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How 9/11 was done.

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posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by dragnet53
reply to post by wcitizen

I also believe the Israelis are behind the 911 attack because of most of the mainstream media is somehow owned by some Zionist Jew. Just take for instance Fox News is owned by Robert Murdoch. He has been related as a Zionist. MSM won't even touch it. The only ones that could consider touching on this theory is Russia Today since they affiliated to no one.

What an ugly sick post ! So Rupert Murdoch has some partial jewish ancestry so he would cover up 9/11.

You must be a fan of this website :-

otherwise known as nazi scumbags united..

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

I don't know if this will get removed or not but it hardly seems fair to let one member label another anti-semetic and elude to them being "nazi scumbags" and somehow not consider that an attack and removed by the mods. It really makes this site unattractive to me.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 09:04 PM
Just by gleening info in the few post... i'm certain now that i won't waste time reading the 'blogs'; tripe

about the only person that had an inkling of the big picture...the possibility of Israeli 'students' shadowing
many of the various AQ cell members or be they just plain Wahabbi zealots, or just plain 'western' haters/militants,,
tailing people-of-interest,,,just like the CIA and the Counter-Terrorism agency was doing to the many
Arabs invited to flight training in American schools and schooled at various military installations
(oops that was supposed to remain Secret),

Mr John O'Neill met his demise that day... he also spoke up soon after i had submitted a Tip Letter
to the Phoenix office of the FBIUin May 1995... but his action was unknown to me until after the 911
operation...otherwise i would have contacted him instead of trying to get the FBI to coordinate my
observations with my (now retired) brother-in-law James K an attempt to head off the aircrafts
destined to crash into 3 major targets in the USA.

O'Neill knew that the old 'hijacking' model was not what the zealots were planning, they escalated to commandeering the jetcrafts and crashing into iconic targets

O'Neill knew that young student Israeli agents were tailing and recording the actions of the Arabs,
and he knew something was up since 1995-96 when the idea was hatched...
the Israelis that were celebrating had no idea that the buildings would collapse into their foundations...
they only knew that some aircraft were gonna be commandeered by 2 Arab pilots, with the help of 3 Arab thugs assigned just 24-36 hours beforehand and the high profile targets were deduced throught deciphering chatter and other random sources...including scenarios from visionaries/psychic/shamans...

And the whole operation would crash aircrafts into three targets [WTC- Pentagon - Wash. Monument)( or WH)

Everyone needs to get over the fallacy that the Mossad aided/abeted the zealot Arabs...
or that there were bombs planted in the twin towers before 911...
(now WTC7 was a hastily arranged demo job by the PTB) in the administration or our own Zealot Military

I sure wish Art Bell would release the info he was sent in a manilla folder...a year before 911
that spelled out the aircraft crashings into WTC & Pentagon...
also the soon to be revealed Pedophile Priests in the catholic church... and that near 25% of all priests are either gay or like boys... something abomibable to their VOWS

the package was sent to his Parumph NV address with the zip that ended in a 48 or something similar
If he ever acknowledges he received the material in 2000, i will disclose the name i used in the revealing information envelope...also the FBI agents name that was to be my contact- as a proof that i actually wrote the info to him----trying to thwart the 911 mission before it transpired 6 years after the FBI was warned

yeah.... i'm i a delusion.... comfort yourselves with that thinking...
ergo the USA intel was not in a cover-up because they did not consider the Tip Letter and
myself as a 'credible source' & Art Bell is still keeping his lips sealed..

thats just a part of what i think about your Mossad-Israeli student facet...
they were not unawares- they just saw an opportunity to benefit from US outrage & a resulting war
from some audacious aerial attacks...
they never comprehended that the three buildings would suffer a complete collapse
plus that group was witness to the attacks... the other groups that were witnessing other
possible targets like LA, Chicago, NYC WallStreet, or Fort Knox were not so fortunate
to see the attack occur---hence their celebrations

edit on 1-10-2010 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 07:00 AM
Here's one thing that I thought was interesting. Note that the relevant part is in bold, I just included the entire sentence for context.

Larry Silverstein leases a nearly worthless dinosaur WTC building complex (worthless due to the asbestos the buildings were stuffed with and needed to be cleaned up, the cost of which may have rivaled the value of the buildings themselves) weeks before 9/11, makes sure it is over insured against terrorist acts and hires an Israeli security firm.

Is there any evidence that Silverstein did in fact hire an Israeli security force?

I did a quick Google search and found nothing except more links back to the blog that this is on.

If there's anything that can prove this, I'd say that's pretty damning in itself.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by nick112

Is there any evidence that Silverstein did in fact hire an Israeli security force?

I did a quick Google search and found nothing except more links back to the blog that this is on.

If there's anything that can prove this, I'd say that's pretty damning in itself.

The moment this guy claimed the WTC was a "worthless dinosaur" he pretty much branded himself as a BS artist. The towers were close to 90% capacity, had 200,000 visitors daily, and was a well known symbol identifying NYC as being NYC right up there with the statue of liberty, and the fact that Silverstein even got an insurance policy shows the WTC was anything but worthless. This claim isn't even remotely credible.

FYI the companny in charge of the WTC was Kroll, Inc, based in NYC. This guy didn't even get THAT right-

Bio of Kroll, Inc.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Thanks for the info. The Wikipedia page for Kroll Inc. that you linked to has some interesting info on it. This in particular caught my eye:

Kroll Inc. also hired former FBI special investigator John P. O'Neill, specializing on Osama Bin Laden to head the security at the WTC complex just prior to September 11, 2001.

John O'Neill isn't a name I've seen brought up much in 9/11-related discussions, so I checked out his Wikipedia page. There's some information there that both sides of the argument may find interesting:

John P. O'Neill

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by nick112
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Thanks for the info. The Wikipedia page for Kroll Inc. that you linked to has some interesting info on it. This in particular caught my eye:

Kroll Inc. also hired former FBI special investigator John P. O'Neill, specializing on Osama Bin Laden to head the security at the WTC complex just prior to September 11, 2001.

John O'Neill isn't a name I've seen brought up much in 9/11-related discussions, so I checked out his Wikipedia page. There's some information there that both sides of the argument may find interesting:

John P. O'Neill

This is about a backfire. G.O.D. posts something after writing off some other guys credibility because he disagrees with some objective relatively trivial point, only to unwittingly point out a little known fact about a much more vital story. That being that the "official story" is total BULLCRAP! Nice job G.O.D!

Explain this:

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by budaruskie
This is about a backfire. G.O.D. posts something after writing off some other guys credibility because he disagrees with some objective relatively trivial point, only to unwittingly point out a little known fact about a much more vital story. That being that the "official story" is total BULLCRAP! Nice job G.O.D!

All right, pretend I have no idea what the heck you're talking about...mainly becuase I don't. Just how does mentioning John O'Neill help your conspiracy stories at all? The guy specifically told everyone within earshot that he thought Al Qaida was coming back to finish the job which tells me right there that even dead men think your conspiracies are rubbish.

Please explain why John O'Neill and I are wrong.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:05 AM
This theory is close to what Alex Jones states at fifty five minutes and forty five seconds into this video. I think what is on this video could actually be exactly what took place.

Compilation exposing 9/11 Truth

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

At the very least, wouldn't this raise a red flag that the U.S. government failed to protect its citizens...that they ignored or failed to give the proper attention to warnings and intel from people "in the know?"

Wasn't O'Neill "in the know?"

By 1998, O'Neill had become focused on Osama bin Laden. When his friend Chris Isham, a producer for ABC News, arranged for an interview between bin Laden and correspondent John Miller, Isham and Miller used information put together by O'Neill to formulate the questions.

So by '98, O'Neill had been following bin Laden and al Quaeda for a great deal of least since the first WTC attacks in 1993. It seems to me that bin Laden and al Quaeda became one of the main focuses of his career at that point. I think, judging from that, we can all agree that this guy had not only the credentials, but the foresight and knowledge to provide intel on any attacks bin Laden may have been planning. Hell, Frontline ran a documentary on O'Neill called "The Man Who Knew."

But the man who knew was ignored.

Later that year (1998), two United States embassies were bombed in quick succession in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. O'Neill hoped to be involved in the investigation because he had gained a tremendous knowledge of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network. However, turf wars and dislike of O'Neill by some superiors in Washington first meant that the FBI's New York office was left out of the investigation, and later that O'Neill was left behind when other New York–based agents were sent to the region to pick up leads.

Turf wars? Disliked by superiors? Oh, yeah, I guess he did lose some company cell phones and stuff...

O'Neill's rise through the ranks at the bureau began to slow as his personal style chafed others and he made a few slip-ups by losing a bureau cell phone and Palm Pilot, improperly borrowing a car from a safe house, and losing track of a briefcase with sensitive documents for a short period.

So this is why the rest of the FBI and intelligence agencies ignored the one guy who was warning them about bin Laden in the months/years leading up to 9/11?

My point:
Isn't this in and of itself--the government incompetence--enough to at least let American citizens ask for a new investigation without being scoffed at? Would it not be appropriate to ask the people who ignored this information to explain themselves?

edit on 3-10-2010 by nick112 because: Fixed quote box...

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by budaruskie
This is about a backfire. G.O.D. posts something after writing off some other guys credibility because he disagrees with some objective relatively trivial point, only to unwittingly point out a little known fact about a much more vital story. That being that the "official story" is total BULLCRAP! Nice job G.O.D!

All right, pretend I have no idea what the heck you're talking about...mainly becuase I don't. Just how does mentioning John O'Neill help your conspiracy stories at all? The guy specifically told everyone within earshot that he thought Al Qaida was coming back to finish the job which tells me right there that even dead men think your conspiracies are rubbish.

Please explain why John O'Neill and I are wrong.

First off, they aren't MY conspiracy theories.
Second, I know for a fact that you have personally been exposed to the entire gamut of "conspiracy theories" and every single time anyone directly addresses your questions or opinions on the subject with logical or provable information, your tactic is to immediately change the subject, attempt to derail the topic, or outright ignore them. Case in point, you didn't attempt to explain the video in my last post, even when directly challenged on it. Personally, I don't blame you for that because the only way to save your bacon on that one is to claim CGI, otherwise the "official story" you so blindly promote is toast.
Last, if you want to know about John O'Neill, and I know for a fact you already do, then use the search function my friend to find any number of threads you tried to ruin in the past.

It is not my life's ambition to prove any one theory on 9/11 true or false, I only want to find the truth. However, it does seem curious to say the least that you personally have chosen the most ludicrous theory of all to promote and defend at all costs. At every single turn the "official story" is full of holes. You really expect me or anyone else to believe that the rules of physics, the legal requirements for evidence, and basic common sense must be indefinitely suspended in order to allow the "official story" to be considered as a possibility?

If you want me to respond again, then address the video.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

nope I just get sick and tired of them claiming the Holocaust was the biggest evil event in human history. Yet, People keep on forgetting the Trail of Tears or Wounded Knee. Natives are still in reservation camps while the Jews are set free to do what they want. I agree with Lee Brown (hopi indian) and freedom is a joke. By your post it seems maybe to me you have a jewish connection.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by budaruskie
reply to post by Alfie1

I don't know if this will get removed or not but it hardly seems fair to let one member label another anti-semetic and elude to them being "nazi scumbags" and somehow not consider that an attack and removed by the mods. It really makes this site unattractive to me.

No kidding I have seen it where members get banned when they attack certain special members on this site. But when those special members attack someone they don't get banned.

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