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Pedophiles - 'Brand' them like the animals they are

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posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 10:45 AM
Why not remove their eyes? It's probably very difficult to molest anything without eyesight.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by blupblup

There is a risk, without a doubt there is. It's a moral dilemma of sorts, too. Not one I share, but I can see where someone might have a problem sentencing someone to death merely to protect a future victim, who may never be one...

Having dealt with this sordid crime in my own RL, I long ago came to the conclusion that death is really the only viable solution. It doesn't deter, it won't prevent others from doing this horrific may even cause other deaths that might not otherwise have occurred. I'm not omniscient, I can't know the mind, and really don't want to, of a serial molester (...and that's most of 'em), or what will make one of them kill their victim. We don't make them kill, or victimize children...we can only do our best to protect them, or avenge, should that become necessary.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by seagull

I totally agree, I think the death penalty is the only answer.
It really is the most heinous and evil crime I think... and one that to even have to think about leaves you feeling sick and angered.

And apparently, half of Paedophiles escape a prison term.

This is not right.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Please people educate yourselves on the recidivism of offenders in your local country. You will find the highest rates of recidivism is amongst property offenders - not sex offenders.

This is seriously one of the worst researched topics by the main stream public in the history of anything just because the emotions are so high.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 10:58 AM

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by sliceNodice

There are female pedophiles too I hope you know.

Of course there are. More despicable than the men in my opinion.

Would you condone cutting out a woman's vagina if it were effective?

No, I condone killing them.
First offense where DNA proof is solid.
I could care less what their gender is.

What's this about people in the know btw? I'm curious.

Psychiatrists, doctors, researchers, etc.


edit on 6-10-2010 by silo13 because: spelling

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Yeah, I agree, and tried that one, but most just found more ways to protect the pieces of filth.

'Pedophile Island"


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by monkeySEEmonkeyDO
I have a child, and if anyone ever molested him, they would never make it to court.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by seagull

More of the victims would be murdered by the animals. Or so it would seem to me, especially by the unbranded ones...because they'd be facing that stigma, once they served their time.

Why do you feel this way? I'd like to know your reasoning?
I'm not saying you're wrong or right (IMO), just asking for clarification.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:54 AM
Slavery ... ????

No offense, but this would be a huge step backward for all mankind. Suddenly a person isn't just receiving justice they are being rewarded for finding a rapist. This is one of the few crimes a person can charge a person with based on witnesses alone in the Western World. Considering a lot of people on ATS are worried about the control the government has ... think about the ramifications this would have. And regardless if the person is a rapist or a murderer we shouldn't treat them like a pokemon.

If you thought fathers were terrified of having a nap next to their own child before - imagine what it would be like now??? I would be telling my male friends to sleep in a different house from their children. And yes, it is more common than you would like to think for children to lay false claims in this regard.

The misunderstandings in this thread are rampant and disconnected from reality. Recividism is an important word for people to actually look up. Killing sex offenders is not necessarily going to make society safer. Enslaving them is going to cause all kinds of problems. Suddenly people have a house pet they don't need to show any particular care for. Imagine the complication of that?

Things you don't know:

1. Recividism is nowhere near the level where people think it's at in this thread. And I find it terrifying people would throw their lot in with the opinions in this thread without a single statistic or expert being referenced. You are normally rational people.
2. Sex crimes are amongst the hardest to prosecute successfully and accurately. It's difficult area to talk in absolutes. There have been many famous false positives in this area and the victims of these events have never recovered their lives. You wouldn't put up with someone being falsely accused of theft, why is this any different?
3. Rehabilitation is about giving people something to live for. We changed laws sometime ago because punishing the hell out of someone didn't turn them into a mentally fit human being. Torturing them, carving out their genitals, removing any part of their body or subjecting them to any form of demeaning punishment is only going to harm society at large and the poor people being placed in the position to dish out the punishment. You take a person who was already a mental case then beat them up some more and take away any possible reason they had for living you just have a bigger danger to society ... slave or not.

Plus there is the further issue of employment for prisoners being a rehab step which many times sex offenders struggle to fit into due to their stigma. Though not everyone agrees with work inside prisons but then it's difficult issue. You really need to know a hell of a lot about it before dropping you $5 in the slot.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:04 PM
As a victim of molestation (by a female relative) I say torture, everyday, all day till they die. Anyone see the movie Law Abiding Citizen?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Pinke

"rewarded for finding a rapist"

how do you figure?

If they are raped, are they not entitled to justice?

Is it not unjust to take money from the victim by force and to then use that money to pay for the incarceration of the victim's perpetrator?

How is personal slavery a step backward from what we have now, where the State assumes ownership of the slave instead of the victim?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:21 PM
Somethings you just aren't going to get justice over and trying to imply some level of human justice over it is just going to be savagery dressed up in a suit. Would you have the spouse of a murder victim beat the opposing man to death with a club or enslave them if they had a pub fight?

If you receive the life of someone else for the charge of rape thing of the incentive to actually fake a rape. The charge for feigning rape is considerably less than the possible reward. It could be the brand new equiv of insurance fraud.

And is 'justice' more important than the conscience and safety of our society? You really think having a group of men whipping and shoving another group of men around is going to add to our society?

"What did you do at work honey?"
"You know, shoved some sex offenders around. Made them make some tables. Punched one in the groin."
"Good on you sweety! You give it to those sex offenders!"

First it's enslaving them. Then it's telling the guards they can do what they want because of the outcry of a guard being done for assault of a sex offender who wouldn't work.

I don't actually think you understand the current system, or you live in a country where that system is different from the ones I'm aware of. I'm not sure. I'm not an expert on the legal system of all countries, but I've seen enough to know this is very misunderstood area of it.

As far as I know, the State (are you U.S?) is not taking ownership of a person. In fact a lot of the time sex offenders are poor assets in the private prison system. Other prisoners despise them so they generally aren't too productive in the job market. So no one is making money off this alleged person.

It's meant to be rehab and research. If rehab isn't possible then consider the death penalty but there would need to be classifications. IE ... you're probably aiming to kill the 2 - 11% (depending on your location and type of offenders) of offenders that continually reoffend - particularly the ones classified as predators. Otherwise you could be killing all kinds of random offenders. Note that offenses can range from groping to stealing from washing lines.

Then there's the awkwardness that most sex offenders have been molested themselves. There are number of documentarys on how difficult it is to judge rape. There are also many many instances in popular media where people have accused of rape and have been blatantly lying.

Ask yourself this question and ask it honestly ...

If a sex offender could be turned into an incredibly productive and beneficial member of society with a single pill (this is obviously not possible but please humor me) would you administer this pill or a bullet?

Most people don't have the greater good of society or justice in mind when discussing this topic (which is understandable). What they have in their mind isn't a collection of well research and presented facts either it's merely revenge.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:22 PM
Starred & Flagged.

It's not just a matter of simple pedeophiles, now you are talking child sex slavery and this involves some of the most powerful of the powerful. The most elite of the elite. The ones really responsible on a grand scale would never get caught and branded. It's only the stupid poor smuck that does this atrosity on a small scale and can't afford "justice" that would get branded.

As in America, England and the rest of our world, justice can be bought..........only the poor can't afford it.

And it is the most rich of the rich and powerful of the powerful that perform this on a daily basis via sex slavery. You are now looking at a real deep and twisted rabbit hole my dear Alice............real deep. So deep does child sex slavery go you wouldn't believe it.

According to Brice Taylor "Thanks for the Memories" the following individuals would need to be branded........

George Bush Sr.
George Bush Jr.
Bob Hope
Walt Disney
Henry Kissinger
Hilary and Bill Clinton
Prince Charles
Prince Andrew
John F. Kennedy
Lydon B. Johnson
Gerald Ford
Ronald Reagan
Elvis Presley (Also programmed and heavily drugged)
Lee Iacocca
Ted Kennedy (Very "brutal")
John Kennedy Jr. (brought to Brice very young to be "introduced" into manhood)
Neil Diamond
Mickey Rooney
Jane Fonda
James Taylor
Barbara Streisand

Presidents, Princes, movie stars.

Of the names above that Brice Taylor (Susan Ford) gives none have taken her to court on charges of slander.

She also stated she believed that many of the hollywood "connections" were deeply programmed......Elvis and Michael Jackson, she gave as samples.

Child Sexual Slavery amoung the rich and powerful, ties in very heavily with mind control and satanic ritual. Ms. Taylor claims that Hollywood is deeply into both child sex slavery and mind programming.

Watch, it's easy to spot them. They give that funny hand symbol.

The video above is twelve years old and again, naming of the names and none of these folks have come forward and taken this person to court on slander.

If you want to start branding, then let justice be justice for all. Probably most of hollywood, Washington DC and Parliment would need to be branded.

All Illuminati children are heavily conditioned to be obedient, patient, self-controlled, and totally loyal to the "family". Some are groomed for the military or politics; others are prepared for business - or even 'businesses' such as prostitution. Marriages are arranged, one reason being to strengthen ties between different bloodlines. All the members of the families have respectable fronts as "normal" people to the degree that no-one who is not in the group would ever suspect the duality of their character and of their life. Meetings often occur at night. In these meetings children are "trained" using drugs, hypnosis, and shock-reward conditioning. They can, in Svali's words, all handle and fire a weapon with deadly accuracy by the age of 8.

Higher levels of politics are heavily Illuminati occupied and controlled, in all western countries. In the United States, the population is about 1% Illuminati or Illuminati assets. Do the math: that's about 3 million people. You may even know some of them, and have never suspected.

Svali is, or was, an American woman born into an Illuminati bloodline. When she was twelve years old, she was taken to the Vatican for a ceremony she was told would be very important. What she witnessed - an actual child sacrifice (the child was 3 or 4 years old, and appeared to be compliant) on an obsidian slab over a large pentagram in a basement catacomb - is told in her extraordinary interview with Greg Szymanski. Everyone visiting our site must hear this:

Svali is also an exception in that very few Illuminati members ever leave. The conditioning is just too great... and to leave means abandoning spouse, parents, children, house, money, everything. Very few people make the break. Svali reports that she was only able to leave after it dawned on her that, because she was telling lies to the Illuminati children as an Illuminati "trainer" (her role or job in the "family"), she must have been lied to herself when she was young. She converted to Christianity ('real' Christianity: she described various Christian churches as heavily Illuminati controlled) and this gave her the strength to leave. She gave one major radio interview, and had a website ( which has now been taken down. She wrote prolifically for a while, but has not been heard from since 2006.

There is a lot of information on her on the internet: Google 'Svali' and start reading.

"Svali" is the pseudonym of the woman, age 45, who was a mind "programmer" for the cult until 1996. She was the sixth head trainer in the San Diego branch and had 30 trainers reporting to her. She has risked her life to warn humanity of the Illuminati's covert power and agenda.

She describes a sadistic Satanicpedophile cult led by the richest and most powerful people in the world. It is largely homosexual and , practises animal sacrifice and ritual murder. It works "hand in glove" with the CIA and Freemasonry. It is Aryan supremacist (German is spoken at the top) but welcomes Jewish apostates. It controls the world traffic in drugs, guns, pornography and prostitution. It may be the hand behind political assassination, and "terrorism", including Sept. 11, the Maryland sniper and the Bali bomb blast.


Google Video Link

Pedohiles aren't just the weird guy that lives down the street - you are talking very rich and powerful people.

If you started branding, it would be akin to putting a man behind prison bars for robbing a store vs letting the bankers go free after they have robbed people of their homes, lives and billions of dollars.

The real @ssholes are going to go free. It's the stupid smucks that can't afford a good lawyer or hitman that will get branded.

As stated before, research child pedohiles /

David Icke has been talking about this for decades.

I have talked with people in the best part of 50 countries in my research of this subject, the abused, the insiders who know the abusers, and those who have dedicated their lives to exposing this evil.

Put it all together and the situation is as clear as can be: paedophilia and Satanism are the cement that hold the establishment control structure together in every country, and these 'national' networks connect together to form a global network of paedophiles and Satanists all watching each others' backs - while they continue to serve the Control System.

If anyone wants to get out or refuses to take orders they know the consequences - 'suicide' or exposure.

Governments around the world are being controlled by the bloodline cabal via paedophile and Satanist politicians and 'leaders' who dare not resist the demands of the Shadow People who have the evidence that would destroy them.

A few weeks ago a document came to light in Australia purporting to be a 'death bed confession' by a leading Satanist from the 'top' coven/lodge in Sydney. It certainly rang true because what it said is supported by my 15 years research into these matters. It said:

'Politicians are introduced by a carefully graded set of criteria and situations that enable them to accept that their victims will be, "Our little secret". Young children sexually molested and physically abused by politicians worldwide are quickly used as sacrifices. In Australia the bodies are hardly ever discovered, for Australia is still a wilderness.'

In more crowded locations the Satanists and paedophiles (the two networks are fundamentally connected) have crematoria to 'lose' the evidence of child sacrifice and murder.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Pinke

Have fun with your cognitive dissonance.

You're the one that has to live with it.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by silo13

Mostly, it seems to me, in an effort to avoid consequences. No victim. No crime. 'course many criminals try this tactic and still suffer the consequences of their actions, but these are not right thinking folks we're dealing with here. That's where my reasoning takes me.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Hello OHD - I read through your post and I'm going to go back and re read it again, and again, and again.
Because I realize what you're saying holds truth, in part if not all. It IS the rich and powerful that are responsible for all the little faces on the milk cartons - all the babies missing their 'mommies and daddies' - and YES - I believe this with all my heart! (That the majority of missing children have been taken into the sex trade).

I have to comment now though on what hit my right in the face. The truth of the words you wrote, that only the poor are going to suffer the branding.

Would it save some children? Yes.
Would it be right they are branded and not ALL child rapists?
I just don't know. I want to say 'better some than none' - but...

*EXPLETIVE*! I don't want to have pity on ANY of them, but, WHAT THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO DO!

My God... We have this issue - this HUGE ISSUE - that isn't just an ISSUE - it's LITTLE BABY CHILDREN! And youngsters that are so innocent and so fragile and are the FUTURE for us all!!!

And what do we do? Hold reservations for killing those who perpetrate the vile evil on babies...

Society might not like the death penalty for pedophiles - but what in the hell does it say about our society that we let them go free to perpetrate again, and again, and again!

I don't know where I'm going with this post. I have to come back to it later.

Thank you so much for the time and the thought and care you put into posting.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:43 PM
Okay here's my .2 on the whole thing:
You want to brand, tattoo, chip, whatever offenders, fine, lets do it, once ALL offenders are branded or somehow tagged, whats next, drug dealers? good, lets do it. After that, habitual DUIers, murderers, speeders, etc etc where does it end?
Now, we all know that the Innocence Project has been getting people released from Death Row and prison that have been sitting there 10, 20+ years for crimes they didnt commit, same goes with accused pedos and sex offenders. We all know someone that has been in an ugly divorce, and the ex spouse has accused the other of molesting the kids, all that woman needs is an accusation, and thats it, its OVER for the other spouse. No judge or jury needed. Branded for life, even if theyre not convicted OR GUILTY. All you need is the accusation nowadays, no evidence needed, thats where the expression, "can indict a ham sandwich' comes from. It doesnt take much nowadays to be labeled a sex offender. I have a good friend of mine that was labeled a sex offender because he was drunk one night and pissed in the alley behind a bar, something noone thought twice about about 20 years or so ago, but because of the tag sex offender for public urination, he had to quit college 2 semesters short of his bachelor's degree (the laws in his state ALL sex offenders cannot attend school where minors are attending, thats how sex offender laws are written in most states)
Most punishments come as a result of knee-jerk or feel good laws. We have become a pitchfork, hang em high society once again.
so much for 'enlightenment'

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
reply to post by Pinke

Have fun with your cognitive dissonance.

You're the one that has to live with it.

Pleased to see you rebutted my points with theory, research, and by educating yourself in the subject.

Good luck reintroducing slavery to the Western World?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

I've been down the same road - If we do it with 'them' then it will happen to 'us' - down the line.
For what? Not paying taxes... Who knows.

But having said that - what do we do? I mean what in the hell do we do? Just let it all continue status quo?


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