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If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Well if that's what you think then I wouldn't want you as a political advisor..
It's clear from the amount of pressure that is put on Israel that most of the settlements will be gone, in agreement with the Palestinian government. There is no way that the Israeli government is going to take over the West Bank, even if it wanted to the world won't let it, so the leaders of Israel understand that, everything else is just politics- Abu Mazzen threatening to quit if the building continues- Politics, Netanyahu continuing the building on a small scale- Politics, they've all got the people they need to keep happy, but at the end of the day they're both still talking, and they're talking about remaining in only 2% of the West Bank and giving something back in return.

As for giving them back the land we live on- Sadly that's not possible anymore, what's done is done, it's unrealistic to demand that everyone that lives in areas that weren't given to Israel by the UN to just leave their homes.
Besides the 1948 and 1967 lines were agreed on by everyone, they're legal, doesn't matter if you see them as land grabbing or not. You should know that many Arabs were allowed to go back to their homes after the war, but the Israeli government wasn't going to let hostile Arabs go back, so that they would turn on us again.. What would be the point.. I do agree that Israel has gained much from this, but the Palestinians weren't left to rot, they were adopted by Egypt and Syria, they weren't Palestinians to begin with, they weren't any different from Jordanians or Egyptians.. In fact before it was called Palestine, it was called trans Jordan..
Also do you think they didn't take any of our villages? Many of the first settlements were Jewish villages that were captured or abandoned during the war..
It's as if Israel would claim rights to Hebron...

At the end of the day it's not possible.. It's as if the Indians would say they want all of California back or something (I don't really know where the Indians used to live, sorry).

Where do you get these crazy ideas? Where do you get your information? Do you make it all up?
You're opinions seem like they lack any independent thought.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Why do you 'LOL' every two sentences is a mystery to me, and it makes your arguments look outlandish and infantile.

Based on what you wrote: “they need to give Palestinians their state, based on the UN charter “

Well well, The UN also voted on the partition plan. The TWO STATE SOLUTION. The Arabs refused to accept that and went to war against Israel, in the hope to gain WHOLE OF ISRAEL.

Too bad. They lost.
They lost and now they cry 'give me back my land'. A land that was never theirs in the first place.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Eliad

So you just agreed with me, that since they are already living there, they shouldn't move, isn't that what the plan is then?> To continue expanding Jewish settlements, then hold the world back through the US long enough for the next generation of Jews to be born, making the situation even worse.

Only violence works in situations like these, where one side has nothing to gain from peace, where one side wants it all, whether it be greed, prophecy, or simply power.

As I said, the settlement expansions didn't stop, the quote suggests it will never stop.

The Zionists don't give a damn about the world, or what the world thinks. You should know that by now hence Israel is the most condemned nation in this planet.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by gravitational

So you want to think about the past? I thought the conflict started when European Jews forcefully migrated to Palestine? How many Jews in Palestine before the mass migration, running from Nazi prosecution?

They were called European, Russian, and American Jews, they were not from the land of Palestine. Jews and Arabs lived for a long time in that land without any conflict, but when the Zionists came, the conflict started.

Get what I mean?

If you wanna talk about now? Talk about now, Israel had nothing to gain from giving Palestinians their nation, and stop expanding and bulldozing Palestinians homes. Now that the violence has started, the Israel has something to gain from giving those back to the aborigines.

If the violence intensifies against Israel, then Israel will be forced to comply with International LAW. I think the world needs to support Hamas against Israel, to force Israel to comply, and the two state solution finally comes to its implementation phase, rather than being on paper for the rest of the decade.

Israel = Terrorist

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by oozyism

The settlements are different, they're illegal, and they interfere with the Palestinian's way of life.

Peace will make them prosper, they will get lots of money from us, they will get lands from us, and we will probably help them become a stable modern country.

New generations of Israelis care less and less about settlements..

Stop it with this "evil Zionists are going to take over the world", who are these Zionists? What is their goal? The tiny piece of land that is the West Bank?
Don't be ridiculous.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Eliad

Actually they don't want your charity, they simply want you to leave them alone, and get out of their land. It is not yours, the European Jews don't belong there, but since it is the second generation now, it OK, live there, at least give half of the land to us, as the international community and law inscribes.

I will be in the same boat as you, when the Zionists stop the settlement expansions, and give Palestinians their nation.

I don't know why you are in that boat in the first place? It is just absurd, you already know the settlement expansions are illegal, but you have this blind faith, that there is no agenda behind the continuation of the settlement expansions. And yesterday they announced they are continuing it, just when the negotiations started. Not like the world didn't warn Fatah, that these BS negotiations were and are not the first.


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by oozyism

They do want our charity.

These are the third, fourth, and fifth generations of people in Israel, not the second, and in some cases it's much more than that. People who were born in Israel 60 years ago now have grandchildren, and their grandchildren have children.

The settlements won't last.. Maybe if there was no pressure from the outside then no one would care, but with all these pressure they're just not going to last.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Eliad

They don't want your charity, there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world who would help them, if they give 20 USD per year they would get approximately 20 billion USD per year.

They don't need your charity.

In regards to the settlements, there has been pressure on Israel for a long time now, but still haven't seen settlements stop. Why can't you accept that, and be on my boat, and say that when Israel truly stops, meaning stop, not freeze, when they completely stops settlement expansions, then I'll believe what ever PR they want to spread through US media.

For now, watch this documentary, you will enjoy it:
The motivation behind Palestinian resistance

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Yes, if only they did give them that money they'd be okay, but no one bothers giving them that money.
The Arab nations that do help them only give them weapons..

If only all those Arab nations so willing to help would offer them a tiny piece of land, considering there's about 100 times more land in Arab countries than in Israel.

Home or no home, I'm sure a lot of them would be happy to move to a wealthy Arab country.. Unless it's not so bad to live in Gaza, but that would mean all your info on Gaza being all shot up and destroyed is wrong...

So yeah, they need our money, or else they wouldn't ask for it, and we wouldn't have given it. Would be nice if every Arab would give out 20$ for the Palestinian people, but no one does..

We evacuated the settlements in the Gaza strip due to pressure, and now the negotiations are talking about removing most of the settlements.. So you're wrong, the pressure has worked..

But I'm with you, I'll believe it when I see it.. Still I'm finding better reasons for believing it than not believing it.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Eliad

The problem of the fund is that it all goes through Israel, get it>? They do fund, billions of dollars, but it all stays with Israel and Israel uses it to push for their own agenda.

Anything which goes to Palestine from other routs will be labeled as funding terrorism, therefore those doing so will be arrested.

They don't need charity.. They need freedom.

Let's wait and see, this current negotiation is gonna be interesting.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Where do you get that information from? They don't send the money in suitcases, it goes to bank accounts owned by Palestine..

The Israelis do not control their money, this is ridiculous...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Eliad

Ohh Jeez, money goes to Palestinian bank acounts


Do you know you can get charged with supporting and supplying terrorism that way, and can go to prison for I don't know how long umm 8 years?

I guess you don't know yet, that everything going in and out of Palestine is under the Zionist control

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Once again you prove you have no idea what you talk about.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by gravitational

And your point is..

Are you afraid to make a point these days because you have been refuted so many times

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by Eliad

Actually they don't want your charity, they simply want you to leave them alone, and get out of their land. It is not yours, the European Jews don't belong there, but since it is the second generation now, it OK, live there, at least give half of the land to us, as the international community and law inscribes.

I will be in the same boat as you, when the Zionists stop the settlement expansions, and give Palestinians their nation.

I don't know why you are in that boat in the first place? It is just absurd, you already know the settlement expansions are illegal, but you have this blind faith, that there is no agenda behind the continuation of the settlement expansions. And yesterday they announced they are continuing it, just when the negotiations started. Not like the world didn't warn Fatah, that these BS negotiations were and are not the first.


What about all the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees that were exiled from Arab countries?
Can they stay now in Israel?

You wrote: "at least give half of the land to us, as the international community and law inscribes."
"Us" ?? Slip of tongue maybe? Are you a Palestinian ?- Because that will surely explain a lot.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Right, in America.

We are talking about the billions of Arabs worldwide..
Yes, I'm sure Iran has a law against donations to terrorists..

Are you that stupid that you actually believe that?

And you were wrong about the money going through Israel, you're wrong about this.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by gravitational

And your point is..

Are you afraid to make a point these days because you have been refuted so many times

Ahhh, your'e a joker ha ha ...I get it now. Refuted by you ! LMAO

Address the financial aid Mr Oozi.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by gravitational

Yeah they can, Jews from all over the world stay in Israel, so shouldn't aborigines Jewish population?

And no, it was not a slip of my tongue, it is calling imagination, putting yourself in someone else's shoes and reading their point of view.

What is your point?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by gravitational

He can't be Palestinian, he knows too little, he's probably of Arab descent, living in Denmark or something..
Either that or living somewhere in the middle east like Turkey or Saudi Arabia..

But most likely my first guess..

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Sorry to burst your bubble Oozi, but there is no such thing as Palestinian people or nation or what ever.
How do I know that? Simple @! Your leaders said so. Ahmed Shukeiri said so, Yasser Arafat said so, Hafez Assad said so, Natser said so, Kaddafi said so, king Hussain said so...and list goes on.

Funny thing Oozi, Resolution 242 doesn't even mention Palestinians. Do you know why ?
Please, take your best shot.

Now, if for some reason you decided to self declare yourselves as a nation, by all means. You have Gaza strip, Jordan, and you have to compromise in the west bank. You will get a state where secure borders for Israel are established, as is written in the 242 resolution.

Eliad. I remember him writing somewhere, that his father was a 'freedom fighter' in Afganistan, so you are not so far off.

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