posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:50 PM
The only alien dreams I can recall having is one with the Grays, where I was in a room on an UFO with two of them and after they briefly probed me on
the table, we had a little chat. It was mental and they answered a few questions I had. They were friendly, greyish in colour and medium in height.
Second ET dream I had took place in some cosmic space, where I got out of an orange force-field and then floated freely towards a big ship, which had
many floors with many beings on it (both ET and human). They had nice kind of elevators, colourful and very friendly. They reminded me alot of the
Plaedians. Third dream was very short - was an orange, tall, reptilian-like figure popping out of the door to my room and then I woke up. Maybe I've
had more ET dreams, but I don't remember. Never had any 'sky event' ones. I wish I had more of them though. Good topic!