive? Letting a child predator go free without any outward sign to warn children and their parents? Or just let the predator walk free and easy in the knowledge he/she can lure, groom, and rape again, no warning given?

If you can't guess which is more offensive than you truly have no idea what pedophilia and child rape is all about.


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Pretty brutal actually.

Brutal huh? It couldn't be brutal enough.

Listen to a level 3 sexual predator laugh over how an 11 year old paperboy cried for his 'mommie' as he was getting raped with a beer bottle (after being beaten, suffering penile anal rape, oral rape, being held hostage in the trunk of a car for hours so the pedophile could continue the rape session at leisure) and then tell me branding these animals is brutal.

No, it isn't brutal enough.


edit on 7-10-2010 by silo13 because: bbc code

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:37 AM
In Ohio they issue special distinct "Party Plates" to DUI offenders and I certainly would not be opposed to some equally distinct plates issued to pedophiles. It would certainly make them easier to spot as they cruise around schools and playgrounds.

Sex Offender plates were once proposed here in Ohio back in 2007. Not much has happened since.

sex offender plates

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by silo13

I am not saying that what these people do isn't awful. I am saying that we don't have to stoop to their level in order to appropriately punish them. While the recidivism rate is high among these sick people, there are those that do reform and maybe they don't need a horrible scar on their forehead. Maybe as a society we have to instead figure out what the hell is wrong with these people and fix them, or maybe if they are too horrible maybe just lock them away forever.

Maybe have a two pedobear rule, first time, try and rehabilitate these people, second time, put them away in a small box.

But we don't need to go all medieval on human beings. We as a species have to evolve how we treat our criminals not go backwards.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Why not just declare the pedophile property of their victim?

Then the victim can decide whether or not to pay for counselling or put them to work earning money for their victim and their keep.

Your method would see the victim doubly-victimized. First they are raped then they are forced to pay for the upkeep of the filthy rapist.


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

And what you propose is a violation of the 13th Amendment.

Durr yourself.

We lock up criminals all the time in this country, some who really don't need to be locked up. But some people need to be off the streets permanently. Perhaps put these people to work on road crews or other menial labor that would save tax payers money more than what it costs to keep them locked up.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by Exuberant1

Perhaps put these people to work on road crews or other menial labor that would save tax payers money more than what it costs to keep them locked up.

And put honest workers out of business by under-cutting them....

Growing the prison-industrial complex is probably not a good idea, better off giving them death then eh?

*And they have to come up with a cheaper way of doing that. It costs to much to kill a pedophile these days. That should be privatized.

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