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Have You Ever Considered That UFO's Might Be A Distraction By the Government?

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:38 AM
No, I'm not talking about the idiotic Project Blue Beam scam that has been circulating these and other message boards for years. I'm talking about the Government giving the paranoids something to distract them from other government run activities.

Let's break this down: Who researches the government's activities more thoroughly than a conspiracy minded person? The vast majority of conspiracy minded folks seem to also believe in UFO's of alien origin. So when the governement wants to keep certain activities as "hush-hush" as possible, they throw out a UFO of very terrestrial origin to give our message boards something to chew on as a distraction. By the time all the "believers" are done mulling over the "evidence" and skeptics get done debunking it all, the spec-op the governement was running or the hardware they were testing is now completed and back under wraps.

I just think this makes more sense than little green men flying in our skies. As a plus, they get to test new tech in the field knowing that any witnesses will be instantly discredited for UFO nuts. For the record, I believe that life exists on other planets in the universe, but none of which has vacationed on good old Earth.

Now, all of the above is strictly my opinion. Discuss or not, I'm really just trying to kill time at work.
edit on 10/4/2010 by KILL_DOGG because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:43 AM
I don't think its a distraction at all... I think its a media experiment gone wrong and people have followed it for some reason... I am extremely interested in Alien's & UFOs don't get me wrong but I think the line gets drawn every sighting / story a little bit further ahead of the last!

A little Skepticism goes a long way!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

I don't think it's any secret that the military is more than happy to have experimental aircraft reported as alien ships. I'm sure the F 117 and B-2 generated their share of UFO reports. I doubt if it's a pro active thing though, all they have to do is say nothing, the "believers" will do the rest!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

I like this theory.

Why were all the early aliens looking exactly like people? Why did alot of them expouse communist beliefs and why did alot of these encounters also involve psychodelics? why is alien 'technology' constantly changing according to eye witness accounts? why do ufo's constantly change shape, size, dimension, etc? why do some government support 'disclosure' and others deny, therefore creating a seeming tension and a a-ha moment for many believers?

while i don't necessarilly believe your theory i think it could offer a coherant view of the ufo phenomanon to compete with the rival views.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG
Kudos to your hard work ethic!

I am of the opinion that they take advantage of unidentified objects as part of their subtle control methods.

I think we are a flock of sheep being pushed and pulled wherever TPTB wish. We can realize this, but it doesn't change anything. We are still just sheep, awake and aware, wondering what our destination may be.
edit on 4-10-2010 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Who researches the government's activities more thoroughly than a conspiracy minded person?

Those who are employed by the government.

Have you ever considered that ufos might be a distraction by the government?

Yes I have. But after spending more than a decade in the usaf as a firefighter at nellis afb, obviously with a security clearance that permitted me access to all structures on the base in case they caught fire or needed rescue services, I do not feel I have the luxury of believing they are ours, at least from the here and now, anyways.

I used to consider that ufos would be one hell of a deterrent for war from other nations if they believed we had technologies from out of this world, literally.

Now my beliefs are different, and I believe we are being visited by someone who is not offering us a target, and have been demonstrating arial superiority for .... a very long time.

As a firefighter at nellis I lived on the flightline 24 hours a day, every other day, for 11 years, minus 3+ years deployed to warzones. I am familiar with conventional aircraft, and even wrote the technical orders for firefighters familiarizations with egress and shutdown proceedures for dozens of aircraft that would or could frequent nellis back in 06 and 07. I've personally witnessed arial phenomenon at low to the ground perspectives in restricted areas for an extended period of time with radio transmission interupted for hours at secure locations ..... in a post 9-11 reality ... can't imagine what benefit it would be for us to disrupt our own base communications and base functions.

But, don't take my word for it, wait until you have your own encounter, by all means.

no, i don't think they are ours. and if they are, I can only imagine why we are doing this to ourselves, and what truisms would have to exist to give authorities the perceived necessities that it must continue for any amount of time to continue to decieve and misdirect the very citizens they are sworn to protect and serve.

these are some of my opinions and experiences that i am prepared to share,

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:00 PM
I posted this in another thread, but it more-so belongs here

I would say a large percentage, (if not all) of UFO sightings aren't extraterrestrial. The government has secret technology, and I believe that since the 1940's they've been behind making people believe in little green creatures in flying saucers, to cover their own asses. Also, I believe that they are going to use this 'alien technology' to do their dirty work, so they have someone to blame.
The Apollo astronaut that came out about UFOs said that ETs looked like our stereotypical little people with giant heads & eyes. This rubbed me the wrong way. So aliens actually look like they do in all of the movies & the twilight zone? I call bull.

edit on 4-10-2010 by alien because: ...editted out the swears...

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by KILL_DOGG
Kudos to your hard work ethic!

Thanks, I'm drowning in boredom here and ATS provides a much needed destraction.

I really think a lot of you have some good points, but honestly there is nothing that distracts folks on a conspiracy website like a good UFO sighting. Think about the buzz that happened with the Pheonix Lights back in 1997 and again in 2007. There's no telling what the governement could have pulled off in the desert while everyone's eyes were fixed on those lights. Granted, they were nothing but flares, but still, what a great distraction.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by jessejamesxx
I posted this in another thread, but it more-so belongs here

I would say a large percentage, (if not all) of UFO sightings aren't extraterrestrial. The government has secret technology, and I believe that since the 1940's they've been behind making people believe in little green creatures in flying saucers, to cover their own asses. Also, I believe that they are going to use this 'alien technology' to do their dirty work, so they have someone to blame.
The Apollo astronaut that came out about UFOs said that ETs looked like our stereotypical little people with giant heads & eyes. This rubbed me the wrong way. So aliens actually look like they do in all of the movies & the twilight zone? I call bull.

On the other hand, other astronauts(Especially one, whoms name i unfortunately do not recall), described Extraterrestrials to look like Humans, only much taller. The Apollo Astronaut never said that the ET with large head and eyes were the only type, only that the specific type he described had this look.

In addition, alot of people still believes that the big headed "bug eyed" ET is the only type reported, when, in actuality, it is only AMONG those reported. It is commonly described, yes, but the type that is atleast, or often even more so described, is the Human looking ET, that looks like pretty much an ordinary Human, only generally very tall.

The only "bull" in the matter is the claim that the most common descripitions of ET.s are of Grays.
edit on 4-10-2010 by alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:54 PM
Valid theory and I do believe that some of them may be. But not all, in my opinion. Would otherwise serve as a good subversion tactic. "Watch the UFO's while we invade little ol' Poland." for example.... all is said and done and either unrepairable or kept secret. I believe indeed this theory

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:55 PM
Have you ever considered this...

Maybe something actually went wrong back in Roswell days that they (the government) needed to cover-up, perhaps they were "actually" experimenting or whatnot.
When the public began to suggest it was an alien ship they ran with it, it was the perfect easy cover-up they needed. Now we, the UFO theorists, are the ones who actually started the supposed cover and are continuing to make the allegations that fuel it.

Just an idea


posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

I like this theory.

Why were all the early aliens looking exactly like people? Why did alot of them expouse communist beliefs and why did alot of these encounters also involve psychodelics? why is alien 'technology' constantly changing according to eye witness accounts? why do ufo's constantly change shape, size, dimension, etc? why do some government support 'disclosure' and others deny, therefore creating a seeming tension and a a-ha moment for many believers?

while i don't necessarilly believe your theory i think it could offer a coherant view of the ufo phenomanon to compete with the rival views.

Which cases involved psychedelics? Would you be able to elaborate? NB I'm not saying none did I'm just not personally aware of any.


posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:04 PM
Valid theory and I do believe that some of them may be. But not all, in my opinion. Would otherwise serve as a good subversion tactic. "Watch the UFO's while we invade little ol' Poland." for example.... all is said and done and either unrepairable or kept secret. I believe indeed this theory

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by RadiatorOfTheLight

Was that a double post 10 minutes apart, or did you not remember already posting those same words

I don't speak for everyone, but I you the first time.


Was that a double post 10 minutes apart, or did you not remember already posting those same words

I don't speak for everyone, but I you the first time.

I'm in a mood, forgive me


posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:21 PM
The Phoenix lights were said to be flares, not UFOs. Lots of other strange stuff are weather balloon, glares, etc. Nothing is ever an alien spaceship (aka UFO) to the mainstream government. Nothing is really a UFO in the MSM either . They always have an explanation trying to prove that it isn't a UFO and in fact some type of bird. That being said, how can UFOs be used a distraction to them when they deny their existence? The government doesn't make Youtube videos claiming they exist.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
As a firefighter at nellis I lived on the flightline 24 hours a day, every other day, for 11 years, minus 3+ years deployed to warzones. I am familiar with conventional aircraft, and even wrote the technical orders for firefighters familiarizations with egress and shutdown proceedures for dozens of aircraft that would or could frequent nellis back in 06 and 07.

Well being very familiar with sitting at the end of the runway at Nellis and watching the take offs and landings, especially during red flag operations... I would venture to say that IF we had any top secret toys, they would hardly send them from Nellis, which is in the heart of Las Vegas and they have a viewing area on the road that passes the end of the runway. A cheap pair of binoculars is all you need to see anything on the flightline

Now I would LOVE to sit near the runway at Tonapah test center, that place that has the covered aircraft parking so Google Earth can't look in on them

They do have that cool new solar power array though... know anyone on base that could get me a tour of that?

I've personally witnessed arial phenomenon at low to the ground perspectives in restricted areas for an extended period of time with radio transmission interupted for hours at secure locations ..... in a post 9-11 reality ... can't imagine what benefit it would be for us to disrupt our own base communications and base functions.

I expect a report on my desk in triplicate
I would consider you a reliable witness

these are some of my opinions and experiences that i am prepared to share,

Waiting for report

This was one from a friend now at 45th wing space command at Patrick

Hill AFB, Utah 1985 During war games at Hill AFB, Utah, I was standing out on the flightline, guarding the perimeter, the entry-access control point. The rest of the base was in black out conditions, with black plastic over the windows of the buildings. All of the sudden, an aircraft or an airship was above me, of unknown origin. It was the biggest aircraft I have ever seen, completely silent and moved approximately ten miles an hour, almost floating. It was triangular, no visible engines, no markings, gun metal black. It essentially looked like it could fly in space. And when it accelerated, it leaped frog; that it is to say, it blinked out and reappeared farther away. It basically disappeared when it accelerated. BV

edit on 4-10-2010 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by splint
The Phoenix lights were said to be flares, not UFOs. Lots of other strange stuff are weather balloon, glares, etc. Nothing is ever an alien spaceship (aka UFO) to the mainstream government. Nothing is really a UFO in the MSM either . They always have an explanation trying to prove that it isn't a UFO and in fact some type of bird. That being said, how can UFOs be used a distraction to them when they deny their existence? The government doesn't make Youtube videos claiming they exist.

This is my point exactly. The MSM supresses a lot of stuff; even a skeptic like me can admit that. So it's the conspiracy theorists that are the "watch dogs" of the government. Plant a little alien action in their head and then watch them attack it. It's kind of like watching the bird in the left hand while the right hand picks your pocket.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:43 PM
yeah definitely i have thought that UFOS might be government technology, and that possibly the government is trying to keep people from knowing they have that technology or that it is possible to create such technology and thus 'aliens' or 'ufos' are the scape goat

however i think ultimately it's both, i'm sure we've at some point in time, like say roswell, we've obtained one of their craft and reverse engineered it and produced similiar enough 'earthling' versions that could be mistaken as a true extra terrestrial or alien craft

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:47 PM
Many have been admitted distractions. The military loves using a UFO sighting to discredit or cover up test flights of other craft. (they'd be fools not to)...

But, that doesn't mean that ALL UFO's are such distractions. Indeed, from the case files, it's likely a very low percentage. (the majority are misidentified normal phenomena)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:06 PM
I'm down to about three options when it comes to UFOs and aliens.

1 There is an alien presence here on this planet. Either multi-dimensional, or another species, or angels/demons, (or are they all the same?)

2 TPTB have the technology to build what appears to be, and behaves like alien craft, and at the same time they also have the technology to enter the human mind, causing a deliberate type of hallucination that makes it look like "alien abduction" or invasion.

3 TPTB have advanced technology that behaves like alien craft which has serious accidental side effects on the minds of anyone standing in close vicinity, causing them to experience a type of hallucination that makes it look like "alien abduction" or invasion. The "small men tall men" type of reports from the Philadelphia experiment stories would fit right in here.

A fourth option would to combine my first three, but that would be too much to bear,
A fifth option that it's all a load of crap does not compute in my wee brain. Sorry.

edit on 4-10-2010 by wigit because: eta

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