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Translations of sumerian tablets online ! Finaly proof that the Anunnaki were aliens ?

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posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by undo

Verry interresting find !

A underwater pyramid ?

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Picollo30
if Sitchin is wrong how come Robert Morning Sky's Terra Papers are so similar in context to Sitchin's translations?They have nothing in common yet what they tell us is the same.

Because he read Sitchin's fraudulent claims before making up his own line of fraudulent claims.



posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:26 PM
Another great read about Sitchins work :

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by css1981

For those interested here is a link to actual translated Sumerian material.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Clavicula

Thanks for providing that link

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:37 PM
hey all. I"m just coming to the end of "The stairway to Heaven", and I'm fascinated. I'm going to go through and read the whole earth chronicles series, and any other works I can find, before I form an opinion on whether sitchin is right or wrong..but, one thing that I noticed is how he picks apart the current(and past) thinking on this subject, and how damaging it would be to those who are proven wrong, and/or those proven to have behaved in a fraudulent manner. Seems like the people attacking him have something to be afraid of, which makes me want to to delve into his writings more and more. He obviously hit a nerve with his work. If he were a fraud as some claim, I don't know that he would have gotten as far as he did over the course of his life without being thoroughly, irrevocably, discredited. So far, I see some attempts, but no one can actually shut down his work, so, I gotta think there's something to it.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by Rollo
UFO are not real...the spirit realm is real...stop pigeon holing this dimension with manipulations and distractions of the world

Oops, you must've somehow entered this dimension by accident? In this dimension, there's no proof of any kind of "spirit" or "soul", but there's been plenty evidences of UFO's and extraterrestrials.

Care to show us this "proof" that the "spirit realm" is real? Can't wait to see this.....

Find it yourself, everyone else had to.

P.S. of course any current 'evidence' is subjective and purely anecdotal while we wait for physics to catch up to (and agree on) our conscious or unconscious experience.
A lack of evidence proves nothing; however the subjective experiences of millions of people don't lie, if you actually want proof - change your attitude.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:17 AM
alright, finished stairway to heaven and knocked out "the end of days" too. a couple of red flags for me..first is sitchin's narrative style. he seems to have this penchant FOR OVERDRAMATIZING MUNDANE INFORMATION AS IF IT'S A TANTALIZING PLOT POINT!! Let me be clear: I'm not saying he's lying, but he's trying really hard to sell me!!

hope that makes my point
it's a narrative device that strikes me as unnecessary. also, a small thing, towards the end of "days", he mentions ahmandinejad's reported statement about wiping is israel off the map. he uses it to buttress a theory about jerusalem being one of the landing sites, etc(those who have read it know what I mean) the problem with that is, ahmandinejad never actually said that..this link discusses it

now, as a famed researcher, you'd think sitchin would acknowledge(if he knew) that 'ol mahmoud was mistranslated but he doesn't. also, I find, generally that sitchin makes some big leaps to conclusions without much foundation at all. I believe, wholeheartedly, that we were visited, that we were genetically manipulated, but, I think I'm going to actually have to learn sumerian myself to get at the truth, because sitchin doesn't have it, just parts of it. the rest is(somewhat) informed opinion...
edit on 20-2-2011 by dragonseeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by leira7

Originally posted by Rollo
UFO are not real...the spirit realm is real...stop pigeon holing this dimension with manipulations and distractions of the world

I agree and disagree with you.
UFOs are real, they do exist, BUT! For some reason, I doubt that the ones on Earth are actually ET made. I think our government found real ET or Ancient Advanced civilization craft and back engineered it. They are using those crafts, along with Nazi 'Ufos' to help deceive us into believing we are under an Extraterrestial Orchestrated Attack.

You are Right!
The spirit world does exist, and I believe the NWO is trying their hardest to distract us as much as they can in this physical world, so that we will not awaken when the time comes for it, but what they fail to realize is that, you can NEVER STOP The Spirit Realm from coming, no physical weapon will ever penetrate The Unseen Light.

Thanking you for your posts.
I have had questions about The Harvest and the like in reference to the elite and stuff. You gave me something to investigate.
I just wanted to add a link for your theory on Earthlings, Re-engineered Tech and the probable fake alien agenda. They are cleaning up the patent searches so I had to find it on a different site. Here! The Germans started it and we took the Germans and continued it. It exists because the PTB want it to to meet their goals. If it weren't so, they wouldn't have a patent.
Also I'm saying be on guard because to date, there are too many stories out there to tell the absolute truth. We don't know what this change will bring and neither Sumerian or Babylonian half stories are going to tell us the truth until six months after it is too late. Until the full translation is put out there, you cannot say whether someone was right or wrong. You must have the complete translation and the funny thing is - there has never been a published completed translation. Not by Sitchin nor any other scholar.
So you guys should be thankful that jumping to conclusions isn't dangerous.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by dragonseeker
alright, finished stairway to heaven and knocked out "the end of days" too. a couple of red flags for me..first is sitchin's narrative style. he seems to have this penchant FOR OVERDRAMATIZING MUNDANE INFORMATION AS IF IT'S A TANTALIZING PLOT POINT!! Let me be clear: I'm not saying he's lying, but he's trying really hard to sell me!!

hope that makes my point
it's a narrative device that strikes me as unnecessary. also, a small thing, towards the end of "days", he mentions ahmandinejad's reported statement about wiping is israel off the map. he uses it to buttress a theory about jerusalem being one of the landing sites, etc(those who have read it know what I mean) the problem with that is, ahmandinejad never actually said that..this link discusses it

now, as a famed researcher, you'd think sitchin would acknowledge(if he knew) that 'ol mahmoud was mistranslated but he doesn't. also, I find, generally that sitchin makes some big leaps to conclusions without much foundation at all. I believe, wholeheartedly, that we were visited, that we were genetically manipulated, but, I think I'm going to actually have to learn sumerian myself to get at the truth, because sitchin doesn't have it, just parts of it. the rest is(somewhat) informed opinion...
edit on 20-2-2011 by dragonseeker because: (no reason given)

I agree with you on just about everything except:
Beowulf was a narrative. It was from antiquity. Does that mean it (the story/language/idealism) doesn't exist and should be dismiss regardless of its educational value? You can't use the chair is not there for this one. The tablets are there and they have meaning. The question is: Who is distorting the truth and hiding the meaning? There are several questionable translations from antiquity that I want resolved. The Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi scrolls have not been fully translated, thus still keeping a lot of important history in the dark. Also this professional mud slinging of paper weights (so called scientist who don't check the information but just call names til people shut up) is hampering the search for truth and viable information.
So, until the unabridged translations are out in their entirety, we really just don't know one way or the other.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by css1981
So what do you guys think ? Was Zacharia Sitchin really right about this one ?

I think so!!!

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by DaWhiz

I hear that, but, the way Sitchin uses the bolded and italicized print just strikes me as a little overboard. It's not necessary, and a bit manipulative. You can say it's just to stress things he finds most important, I find it an unnecessary way to build drama, which is off-putting. we're talking aliens and our true's dramatic enough

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by css1981

i think its funny how all of the sitchin skeptics are people who got online didnt read one book jus read someone elses opinion and adopted it there self.

case in point who reads books anymore? most people jus adopt opinions of others.

it is very hard to read lost realms by zecharia stichin and walk away a non believer...u'd have to be a dim witted christian to do so!

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
it is very hard to read lost realms by zecharia stichin and walk away a non believer...u'd have to be a dim witted christian to do so!

That's funny, because in my opinion, and I'm no Christian, you'd have to be a drooling, mouthbreathing, moronic idiot to believe it.

Of course, that's just my opinion. Based on much research into Sumer that I never really wanted to do.


posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Harte

you read it right? that what your sayin? whats the first chapter about? well the first few chapters?

because that book is all about historical events some may or may not have happened but for the most part it's about historical events you learn about in school!

so yeah i'd say you'd have to be an idiot to believe it!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by css1981

i think its funny how all of the sitchin skeptics are people who got online didnt read one book jus read someone elses opinion and adopted it there self.

case in point who reads books anymore? most people jus adopt opinions of others.

it is very hard to read lost realms by zecharia stichin and walk away a non believer...u'd have to be a dim witted christian to do so!

ironic points for calling people dim-witted whilst misspelling "you'd"

also, I did read two of sitchin's books. I believe in the concept, but don't necessarily agree with his conclusions. Plus, religion has nothing to do with it, no reason to insult anyone's religion. Not a good look, son.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by dragonseeker

well i'm human u know aswell as destroying the planet like the plague species i exist to i'll misspell words!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:35 PM
Mind is blown

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by css1981

Thank you so much for posting this. It is incredibly interesting and I am pouring through the translations and the vocal recordings now.

This particular translation within Hymn to Ishtar caught my eye only because I just finished reading about asteroid 216 Kleopatra which has two moons orbiting her:

29 They are always getting their queen to impart orders,
30 All of them bow down before her,
31 Her moons go before her,
32 Woman and man hold her in fear.

Again, thank you for posting this information and I am looking so forward to reading more.

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