Thanks for the story. Though it's not important what I believe: whether there really was a demon baby or not, I don't doubt you saw one. Both in the
realm of biology (species) and psychology (visual processing), we're not at the point that we can explain such 'anomalies' yet - at least not in
Speaking of detail, many accounts of mysterious creatures are quite vague. Yours however is quite detailed. It is in that aspect as well as in one of
the details - the black eyes - that it reminds me of an urban legend that frequents ATS in the form of threads by members - and to my surprise hasn't
been mentioned yet: Black Eyed Kids, or BEK for short. I'm not knowledgeable at all on this subject, only read a few threads - but I'll dabble with
a description: basically they're kids that seem normal at first, asking for help or assistance, then turn out to have black eyes, and end up having
quite the negative effect on any person that interacts with them. Here's a tiny list from a search on "BEK":
More BEKs 15-3-2011
I Let a BEK In..BIG mistake. 27-2-2011
Black Eyed Kids- Did I just have an BEK experience? 3-10-2010
These are some of the most recent threads on BEKs. They're a bit shattered across different forums. There is one obvious difference between the
accounts of BEKs and yours; you saw a black eyed baby (BEB?
) instead of a kid - although time might overcome that particular discrepancy. Also, I
don't recall anything about BEKs being extraordinarily muscular or paraplegic. Still, the similarities are striking - a black eyed human (in
appearance) with an evil presence.
I'd like to ask two questions just to get a bit more grip on the account:
1. While the baby didn't move, you moved up to 15 feet from it. What is the distance you moved from? A strange question perhaps, but certain types of
hallucinations can be ruled out if the baby was consistent in its three-dimensional appearance. Specifically, suggestive 'hallucinations' such as
pareidolia - recognizing an evil skull in a white plastic bag alongside a dark road, for example. Obviously if you walked around the baby and still
saw a baby, it cannot have been such a simple 'mishap' in visual processing.
2. Did you write down or draw any of this in the past? Like you said, memories can be skewed - way further than most people like to believe. Details
get changed, erased, and even added during a lifetime of recalling memories with less than 100% accuracy. So if you have written or drawn anything of
this back then, or perhaps a few years later, it would be a direct validation of your current account.
Thanks again for the story; I know you risk a certain amount of ridicule (even here on ATS). To me, it makes sense to speculate about such subjects,
as we have nothing to lose in doing so. And nothing could be more inspirational in that sense than a firsthand account!