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A Final Warning To All

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posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 09:04 AM
Oh My!!
**crimson blushes**
I was just reading along... responding
Then I finally get to the here and see I've posted down the whole freaking page!!

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by 4EVERaSTUDENT
Oh My!!
**crimson blushes**
I was just reading along... responding
Then I finally get to the here and see I've posted down the whole freaking page!!

No worries my friend. You have kept the thread alive and resurrected some gems.

It's been an interesting ride this thread, yes?

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 11:56 AM
So sorry for the loss of a loved one.
The world is always a little worse off but heaven a little better when one of these sweet souls leave us.
I envy them - they are the lucky ones. Back in the infinite and loving arms of the Lord.
This is what I think and pray. And I know it is true.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 12:10 PM
Its funny you bring up God. Thats something I feel no human has the brain power to understand. I agree with peace on earth and everything....and on Star Trek, that only happened after World War 3. We are going to have to learn and evolve the hard way. Fun.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by strangleholder1
reply to post by IAMIAM

There is nothing to be gained by following delusions, you are welcome to yours. I reject everything you express including your warning. This world is a cage and you are part of the lie...

You have made a claim against your brother...
Please provide empirical proof/evidence that will irrefutably prove your position
resolute and true...

Failure to do so will put you in dishonour.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
reply to post by sweet6b9

The OP is not the word of God, it's a cunning deception, perpetrated to gain the attention and energy of people who are seeking after God.

Don't fall for this guy, I implore you.

"Through peace he [antichrist] will destroy the world"

Not saying the OP is necessarily the antichrist, just that he exhibits the requisite spirit of pride - and is seeking to place himself on a pedestal, as someone equal to, or more than God. Someone else tried that once - oh that's right, it was Lucifer/ Satan/ Beel'zebub.

Interesting you feel this way...
For the last couple of months I have begin spiritually enlightened.
*I* feel the exact same way the OP does. Would this too make me the anti-Christ?

Surely you, I/we can equivocate the OP could never be equal to God.

While I do completely understand your point of view (in that the OP chose to make a thread
about a warning, and other pretentious statements) but the message is clear to me.

Where I live I am surrounded by Jersey Shore, Desperate Housewives, and
people who are all just about money emphatically. I'm ready for a new planet Earth.

I'm ready for a better place where people look to help other people.
Where people can just love someone else as well as themselves.
The construct of this society isn't for me, and isn't conducive to a great community
we all have the potential of being a part of.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 07:03 PM
Everything this thread is about can be found HERE:

It explains why love is needed. Why we are dead without it.

You just need to see, and to do it you need too LOOK.

Look att every frame, analyze it, try to understand it. To do this you need to be two at least. This is fundamental.

You will see God, I know you will, and I know this because I love you all, even you tricksters. I know you can do it too, we all can. Just feel the oneness. You are one with everything, and everything is one with you. It's that simple.

Logical love will prevail!

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 08:57 PM


posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 08:57 PM


posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by 4EVERaSTUDENT

No worries my friend. You have kept the thread alive and resurrected some gems.

It's been an interesting ride this thread, yes?

With Love,

Your Brother

I've loved every moment!!

Really taught me to hold my tongue in a few instances too

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

My friend, the anti christ is ones own ego. It is ego that tricks one to not taking the time to read through a thread and learn about someone before they rush to judgement. If one was devoid of ego and took that time, they would see the many many times I stated:

look within for the truth.
Trust not men, they are liars.
Judge no one
Love all
Find your own truth
Be your own Prophet
and many similar sentiments.

Oh noes! Not the 'your truth - my truth' BS? That's a doozy. So a pedophile claims that his 'truth' is to abuse children and get some sort of spiritual ascension from doing so - is that okay? By your argument that would seem to be the case.

Be your own prophet? Historically, people who tell society what they want to hear are called 'false prophets'. Lulling them into a sense of security and making sure they don't address root issues of concern.

You're blending a cup of poison in with a lake of truth. One bad apple spoils the basketful. You get my drift.

Satan quoted scripture at Christ. The demons were aware of who Christ was. And unfortunately for the human race, the antichrist isn't an abstract philosophical construct, he will be a real world ruler carrying a sackful of demonic agenda. I wish your answer (quoted above) was true, but it's not. Demons are real, they cannot be 'transmuted into beings of light', and anyone who thinks that a whole lotta lovin' is going to cure the demonic pyramidical infrastructure of society is sadly misdirected.

I think I'll follow your own advice and 'trust not men' as 'they are liars'.

The Spirit testifies to those things that are true, and your OP (and follow-up schmoozing) is not a message of truth, it is a deception which attempts to draw people into a relationship with you as 'vessel of God'. A lot of people are searching for answers - it's a grave crime against the order of things to claim to offer those answers, when you know full well it's all coming from your own flawed human spirit.

Sorry, but my opinion won't be changed - people who are being drawn in by your manipulative platitudes need to hear a voice of concern.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by Chinesis

What's happened to you over the last few months is that you have begun to see how failed our society and value system is. The answer doesn't come from wistful musings about love and peace. The way you feel is close to becoming a comfort blanket for your psyche; you are convincing yourself that everything will be okay if we all just think positive thoughts. That's not the case. We as humans are flawed by nature - no-one can prove this is not the case. In fact, we say it all the time "I'm only human". If this is true, then what are we to do in order to improve our circumstances and progress in the realm of spirit?

The answer is to yield to the Highest Power in the universe and allow Him to look out for you.

I went through this phase of looking for spiritual satisfaction in the New Age, and unless you're starting out from a position of wealth, trust me, it gets you nowhere. Even then, you will simply have a bag full of wind (such as the OPs platitudes) when the SHTF.

I avoided becoming a Christian as much as I possibly could. I thought it was staid, limiting and close-minded. One day, the world caved in around me, and I ended up crying out to God in desperation. He answered my prayer in a real and practical way. Not only did He prove His existence in one fell swoop, but He also removed the burden of emotional pain and confusion that had long tormented me. The world didn't change, but the way I looked at it did.

Since then I have had encounters with angels (real, actual contact in the real world), and a host of prophetic dreams and visions - some of which have already come to pass. I speak in tongues (the ability to pray in a language not one's own), and I have been a part of deliverance teams who have cast devils out of afflicted individuals. Christ's death on the Cross was an atoning sacrifice for the souls of humanity. The power in that action is the literal power of God - the same creative force behind the Universe itself, poured out to save a trillion souls and change the course of their individual and group destinies. He became the substitute for the sin of the world.

Call out to Him for an answer - don't expect to find the answer within yourself without Him. We are not 'intrinsically God', or capable of merging with God to become as His equal as New Agers would have you believe, but the truth is somewhat akin to the Kabbalistic theology of 'individual spirits/personalities being joined to the Most High Spirit/ Personality'. He gives of Himself, not because we deserve it, but because of who He is, and how much He cares for His spiritual offspring, His creation.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

So if I do this as you ask, will you answer a few questions?

Who wrote the bible- MAN, how did it get to print? MAN, Who words defines what was written? MAN

Pagans were here before christianity, So is there truly one God from your understanding of the pagan religion?
according to my pagan religion practices we have 70k gods and godesses at our disposal.

Hope you find what you seek in such a closed channel search!!!!!

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
Oh noes! Not the 'your truth - my truth' BS? That's a doozy. So a pedophile claims that his 'truth' is to abuse children and get some sort of spiritual ascension from doing so - is that okay? By your argument that would seem to be the case.

Do you not trust God to be the final arbiter of justice my friend? Or do you feel that you are his appointed sword of justice on this earth?

It is not my place to decide what is true for others. It is my place to listen to God, and he will tell me what is true for me. If his truth for you is for you to be his sword of justice, his decider of good and evil, do his will my friend. That is not his truth for me. My role, his will for me is to teach the power of love. You do not have to accept the lesson if that is not your will.

A pedophile claiming that God told him to find his truth through molesting children, I would by virtue of the word of God within me love the pedophile, not his truth. Through love, the pedophile may open up to my lessons of love and discover that his truth comes from somewhere other than God. Yes, there are other forces at work. They teach lessons other than love for they wish to usurp God's place. Follow your own truth. I never asked you to drink of mine, not would I you to. If your word bring you joy, happiness, and love for all, keep it.

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
Be your own prophet? Historically, people who tell society what they want to hear are called 'false prophets'. Lulling them into a sense of security and making sure they don't address root issues of concern.

You think people want to hear "Be your own Prophet"?

No they do not want to hear that. Do you know how much responsibility comes with that? It is human nature to want a fall guy, someone to blame when things go wrong. Thats why more people are followers than leaders. I am not making converts here my friend. I am asking people to step to the plate and convert themselves to their own truth. It is self evident if you "leggo the ego".

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
You're blending a cup of poison in with a lake of truth. One bad apple spoils the basketful. You get my drift.

If one asks you to look within and you find poison, how can you balme the person who told you to look?

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
Satan quoted scripture at Christ. The demons were aware of who Christ was. And unfortunately for the human race, the antichrist isn't an abstract philosophical construct, he will be a real world ruler carrying a sackful of demonic agenda. I wish your answer (quoted above) was true, but it's not. Demons are real, they cannot be 'transmuted into beings of light', and anyone who thinks that a whole lotta lovin' is going to cure the demonic pyramidical infrastructure of society is sadly misdirected.

Yes, demons are real my friend. If you find them when you look within, maybe you have spent too much time playing with them.

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
I think I'll follow your own advice and 'trust not men' as 'they are liars'.

That's all I asked you to do.

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
The Spirit testifies to those things that are true, and your OP (and follow-up schmoozing) is not a message of truth, it is a deception which attempts to draw people into a relationship with you as 'vessel of God'. A lot of people are searching for answers - it's a grave crime against the order of things to claim to offer those answers, when you know full well it's all coming from your own flawed human spirit.

No my friend, you are puposefully rejecting a clear message. You are your own vessel of God. I am my own vessel of God. You find your truth in you. I find my truth in me. The only relationship I have with my fellow posters here is one of sharing our truths. I have asked no one to change their for mine. That would be counter to my initial message.

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
Sorry, but my opinion won't be changed - people who are being drawn in by your manipulative platitudes need to hear a voice of concern.

I am sorry you feel this way my friend. If finding your own truth by looking within brings you this much distress, I will pray for you.

Judge not, Love all, be at peace

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by pink_guys64
So if I do this as you ask, will you answer a few questions?

I'll answer questions even if you don't my friend. I'd prefer you did not do what the initial post asks if you do not feel it as truth in your own heart. Look within and find your own truth. That was the point of my post.

Originally posted by pink_guys64
Who wrote the bible- MAN,


Originally posted by pink_guys64
how did it get to print? MAN,


Originally posted by pink_guys64
Who words defines what was written? MAN


Originally posted by pink_guys64
Pagans were here before christianity, So is there truly one God from your understanding of the pagan religion?
according to my pagan religion practices we have 70k gods and godesses at our disposal.

Hope you find what you seek in such a closed channel search!!!!!

Ok my friend, which question did you want me to answer? Seems you beat me to the punch.

Religion, like all things in nature, evolves. The Pagans had multiple deities because they did not have a full view of the universe. Before the pagans there were Animists, which found God in the spirits of trees, rocks, and venerated their own Ancestors. Then, as they moved out of the trees and had more leisure time to study there environment, they attributed Gods and Goddesses to forces of nature, which they did not understand. Then Man developed a greater intellect and understood even more of his environment. He came to understand that everything was part of a whole. Thus, monotheism was born. Even with early monotheism, God was limited to the Sun, the Sun being the life giving force in early Mans understanding. Soon we developed telescopes and realised that our universe stretched out far beyond our Sun, far beyond anything we could have imagined. Also, we came to discover that our physical universe is deeper than we ever perceived. Thus, the definition of God is expanding once more. Now, if you choose to go back to worshipping rocks and trees, to regress in your understanding of our existence, do so. It does not effect my understanding one iota. The purpose of the post, was not to convert you, but to get in touch with the truth which lies within.

I love you all the same my friend. Follow your truth. If it brings you joy, happiness, and Love for all, keep it.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Hello I.
If you answered this, I missed it.

This is not really a final warning but a dire warning. A tell tale, "last call" sort of warning.

"Last call for love, abundance and acceptance to replace hate, scarcity and fear."

Isn't it?

Don't you think there will be many other signs and warnings ahead?


edit on 10-10-2010 by rusethorcain because: salutation

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
reply to post by Chinesis

The answer is to yield to the Highest Power in the universe and allow Him to look out for you
I avoided becoming a Christian as much as I possibly could. I thought it was staid, limiting and close-minded. One day, the world caved in around me, and I ended up crying out to God in desperation. He answered my prayer in a real and practical way. Not only did He prove His existence in one fell swoop, but He also removed the burden of emotional pain and confusion that had long tormented me. The world didn't change, but the way I looked at it did.

You should have tried harder, your trapped now buddy an now you have nothing to look forward to but a life od lies and dellusions. Blindly following a "god" that will take you no where but through pain and misery, all the while blaming yourself for "not serving him properly"

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
Since then I have had encounters with angels (real, actual contact in the real world), and a host of prophetic dreams and visions - some of which have already come to pass. I speak in tongues (the ability to pray in a language not one's own),

I've been there and seen that mass delusions, but, collective hysteria is only the flip-side of the placebo effect. We are all capable of talking ourselves into anything we want to believe.

You are NOT anointed with tongues and you do NOT speak a "godly" or "heavenly" language, I once suffered the same delusions you will eventually find it is merly your mind making up those retarded sounds.

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
and I have been a part of deliverance teams who have cast devils out of afflicted individuals. Christ's death on the Cross was an atoning sacrifice for the souls of humanity. The power in that action is the literal power of God - the same creative force behind the Universe itself, poured out to save a trillion souls and change the course of their individual and group destinies. He became the substitute for the sin of the world.

The church has you well and truly hooked now showing of "power" by a well acted person.
When someone who is lost and looking for awnsers finds there way to a money hungering religious organization. That so cleverly hides its real intentions and offers that individual "love" "comfort" and many other things. That said person will believe ANYTHING.

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
Call out to Him for an answer - don't expect to find the answer within yourself without Him. We are not 'intrinsically God', or capable of merging with God to become as His equal as New Agers would have you believe, but the truth is somewhat akin to the Kabbalistic theology of 'individual spirits/personalities being joined to the Most High Spirit/ Personality'. He gives of Himself, not because we deserve it, but because of who He is, and how much He cares for His spiritual offspring, His creation.

I hope you get out sooner rather than later otherwise your in for a very sad and tormented life continually trying to impress and make up for your iniquites to someone that doesn't even exsist !

Call out to him all you want he wont answer. He's not there, your yelling into the wind.

Find the answers else where.

To the OP I've seen it all before a typical religious Nutter, whos soul ambition is to drag others into his pit of lies and delusions. I've been there before so I know how it feels to follow a faith so blindly with no hope or no light in the future. Its a sad trap that people fall into and it sucks the life out of you !

edit on 10-10-2010 by Sacri because: more info

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by Sacri

Actually, he speaks the truth. If you seek God with all your heart and all your soul you will find Him. The challenge is to make it your imperative to find God--most people care about their pride or their reputation, so despite seeking God, they do not make it their absolute imperative, and thus remain unaware that there is something divine above us.

Just because you think it's crap doesn't make it not true. I too called out to God when my world collapsed around me. There was a real man named Jesus who did the things attributed to Him, including being crucified and rising. It's hard to swallow but it's the truth.
edit on 11-10-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-10-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
[...] Simply put, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. [...]

Correct: True friends reciprocate and are happy to enjoy each others company. Now that's love.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by Sacri

Actually, he speaks the truth. If you seek God with all your heart and all your soul you will find Him. The challenge is to make it your imperative to find God--most people care about their pride or their reputation, so despite seeking God, they do not make it their absolute imperative, and thus remain unaware that there is something divine above us.

Just because you think it's crap doesn't make it not true. I too called out to God when my world collapsed around me. There was a real man named Jesus who did the things attributed to Him, including being crucified and rising. It's hard to swallow but it's the truth.
edit on 11-10-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-10-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

I too called out to "god" when my world collapsed around me. I then spent 22 years of my life following "jesus" with the most ignorant blind passion. You think it hurt when your world collapsed, its going to hurt twice as hard the day you wake up and realise you have devoted your life to nothing more than an outdated philosophy.

I know my words mean nothing to you, I've been where you are now, and its a sad and dark place though you wont realize that now

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