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'I feel like no-one': Girl, 12, dies in father's arms from mystery condition after being tormente

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posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:13 AM
My god, that poor child.

I have no children at this time in my life, but I pass all of my love to my niece who is the light of my life. I cannot imagine such circumstances effecting her as it has this young girl. It is my hope that with the strength of her mother, grandmother, and aunts around her that she will learn the self confidence needed to over come the actions of bullies. If by chance that is not the case, then I will make it my point in life to make the parents of those bullies lives a living hell.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:33 AM
Though I do find this extremely upsetting and disturbing... Is this breaking alternative news?

There are plenty of forums for discussions on bullying etc. on this site and across the internet.

Sorry if this comment upsets anyone, but I think its fair to say that this is not breaking alternative news.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:33 AM
Double Post: First time in 2 years on ATS, though you guys were making ut up.
edit on 6-10-2010 by carlitomoore because: Douple Post

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:48 AM
God Bless Holly Stuckey,

I know she is a martyr for the injustice within the prison of institutionalized education.

This is not the way of man to teach children that they are prisoners within a matrix knowledge consortium.

I'm ashamed at this world's institutionalized education system, there needs to be better funding for angels like Holly.

There needs to be schools that guard and protect children like holly from the vagrant children of crap families.

It's ok to be yourself even if you are a child. I believe Holly knew this and the hell with sex in society. Freaking Reptilian Humanity that teaches children at a young age that sex is so prolific.

The hell with Reptilian Human Beings. You call yourselfs MEN and WOMEN, when you are genetic filth on this planet.

Be gone, get gone, in Holly Stuckley's Name.

God Bless, Peace and Shiva-Muzeam

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

Bullies come in all shapes and sizes and bullying its self, is not just restricted to teasing and taunting.

A pretty young woman that follows you from one job to another, just to make complaints about you to your employers in order to have you sacked time and time again, or have you pressured, isolated, restrictes, excluded, untill you leave or uses contacts & word of mouth, to ensure you can't get another job, is also a form of bullying.

This is kind of harrassment is more common than most ppl know about and can have terrible consiquences for those who experience this repeated behavior.
edit on 10/6/2010 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Ironclad
reply to post by Yissachar1

Bullies come in all shapes and sizes and bullying its self, is not just restricted to teasing and taunting.

A pretty young woman that follows you from one job to another, just to make complaints about you to your employers in order to have you sacked time and time again, or have you pressured, isolated, restrictes, excluded, untill you leave or uses contacts & word of mouth, to ensure you can't get another job, is also a form of bullying.

This is kind of harrassment is more common than most ppl know about and can have terrible consiquences for those who experience this repeated behavior.
edit on 10/6/2010 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

Wow.. That would be one deranged individual!

But you bring up a good point.. Bullying is not restricted to the playground but can happen at work or at home by people who never left the playground..

When I first got to my unit after basic training I was bullied by the older sweats who justified it by calling it initiation. However the bullying seemed to carry on afterwards until I broke one of their noses in 5 places and anothers cheekbone.. It was all hunky dory after that and we became best mates, however you would not get away with that in a civvy job, and if you complain you may get nowhere, ostrasised and forced out.

edit on 6-10-2010 by Yissachar1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 01:06 PM
It's a constant sense of worry for me about my child. He's only seven but has ADHD and is struggling with following classroom rules, he just can't sit still that long or control himself from shouting out the answers or remembering to raise his hand. We've been going through a very tough time personally with my mother being extremely ill having at home hospice care and passing away last weekend. He was her pride and joy, they spent as much time together as possible the last 7 years and he's been extremely emotional, letting little things in school get to him and a couple times crying in class. He says everyone is calling him a baby and no one will play with him. It's so frustrating to hear this, I don't know what to do. I know how cruel kids can be (I grew up small, very sick all the time, couldn't do PE because of my horrible asthma and allergies), I just want him to be a normal, happy child, it's like kids today are no longer allowed to be kids.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 01:23 PM
I'm a parent of three and I remember when my son was bullied by two neighborhood boys. It made me furious!! I couldn't believe that I had it in me to be so angry and willing to do whatever it took to make the bullying stop. I think at one point in time I could have honestly physically hit those other kids (I wanted to knock their heads together-of course I didn't). I ended up homeschooling my son (15 at the time) for a while but that didn't last too long. Can you imagine how much fun it was for a 15 yr old boy to be with mom all day at home? It wasn't, so he ended up moving in with his dad the next state over and started a new school. Sometimes that is the only option. I have anger and resentments to this day (my son is now 20) towards the two boys and their families. Come to find out that one of the boys later got in trouble with the law and the other family lost their home and they moved away. We're still here in the neighborhood but I missed out on four years of my firstborn son's childhood because of them! When all else fails, sometimes changing schools is the only/best option. Talking to the school and parents is pretty much worthless.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 01:56 PM
Well, let's hope this sad story will shock the minds of the locales, especially these stupid, careless parents who raise their kids into becoming violent, ego-obsessed machos.

Parents must teach their children the respect of others, this is one of the damn basic things for a world that holds together, at least.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:11 PM
There seems to be a lot of focus on this issue in the media lately. A sort of "fad" in the news. Which by no means makes it any less horrible. I hate to see this sort of thing happen, but I hate even more to think that it will be "out of fashion" in a few months as far as MSM is concerned.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Face it....we lost our children when they took the law away from the parents and the teachers and gave it to the children. We can't punish a child without facing a law suit. Kids today are spoiled and feel a sense of entitlement. Video games teach them to kill without conscience. Music teaches them disrespect for others. We don't need the government telling us how to raise our children.
reply to post by Shystargazer

As a teacher who has had to be on the receiving end of some pretty unpleasant behavior at times, I still agree that teachers should not physically or emotionally abuse students. Kids are not born unpleasant; they are made that way by life. When I went to school, corporal punishment was legal: but only the poor kids or minority kids got beaten, humiliated, punished and pushed around...the 'connected' kids got by with murder...perpetuating the class divide. I would never be a teacher in a school that allowed physical punishment of children, ever.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:50 PM
While I am very sad about this beautiful little girl, I am also sad about the fact that many don`t understand what causes bullies to do these things, and in turn, think that hurting these people is ok. Each of us, are no more than mirrors of those around us. In other words, when the bully sees the weakness in someone else and goes after that person, they are seeing not the weakness of THAT person, but the weakness within themselves, and lash out at that weakness, because we are taught not to be weak. So why do we want to hurt bullies, and be just like them, could it be we are seeing ourselves in that person and don`t like it? Instead of hurting anyone else in this matter, maybe we should focus on teaching these kids and adults to look within themselves, and see just what it is that brings these emotions to the surface, then look without at those around them to see the mirror that those people are. When we want to hurt others, be it the weak or the bullies, it is nothing more than wanting to hurt oneself. We make ourselves the victim of the hurt we force on those around us.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:52 PM

when the class teacher told me my daughter was being a bully to a another child in school,and the other child wouldn't go to school because of my daughter,i was appalled,and i tell you,i sat my daughter down and gave her a 2 hour talk about her attitude and actions,i took her to the other child's house and apologise to the parents,and made my daughter apologise to the other child,and made my daughter stay in her room for 2 weeks,with nothing but laptop,tv,nothing...and the irony is my daughter and this other child are now good freinds.
reply to post by snapperski

You are an example of a parent who took immediate proactive action, linking the child's behavior to consequences, right away, with clear cut guidelines of what is appropriate and what is not. You and all parents have much more power to correct your children when they 'stray' than the admonishments of teachers and principals. Teachers care, but we need parents to work with us and parents need teachers to let them know what is going on so that corrections can be applied. Congratulations! You did all this without corporal punishment (which only teaches kids that the bigger person gets to impose on physically smaller persons)! Much more powerful to take action and to show a child what is the right way in life.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:52 PM
this proves that health also deals with the spirit

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:12 PM

And people get upset when I suggest that male children should have vasectomies when they reach puberty.
reply to post by Freenrgy2


And only BOYS are bullies? Where have you been? I taught in a high school where the girls were bigger,
meaner, tougher than ANY boy, and they paid for the prom and picked up their dates. They were always
getting into fist-fights...actually, I was astonished.

Girls may not use "fists", but they use something worse...exclusion, gossip, sneering, calumny, threats,

You're not going to get rid of this problem with surgery.

Kids imitate those whom they admire most. Just look at the leaders of a nation to see how admirable they aren't; and look at who their parents idolize...sports stars, stupid TV programs, ... and religion by the millions! With blowdry hair, preachers spew their ridiculous cant over the airwaves...check out the music and see who the kids listen to. Most of the musicians are manufactured and delivered, as inauthentic as possible. It starts at home, it continues at school. Lots of kids adopt favorite teachers and want to be like them. Kids always
learn by ACTIONS, not words...

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:15 PM
This may sound strange, but I hope if I explain, not heartless, but a tiny little bit of me, doesn't blame her at all. Giving up like that. I experienced similar bullying, I couldn't fit in at all. Throughout my entire education, including university, I always found myself on the wrong side of the other girls. It is hard to explain because in retrospect I can see their behaviour for what it is, but then, you haven't got a clue, especially, if like Holly and I, you were quite innocent and each and everytime you give it another go to be accepted and it fails, it tears your heart out, and you don't think anyone could ever possibly understand. I became anorexic, not because I wanted to be thin but because I wanted to disappear, by then I wanted everyone to leave me alone. I wore black, blended into every background, I was just like Ally Sheedy in The Breakfast Club, peering out from behind a veil of hair. And of course, if you look like a freak everyone steers clear, problem solved and many notebooks filled later. She avoided that. Of course once you escape from school you can to some extent find ways of negotiating sheep and their frightened conformity. And it does build character and strength, but I still can't blame her, she probably didn't realise her parents would have moved heaven and earth to protect if only they'd known, and 6 years more with those people, her torturers, must have seemed far too much to bear.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
reply to post by Yissachar1

And people get upset when I suggest that male children should have vasectomies when they reach puberty.

Sorry, but as someone who just recently left the vale of childhood and adolescence, I'll be the first to tell you that it's the girls who are the worst.

Boys, yeah. We're rough, we hit each other. When we bully, or when we get pissed at one another, we beat the # out of each other. But afterwords, tensions die down.

Girls? Girls are #ing evil man. They're just cruel. They aim for the spirit and my god, they know how to destroy a persons spirit.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:23 PM
s&f this if you have a heart! this is so sickening, i get so angry when i hear about these stories. shouldnt there be newer types of monitoring in school????? this should never happen to anybody.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by SpectreDC
Sorry, but as someone who just recently left the vale of childhood and adolescence, I'll be the first to tell you that it's the girls who are the worst.

Boys, yeah. We're rough, we hit each other. When we bully, or when we get pissed at one another, we beat the # out of each other. But afterwords, tensions die down.

Girls? Girls are #ing evil man. They're just cruel. They aim for the spirit and my god, they know how to destroy a persons spirit.

True! Some not all though. And even when I had every girl in my class after me, the boys wouldn't get involved and would still speak to me, those that weren't under the thumb that is. It wasn't even because I was pretty, because I wasn't. It was simply that they had more important things to do than make life a misery for everyone who was like them. The only good year I had at school, socially that is, I loved the learning side of it, was when I was 15 and I found a gang of geeky boys to talk # with, we stayed drinking mates until my early 20s. The problem with boys is that they grow up.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:44 PM
Things like this really annoy me.

Teachers need to look out more for there things as it can effect a child really badly.
I was bullied in high school, and was too scared to say anything, inside, I wanted the teacher to see what they were doing, but they rarely did anything about it.

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