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How 9/11 was done.

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 03:20 PM
I did a search and haven't found this article on ATS, so forgive me if this is a duplicate of a previous thread. It was written in 2008.

How 9/11 Was Done.

I came across this article a couple of weeks ago and found it fascinating. It casts the net much wider than how/why the towers collapsed, and the other areas of the OS which retain the most focus, although it addresses these too, and it and puts forward a step by step hypothesis of how the whole thing was carried out, and to some extent, by whom. It's amazing how the pieces fall into place.

Interestingly, it posits that outside of Mossad activities, only about 12 core personnel, with another 20-30 more
'foot soldiers' were needed to carry this out.

If you haven't already seen this, I believe it's well worth a read.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 03:51 PM
I'll buy this blog before the OS, that's for sure. The dancing Israeli's, as they were here to document "the event", had to get that info from somewhere and their own government/military are where they would get it from, most likely. Where else could they have gotten it from?

Good article, thanks for posting it.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

I also believe the Israelis are behind the 911 attack because of most of the mainstream media is somehow owned by some Zionist Jew. Just take for instance Fox News is owned by Robert Murdoch. He has been related as a Zionist. MSM won't even touch it. The only ones that could consider touching on this theory is Russia Today since they affiliated to no one.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:12 PM
Thanks for the link, OP!

Let's keep the 911 issue front and center.

Just want to pass this on too,
yes, the Zionists control the U.S. media, but don't assume that Russians don't have the same problem with Zionists. RT is not exactly at the forefront of 911 truth.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen
Interestingly, it posits that outside of Mossad activities, only about 12 core personnel, with another 20-30 more
'foot soldiers' were needed to carry this out.

...and THIS is what makes this guy's explanation complete horse [censored]. He's overlooking the insurmountable fact that there'd need to be many many MANY more people who'd need to be in on it in order to cover it up. All the people in the NYPA- service personnel, security, inspectors, etc would have to be in on it becuase if even one security guard dicovered a bomb...and they would... then the jig would be up. All the people at ground zero- police, rescue personnel, and even steel workers who helped build the WTC to begin with- would need to be in on it becuase if even one piece of wreckage showed signs of sabotage...and it would...the jig would be up. All the NIST and FEMA engineers would need to be in on it becuase they're the ones who reviwed the remains and they're the ones who'd need to mathematically calculate it out. All the airline people would need to be in on it, becuase an aircraft mechanic would need to NOT notice the strange electronics installed during a pre-flight check. All the people inside the WTC (including William Rodriguez) would need to be in on it becuase they'd have to lie and pretend they never hard cutter charges and lie to give false information that made it look like a fire-instigated collapse. Plus, all of NATO would need to be in on it becuase they took a look at our intelligence showing it was a terorist attack and invoked article V in the first time in history.

That at a very minimum brings it to 10,000 people who'd need to be in on this supposedly secret conspiracy. Pull my other leg, why don't you?

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen
How 9/11 Was Done.

Just another "The Jews did it" blog written by someone who hates Jews, and posted here by someone with a similiar mindset.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:46 PM
This is the pentagon footage within the article. Very damning to say the least.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by wcitizen
How 9/11 Was Done.

Just another "The Jews did it" blog written by someone who hates Jews, and posted here by someone with a similiar mindset.

Saddam Hussein also hated the Jews, now how convenient he's gone and not even associated with 9/11. Who benefitted the most with Saddam's removal? THE JEWS! Next target.... IRAN.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by wcitizen
Interestingly, it posits that outside of Mossad activities, only about 12 core personnel, with another 20-30 more
'foot soldiers' were needed to carry this out.

...and THIS is what makes this guy's explanation complete horse [censored]. He's overlooking the insurmountable fact that there'd need to be many many MANY more people who'd need to be in on it in order to cover it up. All the people in the NYPA- service personnel, security, inspectors, etc would have to be in on it becuase if even one security guard dicovered a bomb...and they would... then the jig would be up. All the people at ground zero- police, rescue personnel, and even steel workers who helped build the WTC to begin with- would need to be in on it becuase if even one piece of wreckage showed signs of sabotage...and it would...the jig would be up. All the NIST and FEMA engineers would need to be in on it becuase they're the ones who reviwed the remains and they're the ones who'd need to mathematically calculate it out. All the airline people would need to be in on it, becuase an aircraft mechanic would need to NOT notice the strange electronics installed during a pre-flight check. All the people inside the WTC (including William Rodriguez) would need to be in on it becuase they'd have to lie and pretend they never hard cutter charges and lie to give false information that made it look like a fire-instigated collapse. Plus, all of NATO would need to be in on it becuase they took a look at our intelligence showing it was a terorist attack and invoked article V in the first time in history.

That at a very minimum brings it to 10,000 people who'd need to be in on this supposedly secret conspiracy. Pull my other leg, why don't you?

I don't know. Counterpoint:
Would 10,000 radical muslims have to be involved to carry it out?

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:00 PM
I have a real problem with this....

First off, call me what you will but generally speaking I am a "truther". Now onto the OP...

Fast backward, Hamburg 54 Marienstrasse, july 2000, 22:40. Mohamed Atta, Al Shehhi and Jarrah (who were later blamed of being the pilots of flight 11, 175 and 93 respectively), who share the apartment hear the ringing of the door bell. Jarrah opens the door, 5 masked men make their way into the apartment with drawn pistols. The 3 Arabs are forced to lay on the ground. Their passports are confiscated, next the 3 men are made unconscious with some liquid and strangled to death afterwards. The bodies are carried out of the apartment into a van and driven off towards a desolate spot at the boarding of the Elbe river outside Hamburg, 1 kilometer north of Borstel and disposed of into the river with a bag filled with stones tied to their feet. The 3 passports are now in the possession of the agents of the Mossad, who carried out the raid on the apartment and 3 Arabs have vanished without anybody knowing that they are dead.

Makes for a great book don't you think? It should because the above is total fiction. There is zero evidence that any of the above were murdered. Besides that obvious detail, how do you explain the other 16 hijackers? Knowing that roughly 7 accused hijackers are alive and well and we are told they were victims of Identity Theft, why would you kill the above 3 in order to steal their identities? Would you not just steal it and allow them to live, like the other 16 accused hijackers? It defies common sense. Furthermore, if you are renting an apartment, and you die, do you really think no one would notice? I have rented apartments and common sense tells me if I were to disappear, the landlord would clean my place out and re-rent the apartment. Then the Landlord would be looking for a place to send me a bill for having to clean it out, along with keeping any security deposit. That is what is known as a paper trail. There would be records of such an action. It would be easily proved. However there is no such proof.

This is a perfect example of something I have said a million times and I will say it yet again. This is what happens when you make up theories. "Truthers" are doing themselves a huge disservice by attempting to explain what happened on 9/11. It is not needed. All you have to do is show that the investigation which makes up the Official Story is incomplete. Let a real investigation explain what happened. All the speculation in the world means NOTHING without evidence. You do not get evidence without a proper investigation.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by dereks

There's a big difference between saying "the Jews did it" and "the Mossad did it". Like saying the "Americans did it" versus "the CIA did it". All in all, I find the Mossad had far more opportunity and motive to initiate 9/11 than anyone else. The details of how it was done are open to speculation.

The author admits plainly he is hypothesizing, which is all we can do since the investigation into 9/11 was a farce. According to you we should all just accept the OS and go back to sleep. Sure, let's just forget about the holes in the OS big enough to fly a 757 through. Just ignore the fact that many of the Commission members felt the investigation was stymied, misled and lied to by the DOD and the White House. Believe that 3 steel framed skyscrapers can collapse due to fire in one day despite countless testimonies of eyewitnesses including fire and police who plainly said they heard bombs going off.
Don't let the glaring inconsistencies or the outright nonsense of the OS keep you awake. Trust your government, they would never, ever do anything bad to it's people (well, white people anyway).
While we're at it let's just forget to care about America and freedom because there are too many terrorists and we can't afford our rights anymore lest they come and "get us".
Until there is a real investigation into 9/11 I will never quit looking for answers to what actually happened. If that requires hypothesis and deduction, so be it. We have little alternative for the fact that the evidence was shipped off to China before it could even be examined properly as a crime scene (Mr. Guiliani,as a former prosecutor you knew you were destroying evidence and should have been indicted for destruction of a crime scene)
You keep defending the OS. Others of us will keep looking for answers.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:27 AM
Do not waste your time arguing with either dereks or G.O.D. (not a mistake I'm sure) as neither of them are here to actually debate or learn anything. Just look through any 9/11 thread created in the last couple of years and they'll be there with the same old ridiculous arguments every time, and they'd also be glad to ignore any direct attempt to get them to see the light. They will call you anti-semite as quickly as possible. If directly challenged they just switch screen names to something like Alfie and continue in the same fashion. Its literally like arguing with a class full of tech savvy 4th graders. Moving on...

This site is very interesting. My idea of what happened on 9/11 has evolved over the years as more and more information and expert analysis has been available and ultimately the only thing that is absolutely certain beyond a shadow of a doubt is that the American gov't and media have been and currently are NOT TELLING US THE TRUTH. Logically, you have to ask, why would they purposefully keep information from us or outright lie to us? Regardless of what some people might say, it doesn't take a lot of well-placed, well-trained, highly-motivated people to accomplish virtually any goal, especially if they have unlimited financing and absolutely no culpability. If you think I am wrong about that, then explain how less than 500 people are running a country of 300,000,000+ into the ground against the wishes of the vast majority.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave


I don't care one jot whether you agree. I don't care one jot what you think of me and other people who want the truth.

There are much, much more important issues than your disinfo tactics.

The ignore button is sometimes very useful. One press of the button and, POOF, you're gone - tragically, ust like when they demolished the towers.

The government commits crimes against the US citizens every day.

9/11 was the biggest crime against them to date. Yes, it was an act of war, just as the President said, an act of war BY the government ON the people.

edit on 1-10-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by wcitizen
How 9/11 Was Done.

Just another "The Jews did it" blog written by someone who hates Jews, and posted here by someone with a similiar mindset.

Just another typical response - sub text, criticism of Israel, Zionists, Jews never to be allowed - and same old, same old pathetic antisemitic rispost.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by pirhanna
I don't know. Counterpoint:
Would 10,000 radical muslims have to be involved to carry it out?

For radical muslims to be sneaking in and planting secret controlled demolitions and having disinformation agents everywhere actively working to cover up the gigantic amounts of evidence such a stunt would create, yes it would.

The idea of secret controlled demolitions is absurd regardless of who it is you're accusing of being behind it.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:33 AM
Those "Israeli Art Students" are back in action!

Maybe some "debunkers" could explain what they are "probably" up to, and what they were "probably" up to on 911?


posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:09 AM
I've gotta say, I believe that blog (leaving out the movie script murders) is the closest thing
to my PERSONAL beliefs that I've ever read.

Good job OP.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

What is the point in posting 100 % speculative ant-semitic rubbish like that.

Can you please point to any evidence to support any of it ?

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

Where have you been?

It is common knowledge that the Israelis did 911. Accept it, and move on.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by Alfie1

Where have you been?

It is common knowledge that the Israelis did 911. Accept it, and move on.

Stewie, perhaps (a) you could give me a source for your assertion that it is common knowledge " Israelis did 9/11." and

(b) some evidence to back it ?

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