reply to post by halfoldman
If TSHTF was a nuclear exchange, life would be very different.
If you are lucky enough to be at one of the ground zero's and vaporized, your troubles would be over, however just a little further out and you might
suffer burns. I've worked on a burn unit and burns are the most painful of all injuries bar none. They also always become infected without
antibiotics. Without pain medication most burn victims would die from the constant and severe pain stressing their hearts.
Google Hiroshima victims and click on images................and that was a small nuclear bomb by today's standard.
If you had the misfortune to survive by being far enough from one of the blast zones, you would suffer possible radiation poisioning. I've been with
cancer patients that died from radiation therapy and it's a gruesome way to go.
Did you know that if you burn wood for warmth and the wood came from a tree that absorbed radiation, that radiation would be
can't burn wood that has been exposed to radiation.
If enough bombs were used, you would find yourself with climate change permanent winter.
If you didn't get radiation poisioning you would find a world where clean food and water would become scarce. People would murder you for a can of
beans and some would rape your daughter and kill her right infront of you.
There would be no law and order..........only chaos.
Those that survived would not be free, they would be damned to a nightmarish hell on earth existence. Every moment of the rest of your life would be
spent in solely trying to survive and you might find having to kill your own food or another fellow human being in self defense a bit of a shock.
Malaria, typhus TB and a whole host of other nasty diseases would spread, again without antibiotics.
If TSHTF was a natural disaster, like a small astroid hitting us, again you would find climate changes and food would become scarce.
Even "nice decent" people would do things they never thought they would do in order to survive.
Go to Target or Walmart the day after Thanksgiving and watch how people grab and push for a simple toy, now think the last can of corn and five people
fighting over it.
If you are thinking small, quaint, quiet, peaceful village with everyone helping each other out after TSHTF, that might happen but it would take
decades of surviving a very harsh and bleak existence.