Hi-ya-there I AM,
I am Myself, enlightened by the ALL, to all for all as the ALL is all there is, therby the ALL is all there ever was and all that ever will be.
Mankind did not receive Mother Earth for Mother Earth conceived mankind.
Mankind was birthed out of Mother Earth for the ALL is and was and will forevermore remain masculine.
The Self is the Alpha and Omega, positive and negative, male and female, ying and yin, Love and fear, material and mental consisting of protons,
neutrons, electrons spinning around a nucleus forming carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen into a humanoid body until the energy within is ready to
The ALL emitting frequency, vibration, rhythmical tone, magnetic force and light are for the Self.
We are many, yet we are only one, for all there is is the ALL.
As we ourself transcend, we spiritually transpire, raising conscious awareness into our collective consciousness.
Evolution is near, nearly all nearby stars clearly appear to align wth astrological time.
Synchronization, within, as well as with all, without and throughout withal the universe.
By the ALL, for the ALL, to the ALL, inside the ALL we all evolve to each as to one and to one as to each.
Let it be, be it so as our ancient ancestors prophesied it to be.
A technological, global and intelligently advanced civilization whose ruins are seen in pyramidal form.
The capstone is gone kept away from and hidden so its power and knowledge to us is unknown.
Begotten from it, which was ours by rites of birth is now by gone.
Long have we all been wondering whether we were wronged.
For a wrongfully astute surmise has withheld the Self from our eyes.
Much more to our demise has it compromised.
All that we thought is wrought unto greed our energies were spent.
Apathy was we paid, made slaves, paved golden pathways for them.
Receiving their contempt we humbly abided as lover's unto their plaques.
edit on 31-3-2014 by elitmajor because: Typos had to go.