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If enough of us believe Aliens are arriving, they will arrive

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posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

I'm still waiting for you to refute the claims or go walk your dead dog

Why are you wasting your time, don't you have anything better to do ?

Some people are actually interested in this subject

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

There is specific beliefs, which only effects you, and then there is beliefs which effects everyone, the beliefs which effects everyone, everyone must believe in it, don't you think

Like let's say us contacting Aliens, we have internet, TV, Radio, and Gossip.. If it Aliens contacts us, and we contact Aliens, the whole world would be effected, am I right ?

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Yes if we make contact with aliens it will effect us BUT wishing for it, believing it will happen, is not itself going to make it happen. Such thinking is dangerous, its the reason we have people dying of preventable medical conditions because their parent's would prefer to try prayer.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Such thinking is dangerous, its the reason we have people dying of preventable medical conditions because their parent's would prefer to try prayer.

I don't think those who do not use every available means to heal their kids, are parents, I think they are a$$holes. That being said, medical treatment doesn't heal you all the time is well, why? Because although most have a very strong belief in medical treatment, there are some whose belief are impartial, a lot of people are like that.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Belief or disbelief in modern medicine has nothing to do with its effectiveness or lack there of. I think you'll find that biology and chemistry have a lot more to do with whether a certain technique or medication is successful at treating a certain disease/disorder.

As for people putting absolute faith/belief into things my personal policy is this:

The only thing I am absolutely certain of is that I am absolutely certain of nothing.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Biology and Chemistry is our own creation, just like math, don't you think?

I like the quote that I'm certain of nothing, but certainty is what gets the job done, certainty is what gets you the job in the first place.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Biology and Chemistry are sciences. Science is a method for discovering things about the natural world and the Universe. Ideas in science only survive if they are supported by objective evidence, that is things that would be true even if we had no way of figuring them out. For instance, the world is round, surely it has always been round. People used to believe it was flat until the Greeks proved it was round, later scientists also helped prove this, the idea survives because it has evidence to back it up... it is demonstrably and evidently true that the world is round, so the world's spherical nature is not dependent upon our creation, science.

Also, I never said certainty isn't allowed, merely ABSOLUTE certainty, there is a distinction

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Your point is incorrect, the idea doesn't survive because of evidence, the idea survives because of belief.

The idea of GOD is still predominant in this earth. Evidence is detail, we use evidence to design the detail of this universe.

The more we look, the more smaller things get, the farther we look, the bigger they get ? Makes sense.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:58 AM
Every single person in this world could wish for aliens to contact us but unless they want to contact us nothing will happen.
All the positive thinking in the world won't change that.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Your point is incorrect, the idea doesn't survive because of evidence, the idea survives because of belief.

Right but the belief, in this case, is based on evidence which proves the Earth is round. A belief based on evidence tends to survive longer than one based on faith or at least that would be the case in an idealistic world full of critical thinkers. This is why many faith based beliefs offer out of this world prizes for sticking around, such as a paradisaical after-life, and also offer grim warnings of punishment for those brave enough to start thinking outside the box.

So you're right that it isn't JUST evidence based beliefs that survive, however I think those based in solid objective evidence will ultimately prove more durable... however human gullibility may just prove me wrong one day.

Edit to add: Another thing to consider is that a belief based on solid evidence can be researched if someone questions their belief. If I question something, like say gravity, I can put it to the test and find that science has it right. Faith, on the other hand, doesn't welcome experimentation or critical thinking because putting faith based beliefs under skeptical scientific scrutiny usually ends with a loss of those beliefs because of a lack of evidence supporting them... So while in the end both come down to belief one belief is JUSTIFIED (evidence based) and the other isn't (faith).

edit on 3-10-2010 by Titen-Sxull because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-10-2010 by Titen-Sxull because: the reason for this edit is apparent from the text of this post

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by oozyism

We're not gods, we can't just poof things into existence with our thoughts...

I disagree with that statement-well not the "we are not gods" part.

But everything we as a species have ever built or achieved DID begin with a single thought.
In that respect-we certainly do just "poof" things into existence with our thoughts.

Think of the combustion engine,or silicone chip,or any other human built or designed items-
Without that first thought,none of these would today "exist."

That initial spark of creative thought is exactally where a physical reality begins.

I am not saying we have the ability to "think" aliens into existence though-as I believe that they probably "thought" us into existence(through technology we can not yet imagine.)

Just my opinion as usual

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:10 AM
I think given an open time frame, anything can happen.

If it so happens that you think aliens are going to visit and they come tomorrow, then it doesnt necessarily mean they were coming because you thought they were, they could've been on their way anyway...?

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by oozyism

That's an absurd cop-out... so how many people need to believe in order for our thoughts to somehow gain power over reality?

Do you know how many people believe in Santa Claus, Jesus, Allah, etc? I'm sorry but if two BILLION Christians can believe in Jesus without him showing up than I declare the idea of our thoughts changing reality directly to be fully debunked.

Ever thought that maybe the person who thinks needs to be in a proper meditative state (including brain frequency)?

Here is a tone that helps with "thought manifestation":

Manifestation - This tone uses frequencies to help with manifestation. It brings your brain to a state in which it is more open to suggestion, aiding you in making your thoughts a reality. 10 minutes long.lucky it might just "happen" without too much effort. Good luck and be safe out there!


edit on 3-10-2010 by sphinx551 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 10:12 AM
So what your saying is, if we want it to happen, we can essentaily will it to happen. My mother and I have always thought about this theory and she believes it to be true. I on the other hand am a little skeptical of this, Ive always wanted to work at a certain hospital, I always told people that I would love to work at this hospital and if I could get my foot in the door then I would be content. Well three years later I landed a job working at that hospitals medical records department. I often wondered if its because I willed it to happen, seeming as I got the job in an unlikely way. I was scanning through my local craigslist when I came across the job posting!! I couldnt believe it! and after two interviews I got the JOB! So I started testing this theory about two years ago, I play the powerball every wensday and saturday and everyday I tell myself, that I am going to win, That I am going to buy a house, and go back to school, that I will put money aside for my two year old, that I will pay off my car, along with donating to the march of dimes, I tell myself that my family and close friends wont hurt for money anymore and I invision myself having the winning numbers... Its been two years and I have not won the powerball yet, but I will continue to play because .... you cant win if you dont play! And If I ever do win, will it be because I willed it to happen or will it be because of the odds??
So The question remains.... If aliens do show up, will it be because a group of society willed it to happen, or is it just the odds that eventually it will happen?? With or with out us willing it too

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
They are testing this theory right now, with the fuss in regards to UN appointing an Alien ambassador, etc..

This reminds me of an old Peter Pan show where Tinker bell was going to disappear because enough children didn't believe in her. If enough people in the world believed that the Olympic swimming pool was infested with crocodiles, they wouldn't magically manifest. I can't see that theory working Ooze!


posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

But everything we as a species have ever built or achieved DID begin with a single thought. In that respect-we certainly do just "poof" things into existence with our thoughts.

I agree,but there is a big difference between putting forth the physical creative effort to make your thought a reality and being able to conjure things into existence via mere belief.

For instance if I was just a brain in a jar and I wanted to build something I had imagined I would be physically unable to do so... the creation of the thing I imagined would be stagnated and left in my thoughts unless I could convey it to someone who had the means to make it a reality (ie a physical body)... So mere belief cannot affect the real world the way the OP suggests...

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Yes it is called critical mass consciousness, how do you think religions stay strong if enough people believe it, it is reflected back into our reality. If every one were to for go religion it would not exist in the masses only in the fringes of society. Our reality is a creation of our belief systems, as with all things in this world it is created out of matter.
What is matter it is energy, what are out thoughts energy. It takes a lot of energy to create matter, as beings of energy with thoughts of energy living in a energy universe all things are created by thought. Every thing we use to day was created by thought and energy when enough people get together it comes to reality.

Just look at the the internet and computer do you think it was put all together by one person no by the hundreds if not thousands working together to bring it reality. Every thing fallows the same patten it takes one to start the proses but many to bring it to reality. That is the facts of the matter if we all want it, it will come.


posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:33 PM
I saw a Christian take on aliens in a film called The Unidentified.
It was a dreadful piece of cinematography (so bad it's actually good).

What I fear is that we are constructing aliens according to our own unconscious minds.
In many popular tropes aliens are long present and working with evil earthly powers.

In the evangelical view on TBN it seems that aliens are demons who only "contact" people who have already opened the door to Satan with occult interests, witchcraft and porn.
So accordingly, if you want to be abducted by demonic aliens: buy some tarot cards, join a covern and download lots of porn.

If thought-forms can create a construction, or a Buddhist "Tulpa" (a thought-form that becomes independant of the thinker by deliberately meditating it into existence), then constructing aliens as demonic is very bad.
What kind of aliens will then come to us?
Religion really ups the fear.

And how must true aliens actually feel when they see this?
Lots of people see them as demons on this planet.
That's not very nice.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:51 PM
Aliens arriving, and presumably the RIGHT, friendly enough ones, if ever, has jack squat to do with mere belief, and everything to do with DESIRE. There's a clear difference. It's why I'm convinced there's a real "Prime Directive" (or whatever it's really called) that runs the show. Enough people have to not only desire their being here, but desire the absolute end, the complete destruction of secrecy-BASED government in general. Tough and perhaps impossible order as it is, I don't see it happening any other way. Or PERHAPS the ONLY way they would show up unexpectedly or suddenly is when we're RIGHT on the brink of some kind of ecological or other catastophe.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Friend,we may be the demons.
Imagine if Aliens landed and saw us as barbaric savage animals.which we really are under the surface of what we call "civilisation"

Imagine if they looked all demon like because they were so disgusted with our behaviour.
Maybe they landed here 4000 years ago,and thought we were OK.
Now they are worried.
We have become naughty.

Just my weird Ideas as usual,

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