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Has the quality of topics on ATS dropped?

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 12:12 AM
I have been a longtime lurker and feel that both the quality of posts and quality of the website have spiraled down dramatically in the last six months. I think the increased popularity probably has a lot to do with it. I also think that many members are easily indoctrinated into a sort of 'if you don't believe 100% you're a disinfo agent' mind frame. I find it ironic that so many who blindly believe anything of a conspiratorial nature viciously attack any 'skeptic' (PROTIP skeptic is a good thing, and if you are skeptical of the official story you ARE a skeptic) with idiotic 'insults' like sheeple.

The amount of regurgitated 'research' is also staggering. Many seem to think it's acceptable to look at a website created by someone else, re-arrange the structure, and claim it as their own. A wonderful example of this is the very poorly written, and very obviously copied post about WTC7 being 'demoed'. Hundreds of stars and flags with breathless accolades to the 'OP'. It's embarrassing. Of course all skeptics are immediately branded as either sheeple, disinfo agents or fools. While I found the post interesting, and enlightening in some ways, I was amazed that so many lauded the OP as a brilliant mind. He didn't even do ANYTHING. It was a blatant copy/paste and so poorly written that any high school teacher would have slapped it with an F. This OP goes on to attack another poster screaming 'Ad Hominem' (so overused by the denizens of this site after the post about the 9/11 forums going to hell) when the OP himself launched the first attack.

Now lets talk about a little something called hypocrisy. Everyone who admits to even the slightest bit of racism or religious intolerance is immediately considered subhuman. At the same time, anyone with any sort of authority (of course this excludes the mods, site owners and GIGANTIC corporations funding the site) is vilified. Anyone with money is part of the conspiracy (no specifics here), anyone in law enforcement is corrupt (no specifics here) anyone in govt. is in on it too (no real specifics here either). Disagree? DISINFO AGENT!

The site also went from looking like a respectable forum, to an abomination the likes of which could only be created by a child with no eye for graphic design (Seriously, get a new web designer). Green and blue that clash so hard no one in their right mind could claim 'it's easier to read'.

THE ADS! I don't mind ads, I think a website should be profitable. What I take issue with are the popups. I am not the only one to take issue, two of my anti virus programs have a fit every time I visit this site. AWESOME for a conspiracy website.

After all that whining, why am I still here? People like Benevolent Heretic and Schrodinger's Dog. There are a number of people who I greatly respect, and some amazing minds. Some are believers, some are debunkers. I remember when disagreeing with someone wasn't taken as a sign of disrespect, and also not intended as such. I hope the site eventually returns to it's roots, but I think profit is going to be the name of the game now and needless drama attracts page views. Every poster at this point is basically a Google employee (minus the pay).

One more thing. While I am becoming more and more disgusted with this site, I must commend the owners and mods for not deleting critical posts. That gives me hope. Also screen-capped in anticipation of b@hammer. It's sad when ED can peg a site so well.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by abrowning

thank god im not the only one who thinks this.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
reply to post by tim3lord

I did read the o.p. and my comment still stands. I do have to ask though, what do you hope to discuss/accomplish with this thread that was not discussed by all the many that came before? If it's a change in the direction of threads/topics/posts etc. that you wish to see, only action will accomplish that. Action in the way of newly posted threads regarding the content that you wish to see, anything less is simply more of the same (if you get my point)

the only thing i hope to accomplish is hopefully some people read this and realize the direction this site is heading in and perhaps think before posting. i find myself more frequently than not replying to posts only to delete it mid sentence and just close the web page. its just a waste of time. people seem more hell bent on proving themselves right than actually debating an issue logically. as if being wrong about something was a terminal illness. Anyway your entitled to your opinion as am i, regardless i suppose in the grand scheme of things none of this really matters so i shouldnt get too worked up about it. still its hard to sit and watch in silence when in your opinion a fantastic site such as this is going down the tube. meh! its all a cycle so ill catch it on the way down i guess.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by tim3lord

Understood. Thanks for taking the time to explain your thoughts. Sorry if I'm coming across too cynical here (I'm not really a cynical person) but I seem to be feeling that way about this topic. Perhaps a new cycle will bring something fresh? That would be fabulous, I agree.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 12:20 PM
There are so many different categories to read and post in, there's no way I can say I've discovered or been to them all.
I used to just go off of the main page because all the titles and categories currently populated and sampled there, but now I go into them individually, and seem to increase my selection of choice for participation.
Some of those "crazy' titled threads are pretty good reading.
ATS is really broad compared to alot of other specific sites, and it always seems to be changing.
Maybe it's not what you find laying out in the open but rather what you look for and find once inside?
Good luck to you.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by tim3lord

I guess if people like you bring quality threads to ATS it would go a long way in making it better. You know that old saying "be the change you want to see", I use MyATS page to it's best advantage by saving all my favorite forums there, having every thing in front of me makes it so much easier. ATS is too large to read everything so focusing on what interest me works.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

Good call. I suppose I shouldn't be talking as I have yet to make my first thread or really even contribute. Still, a few years ago the site seemed a lot less 'myspace' than it does today. The quality posters/researchers make up for this and I suppose I should just shut up.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by abrowning
reply to post by Aquarius1

Good call. I suppose I shouldn't be talking as I have yet to make my first thread or really even contribute. Still, a few years ago the site seemed a lot less 'myspace' than it does today. The quality posters/researchers make up for this and I suppose I should just shut up.

No problem, sure you will be a great contributor once you get your feet wet so to speak, know ATS can be daunting but as I mentioned at least in the beginning concentrate on what really interest you.

Welcome to ATS.

edit on 30-9-2010 by Aquarius1 because: added line

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:34 PM
I was active on ATS up until about three years ago. For various reasons I left the site. I recently returned. I have to agree that the overall quality of the threads has dropped. It's a lot busier, but that has come at a cost, too. Popular threads are so overwhelming in number of posts that it is difficult to get a descent conversation going and actually keep up. I've also noticed that there is a lot less effort at 'denying ignorance.' ATS seems to be dominated by 'believers' (You pick the subject.) and skeptics have much harder time being heard.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by tim3lord
Is is me or has the quality of some of the posts on here reflect a tabloid.

It's obviously just you!


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 11:30 PM

Has the quality of topics on ATS dropped?

Well, yes, of course it has. For reasons I cannot and will not disclose at this time I have been unable to post my normal amount and frequency of brilliant threads. I would like to take this time to apologize and pledge to get back on the wagon soon, and single-handedly save the site.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

its scary isnt it? i mean its on the front page. and this isnt the first one. its garbage like this thats been pushed down peoples throats. this is worse than that stupid msn pop up window with its "NEWS" "my son was molested by a gang of south american squirrels" or some other garbage like that. oh but there is nothing going on its just our imagination .riiight

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by tim3lord
reply to post by schrodingers dog

this is worse than that stupid msn pop up window with its "NEWS" "my son was molested by a gang of south american squirrels"

Wait what? Gang of South American squirrels? THE HORROR but please explain that one for me. Also, laughed very hard at the gay cupcake post. Srsbsns.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by abrowning

Originally posted by tim3lord
reply to post by schrodingers dog

this is worse than that stupid msn pop up window with its "NEWS" "my son was molested by a gang of south american squirrels"

Wait what? Gang of South American squirrels? THE HORROR but please explain that one for me. Also, laughed very hard at the gay cupcake post. Srsbsns.

What exactly do you need explaining? The news story was a sarcastic example of the stupid crap they post as news. The reasons why they do this is numerous and too complex to go into. Regardless you can rest assured it's not for your benefit.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by tim3lord

Ever since the creation of this topic, yes.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by Mr Knowledge
reply to post by tim3lord

Ever since the creation of this topic, yes.

yes as opposed to gay cupcakes on the main page.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

Originally posted by tim3lord
Is is me or has the quality of some of the posts on here reflect a tabloid.

It's obviously just you!


Epic fail and double facepalm

I agree whole heartedly with your statement timelord. But I think the influx of new members, increases the number of threads, which just makes it harder to find the interesting stuff. The quality is still there, its just so damn hard to find.

And whats with all the bigots and haters?

edit on 3/10/2010 by OzWeatherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

I LadySkadi, I agree with the user generated content idea, but how would atsers poke some of the members into posting what they find and know? I go on this website, because I don't have the greatest search skills, so I rely on the other member that are more versed in searching.

ps: does anyone know what someone people are talking about a post that got 100 replies and it was a "this is wrong with ats thing". I search on my own just in case.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:04 PM
Yes, ATS is going through a growing stage and with this we get the newbie threads from those who are not clear on the concept of research. Most of the post I am referring to have headlines something like this:

I'm 100% Certain My Story is True, It's Just That I Have No Sources To Back It Up!

and of course there is the often used newbie headline

This Has Been On ATS For Years, It's Just That I Didn't Take The Time To Check First Cause I Just Want My Points!

How about some sort of conditional membeships for newbies to allow them more time to get to understand ATS before cluttering it up?

edit on 3-10-2010 by Sanity Lost because: To make it prettier

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

yeah your right i think the lack of tolerance seems to go hand in hand with the lack of quality. there is something interesting to consider.

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