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Seasonal flu jab to contain the swine flu vaccine.

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posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:33 AM
Just heard this on the radio. The seasonal Flu vaccine in the UK will include the Swine flu vaccine. Is this something that should be a concern to us? It seems this is being targeted at pregnant women.

The annual flu jab will this year protect against swine flu and will be offered to all pregnant women for the first time.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:42 AM
Thank you for your post. This is something people really need to be aware of.
Rather than blindly have faith in the medical proffesion investigate what it is they are actualy doing.
I would suggest that this is all part of thw world wide eugenics programme.
We are the guinee pigs so to speak.
edit on 5-10-2010 by artistpoet because: typo

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:44 AM
Sounds creepy to me.
Creepy needs no second line.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:54 AM
They have been pretty reckless with there vaccines over the past few years..
i cant help but feel that this does not have the good intent they want us to think.
probably excessive amounts of mercury like there is in all the new vaccines.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:37 AM

Above is one link discussing these vaccines - this is just one of many links concerning this subject

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:57 PM
My wife and I are getting our Flu jabs this Saturday. We have to get them every year because of my wife's health issues. Last year we both got the separate Swine Flu jab as well as the Seasonal Flu one and neither of us suffered any ill effects other than a sore arm which was gone in a couple of days.

My advice to anyone in the UK would be that if you don't need the jab, then don't get it. And if you do need to get it then try not to worry too much because if it didn't kill my wife (who is immune-compromised and on deaths door every other week) then it's unlikely that it'll kill you.

Just my penny's worth.

edit on 5/10/2010 by revmoofoo because: typo

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:57 PM
Sorry Rev, but the vaccine is not more of a risk for people who are immunocompromised. It seems to be a genetic predisposition, or random event that causes the vaccines to produce neurological trauma. Point being, just because you and your wife were fine after taking it, does not mean it will be safe for everyone. Im sure your immunocompromised wife can eat peanuts too, but to people with allergies these are dangerous as well.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by pexx421

I see where you're coming from, but I don't agree with everything you've said, because I'm awkward that way.

Yes, the jab can cause issues for some, but last year not one of the 80 to 100 careers and patients that I had contact with had any issues. Surely out of all those people, their relatives, etc, one of them should have had a bad reaction to the jab?

I'm all for avoiding things that are bad for me and if I didn't need to get the Swine Flu jab I wouldn't because of the health risks, which are usually greatly exaggerated by most. I read everything I could find about it, just so I knew what I was in for if it went wrong, but it turned out that the jab is safer than the medication I have to take every day that's slowly poisoning me. lol

I'm really not a supporter of the Swine Flue jab, but I do believe that people who need to have it should have it. It's as simple as that. Oh and my wife can't have nuts either, which is a bummer because I love dry roasted. heh

Anyway, stop disagreeing with me, I'm too awesome to be wrong!

edit on 5/10/2010 by revmoofoo because: to add

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:17 PM
My problem with the Winter Flu Jab in the UK is that it has the swine flu vaccine in it and offers no choice to have the flu jab without the swine flu also - seems they had a lot of swine flu vaccine left over because so many refused it.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet
My problem with the Winter Flu Jab in the UK is that it has the swine flu vaccine in it and offers no choice to have the flu jab without the swine flu also - seems they had a lot of swine flu vaccine left over because so many refused it.

Yeah combining it like that isn't cool. My wife reckons that you can request the Seasonal Flu jab on it's own still, but knowing the NHS, they'll probably make you pay for it. Personally, I'm glad that I can get an all in one now because I'm terrified of needles! lol


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by revmoofoo

Originally posted by artistpoet
My problem with the Winter Flu Jab in the UK is that it has the swine flu vaccine in it and offers no choice to have the flu jab without the swine flu also - seems they had a lot of swine flu vaccine left over because so many refused it.

Yeah combining it like that isn't cool. My wife reckons that you can request the Seasonal Flu jab on it's own still, but knowing the NHS, they'll probably make you pay for it. Personally, I'm glad that I can get an all in one now because I'm terrified of needles! lol


Thank you very much for that info - I did ot realise that it is possible to get the seasonal flu jab uncontaminated with the swine flu type - Even if it costs money I will pass on that valuable info to my elderly parents and their friends -
Funny you should mention your fear of needles - Since being a child I had nightmares about that - I am sure there must be many who have this fear.
I have rationalised this fear yet I still would not have any injection as is my choice for my own reasons and views on health in general

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:31 AM
Sister had to get this last year becuase she was pregnant.

Year later and she is perfectly healthly with a perfectly healthy new baby girl.

Its just another vaccine. You get vaccines or you don't.

I don't. Try and fight illness myself. Everytime after being proper sick I feel like a different person after it. I kinda believe illness changes you. Maybe I'm just nuts.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:35 AM
Incredible isn't, how these cretins are just itching to pump us full of their crap.

Never been a fan of vaccinations, all they do is create carriers and spread the virus exponentially.

Much better to take anti-virals and stay in isolation for a week.

That way far less people will die from virulent forms and iatrogenic reactions to the mercury adjuvants and god knows what else that is in these vaccines...recombinant dna of chicken diseases immediately springs to mind.

Anyone coming near me with a syringe full of that rot is going to get a nasty surprise.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
Sister had to get this last year becuase she was pregnant.

Year later and she is perfectly healthly with a perfectly healthy new baby girl.

Its just another vaccine. You get vaccines or you don't.

I don't. Try and fight illness myself. Everytime after being proper sick I feel like a different person after it. I kinda believe illness changes you. Maybe I'm just nuts.

You make a very interesing point when you speak of illness changing one - I too feel this - It is almost cathartic how one goes deep into ones self and when good health returns by natural healing it is like everything is so alive and the simple things take on more importance and potency

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
Incredible isn't, how these cretins are just itching to pump us full of their crap.

Never been a fan of vaccinations, all they do is create carriers and spread the virus exponentially.

Much better to take anti-virals and stay in isolation for a week.

That way far less people will die from virulent forms and iatrogenic reactions to the mercury adjuvants and god knows what else that is in these vaccines...recombinant dna of chicken diseases immediately springs to mind.

Anyone coming near me with a syringe full of that rot is going to get a nasty surprise.

Very outspoken of you and also I believe very true - It seems people do not trust nature is self healing when a natural way is chosen - I know in some African villages the people head for the hills or bush when the medics arrive with their vaccines - This is not because they are ignorant but because they know the affects of such forced programmes - Look up the connection to Bill Gates and Eugenics to see the bigger sinister programme.
Eugenics is the real name of the game - Why did a spokesperson say "Aids is too slow a killer"

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:51 AM
I never got a swine flu jab in the UK.

It was necessarily provided for pregnant woman and children first, no?

Well, if they're including the swine flu's either because they made too much (which they did) and just want to get rid of it...or they still believe there is a cause of concern.

Well, the thing is...although swine flu isn't much of a concern's still having a big effect into countries like India.

Thanks for the article wood

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:07 AM
I think you are under estimating the problem Posion - Watch theses vids for the bigger picture
Alex talks swine flu
edit on 7-10-2010 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-10-2010 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

Sadly, Alex (monkey-man) Jones is a total fruit-loop nowadays. When I started listening to him ages ago he wasn't quite so bad, but now he's really not worth listening to unless you like scaremongering. And let's not forget his disgraceful behaviour at that gun rally earlier this year.

Search for him here on ATS and you'll see what I mean.

edit on 7/10/2010 by revmoofoo because: typo

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by revmoofoo
reply to post by artistpoet

Sadly, Alex (monkey-man) Jones is a total fruit-loop nowadays. When I started listening to him ages ago he wasn't quite so bad, but now he's really not worth listening to unless you like scaremongering. And let's not forget his disgraceful behaviour at that gun rally earlier this year.

Search for him here on ATS and you'll see what I mean.

edit on 7/10/2010 by revmoofoo because: typo

Monkey Man - That made ma laugh - Fruit loop - ok well you are entitled to your own opinion.
So unless someone acts in a prefect way as you see fit then what they say is worthless
Guess that leaves nobody
Alex sure can be over enthuastic - he leaves himself open to attack from many who would wish him to just Shut Up - I would much rather getmy information from him than the stooges of the main stream media which of course is my choice

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by artistpoet

Watch his older stuff and you will see a totally different man compared to nowadays. As you say everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect that, but stopping listening to him and staying away from his websites allowed me to focus more on legitimate information sources. Does he still have adverts on his YouTube videos? It really annoyed me when he added those, especially since the videos had been ad free for the longest time. Reeks of greed to me, but that's just my opinion.

On a side note, his videos are great for drinking games.

- Every time he gets a bit excited, that's one drink from your beer.
- When he does his whole mock sadness/outrage thing, that's one drink from your beer.
- When he starts banging on about the next false flag attack he thinks will happen or that he's "predicted" in the past, that's one drink from your beer.
- And when he goes mental, slamming his desk and waving his hands around, while spittle sprays from his mouth, everyone shouts "MONKEY MAN!" and has a shot.

Boy was I drunk by the end of most of his shows.

Oh and I don't expect perfection from anyone as we're all broken or flawed in one way or another. What I do expect however is for someone in Alex Jones' position not to do more harm than good and sadly as the years have gone by he has moved to the "harm" end of the scale. Sad, but true.

I'm glad he works for you though mate as we all have to find our truths from somewhere. Me, I get mine off of public bathroom walls. lol


edit on 7/10/2010 by revmoofoo because: my kingdom for mad spelling skills

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