Originally posted by number38
Yay or nay? as in are you opposed to homosexuality or do you have no problem with it and wonder what everybody gets so upset about?
I do not care whether there are gays in the world or not, strictly speaking, except for lesbians of course, who fascinate me for some reason.
I am not against gay men and have had one good friend who is gay and numerous pleasant aquaintances among gay men.
However, it would be untruthful to say that I have no problem with gays. My problem is the same problem coincidentally, that some gays have with
certain other gays. The certain gays that I am referring to are the
crypto-gays, i.e., gays who are not "out", who, for some arcane
psychological reason, insist on "hitting on" straight men, me particularly.
I don't want to go into a lot of detail about this. Let me just say that I have undergone real suffering at the hands of crypto-gays who had the hots
for me and made my life miserable because I showed no interest in their secret life and no desire to participate in it.
I was persecuted severely when I was eighteen years old by a crypto-gay in the workplace who made my life a living hell for months. At the time I did
not even realize that he was gay and only put it together years later after having undergone more similar, though not as severe, bitter experience.
There is a documentary film about two young country bumpkins from the US who hated gays so much that they hung around in gay bars all the time.
Finally they picked up one young gay man and took him out and beat him to death. You guessed it. They were crypto-gays.
Crypto-gays are among the most effed up people on the planet. J. Edgar Hoover was a crypto-gay. Nuff said.
One more thought, really an acknowledgement: I am well aware that it is society's attitudes to homosexuality that guarantee the situation of the
appearance of crypto-gays and all the suffering, of every description, that follows from it. No-one would willingly choose such a life. People are
pressured into such a life by their families, by social pressures, by compromises they must make to advance in the workplace. It is a shame. We need
to take the pressure off people who are gay. We, as a society, need to grow up a little on this issue.
edit on 28-9-2010 by ipsedixit because: Specificity.