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A factoid that could be the undoing of the 9/11 conspiracy!!

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posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:37 PM
In the theory of 'Let it happen'... what is your response to these excerpts from the PNAC written one year before 9/11:

"This leaves the next president of the United States with an enormous challenge: he must increase military maintain American military preeminence... to fight and win, as rapidly and decisively as possible, multiple, nearly simultaneous major theater wars... like Iran, Iraq and North Korea... the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

-Signed by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Rove and many other Neo-Conservatives, Sept 2000

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

That document does not mean they engineered the attack themselves. They could easily have learned of the impending attack and just used it to their advantage.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by sassyncute
This may be the truth the truthers are seeking in reality as they sure won't be proving anything else in the near future. I can actually believe that the US are that egocentric to think they could not be attacked in such a manner. To me this smells right. No matter how bad the US Administration is they would not kill off their own people in such a manner.

This is a nice point made OP.

I think the problem here is that you think the CIA works for our government. My take on it is that essentially, the CIA is the agency holding the rest of our government hostage for the PTB aka the NWO. Of course the NWO has quite a number of other agencies (including external organizations like the UN) in their back pockets, but the CIA is the one they use most for terrorizing and manipulating the other parts of the US Government. 9/11 was entirely the NWO's plot for getting to the billions and billions of dollar's worth of gold stored in the vaults underneath the world trade center (they recovered 280 mill from some trucks stuck in the tunnels exiting the vaults, which apparently didn't make it out in time), and for getting the patriot act into place so they could use it to declare martial law and also to control people that may be catching on to their ploy... ie make 'em terrorists and arrest and hold them without any legal recourse... That sort of thing.

It was a CIA agent driving Kennedy's limo, for example, and although the facts have been totally manipulated to hell and beyond to disguise it, the truth is that Kennedy was killed by that driver. It was a power ploy designed to show any other government official (who might stand in their way) that if they could get to the president, they could get to anyone. And every president since then has either bowed to their agenda, or else are one of their flunkies, like the Bush family is.

Obama was supposed to be; prince hall mason, white half of the illuminati blood lines (2nd cousin removed to Bush or some such), and no doubt said what they wanted to hear. But in truth, he is working for the arabs ( the half that is supposedly black is only like 1/3 black.. the rest is arab) and while what he is trying to do seems to be in America's best interest at times, his real goal is to interfer with the NWO's plans for breaking America as much as possible. At the end of the day, if America fails or succeeds, doesn't matter anywhere near to him as much as did the NWO bunch fail to take over America... That is his job. And I bet you dollars to dounuts, HE doesn't use CIA agents for his 'security'! *lol*

Oh and btw, the Bin Laden family and the Bush family have been friends for years. Why do you think we never 'catch' Bin Laden???

edit on 24-9-2010 by DragonriderGal because: clarity and spelling

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by L1U2C3I4F5E6R
This really does suggest that the US government are not the ones who actually KILLED and CARRIED out 9/11 but did not jump into action when they could of. This, if anything shows incompetence and negligence on the part of the Bush team. BUT definitely not MURDER.

It could be incompetence and negligence on the part of the Bush team... But that's like saying the babysitter watched as the bathtub water filled up over the child's head and sat there while the child drowned... is a case of negligence or incompetence. She was just 'careless"? Not hardly. If you know something terrible is going to happen and you have the power to prevent it, especially when it means the needless death of thousands of innocent lives... and you stand by and watch it happen, you are at the very least, complicit.

. But could of been averted if Bush had a brain.

It's naive to think that George W Bush was the only person who knew about it OR to think the "power center" who knew about it would have stopped it if they could. That's complicity.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:15 PM
I think we've gotten to the point where no one believes anything they read anymore. So it doesn't matter what they say they said.

Personally, I see this as an elaborate Shell Trick. They're moving the 3 Shells around so quickly and so often that we don't know where the 'blame' is under.

To me (and many) it makes more sinister sense that the US (including England and Israel) pulled this off rather than, bin Laden and his banshee!

A terrorist act such as 9-11 took many many years to develop. This wasn't set into motion while congregating next to the water cooler one fine afternoon (see: PNAC).

I mean, how many more times can we endure bureaucratic-blows from our abuser(s) until we decide it's time to leave?

Many are holding on so desperately to this government, almost in fear, where they're terrified to let go. We've become so co-dependant to the point of becoming Patriotic enablers!
We keep hoping to find something good about them. Something to justify why we stay loyal. Something redeeming about them to dignify why we hold on.

I think the jig is up. Bush let us down and Obama is keeping us down.

We've taken enough blows to the point of being bruised beyond recognition.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
I think we've gotten to the point where no one believes anything they read anymore. So it doesn't matter what they say they said.

Personally, I see this as an elaborate Shell Trick. They're moving the 3 Shells around so quickly and so often that we don't know where the 'blame' is under.

To me (and many) it makes more sinister sense that the US (including England and Israel) pulled this off rather than, bin Laden and his banshee!

A terrorist act such as 9-11 took many many years to develop. This wasn't set into motion while congregating next to the water cooler one fine afternoon (see: PNAC).

I mean, how many more times can we endure bureaucratic-blows from our abuser(s) until we decide it's time to leave?

Many are holding on so desperately to this government, almost in fear, where they're terrified to let go. We've become so co-dependant to the point of becoming Patriotic enablers!
We keep hoping to find something good about them. Something to justify why we stay loyal. Something redeeming about them to dignify why we hold on.

I think the jig is up. Bush let us down and Obama is keeping us down.

We've taken enough blows to the point of being bruised beyond recognition.

Yes, and pictures of the twiin towers and the Pentagon being hit actually existed as part of a board game, made in 1995, called 'The Illuminati New World Order'.

edit on 24-9-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

I notice that you leave quite a bit of information out in your post. Like, the context. The PNAC document was speaking of taking the US military that was (is) designed for a knock down, drag out fight with the Soviet Union, and converting it to a more tech savvy, lighter, more mobile force that retained the ability to take care of business. The part about "pearl harbor" was a nod to the fact that there was no way the US would spend the money needed to complete that transformation. It was in no way, shape or form advocating an attack as the means to do that.

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