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A Final Warning To All

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posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
The tests in life are about Love & Equality.

Isn't the test in the 3rd Density about wisdom and knowledge? Is it not until the 4th Density Positive Polarity that people should focus on Love?


edit on 3-10-2010 by sphinx551 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:13 AM
I have read the full transcript of this Hidden_Hand person you speak of and his perspective was a distortion of truth.
The system of Universal Law regarding his and his associates actions and deeds is utterly counter to truth in reality.
He is indoctrinated by a belief system handed down to him through many ages - he literaly "Walks in Dead Mens Shoes"

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by sphinx551

Originally posted by Unity_99
The tests in life are about Love & Equality.

Isn't the test in the 3rd Density about wisdom and knowledge? Is it not until the 4th Density Positive Polarity that people should focus on Love?


edit on 3-10-2010 by sphinx551 because: (no reason given)

Where did you get that idea from?

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by sphinx551

Some believe that. I am from there, we're not from here. Its here we learn love and equality. Thats the tests. That other idea, not going to run that distortion. The one promoting that on the other thread belives we're here to learn the Universal :Laws, and wisdom, which means, don't find your own truth inside, but follow another's great wisdom and authority.

These are traps, there are zillions of traps. Your truth is inside. Wisdom = Love & Equality. Intellligence isn't needed at all. In my family my physcicst uncle was one the brightest men in Canada in his year at UBC, when he was recruited world wide for his contributions. Yet, he doesnt wisdom in all areas. Do you understand what I mean?

Don't obey, question everything, seek within. The answers are within. You can't reach HS connection until you push to a higher frequency of Love. They use the Love channel. They are the Creators/Designers/Programmers of this Universe School and are superman in the system. And they use the Love channel.

We're not here to obey any pyramids.

Universal Laws that the bloodlines talk about, are codings of the matrix. Its like Vodoo, if you give your belief away you empower that over you. I follow the laws of my heart, and don't allow anyone to dictate those to me.

Edit to add: What is 4th to you anyway? Have you got that mapped out? Look, we have strange ideas of dimensions here.

There is no 4th!

There are infnite space-time channels based on "time" orbits of heavenly bodies, such as moons and planets. Ie. Mars has its own time channel. When we see mars, we see mars in our "time" channel, for its a program in our head in this hollogram. On the Mars channel, they are phased to us, we would not see what is truly there. To them, we would be moving a little slower. What about the Orion priesthood star: Bellatrix? Its huge. We'd be standing still almost I think.

We are to HS in the beyond. Our lives are like reading a magazine or watching a DVD. In fact, we're inserted into a DVD, and think its real for tests. This whole cosmos is like ET_MAN metaphorically suggests, a dvd/computer/projector playing infniite dvds. Like a giant collage.

Then there are density or frequency channels, also infinite ones. Those are astrals. Normally not in body to reach them. You have to shed your 3d husk by dying to get out of this density.

So, the other stuff, hmmm.. don't exactly know what is meant. But I have memories, very old ones of several different systems, and a journey my soul walked personally. And this harsh inequality system of wars, and starvation is so alien and foreign to me. I remember eutopias.

Earth can be seen as many things. It can be a reform school for negatives, Groundhog Day for some, they do it till they get it right, or a Final Exam for those perfecting love to go home. But if we learn love, and care for even those attacking, not reacting to them, and yearn for a world of equalty, we're progressing to the next level, eutopia systems, here in the cosmos, or Beyond/Heaven, and that is the real goal.

edit on 3-10-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:45 AM
This talk of 7 or 8 so called densitys is pure folly. 7 or 8 would give you nothing - It would not even get you beyond the Suns planets. The idea of different states of refinement are a truth but Hidden Hands message is a deception in that he goes all round the houses to convince you that his groups acts of evil perpetrated on the people of Earth are Love. This is totally contrary to the nature of any evolved soul in this Universe or any other.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

My friend,

When you described the teachings of the One being taught on another thread a single thought entered my brain. I could not shake it, so I had to pursue it.

Watch the video, read the words, and tell me what you think.

Almost seems prophetic to me...

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:10 PM
Personally, I'll take this version of ONE.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:25 PM
Thank you for the videos - There is a saying "Shoot the messenger not the message"
I have a friend who met Bono of U2 and he is far from the image he projects but I do not really want to go there.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:34 PM
Pathetic... All I can say... :\

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by mimroro
Pathetic... All I can say... :

I love you too my friend!

Here is my good news for today...

"Everything happens for a reason..."

And that reason is.... you allow it.


With Love,

Your Brother

edit on 3-10-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by undeadfilth
Love everyone, eh? I'm sorry but the most important person in my life is my self and I do nothing unless it directly improves my state of being. Life is too damned short to waste my love on ingrates that don't deserve it, and anyone that gets in my way will be stamped under my boots as I elevate myself even higher and grasp momentary happiness in this pointless short struggle called life. If I saw someone on the street spouting the same moronic, "love everyone," speech while running up to me to hug me and spread your love you'd probably have a hard time learning to love the new knife that I embedded in your chest cavity. The fact that you can love people like the ones that rule our world and attempt to control and kill everyone that doesn't agree with their ideals or get in the way of their stranglehold on everyone makes you about equal in my eyes to these lovely stained rings i can't seem to get rid of in my toilet(and trust me, I have a mangled toilet brush in my bathroom to prove it
). Get off of your self righteous pedestal and come back down to the rest of the lower class pieces of # like everyone else that is forced to work for a living to barely pay the bills. I don't even have enough time to go back to school, let alone spread love*cough*herpes*cough*. I have no problem "loving" some random chick I just met, but seriously I'm to the point where we need more HATE and ANGER. Those are the emotions that get # done. Without those we can't take this world back and make it the way it should be. I HATE people like you that try to domesticate yourself and everyone else. If you feel passionately about something you first have to get angry about it, I'm not talking mildly irritated, I mean straight up and pissed! You need to actually get out of the house and stop numbing yourself with t.v., drugs, alcohol, whatever and realize the true source of all your problems which is the system of fascism that we live in and take up arms and destroy it. Absolutely and completely there is no other way to be able to obtain true happiness. Once I'm able to live my life happily, I'll think about sharing my "love".

Oh and just as an after thought, what is this love you speak of. I know only of a feeling of familiarity and/or lust. This feeling is not immortal and will fade. There is no mystical emotion you speak of that I can relate to at all.

Don't get me wrong, but one of the reasons the world is in such a bad state, is the fact that there are many people who feel like you.

Me, im different. I love helping people whenever i can. Its just the way i am, but it makes me feel like a better human being when i go to bed.

If anyone wants to post o this board, like the OP has, then i see nothing wrong with the at all. I have read comments calling the OP pethetic. To me, that just shows what kind of race we really are, when people can show so much hate, even anger towards someone like the OP I mean, what the hell is wrong with this planet!!!!!!!

The most important person in my life? Well, i am nowhere near that, and thank God for that!

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

Knowledge without love is not wisdom. It leads to military technology and wars. It leads to control and manipulation of the individual and loss of personal freedom. It leads to globalization to make the rich more rich and the poor die away. It leads to an economy in the hands of the few at the sacrifice of the many. And so on...

If a 3rd world war should come, then you will experience what abused knowledge, knowledge without love, leads to. If there would be love first and then knowledge, we wouldn't need weapons. And that would be wisdom.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

We're one in likeness, in energy, in mind or source. The oneness I experienced when more of myself stepped in, I was remembering people. I wasn't allowed details, there was still a wall or viel there, but it was almost translucent, and softer, and I knew that we had come in waves and the tests or tasks or assignments everyone was to graviate towards (saying it that way because, we have free will and we don't always wake up or go on task). At one point, with Higher Self stepping out in me, a larger well of light within myself, or chi, or whatever we call, bubbling up like a wellspring, and I was so lonely, it was so odd being disconnected. So I just reached up and bypassed this matrix altogether and plugged in. My walk in friend said its called, the Universal Understanding. The shared oneness/unity of telepathy. We are a Team and in unity, but we're always wonderfully individual.

Another reflection to think of what I might ever term God, or Creator in the Highest sense of all, which I don't need to believe in to believe in Love, and will be happy either way with true Love and Compassion, to progress to adulthood, and help the children. But Infinity itself could be consciousness and Love is definitely my definition of God/Consciousness outside of tests.

But we never lose ourselves. The purpose its to grow up, to become an adult. As a friends grandson who was staying with us for a week, AB - with experiences as well, said after he woke up to soul memories, he just reached in. He insisted on writing to a friend of mine in Finland, said he knew him, had to write to him. So I let him, and they had the most paradigm changing conversation I had ever read. He spoke of the endless cycles of karma of being in Gaia's testing grounds, and that his family watched over and for that he was so grateful. He was Sirian by the way, and feline. I sent that conversation to his grandmother because that week was intense, we had scoop marks appear on our arms spontaneously, very deep like a device that almost hit the bone. He had two at that time, lots of events occurred. We saw under the phasing what was out back, three of us. He said in that conversation, he was here for the upcomign events, to increase his consciousness hundreds of thousands of times. And asked was he being understand, and yes, my friend understood what he meant.

We are only a sliver of ourselves here, a part of self in what seems like endless lessons, that can take an enormous length of time in our perception of time. In No Time, this the proverbial, be back in a sec, honey. And we came back.

We do exist. Oneness is the unity we all share, and the rays that are alike in nature and the love that unites us.

But in Infinity, all are infinite. If you exist and can ask that question even so you're not ai or a toaster, then, you're infinite too. And all our infinities globally, in the whole, are equal. Our segments, clips, grades are not, but we are in our lives, for time is but an illusion.

Edit to Add: Our bodies contain infinity, all the inanimate matter is fractals, akin to in a hologram if you cut the image into pieces and shine the light, the pieces are whole again. But soul is different energy/consciousness/life/light. Some are a function or piece of Higher Self, and when they awake, they awake as their true Selves. But even if that should happen, as I've heard it will for some, some can be more like projections of Higher Self, rather than past events or clips of Higher Self. You still only gain self, not lose it. But the Universal Understanding is so wonderful. When I experienced that I wanted to leave and go back immediately, and it is one of the greatest losses in being here. That oneness. Yet we still all function, individually.

edit on 3-10-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by bargoose

I agree this is very interesting, I hope we all follow the proper steps.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
reply to post by seamus

My friend,

I gave you the benefit of the doubt and went back an re-read my initial post. The part you seem to not grasp is this:

"Trust not these words, but take them to your heart and weigh them. If they come as truth to you, then do with it what your heart compels you. "
Tagging those words onto a dangerous mix of pseudo-spiritual "free your mind" talk spun in a matrix of slave thinking does not exonerate you from the responsibility of your intention. My hope is that you work for the government. If that's the case, you will go lightly on yourself because you are just doing your job. But if you are indeed sincere, I need to tell you, apparently, that attempting to help slaves become free without their having the desire for deconstruction of the ego-based paradigm is not only unlawful, but it certainly will come back to bite you in the rear. When you make allowances for atheists in your "plan", you invite the insane. Only the insane sincerely believe in a nonconscious, nonvolitional origin of the universe. Therefore your "plan" is hopelessly broken, just like all the grassroots Native American revivals are broken for the opposite reason: they give honor to subordinate authorities which should go to the Supreme Authority. I'm not morally judging anyone: I'm just evaluating the level of consciousness present in their interactions with the universe and the Creator.

If you do not find value in my words in your heart, don't give them any weight. Dismiss them. Find something we do agree on and lets discuss that. If you cannot find anything you agree with, then share your perspective, which you have.
I'm trying to save you some grief by sharing my perspective, but it's always the same. You can't save someone the grief necessary to bring them face to face with the One. And why would you?

It is not about you being right and me being wrong or vice versa.
You reckon? I'll agree with that, except that I believe that our interactions provide more angles from which to view both of our perspectives. With those angles, some will lean toward resonance with my message. Some will lean toward resonance with yours. But at least they will know your perspective better for my having attempted to draw out your so-called authority for making your statements (and you providing the scant logical backing you have). You could serve them better by providing some counter-points, rather than giving me the brotherly brush-off, as you have now numerous times. Perhaps your concern is not genuinely for them?

This thread was posted in the "Grey Area" which is for "Personal Stories" thus, this is my personal story.

With Love,

Your Brother

All contract are Caveat Emptor, folks... remember that when you decide which road you're on.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by seamus
Tagging those words onto a dangerous mix of pseudo-spiritual "free your mind" talk spun in a matrix of slave thinking does not exonerate you from the responsibility of your intention.

My friend, I mixed in no such thing as "free your mind" talk. In fact it is you who has come here with such talk. My message was "Know your self" and "Love one another".

Originally posted by seamusMy hope is that you work for the government. If that's the case, you will go lightly on yourself because you are just doing your job. But if you are indeed sincere, I need to tell you, apparently, that attempting to help slaves become free without their having the desire for deconstruction of the ego-based paradigm is not only unlawful, but it certainly will come back to bite you in the rear.

Who's laws am I violating, not by freeing slaves, but by reminding people that they are NOT slaves. There is only one being in the universe that has dared to enslave Man, and it goes by many names, so who do you call this being who pretends authority he does not have?

Originally posted by seamusWhen you make allowances for atheists in your "plan", you invite the insane. Only the insane sincerely believe in a nonconscious, nonvolitional origin of the universe.

Man has been lead astray from the Creator by the many false images of that divine being, which is incomprehensible to any man and ineffable by any man. While many men refuse to accept these many man created idols, these same men follow, in their heart, his word as spoken in their conscience. Thus, many an Atheist is in fact, more devout than those who profess to be devout. Either way, they are still free by the authority of their free will, if they so choose, and it is not my place to judge.

Originally posted by seamusTherefore your "plan" is hopelessly broken, just like all the grassroots Native American revivals are broken for the opposite reason: they give honor to subordinate authorities which should go to the Supreme Authority. I'm not morally judging anyone: I'm just evaluating the level of consciousness present in their interactions with the universe and the Creator.

My "Plan" is far from broken my friend, it has already succeeded.

Originally posted by seamusYou reckon? I'll agree with that, except that I believe that our interactions provide more angles from which to view both of our perspectives. With those angles, some will lean toward resonance with my message. Some will lean toward resonance with yours. But at least they will know your perspective better for my having attempted to draw out your so-called authority for making your statements (and you providing the scant logical backing you have).

I claim no authority over anyone other than myself. I leave the authority over others to themselves.

So, that the readers can discern for themselves more clearly between our two messages, please tell us where you draw your authority from?

Originally posted by seamusYou could serve them better by providing some counter-points, rather than giving me the brotherly brush-off, as you have now numerous times. Perhaps your concern is not genuinely for them?

My concern is great indeed.

Therefore, why don't you come right out and tell us the source of your doctrine. Give us a name that we may research, give some insight into YOUR dogma, most especially your authority to come tell anyone they are wrong and violating laws.

I am calling you out my friend. If you wish to continue this game then reveal for us this path of enlightenment you are pushing.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by seamus
Tagging those words onto a dangerous mix of pseudo-spiritual "free your mind" talk spun in a matrix of slave thinking does not exonerate you from the responsibility of your intention.

My friend, I mixed in no such thing as "free your mind" talk. In fact it is you who has come here with such talk. My message was "Know your self" and "Love one another".

Tomato, tomahto. It's the same. Perhaps I lacked the linguistic precision you desired, but you haven't exactly been precise up to now, either.

Originally posted by seamusMy hope is that you work for the government. If that's the case, you will go lightly on yourself because you are just doing your job. But if you are indeed sincere, I need to tell you, apparently, that attempting to help slaves become free without their having the desire for deconstruction of the ego-based paradigm is not only unlawful, but it certainly will come back to bite you in the rear.

Who's laws am I violating, not by freeing slaves, but by reminding people that they are NOT slaves. There is only one being in the universe that has dared to enslave Man, and it goes by many names, so who do you call this being who pretends authority he does not have?
You still are operating in a separated, fractured paradigm. There IS only ONE being! But within this simulation, there are rules for interactions; laws, if you will. Like laws in Physics, they aren't based on morality but upon energy flow. By putting yourself forward as an enlightener of burdens, you bring upon yourself the responsibility for those who decide to follow you, tag disclaimer notwithstanding, because the essence of the disclaimer is counter to the essence of your message.

Man has been lead astray from the Creator by the many false images of that divine being, which is incomprehensible to any man and ineffable by any man. While many men refuse to accept these many man created idols, these same men follow, in their heart, his word as spoken in their conscience. Thus, many an Atheist is in fact, more devout than those who profess to be devout.
Without a doubt that is true. But the universe is not a moral code, or a clinging to social norms. The universe is the dance of the One Infinite Creator. You are trying to make applesauce with oranges.

Either way, they are still free by the authority of their free will, if they so choose, and it is not my place to judge.
Tell me, does this "free will" include the ability to choose to harm another against that other's will? (Of course that would also apply for deists, theists, monists, and pantheists.) I'll let you know now, that is a "litmus test" question.

My "Plan" is far from broken my friend, it has already succeeded.
That's funny, I thought we had yet another 2 years and 2 months before 12-25-2012...

I claim no authority over anyone other than myself. I leave the authority over others to themselves.
Really? You have actual ultimate authority over yourself? Wow! You must be a lot higher on the ladder than I am!

So, that the readers can discern for themselves more clearly between our two messages, please tell us where you draw your authority from?

My authority comes straight from the Creator. This is not to be interpreted as meaning that I am perfectly accurate in my representations. There is a great handicap in trying to express right brained concepts using left-brain symbols (words). I do the best I can to comport myself as a son of the one true living God. Sometimes I fail. However, on the main points I can speak with utter certainty.

My concern is great indeed.

Therefore, why don't you come right out and tell us the source of your doctrine. Give us a name that we may research, give some insight into YOUR dogma, most especially your authority to come tell anyone they are wrong and violating laws.

Here you go again taking things personally. The source of my doctrine is my connection with the One. Is that simple enough? I have the authority to tell you that you are barking up the wrong tree because I have concern that my brothers and sisters would not suffer needlessly. My action is not required on these occasions, but I enjoy the exercise of the connection I have, and writing responses to such as yourself provides a great opportunity for that exercise.

My doctrine, in a nutshell, what I have been taught, boils down to this:

1. All is One. In reality there is no hierarchy of powers, though there may be agreement for the purpose of the simulation.
1'. Individuated facets of the One have individual, differing experiences.
2. Existence is by agreement of the One with Itself to maintain the simulation for all participants for the duration of the 'lives' of the participants.
3. The authority to make agreements that are binding extends from the One to all sentient, self-aware beings.
4. Lessons accompanied by pain are learned better and faster than lessons learned in the absence of pain.
5. Many truths vary from individual to individual, but these four do not.
Most of what I say in these contexts can be traced to numbers 1 through 3 above.

I am calling you out my friend. If you wish to continue this game then reveal for us this path of enlightenment you are pushing.
Oh, I don't push. I present. I allow. Pushing is yang. Enlightenment comes through yin action of nonaction. Acceptance.

Fighting, as you advocate, keeps one from the truth. Not only because you become what you fight, but because the Truth loves all its children, "good" as well as "evil". "The sun shines on good and evil alike".

I have only experienced the way for myself. Many, many others have arrived at the same truth i have, through widely varying means. This leads me to believe that I have found the Ocean to which all rivers flow. It also gives me a perspective from which to see whether a particular statement or principle would tend to lead one toward or away from this Ocean.

if you want to know more, you can check out and

also this thread has a LOT of great info:

I stress, this is only ONE way to get to the Ocean! Many artists have found the way unintentionally, and the True Elite are there, too. Also Max Igan, Aung Sang Suu Kyi (sp?), and Alan Watts are there. The Dalai Lama isn't, though! David Icke isn't. Alex Jones isn't. Heath Ledger was very close, and I fear for Leonardo DiCaprio's life, because he is almost as close as Heath was when he was killed. Geronimo, my ancestor, also failed to learn the way while he was fighting. Late in his life it seems that he found the way, though, with the help of some True Elite.

I can hear you asking "So why isn't my way one of the ways to get to the Ocean?" so I'll answer now to save the trouble later: Being in the Ocean gives me a perspective from which to discern whether something leads energetically to the realization that all are One, and that all is well. Fighting against injustice will inevitably lead to injustice, for example.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by seamus

Thank you for sharing your perspective my friend.

I agree that all are part of the one, however, all are not THE one, at least from my perspective. Now following your path leads to an ocean. I do not wish to wade into your pool. You can keep it.

I respect you for having your own manifestation of truth. If it brings you joy, happiness, and love, by all means keep it. My path brings me those things in abundance. More than that, it is freedom of spirit. Granted, this kind of freedom you mislabel, insanity, but I have just as much power to call things what I will. It's a word game, nothing more.

So, be well my friend. Enjoy your path, your truth, as I enjoy mine.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by seamus

"Lessons accompanied by pain are learned better and faster than lessons learned in the absence of pain."

This is not necessarily so! I admit that it will often be so, but pain can also lead to opposition to learning the lesson, reverting it to things like wanting revenge and the like, and then the lesson could fail because of that. The person then becomes bitter, hateful and negative and the result could be the opposite to what the lesson was meant to lead to. Such things happen, too...

Lessons accompanied by love can often be more successful. But also not always. It depends on the one who is supposed to learn, and also upon if it is real love or maybe only what we think is love...

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by memyself

Yes, that's more of a generalism. Take Geronimo, again, for an example. While he sought revenge, and fought against the whites and mexicans, he was utterly sad and desperate. But that long lesson learned in pain appeared to take him to peace, in later life. He accepted his lot, and only lacked in one thing: being buried in his ancestral land. Of course, there's a lot of controversy surrounding that issue even today.

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