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Obamacare goes into effect, side effects already appearing

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posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Blood Royal

Originally posted by Helmkat

And for the record, the Obama care that so many hate, its nearly the same plan the GOP put out on the table when the Clintons tried to do something about healthcare.

Can you cite the plan the GOP put on the table?

Take a look here.


Interesting perspective.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 09:46 AM
Many of the posters keep talking about how the government will force us to buy health insurance, and some have said the IRS will kick our doors down to arrest us if we don't, and that we will be put in jail if we don't buy it. I hope this is just them being overly dramatic. We have no health insurance because we seriously canNOT afford it. Unfortunately, we make about 90 dollars too much per month to be eligible for government help, so we try to make sure we stay healthy and don't go to the doctors. I really hope we don't need it. Anyway, I said all that to say this: what if you can't afford to buy it? What happens to us?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
God, you people are nothing but silly.

I will never understand the conservative mindset, which supports rape by health insurance companies in the name of a "free market".

Oh sure, you'd rather be raped by outrageous premiums and non-coverage. Well guess what? This was going on long before the health care bill was passed! You can't claim that "Obamacare" (God, I effing hate that term!) is causing this problem when it has always existed. You should see the money that Blue Cross, Blue Shield executives make. It's blood money when they refuse to cover life-threatening illnesses.

Gawd, the stupidity that exists in this country. I'm thinking that most conservatives would be happy living in a dark hole.

edit on 24-9-2010 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

I have good conservative friends who vote Republican every time, that constantly complain about their boss not giving them a raise, their company CEO being too greedy, their gas prices too high, their mortgage too high, their health care too expensive, etc, etc. And it amazes me that, even though I gently point it out time and again, he cannot realize that all these complaints are a result of conservatism! His boss won't give him a raise because he's being a conservative- he's trying to make as much profit as possible. Ditto the CEO. He pays so much for gas because oil companies are doing everything they can to make as much money as possible. Why else go into business with a conservative mindset? The problem with all the conservatives on this forum is they are exactly like my friend- they suffer under conservative capitalism without enjoying its benefits, which they themselves are unable to attain, whether due to lack of ambition or intelligence, or through laziness, or simply because their corporate overlords have made it impossible to compete. But let them get money and power, and watch them walk all over the same people they once were! It's pathetic.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Who do you think will be getting the kickbacks from all these insurance hikes? Or are you still the person who believes Obama is on his own and works for no one but the people HAHA ! Corporations put him and corporations will take him out when it is to their benefit and we will pay like its always been. Why else would they be waiting till after the november elections to put through the bull# aspects. Fascism is alive and well and until people start seeing the real power and the big picture you republicrats and dempublicans can bitch all you want until you are compltely divided and conqured. Its time to unite and put the ego on the backburner, we have all been hosed by this false sense of freedom and democracy and must fight back or else! You must vote anti-establishment or these laws will never be overturned!

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Blood Royal
I am a licensed health insurance agent and can shed some light here. First, everyone will be mandated to have insurance or pay a penalty. The penalty will be similar to the cost of a policy aprox 2k. Rates will most certainly go up for healthy people because they will have to pay for the high risk people that were not able to get insurance before.

I currently pay $169/ month for a policy that has me and two kids on it. This is a higher deductable policy with a 5K deductable. After all the changes are mandated, I will be required to purchase a better policy with like a 1K deductable that covers many more things at cost of about $800/ month and be mandated to pay.

In the long run, the insurance companies and sick people will be the winners. The insurance companies will increase thier premiums 100-400% and also get 30 million new customers. Sick people will be granted policies if they can offord them. The losers will be everyone else that will be forced to pay for the increase in premium.

And as of 2013, you will not need an agent any longer to purchase insurance because all insurance will be purchased online through exchanges. You will be mandated and told by the government what you should buy. That should be about another 30,000 jobs lost through the country.

I gotta say, I am absolutely flabbergasted at the idea of a deductable on health insurance. We don't pay deductables up here for medical. For house ins. and car ins., yes we have deductables, but on Health, not at all. And 5 K is insane!!! Even 1K is insane, but so is $800 per month. Wow..... :shk:

Even our most expensive insurance, up here to the north, that covers prescriptions, dental, eye care, prosthetics, life ins. included, is only about $200 a month, never any deductables. We have the option of not purchasing that, and ALL my basic, and surgery if ever required is completely free in my province. We pay for prescriptions unless we have the Cdn version of Blue Cross ($200/month approx), but our doctors don't seem to push prescriptions as much as the US. Not if we can fix the problems through diet and exercise. Big on prevention first up here. Also, I think our prescriptions are for the most part, a little less expensive. My husband is type 2 diabetic, and is on a handful of prescription pills every day, and we didn't bother with blue cross, because his pills only cost about $200 per month. Maybe when we are older, if we need more medicine, it'll be worth it. Although I think seniors up here get a discount on medication.

Your government came up here to check out our healthcare, and also went to Europe. Ridiculous that they didn't go with something that worked, and decided it would be better to break its own population, at a time when many are already broke from the banking system's lack of regulation.

On the plus side, since many Americans don't like immigrants very much, I have a feeling, immigration will go down, if people are smart enough, or able to research first. Only the rich will be able to afford being American.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Blood Royal

As of this month, insurance companies, are not allowed to deny coverage to children that have pre-existing conditions. Many companies like Aetna, Assurant, United Health and Blue Cross have retaliated by not allowing child only policies. This means if I want to sign up my kid, I can not do it without having me or my wife on the policy as well. Before you used to be able to have a child only policy. The good thing is if your kid has cancer he/she can't be denied coverage. However, everyone will have to pay extra to make up for these sick kids.

I currently pay $169/ month for a policy that has me and two kids on it. This is a higher deductable policy with a 5K deductable. After all the changes are mandated, I will be required to purchase a better policy with like a 1K deductable that covers many more things at cost of about $800/ month and be mandated to pay.


This is indeed a reaction to Mandated Obamacare.
The insurance companies reacted to some of the legislation from The Government that would require them to cover any child whether or not they had pre-existing conditions.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by carewemust
reply to post by YeshuaWarrior

CIGNA was rated as the "best" insurer in the country just last week. But CIGNA has been quietly getting itself in trouble to the extent where individual state insurance departments are shutting down sales of new policies. I looked at the CIGNA website yesterday and they're now only licensed to do new business in 10 states. That's down from 37 states in 2008.

I believe that "best" insurer status is from the viewpoint of the buyer of insurance, who happen to not actually be the consumer (ie your employer). (Another violation of basic free market principles.) Cigna is dirt cheap compared to real insurance. But let see what actual users say about CIGNA. You can check out what their clients say fairly easily.

"The claims reps are both stupid and unfair. I think Cigna makes their money by cheating a claimant and expecting that person not to fight back. I used to help employees with claims and found this all the time. Further, my own claims are only paid after battles. I'm so tired of dealing with them. It shouldn't have to be this way. "
2007-07-04 01:58:06 EST

"*admin's website always down. * employees claims are only paid when employees fight for money."
2007-12-18 11:51:56 EST

"DO NOT PURCHASE THESE PRODUCTS Basically, they do not cover lung cancer - even one lymph node involved, and despite the fact that both it and the tumour can be cut out with excellent total cure almost certain, their policy does not cover any 'metastasis' - in TNM terms for non small cell lung cancer (the most common type), this means that they only actually cover a T1N0MO status - which is less than 13% of patients with this disease - utterly utterly disgusting product, misleading policy and staff DO NOT PURCHASE EVER"
2007-12-18 16:10:10 EST

"I'm a previous employee for Cigna Health Care and I want everyone to know what actually goes on there. People are paid terribly low salaries, are treated poorly by management and forced to work horrendous hours! Those who are our customer services representatives (people who take your phone calls) are only trained for one week, you heard right, one week!!! They do not know your answers, when you call and get so frustrated its because they don't know what you're talking about. When you have a question, and they say I will get an answer and call you back, they never will. We are forced to answer calls as quickly as possible and say whatever we have to to get you on the phone and take the next call. All they care about are numbers and how quickly we respond to calls waiting in our queue. There is never ANY time given to work on all the issues that we come across that day. If people don't feel like entering and application they shred it. Nothing is done properly and most employees will look for any excuse they can find to not work."
2007-12-20 16:20:55 EST

2007-12-22 19:37:38 EST

Looks like if you get sick, they'd prefer it if you just died. I've seen insurance like this before. Usually they are HMOs, designed around the socialistic model, like say Kaiser out in CA or Fallon in MA.

From this consumer rating site, close to 80% of the subscribers hated CIGNA.

edit on 26-9-2010 by SevenThunders because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:01 PM
this just chaps my to speak. being FORCED to purchase a service. and as exemplified, insurance coverages will change and not for the better. you may get more things covered but you will pay more even if you dont need it. i've paid for my 'healthcare' cost out of pocket..when needed. now we are being treated like sometype of machine, like a car, that needs to be insured in order to in other words we, a human being living in the u.s., can't be 'free', 'legal' unless we are insured.( i think i see some cattle trucks of in the distance..or wait those are train cars...) to get insured you will have to we have it..HUMAN BEINGS LIVING IN THE U.S. WILL HAVE TO BE REGISTERED AND INSURED IN ORDER TO BE LEGAL AND FREE. what happens if you refuse to will probably go to jail.

which brings me to another thought. so we have people that dont pay taxes........need i say more?
america is a country proudly marching forward with its head firmly placed in the sand.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:33 PM
what did you think was going to happen, obama went after them, now they're striking back. don't blame obama blame yourselves, apparently americans like paying for healthcare and paying deductibles on life saving procedures. your all screwed, his original plan was to have a public option with the same benefits and coverage that the president of the united states has and everyone freaked out. can you imagine such an option, you would have the choice to opt out of your companies coverage and get reimbursed the monthly cost and then you can put that money in an insurance plan that's not run for profit but as a service. anybody in their right mind would jump at a chance for the presidents health coverage, i doubt if the president had a life threatening condition they would send him to a death panel or say u know what mr. president, i see that u smoked pot once, im sorry we're going to have to let you slowly and painfully die. the only ones screaming about such a plan are senators and congressmen who have a great deal invested in insurance lobby campaign contributions and need them for their political survival and of course the healtcare insurance companies who would be forced to lower their premiums and offer better services to compete with a public option. that means either less profit better coverage and having their criminal plans and practices exposed or a massive loss of business by people tired of being ripped off and bolting to a public plan.

edit on 26-9-2010 by randomname because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by randomname

Whats amusing, or rather tragic, is that all that amazing health care technology you leftists from abroad enjoy would probably not even exist if there were not some large market with some semblance of free markets offering incentive to research new procedures and drugs.

Now that this large market has joined your socialist madness, expect your health care to decline along with the rest of us. Free markets are always superior to your state managed behemoths. If we had real free markets in medicine, most of the middle class would be able to pay for routine doctor visits and tests out of pocket.

Most of the money in health care nowadays goes to lawyers and bureaucrats.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Obamacare has not gone into effect. My mother tried to put me on her policy and Kaiser's rep told her that it wasn't going into effect until June of 2011.

So either OP is wrong saying this is "in effect" or Kaiser's representative openly lied to my mom.

If it's the latter you guys need to tell me.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Ellie Sagan

The way i see it is just this, to have freedom blood must be spilt. Americans have been for some time passive and complacent to its government and to all outside entities. So i look at it like this, until everyone comes to the same conclusion and has there fill of government blunders nothing will change, nothing. So as i read through each and every thread and watch the slick plants spill their lies about how each law that has been implemented will just further benefit the american people i sit back and laugh
Because one day the slick tongues will no longer hold a tune to the reality of the world and life will have to be either black or white again, and the grey in which seems to loom on this land will be shattered!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by sremmos
reply to post by SevenThunders

Obamacare has not gone into effect. My mother tried to put me on her policy and Kaiser's rep told her that it wasn't going into effect until June of 2011.

So either OP is wrong saying this is "in effect" or Kaiser's representative openly lied to my mom.

If it's the latter you guys need to tell me.

Adult children up to and including age 25 can be added to any NEW group or individual health policy that went into effect after 9/23/2010.

For existing group policies (which your mother is a part of), the ObamaCare law goes into effect when the particular group policy renews at a given company. The policy where your mom works apparently renews every June 1st. The Kaiser rep was accurate. See for the official explaination.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 12:29 AM
When you add the increase in taxes that will come as a result of socialized medicine to the additional $2,900 an average family of four will pay in 2011 due to expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts, America will be in very bad shape. Americans are not used to sacrificing personal freedoms and standards of living to this degree.

Bush Tax Cuts Expiration - Family Impact.


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by sremmos

My company is responding the mandates of the law, some of which have gone in effect already, as one poster mentioned, some which go into effect at the beginning of the year, and the big disaster that happens I think at the beginning of 2012, and I'm not talking about the end of the Mayan calendar. I think I'd prefer the end of the age to this mess.

Not surprisingly one has to plan in advance a response to potential government blunders and atrocities.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

umm...much of the medical research in the US if funded by gov't grants......
isn't that socialism....
personally, I don't see why some of us should have to fund this research, since we will never be able to afford the cost of any treatments or drugs that they discover!!!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:45 PM
personally I'm skeptical of both sides of the healthcare debate. No one has given anything but emotionally charged arguments wrought with conjecture. Don't get me wrong, I'm not really "pro" "obamacare", but I haven't heard, read, or seen any real numbers, just estimates, fabrications, and everything in between.

I wouldn't worry to much about it though, research fractal lending practices, the true american dept, and the relationship between americas GDP and interest. The system is mathematically impossible to maintain and will likely collapse sooner than most people expect. But I digress, thats another topic all together.

And can we please stop with the McCarthyism...
pretty please...

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 05:36 AM
I know I am going to hate this health care bill. I hardly ever need a doctor to tell me that I am sick or not. I hardly get sick maybe once a year and sometimes maybe once every two years. I can't even afford these outrageous prices on insurance fees. Iran sounds like a good country to go too soon.....

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
reply to post by sremmos

My company is responding the mandates of the law, some of which have gone in effect already, as one poster mentioned, some which go into effect at the beginning of the year, and the big disaster that happens I think at the beginning of 2012, and I'm not talking about the end of the Mayan calendar. I think I'd prefer the end of the age to this mess.

Not surprisingly one has to plan in advance a response to potential government blunders and atrocities.

shi~~, I'd prefer the coming of Nibiru rather than what is to come in our near future.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Monday we get to find out the big changes in our health insurance program. Last year our share of the premiums went up $800, in-patient co-pays went from $100/day to $900/day, other cop-pays tripled.

No, I don't work for an evil corporation, unless you consider public schools evil.

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