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Translations of sumerian tablets online ! Finaly proof that the Anunnaki were aliens ?

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

Personally I think Sitchin is right. If he is, then there is the idea that WE are direct decendents of ET'.

Now, there has always been a theory, that there is some "secret' that has been pasted on down through the ages by secret societies. If the secret is that WE ARE decended from ET', then there are a lot of the parts of the history of mankind which fall into place.

In other words Darwin was wrong, there is no "missing link" and religion is a farce.

This is my opinion and not based on any source, so dont ask for one. If you spend enough time on research, and not on trying to debunk everything here, you might come up with another story, NOT THE ONE YOU LEARNT IN SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY.

See my signature, nuff said..............

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by downunderET

Except when you actually research you find there is no real indication we were genetically engineered by ETs, just people misleading and misinterpreting information to support their preconceived belief.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by downunderET

If you spend enough time on research, and not on trying to debunk everything here, you might come up with another story, NOT THE ONE YOU LEARNT IN SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY.

Actually I used to defend Sitchen and took his story as literal, and I still give the story more credit than less, but not enough to argue in his defense.
As far as research and debunking, I am not here to debunk, but rather add to the discussion what I feel and think.
My "education" on Sitchen, outside of his books, came from the school of ATS.


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by speculativeoptimist
reply to post by cj6

So we have no one else to compare his interpretations to. Translations can become quite hit and miss when you are only one translating, one word or structure variation and there goes the accuracy.

Quite the contrary.

As I said, compare this:

to Sitchin's version.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Phage

Schweet! Thanks Phage and I will read thru these this evening. Always glad to learn more about the Sumerians.


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Phage

Thank you for the links.

Well, to me it looks like that the both translations tell the same story...

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by css1981

Not really. Sitchin claims it was Enki who made man.

The translation says that Namma made man and, in celebration, Enki and Ninmah had a beer blast. They got wasted and got into a creative pissing match. Enki claimed that no matter how messed up a creation Ninmah could come up with, he (Enki) could find a useful purpose for it so that it could earn its "daily bread".

After 6 tries, with Enki succeeding each time, Ninmah gave up. Enki then produced a real mess (I won't go into the details of how) that Ninmah could find no use for. Enki won the pissing match.

Enki won by creating a dreadful, horribly deformed creature. Sitchin says that Enki created a "perfect" creature, man.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by css1981

Not really. Sitchin claims it was Enki who made man.

The translation says that Namma made man and, in celebration, Enki and Ninmah had a beer blast. They got wasted and got into a creative pissing match. Enki claimed that no matter how messed up a creation Ninmah could come up with, he (Enki) could find a useful purpose for it so that it could earn its "daily bread".

After 6 tries, with Enki succeeding each time, Ninmah gave up. Enki then produced a real mess (I won't go into the details of how) that Ninmah could find no use for. Enki won the pissing match.

Enki won by creating a dreadful, horribly deformed creature. Sitchin says that Enki created a "perfect" creature, man.

Hard to know the truth. Especially if there is jealousy and gloating victory.

But - I guess we are just discussing straight translations.

Where does the Terra Papers fit into all this?

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Annee

The "truth" is a comparison between Sitchin and a large number of experts in linguistics and ancient cultures, none of whom agree with Sitchin.

The Terra Papers don't fit.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:14 PM
As I understood it Sitchin's translations were for the most part correct and the part that his peers criticize him for is his taking passages of the Torah and Bible to fill in the gaps of missing Sumerian tablets/stories.... he also will give you what he feels are synonymous words to weave the tapestry of what he feels is the truth, of all religious coming from the Sumerian.... like Gilgamesh to Sitchin is the original story of Noah.... his interpretations of certain drawings,paintings, pottery and the like are also what is up for criticism amongst Sitchin's peers.... Sitchin gives you a "possibility" while his peers try to stick to the raw data.... it is up to you to decide but if you cannot decipher the language for yourself then you might be following two sets of fools

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by fonenyc
Sitchin gives you a "possibility" while his peers try to stick to the raw data.... it is up to you to decide but if you cannot decipher the language for yourself then you might be following two sets of fools

I know this is far fetched and will make hard core skeptics scream in terror - but - - - I put Sitchen in the same arena as Gene Roddenberry - - - some people just have an extra sense like they are some how connected.

OK - that was just in response to fonenyc's post.

Back to our regularly scheduled - hard core facts.

edit on 30-9-2010 by Annee because: allignment

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by css1981

There are plenty of cultures with myths of 'gods' that 'descended from the heavens'. There's nothing unusual about that. It's up to you to decide how you want to interpret that. Man created dog when he started training and breeding wolf pups about 40,000 some odd years ago. Maybe one day dog will evolve into a self-conscious being with a culture of their own and remember us in some way through oral traditions after we're gone... or mybe not.
For me, Sitchin was fun to read and got me intersted in learning about sumerian culture. Yes, he makes some leaps and bounds in his interpretation, but he's not selling you anything like some of the other leading brands. The current 2012 Planet-X / Nibiru garbage polluting the web is completely independent of Sitchin. Read it and see for yourself and draw your own conclusions or don't read it... whatever, just don't go to any kool-aid parties with Planet-X / Nibiru nutters offering rides on star cruisers with intergalactic space-jesus. If you do, then don't say I didn't warn you.
Don't limit yourself to one source. Take whatever you read with a grain of salt and remember, the people who were alive then aren't here to tell us how it should be interpreted, and if they were they would tell us that our true lord and master, Oderus Urungus came from planet Scumdog and was banished to this insignificant mudball of a planet along with his fellow Scumdogs of the Universe millions of years ago, where they killed all the dinosaurs in epic melee combat, afterwards had sex with the indigenous animal population and created humans. GWAR!

edit on 30-9-2010 by Lovemaster9000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Phage

Enki and Ninmah (creation of man story)

Nammu is late Akkad/Early Babylonian, if i remember correctly. Enki's early akkad/late sumer. He's also called Ea.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:16 PM
ah, now i remember. nammu is the personification of the primordial waters of creation, the egyptian nun, enki's abzu, the abyss, and the bottomless pit of revelation 9 (see new testament book) she is tiamat, the wormhole of the star gate.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:51 PM
Sitchin isn't the only one to work on specific Tablets held at the British Museum, in what was termed their " too hard basket" during the early to mid 1970's. He is only one who offered the translations in book form.

My old mentor, now in her 80's also worked on the same Tablets. Name is withheld due to the actions of others here who crucified her publicly based only on one of her retirement hobbies of UFO and paranormal investigations.

Researchers need to understand that the stories differ the further we get to modern times with a variety of renditions now pigeon-holed into "suitable" form for Internet access. In doing so it has disjointed the flow of that earliest history so that even if you can find a particular tablet rendition in the files, it will appear separately and not in order.

Also, over the times that these stories were recorded, re-recorded, translated into Akkadian, Hebrew.. and others, we lost sight of the biiger picture the information provides, and so today it is ALL seen as Mythology be elitist educated's who believe they know better even when they did not do the actual work of translation into plain English during the phase worked on in the 70's

Even the names are changed in different ages the stories were recorded in.. so for example. Nin-Hursag is also known as Ninmah, Isis in another culture, and a variety of other names that changed in the same way the native american's names would change dependant upon their actions in life, etc.

I only know about the Sumerian Tablets and it's expansive history due to my old mentor allowing me her hand written work from the 1970's to study in my leisure.. although that has been cut short numerous times due to the work being requested by varying university's.. the last being Otago in New Zealand's South Island about 3 years ago. As yet I have not had the work returned to me.

So I am in hope that when she does shuffle of this coil that she may will me her works.. especially a definitive letter from the Museum reporting on the failed and euthenased creatures as described in detail in the Tablets that were found in the described massive sarcophagai filled with the broken bones sealed in pitch/tar.. which was and maybe still is a naturally occuring substance in the area today.

I look at it this way.. the Tablets gave us a lot of information.. things like how each planet (including Pluto) in our Solar system was formed, how they came to be in their current orbits, how they appear to a viewer when up close to them, what their individual masses are, etc.. all information that a "pre-deluvian" humanity could not have had any access to.. and something that our modern science is and has been discovering for itself this past century or less.

So like my mentor I think, if we know a large portion of this information is proven correct now through the learnings of science, than we should not throw the remainder out the window just yet.

I also find it hilariously funny that followers of the christian religion accept without question Genesis as it appears in their highly edited and mistranslated versions of the Bible.. and yet solidly refuse to so much as consider or even read the Original Version that Genesis came from.

This original is a highly detailed history from the genesis of our Solar System to the manufacture of Homo Sapien Sapien after many failures via a program of genetic manipulations of lifeforms present on earth at the time.. mainly Homo Erectus being the base or Soil/Clay of the earth that was used to bring about the first viable slave.. althoug it had some major flaws relating to not being able to think around a problem.. hence why the next version "The Adamma".. Modern man, homo sapien sapien, you and me was then manufactured.

Edit to add...

Tiamat was "The Watery Mother" .. the large water world that was ripped asunder by the forces in play between it and "Nibiru" as they got closer to each other during one passage through our infant solar system. Earth is a apart of Tiamat, hence why we have water and were already seeded with the building blocks of life.

edit on 30-9-2010 by Tayesin because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by downunderET
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

Personally I think Sitchin is right. If he is, then there is the idea that WE are direct decendents of ET'.

Now, there has always been a theory, that there is some "secret' that has been pasted on down through the ages by secret societies. If the secret is that WE ARE decended from ET', then there are a lot of the parts of the history of mankind which fall into place.

In other words Darwin was wrong, there is no "missing link" and religion is a farce.

This is my opinion and not based on any source, so dont ask for one. If you spend enough time on research, and not on trying to debunk everything here, you might come up with another story, NOT THE ONE YOU LEARNT IN SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY.

See my signature, nuff said..............

I agree, Downunder. We are descended from ETs. Or more accurately, the ETs created us splicing their DNA with the DNA of an early Earth hominid. Humans are part starseed. There's no "missing link" between primates and modern humans. There was a quantum leap in evolution by ET design. Modern humans were genetically engineered.


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by undo
ah, now i remember. nammu is the personification of the primordial waters of creation, the egyptian nun, enki's abzu, the abyss, and the bottomless pit of revelation 9 (see new testament book) she is tiamat, the wormhole of the star gate.

wasn't tiamat the Sumerians name for Earth?

I agree with Agent smith, the human race is a Virus...

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Tayesin

Excellent post. Tayesin, is this an alternate spelling of Taliesin?


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:21 PM
read enuma elish for yourselves.
tiamat is not a planet.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Arken
Have you read all the Sumerian Epic?

Many stories from Sumerian mythology, yes.

Originally posted by Arken
If so, please give us a bit of your deep knowledge...

Instead of a summary dismissal, perhaps you could attempt an objective look. Nothing in the OP cited suggests that Sitchin was right.

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