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An open invitation to all ATS members concerning the homosexual issue.

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:17 PM
I think homosexuality is all right.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:26 PM
i dont understand why anyone would be attracted to the same sex, but if theyre gay, then thats okay (i rhymed, yay!) in fact, one of my best friends is gay, and he is one of the coolest people i have met

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:45 PM
I'm in a quoting mood tonight... here is one that applies.

There is nothing wrong with going to bed with someone of your own sex. People should be very free with sex, they should draw the line at goats.
~Elton John

edit on 27-9-2010 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:48 PM
I don't think there's anything wrong with homosexuals at all. Two of my best friends are a lesbian couple, last year I was hanging round with a few gays (their only problem was that they were being too pushy with their 'offers', if you catch my drift), but in general they're just like anyone else.

It's a YAY from me


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:53 PM
Happiness so so very hard to find..

Not just now, but historically ..

If one can find happiness, for a moment or a lifetime, they are truly lucky..

What matters if that is with a person of their own sex? At least they are happy...

I can not help but place the people that are so against Homosexuality in the same group as the people that hate seeing a black person and white person in love together..

Bigotry and hatred .. SHEESH..


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:16 AM


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:16 AM
No problem with it. My daughter's gay, and I have many friends who are gay. I'm straight.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by kai22

What I don't understand is this: being gay is one thing but to see gay women dress in men's clothing and get men's short haircuts to gay men talking and acting feminine...what is this all about and why?

I am yet to meet one single gay woman who has not had more than one hetrosexual relationship and most gay men have also had more than one hetrosexual relationship. Most "feminine" gay men have not had a hetrosexual relationship. More than a quarter of gay men go on to marry in to a hetrosexual relationship and have kids and continue to have gay "relationships" without their female spouse knowing their gay past.

There are many other gay men and women out there that just act normal like mainstream men and women but just have a different sexual orientation.

Why is it that gays demand equal rights (to that of married or defacto hetrosexual couples) but almost all fail to acknowledge they reside with their gay partners when it comes to their taxes and when they apply for the unemployment benefits etc. Where there are children involved in a female gay relationship (couple adopt or have IVF) and down the track the couple's relationship fails, the "other" gay partner fails to pay child support.

Why do gay Mardi Gras have to be sexually explicit out in the open where families with young children roam? Hetrosexuals don't even do this 99.9% of the time.

Until my questions are answered and gay's actions speaker louder than words (re taxes, benefits, child support etc) should gays have equal rights? NO !!!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:29 AM
Could we PLEASE let gay people alone? They are humans who want to live their lives like anyone else. They have the same hopes, dreams, and aspirations. They are not subhuman. They deserve rights like anyone else. They have their sexual preference like you do. I'm so tired of this. People have been gay since the beginning of time and it's not going to change. Accept it and move on. If you don't like gay people, don't want to have anything to do with gays, then just leave it alone. How hard is that? I'm confused by people who feel the need to tell others how they need to live their lives. Live your life, let them live their life.....peace.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by jaxnmarko
reply to post by number38

I would like to know what this issue has to do with ANYTHING on Above Top Secret. Has this site become a place to argue religious viewpoints? Political viewpoints for members of the KKK or Aryan Nations? Hate mongering? What about.... conspiracies, aliens, illuminati, moon landing: hoax or not, etc., etc. . THAT'S why I'M here! NOT to stir up antagonism and competing dialectic diatribes! There are PLENTY of places to argue and this site shouldn't be one of them for that type of subject matter.

THANK YOU. Thank you.

I enjoy reading here because of the conspiracy threads. Heck, I even enjoy the political ones too. What does one's sexual preference have to do with this. Yes, I too am weary of threads that keep cropping up that seem to be constructed to impose hate and spread racism. It's sad. In the end, will it matter who is gay, who is not? Nope. Peace people.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:34 AM
I have no problem with it and do not care what consenting adults do sexually. That's a one-line answer, but it's all that I need for this one. What consenting adults do sexually does not affect me in any way, and I also have no use for the Republicans who are always using issues like these to stir up votes in the Bible Belt.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:48 AM
I do not post often,but I felt a strong urge to respond to the OP'S question.I have not read all seven pages of posts,nor will I.This issue is not a "yeah or Neah" It isn't a simple question. No matter what side you are on,we the people are being "played" Quite frankly I could give a hoot what anyone does in the bedroom.I am offended when people dispaly any overt sexual crap in public,I say get a motel room! As for gays rights/marrage I do not think the state or government has the right to give a license/permission slip to anyone! I do not need any kind of permission to do a damb thing from the state or government!!!!!! Marriage was set up for the welfair of children and those left behind if the primary wage earner died.I do not give a rats " you no what" you do as long as you do not poke a nail in my life raft! The life raft issue is a big problem.I am not in the military,but if I was I know how I would feel in a fox hole w/a man or a woman who I turned down! Would they have my back or not? This also touches into the debate of women in the trenches.I am a woman,I want to be home w/my children,not in a fox hole w/men or w/women who maybe attracted to me.BTW: war is a racket! There really isn't an issue unless you make it one.Don't fall for it folks,if you want cange we can do it,united we stand,devided we fall!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:04 AM
I have no problem with homosexuality.
Each to their own.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by number38
Yay or nay? as in are you opposed to homosexuality or do you have no problem with it and wonder what everybody gets so upset about?

I do not care whether there are gays in the world or not, strictly speaking, except for lesbians of course, who fascinate me for some reason.

I am not against gay men and have had one good friend who is gay and numerous pleasant aquaintances among gay men.

However, it would be untruthful to say that I have no problem with gays. My problem is the same problem coincidentally, that some gays have with certain other gays. The certain gays that I am referring to are the crypto-gays, i.e., gays who are not "out", who, for some arcane psychological reason, insist on "hitting on" straight men, me particularly.

I don't want to go into a lot of detail about this. Let me just say that I have undergone real suffering at the hands of crypto-gays who had the hots for me and made my life miserable because I showed no interest in their secret life and no desire to participate in it.

I was persecuted severely when I was eighteen years old by a crypto-gay in the workplace who made my life a living hell for months. At the time I did not even realize that he was gay and only put it together years later after having undergone more similar, though not as severe, bitter experience.

There is a documentary film about two young country bumpkins from the US who hated gays so much that they hung around in gay bars all the time. Finally they picked up one young gay man and took him out and beat him to death. You guessed it. They were crypto-gays.

Crypto-gays are among the most effed up people on the planet. J. Edgar Hoover was a crypto-gay. Nuff said.

One more thought, really an acknowledgement: I am well aware that it is society's attitudes to homosexuality that guarantee the situation of the appearance of crypto-gays and all the suffering, of every description, that follows from it. No-one would willingly choose such a life. People are pressured into such a life by their families, by social pressures, by compromises they must make to advance in the workplace. It is a shame. We need to take the pressure off people who are gay. We, as a society, need to grow up a little on this issue.

edit on 28-9-2010 by ipsedixit because: Specificity.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by number38

This is not an issue where my personal opinion should matter even a little.

This is a personal rights issue and whether or not I agree with it, understand it, or like it, every human being should enjoy the same personal civil liberties and basic human rights as every other.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:36 AM
LOL, a reply to myself;rather something I forgot to add as a foot note.It is rather ironic that I posted,as I almost never do,but today a gay man who was a patriot of truth gave up his fight.He was a man who told a story that manny ignored because he was not a man of wealth,and because of that he was deamed not credible.I do not have a personal relationship w/this man,but have believed his story.I do not want this mans life to be for not.His name is Larry Sinclair,read his book,and if you dare see his good bye to his family,and watch him "OD" on pills for your video pleasure.This man I belive spoke the truth,and I am most saddened he let the SOB"S get to him! At this time I pray he is still alive,I feel his pain,his family's pain,and I am angery that this man was so tired of fighting that he gave up.They didn't have to assianate him,he did it for them! Like I said,I do not know if he has survived his attempted suicide attempt.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

Sorry gay fellas but it's going to be a nay for me.

Ouch. What a heart breaker. Do you have a single tear tattoo on your cheek?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by number38

Star to you.

I would like to ask all the people who do not support homosexuality a couple of questions:

1. Did you have a vote in the womb?

2. Do homosexuals have a vote in the womb?

Answers below:

1. No

2. No

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:33 AM
I believe, personally speaking of course, that the sexual act between a man and another ugly, hairy ass man is abhorent and borderline disgusting, yet I will defend to the death their right to do as they wish with their own lives.

Unlike many others, I am not arrogant enough to believe myself morally superior to anyone else, and unlike many others I believe that what two consenting, like minded adults do in the privacy of their own home is their business and theirs alone. And as long as they dont choose to make it my business, I could absolutely care less.

Who am I to try and police anyone elses choice of lifestyle? What gives anyone the right to tell anyone else how to live, specifically when it has nothing to do with them?

To each his own.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by BlackOps719

What about an ugly, hairy-assed man and an ugly hairy-assed woman? Or what about a hideous man and a beautiful woman - oh, yeah, that's OK, because he is rich.

Or what about a hidous old rich woman and a beautiful young man?...

Or would that be OK?

What I am trying to say is that it is nobody's business whatsoever other people choose to do.

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